path: root/Stars45/NetPlayer.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'Stars45/NetPlayer.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 468 deletions
diff --git a/Stars45/NetPlayer.cpp b/Stars45/NetPlayer.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 9632b94..0000000
--- a/Stars45/NetPlayer.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,468 +0,0 @@
-/* Starshatter: The Open Source Project
- Copyright (c) 2021-2022, Starshatter: The Open Source Project Contributors
- Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Starshatter OpenSource Distribution Contributors
- Copyright (c) 1997-2006, Destroyer Studios LLC.
- AUTHOR: John DiCamillo
- ========
- Network Player (Director) class
-#ifndef NOMINMAX
-#define NOMINMAX
-#include <algorithm>
-#include "NetPlayer.h"
-#include "NetGame.h"
-#include "NetMsg.h"
-#include "NetData.h"
-#include "NetUtil.h"
-#include "Ship.h"
-#include "ShipDesign.h"
-#include "Shield.h"
-#include "Shot.h"
-#include "Sim.h"
-#include "SimEvent.h"
-#include "System.h"
-#include "Weapon.h"
-#include "WeaponGroup.h"
-#include "Element.h"
-#include "HUDView.h"
-#include "Explosion.h"
-#include "Farcaster.h"
-#include "RadioMessage.h"
-#include "RadioTraffic.h"
-#include "NetHost.h"
-#include "Game.h"
-#include "Light.h"
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
- if (ship) {
- ship->SetNetworkControl();
- Sim* sim = Sim::GetSim();
- sim->DestroyShip(ship);
- }
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-NetPlayer::SetShip(Ship* s)
- if (ship != s) {
- if (ship) {
- ship->EnableRepair(true);
- Ignore(ship);
- }
- ship = s;
- if (ship) {
- Observe(ship);
- ship->SetNetworkControl(this);
- ship->SetObjID(objid);
- iff = ship->GetIFF();
- // Turn off auto-repair. All repair data should
- // come in over the network from the remote player:
- ship->EnableRepair(false);
- // Set all ship weapons back to manual fire control.
- // All trigger events should come over the network,
- // not from weapon auto aiming ai:
- ListIter<WeaponGroup> iter = ship->Weapons();
- while (++iter) {
- WeaponGroup* group = iter.value();
- ListIter<Weapon> w_iter = group->GetWeapons();
- while (++w_iter) {
- Weapon* weapon = w_iter.value();
- weapon->SetFiringOrders(Weapon::MANUAL);
- }
- }
- }
- }
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-const double BLEED = 0.5;
-NetPlayer::DoObjLoc(NetObjLoc* obj_loc)
- if (ship && obj_loc) {
- loc_error = obj_loc->GetLocation() - ship->Location();
- bleed_time = BLEED;
- ship->SetVelocity(obj_loc->GetVelocity());
- Point o = obj_loc->GetOrientation();
- ship->SetAbsoluteOrientation(o.x, o.y, o.z);
- ship->SetThrottle(obj_loc->GetThrottle() ? 100 : 0);
- ship->SetAugmenter(obj_loc->GetAugmenter());
- if (obj_loc->GetGearDown())
- ship->LowerGear();
- else
- ship->RaiseGear();
- Shield* shield = ship->GetShield();
- if (shield)
- shield->SetPowerLevel(obj_loc->GetShield());
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-NetPlayer::DoObjHyper(NetObjHyper* obj_hyper)
- if (ship && obj_hyper) {
- Sim* sim = Sim::GetSim();
- SimRegion* rgn = sim->FindRegion(obj_hyper->GetRegion());
- DWORD fc1_id = obj_hyper->GetFarcaster1();
- DWORD fc2_id = obj_hyper->GetFarcaster2();
- Ship* fc1 = 0;
- Ship* fc2 = 0;
- int trans = obj_hyper->GetTransitionType();
- if (ship->GetRegion() == rgn) {
- ::Print("NetPlayer::DoObjHyper ship: '%s' rgn: '%s' trans: %d (IGNORED)\n\n",
- ship->Name(), obj_hyper->GetRegion().data(), trans);
- return false;
- }
- ::Print("NetPlayer::DoObjHyper ship: '%s' rgn: '%s' trans: %d\n\n",
- ship->Name(), obj_hyper->GetRegion().data(), trans);
- // orbital transition?
