path: root/StarsEx/Color.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'StarsEx/Color.h')
1 files changed, 294 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/StarsEx/Color.h b/StarsEx/Color.h
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+++ b/StarsEx/Color.h
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+/* Starshatter: The Open Source Project
+ Copyright (c) 2021-2022, Starshatter: The Open Source Project Contributors
+ Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Starshatter OpenSource Distribution Contributors
+ Copyright (c) 1997-2006, Destroyer Studios LLC.
+ AUTHOR: John DiCamillo
+ ========
+ Universal Color Format class
+#ifndef Color_h
+#define Color_h
+#include "Types.h"
+// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
+class Video;
+// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
+struct ColorFormat
+ ColorFormat(int palsize)
+ : pal(palsize), bpp(8),
+ rdown(0), rshift(0), rmask(0),
+ gdown(0), gshift(0), gmask(0),
+ bdown(0), bshift(0), bmask(0),
+ adown(0), ashift(0), amask(0) { }
+ ColorFormat(int size, BYTE r, BYTE rs, BYTE g, BYTE gs, BYTE b, BYTE bs, BYTE a=0, BYTE as=0)
+ : pal(0), bpp(size),
+ rdown(8-r), rshift(rs), rmask(((1<<r)-1)<<rs),
+ gdown(8-g), gshift(gs), gmask(((1<<g)-1)<<gs),
+ bdown(8-b), bshift(bs), bmask(((1<<b)-1)<<bs),
+ adown(8-a), ashift(as), amask(((1<<a)-1)<<as) { }
+ int pal;
+ int bpp;
+ BYTE rdown, rshift;
+ BYTE gdown, gshift;
+ BYTE bdown, bshift;
+ BYTE adown, ashift;
+ DWORD rmask;
+ DWORD gmask;
+ DWORD bmask;
+ DWORD amask;
+// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
+class Color
+ friend class ColorIndex;
+ friend class ColorValue;
+ static const char* TYPENAME() { return "Color"; }
+ enum Misc { SHADE_LEVELS = 64 }; // max 128!
+ enum Mask { RMask = 0x00ff0000,
+ GMask = 0x0000ff00,
+ BMask = 0x000000ff,
+ AMask = 0xff000000,
+ RGBMask = 0x00ffffff };
+ enum Shift { RShift = 16,
+ GShift = 8,
+ BShift = 0,
+ AShift = 24 };
+ Color() : rgba(0) { }
+ Color(const Color& c) : rgba(c.rgba) { }
+ Color(BYTE r, BYTE g, BYTE b, BYTE a=255) {
+ rgba = (r<<RShift)|(g<<GShift)|(b<<BShift)|(a<<AShift); }
+ Color(BYTE index);
+ Color& operator= (const Color& c) { rgba = c.rgba; return *this; }
+ int operator==(const Color& c) const { return rgba == c.rgba; }
+ int operator!=(const Color& c) const { return rgba != c.rgba; }
+ Color& operator+=(const Color& c); // simple summation
+ Color operator+(DWORD d) const;
+ Color operator+(const Color& c) const; // color alpha blending
+ Color operator*(const Color& c) const; // color modulation
+ Color operator*(double scale) const;
+ Color dim(double scale) const;
+ void Set(DWORD value) { rgba = value; }
+ void Set(BYTE r, BYTE g, BYTE b, BYTE a=255) {
+ rgba = (r<<RShift)|(g<<GShift)|(b<<BShift)|(a<<AShift); }
+ DWORD Value() const { return rgba; }
+ void SetRed(BYTE r) { rgba = (rgba & ~RMask) | (r << RShift); }
+ void SetGreen(BYTE g) { rgba = (rgba & ~GMask) | (g << GShift); }
+ void SetBlue(BYTE b) { rgba = (rgba & ~BMask) | (b << BShift); }
+ void SetAlpha(BYTE a) { rgba = (rgba & ~AMask) | (a << AShift); }
+ DWORD Red() const { return (rgba & RMask) >> RShift; }
+ DWORD Green() const { return (rgba & GMask) >> GShift; }
+ DWORD Blue() const { return (rgba & BMask) >> BShift; }
+ DWORD Alpha() const { return (rgba & AMask) >> AShift; }
+ float fRed() const { return (float)(Red() /255.0); }
+ float fGreen() const { return (float)(Green()/255.0); }
+ float fBlue() const { return (float)(Blue() /255.0); }
+ float fAlpha() const { return (float)(Alpha()/255.0); }
+ BYTE Index() const { return table[((rgba&RMask)>>(RShift+3)<<10)|
+ ((rgba&GMask)>>(GShift+3)<< 5)|
+ ((rgba&BMask)>>(BShift+3))]; }
+ inline BYTE IndexedBlend(BYTE dst) const;
+ static DWORD FormattedBlend(DWORD c1, DWORD c2);
+ DWORD TextureFormat(int keep_alpha=0) const;
+ DWORD Formatted() const;
+ DWORD Unfaded() const;
+ Color ShadeColor(int shade) const;
+ DWORD Shaded(int shade) const;
+ Color Faded() const;
+ // some useful colors
+ static Color White;
+ static Color Black;
+ static Color Gray;
+ static Color LightGray;
+ static Color DarkGray;
+ static Color BrightRed;
+ static Color BrightBlue;
+ static Color BrightGreen;
+ static Color DarkRed;
+ static Color DarkBlue;
+ static Color DarkGreen;
+ static Color Yellow;
+ static Color Cyan;
+ static Color Magenta;
+ static Color Tan;
+ static Color Brown;
+ static Color Violet;
+ static Color Orange;
+ static void UseVideo(Video* v);
+ static void UseFormat(const ColorFormat& cf);
+ static void UseTextureFormat(const ColorFormat& cf, int alpha_level=0);
+ static void WithTextureFormat(int alpha_level=0);
+ static void SetPalette(PALETTEENTRY* pal, int palsize, BYTE* invpal=0);
