path: root/Stars45/Thruster.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'Stars45/Thruster.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 594 deletions
diff --git a/Stars45/Thruster.cpp b/Stars45/Thruster.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 3852516..0000000
--- a/Stars45/Thruster.cpp
+++ /dev/null
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-/* Starshatter: The Open Source Project
- Copyright (c) 2021-2022, Starshatter: The Open Source Project Contributors
- Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Starshatter OpenSource Distribution Contributors
- Copyright (c) 1997-2006, Destroyer Studios LLC.
- AUTHOR: John DiCamillo
- ========
- Weapon class
-#include "Thruster.h"
-#include "Component.h"
-#include "Drive.h"
-#include "FlightComp.h"
-#include "SystemDesign.h"
-#include "Ship.h"
-#include "ShipDesign.h"
-#include "Sim.h"
-#include "CameraDirector.h"
-#include "AudioConfig.h"
-#include "Random.h"
-#include "Light.h"
-#include "Bitmap.h"
-#include "Sound.h"
-#include "DataLoader.h"
-#include "ContentBundle.h"
-#include "Bolt.h"
-#include "Sprite.h"
-#include "Game.h"
-// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
-static Sound* thruster_resource = 0;
-static Sound* thruster_sound = 0;
-extern Bitmap* drive_flare_bitmap[8];
-extern Bitmap* drive_trail_bitmap[8];
-#define CLAMP(x, a, b) if (x < (a)) x = (a); else if (x > (b)) x = (b);
-// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
-ThrusterPort::ThrusterPort(int t, const Point& l, DWORD f, float s)
- : type(t), loc(l), flare(0), trail(0), fire(f), burn(0), scale(s)
-{ }
-// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
-static int sys_value = 2;
-// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
-Thruster::Thruster(int dtype, double max_thrust, float flare_scale)
- : System(DRIVE, dtype, "Thruster", sys_value,
- max_thrust, max_thrust, max_thrust),
- ship(0), thrust(1.0f), scale(flare_scale),
- avail_x(1.0f), avail_y(1.0f), avail_z(1.0f)
- name = ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("sys.thruster");
- abrv = ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("sys.thruster.abrv");
- power_flags = POWER_WATTS;
- ZeroMemory(burn, sizeof(burn));
- emcon_power[0] = 50;
- emcon_power[1] = 50;
- emcon_power[2] = 100;
-// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
-Thruster::Thruster(const Thruster& t)
- : System(t), ship(0),
- thrust(1.0f), scale(t.scale),
- avail_x(1.0f), avail_y(1.0f), avail_z(1.0f)
- power_flags = POWER_WATTS;
- Mount(t);
- ZeroMemory(burn, sizeof(burn));
- if (subtype != Drive::STEALTH) {
- for (int i = 0; i < t.ports.size(); i++) {
- ThrusterPort* p = t.ports[i];
- CreatePort(p->type, p->loc, p->fire, p->scale);
- }
- }
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
- ports.destroy();
- if (thruster_sound && thruster_sound->IsPlaying()) {
- thruster_sound->Stop();
- }
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
- static int initialized = 0;
- if (initialized) return;
- DataLoader* loader = DataLoader::GetLoader();
- const int SOUND_FLAGS = Sound::LOCALIZED |
- Sound::LOC_3D |
- Sound::LOOP |
- Sound::LOCKED;
- loader->SetDataPath("Sounds/");
- loader->LoadSound("thruster.wav", thruster_resource, SOUND_FLAGS);
- loader->SetDataPath(0);
- if (thruster_resource)
- thruster_resource->SetMaxDistance(15.0e3f);
- initialized = 1;
- delete thruster_resource;
- thruster_resource = 0;
- if (thruster_sound) {
- thruster_sound->Stop();
- thruster_sound->Release();
- }
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-Thruster::Orient(const Physical* rep)
- System::Orient(rep);
- bool hide_all = false;
- if (!ship || (ship->IsAirborne() && ship->Class() != Ship::LCA)) {
- hide_all = true;
- }
- if (ship->Rep() && ship->Rep()->Hidden()) {
- hide_all = true;
- }
- if (thrust <= 0) {
- hide_all = true;
- }
- const Matrix& orientation = rep->Cam().Orientation();
- Point ship_loc = rep->Location();
- for (int i = 0; i < ports.size(); i++) {
- ThrusterPort* p = ports[i];
- Point projector = (p->loc * orientation) + ship_loc;
- if (p->flare)
- p->flare->MoveTo(projector);
- if (p->trail) {
- double intensity = p->burn;
- if (intensity > 0.5 && !hide_all) {
- Bolt* t = (Bolt*) p->trail;
- double len = -50 * p->scale * intensity;
- t->Show();
- switch (p->type) {
- case LEFT: t->SetEndPoints(projector, projector + rep->Cam().vrt() * len); break;
