path: root/Stars45/StarshipAI.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'Stars45/StarshipAI.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 821 deletions
diff --git a/Stars45/StarshipAI.cpp b/Stars45/StarshipAI.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 69abdae..0000000
--- a/Stars45/StarshipAI.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,821 +0,0 @@
-/* Starshatter: The Open Source Project
- Copyright (c) 2021-2022, Starshatter: The Open Source Project Contributors
- Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Starshatter OpenSource Distribution Contributors
- Copyright (c) 1997-2006, Destroyer Studios LLC.
- AUTHOR: John DiCamillo
- ========
- Starship (low-level) Artificial Intelligence class
-#include "StarshipAI.h"
-#include "StarshipTacticalAI.h"
-#include "Ship.h"
-#include "ShipDesign.h"
-#include "Element.h"
-#include "Mission.h"
-#include "Instruction.h"
-#include "RadioMessage.h"
-#include "Contact.h"
-#include "WeaponGroup.h"
-#include "Drive.h"
-#include "Sim.h"
-#include "StarSystem.h"
-#include "FlightComp.h"
-#include "Farcaster.h"
-#include "QuantumDrive.h"
-#include "Clock.h"
-#include "ContentBundle.h"
-#include "Random.h"
-// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
-StarshipAI::StarshipAI(SimObject* s)
-: ShipAI(s), sub_select_time(0), subtarget(0), tgt_point_defense(false)
- ai_type = STARSHIP;
- // signifies this ship is a dead hulk:
- if (ship && ship->Design()->auto_roll < 0) {
- Point torque(rand()-16000, rand()-16000, rand()-16000);
- torque.Normalize();
- torque *= ship->Mass() / 10;
- ship->SetFLCSMode(0);
- if (ship->GetFLCS())
- ship->GetFLCS()->PowerOff();
- ship->ApplyTorque(torque);
- ship->SetVelocity(RandomDirection() * Random(20, 50));
- for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
- Weapon* w = ship->GetWeaponByIndex(i+1);
- if (w)
- w->DrainPower(0);
- else
- break;
- }
- }
- else {
- tactical = new StarshipTacticalAI(this);
- }
- sub_select_time = Clock::GetInstance()->GameTime() + (DWORD) Random(0, 2000);
- point_defense_time = sub_select_time;
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-{ }
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
- distance = 0;
- int order = ship->GetRadioOrders()->Action();
- if (order == RadioMessage::QUANTUM_TO ||
- order == RadioMessage::FARCAST_TO) {
- FindObjectiveQuantum();
- objective = Transform(obj_w);
- return;
- }
- bool hold = order == RadioMessage::WEP_HOLD ||
- order == RadioMessage::FORM_UP;
- bool form = hold ||
- (!order && !target) ||
- (farcaster);
- // if not the element leader, stay in formation:
- if (form && element_index > 1) {
- ship->SetDirectorInfo(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("ai.formation"));
- if (navpt && navpt->Action() == Instruction::LAUNCH) {
- FindObjectiveNavPoint();
- }
- else {
- navpt = 0;
- FindObjectiveFormation();
- }
- // transform into camera coords:
- objective = Transform(obj_w);
- return;
- }
- // under orders?