+ static void SavePalette(const char* basename);
+ static void SetFade(double f, Color c=Black, int build_shade=false);
+ static const ColorFormat& GetTextureFormat(int alpha_level=0) { return texture_format[alpha_level]; }
+ static const ColorFormat& GetScreenFormat() { return format; }
+ // indexed color initialization:
+ static void BuildShadeTable();
+ static void SaveShadeTable(const char* basename);
+ static void BuildBlendTable();
+ static double GetFade() { return fade; }
+ static Color GetFadeColor() { return fade_color; }
+ static Color Scale(const Color& c1, const Color& c2, double scale);
+ static Color Unformat(DWORD formatted_color);
+ DWORD rgba;
+ static bool standard_format;
+ static PALETTEENTRY palette[256];
+ static BYTE table[32768];
+ static ColorFormat format;
+ static int texture_alpha_level;
+ static ColorFormat texture_format[4];
+ static double fade;
+ static Color fade_color;
+ static Video* video;
+// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
+class ColorValue
+ friend class Color;
+ static const char* TYPENAME() { return "ColorValue"; }
+ ColorValue() : r(0), g(0), b(0), a(0) { }
+ ColorValue(const ColorValue& c) : r(c.r), g(c.g), b(c.b), a(c.a) { }
+ ColorValue(const Color& c) : r( c.fRed() ),
+ g( c.fGreen() ),
+ b( c.fBlue() ),
+ a( c.fAlpha() ) { }
+ ColorValue(float ar,
+ float ag,
+ float ab,
+ float aa=1.0f) : r(ar), g(ag), b(ab), a(aa) { }
+ int operator==(const ColorValue& c) const { return r==c.r && g==c.g && b==c.b && a==c.a; }
+ int operator!=(const ColorValue& c) const { return r!=c.r || g!=c.g || b!=c.b || a!=c.a; }
+ ColorValue& operator+=(const ColorValue& c); // simple summation
+ ColorValue operator+(const ColorValue& c) const; // color alpha blending
+ ColorValue operator*(const ColorValue& c) const; // color modulation
+ ColorValue operator*(double scale) const;
+ ColorValue dim(double scale) const;
+ void Set(float ar, float ag, float ab, float aa=1.0f) { r=ar; g=ag; b=ab; a=aa; }
+ void SetRed(float ar) { r=ar; }
+ void SetGreen(float ag) { g=ag; }
+ void SetBlue(float ab) { b=ab; }
+ void SetAlpha(float aa) { a=aa; }
+ float Red() const { return r; }
+ float Green() const { return g; }
+ float Blue() const { return b; }
+ float Alpha() const { return a; }
+ Color ToColor() const;
+ DWORD TextureFormat(int keep_alpha=0) const { return ToColor().TextureFormat(keep_alpha); }
+ DWORD Formatted() const { return ToColor().Formatted(); }
+ DWORD Unfaded() const { return ToColor().Unfaded(); }
+ Color ShadeColor(int shade) const { return ToColor().ShadeColor(shade); }
+ DWORD Shaded(int shade) const { return ToColor().Shaded(shade); }
+ Color Faded() const { return ToColor().Faded(); }
+ float r, g, b, a;
+// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
+class ColorIndex
+ friend class Color;
+ static const char* TYPENAME() { return "ColorIndex"; }
+ ColorIndex() : index(0) { }
+ ColorIndex(const ColorIndex& c) : index(c.index) { }
+ ColorIndex(BYTE r, BYTE g, BYTE b) { index = Color(r,g,b).Index(); }
+ ColorIndex(BYTE i) : index(i) { }
+ ColorIndex& operator= (const ColorIndex& c) { index = c.index; return *this; }
+ int operator==(const ColorIndex& c) const { return index == c.index; }
+ int operator!=(const ColorIndex& c) const { return index != c.index; }
+ BYTE Index() const { return index; }
+ DWORD Red() const { return Color::palette[index].peRed; }
+ DWORD Green() const { return Color::palette[index].peGreen; }
+ DWORD Blue() const { return Color::palette[index].peBlue; }
+ float fRed() const { return (float)(Red() /255.0); }
+ float fGreen() const { return (float)(Green()/255.0); }
+ float fBlue() const { return (float)(Blue() /255.0); }
+ DWORD TextureFormat() const { return texture_palette[index]; }
+ DWORD Unfaded() const { return unfaded_palette[index]; }
+ DWORD Formatted() const { return formatted_palette[index]; }
+ DWORD Shaded(int shade) const { return shade_table[shade*256+index]; }
+ ColorIndex Faded() const { return ColorIndex(index); }
+ // note: this will only work in 8-bit color mode...
+ ColorIndex ShadeColor(int s) const { return ColorIndex((BYTE)(shade_table[s*256+index])); }
+ // for poly shading optimization
+ static DWORD* ShadeTable() { return shade_table; }
+ BYTE IndexedBlend(BYTE dst) const { return blend_table[dst*256+index]; }
+ BYTE index;
+ static DWORD* texture_palette;
+ static DWORD texture_palettes[4][256];
+ static DWORD unfaded_palette[256];
+ static DWORD formatted_palette[256];
+ static DWORD shade_table[256*256];
+ static BYTE blend_table[256*256];
+inline BYTE Color::IndexedBlend(BYTE dst) const { return ColorIndex::blend_table[dst*256+Index()]; }
+#endif // Color_h