- case RIGHT: t->SetEndPoints(projector, projector - rep->Cam().vrt() * len); break;
- case AFT: t->SetEndPoints(projector, projector + rep->Cam().vpn() * len); break;
- case FORE: t->SetEndPoints(projector, projector - rep->Cam().vpn() * len); break;
- case BOTTOM: t->SetEndPoints(projector, projector + rep->Cam().vup() * len); break;
- case TOP: t->SetEndPoints(projector, projector - rep->Cam().vup() * len); break;
- default: t->Hide(); break;
- }
- }
- else {
- p->trail->Hide();
- if (p->flare)
- p->flare->Hide();
- }
- }
- }
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-Thruster::ExecFrame(double seconds)
- System::ExecFrame(seconds);
- if (ship) {
- double rr = 0, pr = 0, yr = 0;
- double rd = 0, pd = 0, yd = 0;
- double agility = 1;
- double stability = 1;
- FlightComp* flcs = ship->GetFLCS();
- if (flcs) {
- if (!flcs->IsPowerOn() || flcs->Status() < DEGRADED) {
- agility = 0.3;
- stability = 0.0;
- }
- }
- // check for thruster damage here:
- if (components.size() >= 3) {
- int stat = components[0]->Status();
- if (stat == Component::NOMINAL)
- avail_x = 1.0f;
- else if (stat == Component::DEGRADED)
- avail_x = 0.5f;
- else
- avail_x = 0.0f;
- stat = components[1]->Status();
- if (stat == Component::NOMINAL)
- avail_z = 1.0f;
- else if (stat == Component::DEGRADED)
- avail_z = 0.5f;
- else
- avail_z = 0.0f;
- stat = components[2]->Status();
- if (stat == Component::NOMINAL)
- avail_y = 1.0f;
- else if (stat == Component::DEGRADED)
- avail_y = 0.5f;
- else
- avail_y = 0.0f;
- }
- // thrust limited by power distribution:
- thrust = energy/capacity;
- energy = 0.0f;
- if (thrust < 0)
- thrust = 0.0f;
- agility *= thrust;
- stability *= thrust;
- rr = roll_rate * agility * avail_y;
- pr = pitch_rate * agility * avail_y;
- yr = yaw_rate * agility * avail_x;
- rd = roll_drag * stability * avail_y;
- pd = pitch_drag * stability * avail_y;
- yd = yaw_drag * stability * avail_x;
- ship->SetAngularRates(rr,pr,yr);
- ship->SetAngularDrag (rd,pd,yd);
- }
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-Thruster::SetShip(Ship* s)
- const double ROLL_SPEED = PI * 0.0400;
- const double PITCH_SPEED = PI * 0.0250;
- const double YAW_SPEED = PI * 0.0250;
- ship = s;
- if (ship) {
- ShipDesign* design = (ShipDesign*) ship->Design();
- trans_x = design->trans_x;
- trans_y = design->trans_y;
- trans_z = design->trans_z;
- roll_drag = design->roll_drag;
- pitch_drag = design->pitch_drag;
- yaw_drag = design->yaw_drag;
- roll_rate = (float) (design->roll_rate * PI / 180);
- pitch_rate = (float) (design->pitch_rate * PI / 180);
- yaw_rate = (float) (design->yaw_rate * PI / 180);
- double agility = design->agility;
- if (roll_rate == 0) roll_rate = (float) (agility * ROLL_SPEED);
- if (pitch_rate == 0) pitch_rate = (float) (agility * PITCH_SPEED);
- if (yaw_rate == 0) yaw_rate = (float) (agility * YAW_SPEED);
- }
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
- return trans_x * avail_x;
- return trans_y * avail_y;
- return trans_z * avail_z;
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-Thruster::ExecTrans(double x, double y, double z)
- if (!ship || (ship->IsAirborne() && ship->Class() != Ship::LCA)) {
- if (thruster_sound && thruster_sound->IsPlaying())
- thruster_sound->Stop();
- for (int i = 0; i < ports.size(); i++) {
- ThrusterPort* p = ports[i];
- if (p->flare) p->flare->Hide();
- if (p->trail) p->trail->Hide();
- }
- return;
- }
- bool sound_on = false;
- bool show_flare = true;
- if (ship->Rep() && ship->Rep()->Hidden())
- show_flare = false;
- if (ship->Class() == Ship::LCA &&
- ship->IsAirborne() &&
- ship->Velocity().length() < 250 &&
- ship->AltitudeAGL() > ship->Radius()/2) {
- sound_on = true;
- IncBurn(BOTTOM, TOP);
- }
- else if (!ship->IsAirborne()) {
- double tx_limit = ship->Design()->trans_x;
- double ty_limit = ship->Design()->trans_y;
- double tz_limit = ship->Design()->trans_z;
- if (x < -0.15 * tx_limit) IncBurn(RIGHT, LEFT);
- else if (x > 0.15 * tx_limit) IncBurn(LEFT, RIGHT);
- else DecBurn(LEFT, RIGHT);
- if (y < -0.15 * ty_limit) IncBurn(FORE, AFT);
- else if (y > 0.15 * ty_limit) IncBurn(AFT, FORE);
- else DecBurn(FORE, AFT);
- if (z < -0.15 * tz_limit) IncBurn(TOP, BOTTOM);
- else if (z > 0.15 * tz_limit) IncBurn(BOTTOM, TOP);
- else DecBurn(TOP, BOTTOM);
- double r, p, y;
- ship->GetAngularThrust(r, p, y);
- // Roll seems to have the opposite sign from
- // the pitch and yaw thrust factors. Not sure why.