- bool directed = false;
- double threat_level = 0;
- double support_level = 1;
- Ship* ward = ship->GetWard();
- if (tactical) {
- directed = (tactical->RulesOfEngagement() == TacticalAI::DIRECTED);
- threat_level = tactical->ThreatLevel();
- support_level = tactical->SupportLevel();
- }
- // threat processing:
- if (hold || !directed && threat_level >= 2*support_level) {
- // seek support:
- if (support) {
- double d_support = Point(support->Location() - ship->Location()).length();
- if (d_support > 35e3) {
- ship->SetDirectorInfo(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("ai.regroup"));
- FindObjectiveTarget(support);
- objective = Transform(obj_w);
- return;
- }
- }
- // run away:
- else if (threat && threat != target) {
- ship->SetDirectorInfo(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("ai.retreat"));
- obj_w = ship->Location() + Point(ship->Location() - threat->Location()) * 100;
- objective = Transform(obj_w);
- return;
- }
- }
- // weapons hold:
- if (hold) {
- if (navpt) {
- ship->SetDirectorInfo(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText(""));
- FindObjectiveNavPoint();
- }
- else if (patrol) {
- ship->SetDirectorInfo(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("ai.patrol"));
- FindObjectivePatrol();
- }
- else {
- ship->SetDirectorInfo(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("ai.holding"));
- objective = Point();
- }
- }
- // normal processing:
- else if (target) {
- ship->SetDirectorInfo(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText(""));
- FindObjectiveTarget(target);
- }
- else if (patrol) {
- ship->SetDirectorInfo(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("ai.patrol"));
- FindObjectivePatrol();
- }
- else if (ward) {
- ship->SetDirectorInfo(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText(""));
- FindObjectiveFormation();
- }
- else if (navpt) {
- ship->SetDirectorInfo(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText(""));
- FindObjectiveNavPoint();
- }
- else if (rumor) {
- ship->SetDirectorInfo(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText(""));
- FindObjectiveTarget(rumor);
- }
- else {
- objective = Point();
- }
- // transform into camera coords:
- objective = Transform(obj_w);
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
- // signifies this ship is a dead hulk:
- if (ship && ship->Design()->auto_roll < 0) {
- ship->SetDirectorInfo(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("ai.dead"));
- return;
- }
- accumulator.Clear();
- magnitude = 0;
- hold = false;
- if ((ship->GetElement() && ship->GetElement()->GetHoldTime() > 0) ||
- (navpt && navpt->Status() == Instruction::COMPLETE && navpt->HoldTime() > 0))
- hold = true;
- ship->SetFLCSMode(Ship::FLCS_HELM);
- if (!ship->GetDirectorInfo()) {
- if (target)
- ship->SetDirectorInfo(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText(""));
- else if (ship->GetWard())
- ship->SetDirectorInfo(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText(""));
- else
- ship->SetDirectorInfo(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("ai.patrol"));
- }
- if (farcaster && distance < 25e3) {
- accumulator = SeekTarget();
- }
- else {
- accumulator = AvoidCollision();
- if (!other && !hold)
- accumulator = SeekTarget();
- }
- HelmControl();
- ThrottleControl();
- FireControl();
- AdjustDefenses();
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
- // signifies this ship is a dead hulk:
- if (ship && ship->Design()->auto_roll < 0) {
- return;
- }
- double trans_x = 0;
- double trans_y = 0;
- double trans_z = 0;
- bool station_keeping = distance < 0;
- if (station_keeping) {
- accumulator.brake = 1;
- accumulator.stop = 1;
- ship->SetHelmPitch(0);
- }
- else {
- Element* elem = ship->GetElement();
- Ship* ward = ship->GetWard();
- Ship* s_threat = 0;
- if (threat && threat->Class() >= ship->Class())
- s_threat = threat;
- if (other || target || ward || s_threat || navpt || patrol || farcaster || element_index > 1) {
- ship->SetHelmHeading(accumulator.yaw);
- if (elem->Type() == Mission::FLIGHT_OPS) {
- ship->SetHelmPitch(0);
- if (ship->NumInbound() > 0) {
- ship->SetHelmHeading(ship->CompassHeading());
- }
- }
- else if (accumulator.pitch > 60*DEGREES) {
- ship->SetHelmPitch(60*DEGREES);
- }
- else if (accumulator.pitch < -60*DEGREES) {
- ship->SetHelmPitch(-60*DEGREES);
- }
- else {
- ship->SetHelmPitch(accumulator.pitch);
- }
- }
- else {
- ship->SetHelmPitch(0);
- }
- }
- ship->SetTransX(trans_x);
- ship->SetTransY(trans_y);
- ship->SetTransZ(trans_z);
- ship->ExecFLCSFrame();
- // signifies this ship is a dead hulk:
- if (ship && ship->Design()->auto_roll < 0) {
- return;
- }
- // station keeping:
- if (distance < 0) {
- old_throttle = 0;
- throttle = 0;
- ship->SetThrottle(0);
- if (ship->GetFLCS())
- ship->GetFLCS()->FullStop();
- return;
- }
- // normal throttle processing:
- double ship_speed = ship->Velocity() * ship->Heading();
- double brakes = 0;
- Ship* ward = ship->GetWard();
- Ship* s_threat = 0;
- if (threat && threat->Class() >= ship->Class())
- s_threat = threat;
- if (target || s_threat) { // target pursuit, or retreat
- throttle = 100;
- if (target && distance < 50e3) {
- double closing_speed = ship_speed;
- if (target) {
- Point delta = target->Location() - ship->Location();
- delta.Normalize();
- closing_speed = ship->Velocity() * delta;
- }
- if (closing_speed > 300) {
- throttle = 30;
- brakes = 0.25;
- }
- }
- throttle *= (1 - accumulator.brake);
- if (throttle < 1 && ship->GetFLCS() != 0)
- ship->GetFLCS()->FullStop();
- }
- else if (ward) { // escort, match speed of ward
- double speed = ward->Velocity().length();
- throttle = old_throttle;
- if (speed == 0) {
- double d = (ship->Location() - ward->Location()).length();
- if (d > 30e3)
- speed = (d - 30e3) / 100;
- }
- if (speed > 0) {
- if (ship_speed > speed) {
- throttle = old_throttle - 1;
- brakes = 0.2;
- }
- else if (ship_speed < speed - 10) {
- throttle = old_throttle + 1;
- }
- }
- else {
- throttle = 0;
- brakes = 0.5;
- }
- }
- else if (patrol || farcaster) { // seek patrol point
- throttle = 100;
- if (distance < 10 * ship_speed) {
- if (ship->Velocity().length() > 200)
- throttle = 5;
- else
- throttle = 50;
- }
- }
- else if (navpt) { // lead only, get speed from navpt
- double speed = navpt->Speed();
- throttle = old_throttle;
- if (hold) {
- throttle = 0;
- brakes = 1;
- }
- else {
- if (speed <= 0)
- speed = 300;
- if (ship_speed > speed) {
- if (throttle > 0 && old_throttle > 1)
- throttle = old_throttle - 1;
- brakes = 0.25;
- }
- else if (ship_speed < speed - 10) {
- throttle = old_throttle + 1;
- }
- }
- }
- else if (element_index > 1) { // wingman
- Ship* lead = ship->GetElement()->GetShip(1);
- double lv = lead->Velocity().length();
- double sv = ship_speed;
- double dv = lv-sv;
- double dt = 0;
- if (dv > 0) dt = dv * 1e-2 * seconds;
- else if (dv < 0) dt = dv * 1e-2 * seconds;
- throttle = old_throttle + dt;
- }
- else {
- throttle = 0;
- }
- old_throttle = throttle;
- ship->SetThrottle(throttle);
- if (ship_speed > 1 && brakes > 0)