- if (r > 0) IncBurn(ROLL_L, ROLL_R);
- else if (r < 0) IncBurn(ROLL_R, ROLL_L);
- else DecBurn(ROLL_R, ROLL_L);
- if (y < 0) IncBurn(YAW_L, YAW_R);
- else if (y > 0) IncBurn(YAW_R, YAW_L);
- else DecBurn(YAW_R, YAW_L);
- if (p < 0) IncBurn(PITCH_D, PITCH_U);
- else if (p > 0) IncBurn(PITCH_U, PITCH_D);
- else DecBurn(PITCH_U, PITCH_D);
- }
- else {
- for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
- burn[i] -= 0.1f;
- if (burn[i] < 0)
- burn[i] = 0.0f;
- }
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < ports.size(); i++) {
- ThrusterPort* p = ports[i];
- if (p->fire) {
- p->burn = 0;
- int flag = 1;
- for (int n = 0; n < 12; n++) {
- if ((p->fire & flag) != 0 && burn[n] > p->burn)
- p->burn = burn[n];
- flag <<= 1;
- }
- }
- else {
- p->burn = burn[p->type];
- }
- if (p->burn > 0 && thrust > 0) {
- sound_on = true;
- if (show_flare) {
- Sprite* flare_rep = (Sprite*) p->flare;
- if (flare_rep) {
- flare_rep->Show();
- flare_rep->SetShade(1);
- }
- if (p->trail) {
- Bolt* t = (Bolt*) p->trail;
- t->Show();
- t->SetShade(1);
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- if (p->flare) p->flare->Hide();
- if (p->trail) p->trail->Hide();
- }
- }
- // thruster sound:
- if (ship && ship == Sim::GetSim()->GetPlayerShip() && ports.size() > 0) {
- CameraDirector* cam_dir = CameraDirector::GetInstance();
- // no sound when paused!
- if (!Game::GetInstance()->Paused() && cam_dir && cam_dir->GetCamera()) {
- if (!thruster_sound) {
- if (thruster_resource)
- thruster_sound = thruster_resource->Duplicate();
- }
- if (thruster_sound) {
- if (sound_on) {
- Point cam_loc = cam_dir->GetCamera()->Pos();
- double dist = (ship->Location() - cam_loc).length();
- long max_vol = AudioConfig::EfxVolume();
- long volume = -2000;
- if (volume > max_vol)
- volume = max_vol;
- if (dist < thruster_sound->GetMaxDistance()) {
- thruster_sound->SetLocation(ship->Location());
- thruster_sound->SetVolume(volume);
- thruster_sound->Play();
- }
- else if (thruster_sound->IsPlaying()) {
- thruster_sound->Stop();
- }
- }
- else if (thruster_sound->IsPlaying()) {
- thruster_sound->Stop();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ship->SetTransX(x * thrust);
- ship->SetTransY(y * thrust);
- ship->SetTransZ(z * thrust);
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-Thruster::AddPort(int type, const Point& loc, DWORD fire, float flare_scale)
- if (flare_scale == 0) flare_scale = scale;
- ThrusterPort* port = new ThrusterPort(type, loc, fire, flare_scale);
- ports.append(port);
-Thruster::CreatePort(int type, const Point& loc, DWORD fire, float flare_scale)
- Bitmap* flare_bmp = drive_flare_bitmap[subtype];
- Bitmap* trail_bmp = drive_trail_bitmap[subtype];
- if (subtype != Drive::STEALTH) {
- Sprite* flare_rep = new Sprite(flare_bmp);
- flare_rep->Scale(flare_scale * 0.667f);
- flare_rep->SetShade(0);
- Bolt* trail_rep = new Bolt(flare_scale * 30, flare_scale * 8, trail_bmp, true);
- ThrusterPort* port = new ThrusterPort(type, loc, fire, flare_scale);
- port->flare = flare_rep;
- port->trail = trail_rep;
- ports.append(port);
- }
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-Thruster::NumThrusters() const
- return ports.size();
-Thruster::Flare(int engine) const
- if (engine >= 0 && engine < ports.size())
- return ports[engine]->flare;
- return 0;
-Thruster::Trail(int engine) const
- if (engine >= 0 && engine < ports.size())
- return ports[engine]->trail;
- return 0;
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-Thruster::IncBurn(int inc, int dec)
- burn[inc] += 0.1f;
- if (burn[inc] > 1)
- burn[inc] = 1.0f;
- burn[dec] -= 0.1f;
- if (burn[dec] < 0)
- burn[dec] = 0.0f;
-Thruster::DecBurn(int a, int b)
- burn[a] -= 0.1f;
- if (burn[a] < 0)
- burn[a] = 0.0f;
- burn[b] -= 0.1f;
- if (burn[b] < 0)
- burn[b] = 0.0f;
-// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
-Thruster::GetRequest(double seconds) const
- if (!power_on)
- return 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
- if (burn[i] != 0)
- return power_level * sink_rate * seconds;
- return 0;