- ship->SetTransY(-brakes * ship->Design()->trans_y);
- else if (throttle > 10 && (ship->GetEMCON() < 2 || ship->GetFuelLevel() < 10))
- ship->SetTransY(ship->Design()->trans_y);
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
- if (navpt) {
- SimRegion* self_rgn = ship->GetRegion();
- SimRegion* nav_rgn = navpt->Region();
- QuantumDrive* qdrive = ship->GetQuantumDrive();
- if (self_rgn && !nav_rgn) {
- nav_rgn = self_rgn;
- navpt->SetRegion(nav_rgn);
- }
- bool use_farcaster = self_rgn != nav_rgn &&
- (navpt->Farcast() ||
- !qdrive ||
- !qdrive->IsPowerOn() ||
- qdrive->Status() < System::DEGRADED
- );
- if (use_farcaster) {
- if (!farcaster) {
- ListIter<Ship> s = self_rgn->Ships();
- while (++s && !farcaster) {
- if (s->GetFarcaster()) {
- const Ship* dest = s->GetFarcaster()->GetDest();
- if (dest && dest->GetRegion() == nav_rgn) {
- farcaster = s->GetFarcaster();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (farcaster) {
- if (farcaster->GetShip()->GetRegion() != self_rgn)
- farcaster = farcaster->GetDest()->GetFarcaster();
- obj_w = farcaster->EndPoint();
- distance = Point(obj_w - ship->Location()).length();
- if (distance < 1000)
- farcaster = 0;
- }
- }
- else if (self_rgn != nav_rgn) {
- QuantumDrive* q = ship->GetQuantumDrive();
- if (q) {
- if (q->ActiveState() == QuantumDrive::ACTIVE_READY) {
- q->SetDestination(navpt->Region(), navpt->Location());
- q->Engage();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return ShipAI::SeekTarget();
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
- if (!ship || ship->Velocity().length() < 25)
- return Steer();
- return ShipAI::AvoidCollision();
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
- // identify unknown contacts:
- if (identify) {
- if (fabs(ship->GetHelmHeading() - ship->CompassHeading()) < 10*DEGREES) {
- Contact* contact = ship->FindContact(target);
- if (contact && !contact->ActLock()) {
- if (!ship->GetProbe()) {
- ship->LaunchProbe();
- }
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- // investigate last known location of enemy ship:
- if (rumor && !target && ship->GetProbeLauncher() && !ship->GetProbe()) {
- // is rumor in basket?
- Point rmr = Transform(rumor->Location());
- rmr.Normalize();
- double dx = fabs(rmr.x);
- double dy = fabs(rmr.y);
- if (dx < 10*DEGREES && dy < 10*DEGREES && rmr.z > 0) {
- ship->LaunchProbe();
- }
- }
- // Corvettes and Frigates are anti-air platforms. They need to
- // target missile threats even when the threat is aimed at another
- // friendly ship. Forward facing weapons must be on auto fire,
- // while lateral and aft facing weapons are set to point defense.
- if (ship->Class() == Ship::CORVETTE || ship->Class() == Ship::FRIGATE) {
- ListIter<WeaponGroup> iter = ship->Weapons();
- while (++iter) {
- WeaponGroup* group = iter.value();
- ListIter<Weapon> w_iter = group->GetWeapons();
- while (++w_iter) {
- Weapon* weapon = w_iter.value();
- double az = weapon->GetAzimuth();
- if (fabs(az) < 45*DEGREES) {
- weapon->SetFiringOrders(Weapon::AUTO);
- weapon->SetTarget(target, 0);
- }
- else {
- weapon->SetFiringOrders(Weapon::POINT_DEFENSE);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // All other starships are free to engage ship targets. Weapon
- // fire control is managed by the type of weapon.
- else {
- System* subtgt = SelectSubtarget();
- ListIter<WeaponGroup> iter = ship->Weapons();
- while (++iter) {
- WeaponGroup* weapon = iter.value();
- if (weapon->GetDesign()->target_type & Ship::DROPSHIPS) { // anti-air weapon?
- weapon->SetFiringOrders(Weapon::POINT_DEFENSE);
- }
- else if (weapon->IsDrone()) { // torpedoes
- weapon->SetFiringOrders(Weapon::MANUAL);
- weapon->SetTarget(target, 0);
- if (target && target->GetRegion() == ship->GetRegion()) {
- Point delta = target->Location() - ship->Location();
- double range = delta.length();
- if (range < weapon->GetDesign()->max_range * 0.9 &&
- !AssessTargetPointDefense())
- weapon->SetFiringOrders(Weapon::AUTO);
- else if (range < weapon->GetDesign()->max_range * 0.5)
- weapon->SetFiringOrders(Weapon::AUTO);
- }
- }
- else { // anti-ship weapon
- weapon->SetFiringOrders(Weapon::AUTO);
- weapon->SetTarget(target, subtgt);
- weapon->SetSweep(subtgt ? Weapon::SWEEP_NONE : Weapon::SWEEP_TIGHT);
- }
- }
- }
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
- if (Clock::GetInstance()->GameTime() - sub_select_time < 2345)
- return subtarget;
- subtarget = 0;
- if (!target || target->Type() != SimObject::SIM_SHIP || GetAILevel() < 1)
- return subtarget;
- Ship* tgt_ship = (Ship*) target;
- if (!tgt_ship->IsStarship())
- return subtarget;
- Weapon* subtgt = 0;
- double dist = 50e3;
- Point svec = ship->Location() - tgt_ship->Location();
- sub_select_time = Clock::GetInstance()->GameTime();
- // first pass: turrets
- ListIter<WeaponGroup> g_iter = tgt_ship->Weapons();
- while (++g_iter) {
- WeaponGroup* g = g_iter.value();
- if (g->GetDesign() && g->GetDesign()->turret_model) {
- ListIter<Weapon> w_iter = g->GetWeapons();
- while (++w_iter) {
- Weapon* w = w_iter.value();
- if (w->Availability() < 35)
- continue;
- if (w->GetAimVector() * svec < 0)
- continue;
- if (w->GetTurret()) {
- Point tloc = w->GetTurret()->Location();
- Point delta = tloc - ship->Location();
- double dlen = delta.length();
- if (dlen < dist) {
- subtgt = w;
- dist = dlen;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // second pass: major weapons
- if (!subtgt) {
- g_iter.reset();
- while (++g_iter) {
- WeaponGroup* g = g_iter.value();
- if (g->GetDesign() && !g->GetDesign()->turret_model) {
- ListIter<Weapon> w_iter = g->GetWeapons();
- while (++w_iter) {
- Weapon* w = w_iter.value();
- if (w->Availability() < 35)
- continue;
- if (w->GetAimVector() * svec < 0)
- continue;
- Point tloc = w->MountLocation();
- Point delta = tloc - ship->Location();
- double dlen = delta.length();
- if (dlen < dist) {
- subtgt = w;
- dist = dlen;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- subtarget = subtgt;
- return subtarget;
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
- if (Clock::GetInstance()->GameTime() - point_defense_time < 3500)
- return tgt_point_defense;
- tgt_point_defense = false;
- if (!target || target->Type() != SimObject::SIM_SHIP || GetAILevel() < 2)
- return tgt_point_defense;
- Ship* tgt_ship = (Ship*) target;
- if (!tgt_ship->IsStarship())
- return tgt_point_defense;
- Weapon* subtgt = 0;
- Point svec = ship->Location() - tgt_ship->Location();
- point_defense_time = Clock::GetInstance()->GameTime();
- // first pass: turrets
- ListIter<WeaponGroup> g_iter = tgt_ship->Weapons();
- while (++g_iter && !tgt_point_defense) {
- WeaponGroup* g = g_iter.value();
- if (g->CanTarget(1)) {
- ListIter<Weapon> w_iter = g->GetWeapons();
- while (++w_iter && !tgt_point_defense) {
- Weapon* w = w_iter.value();
- if (w->Availability() > 35 && w->GetAimVector() * svec > 0)
- tgt_point_defense = true;
- }
- }
- }
- return tgt_point_defense;
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-StarshipAI::Transform(const Point& point)
- return point - self->Location();
-StarshipAI::Seek(const Point& point)
- // the point is in relative world coordinates
- // x: distance east(-) / west(+)
- // y: altitude down(-) / up(+)
- // z: distance north(-) / south(+)
- Steer result;
- result.yaw = atan2(point.x, point.z) + PI;
- double adjacent = sqrt(point.x*point.x + point.z*point.z);
- if (fabs(point.y) > ship->Radius() && adjacent > ship->Radius())
- result.pitch = atan(point.y / adjacent);
- if (!_finite(result.yaw))
- result.yaw = 0;
- if (!_finite(result.pitch))
- result.pitch = 0;
- return result;
-StarshipAI::Flee(const Point& point)
- Steer result = Seek(point);
- result.yaw += PI;
- return result;
-StarshipAI::Avoid(const Point& point, float radius)
- Steer result = Seek(point);
- if (point * ship->BeamLine() > 0)
- result.yaw -= PI/2;
- else
- result.yaw += PI/2;
- return result;