- if (trans == Ship::TRANSITION_DROP_ORBIT) {
- ship->SetTransition(1.0f, Ship::TRANSITION_DROP_ORBIT, ship->Location());
- ship->CompleteTransition();
- }
- else if (trans == Ship::TRANSITION_MAKE_ORBIT) {
- ship->SetTransition(1.0f, Ship::TRANSITION_MAKE_ORBIT, ship->Location());
- ship->CompleteTransition();
- }
- else {
- if (fc1_id)
- fc1 = sim->FindShipByObjID(fc1_id);
- if (fc2_id)
- fc2 = sim->FindShipByObjID(fc2_id);
- sim->CreateExplosion(ship->Location(), Point(0,0,0),
- Explosion::QUANTUM_FLASH, 1.0f, 0, ship->GetRegion());
- sim->RequestHyperJump(ship, rgn, obj_hyper->GetLocation(), trans, fc1, fc2);
- ShipStats* stats = ShipStats::Find(ship->Name());
- stats->AddEvent(SimEvent::QUANTUM_JUMP, rgn->Name());
- }
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-NetPlayer::DoObjTarget(NetObjTarget* obj_target)
- if (ship && obj_target) {
- DWORD tgtid = obj_target->GetTgtID();
- int subid = obj_target->GetSubtarget();
- SimObject* target = 0;
- System* subtgt = 0;
- NetGame* net_game = NetGame::GetInstance();
- if (net_game && tgtid) {
- target = net_game->FindShipByObjID(tgtid);
- if (target) {
- if (subid >= 0) {
- Ship* tgt_ship = (Ship*) target;
- subtgt = tgt_ship->Systems().at(subid);
- }
- }
- else {
- target = net_game->FindShotByObjID(tgtid);
- }
- }
- ship->SetTarget(target, subtgt, true); // from net = true (don't resend)
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-NetPlayer::DoObjEmcon(NetObjEmcon* obj_emcon)
- if (ship && obj_emcon) {
- int emcon = obj_emcon->GetEMCON();
- ship->SetEMCON(emcon, true); // from net = true (don't resend)
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-NetPlayer::DoWepTrigger(NetWepTrigger* trigger)
- if (ship && trigger) {
- int index = trigger->GetIndex();
- int count = trigger->GetCount();
- DWORD tgtid = trigger->GetTgtID();
- int subid = trigger->GetSubtarget();
- bool decoy = trigger->GetDecoy();
- bool probe = trigger->GetProbe();
- Weapon* w = 0;
- if (decoy) w = ship->GetDecoy();
- else if (probe) w = ship->GetProbeLauncher();
- else w = ship->GetWeaponByIndex(index);
- if (w) {
- SimObject* target = 0;
- System* subtgt = 0;
- NetGame* net_game = NetGame::GetInstance();
- if (net_game) {
- target = net_game->FindShipByObjID(tgtid);
- if (target) {
- if (subid >= 0) {
- Ship* tgt_ship = (Ship*) target;
- subtgt = tgt_ship->Systems().at(subid);
- }
- }
- else {
- target = net_game->FindShotByObjID(tgtid);
- }
- // re-broadcast:
- if (net_game->IsServer()) {
- if (w->IsPrimary()) {
- w->NetFirePrimary(target, subtgt, count);
- net_game->SendData(trigger);
- }
- else {
- DWORD wepid = NetGame::GetNextObjID(NetGame::SHOT);
- Shot* shot = w->NetFireSecondary(target, subtgt, wepid);
- if (shot && shot->IsDrone()) {
- if (probe)
- ship->SetProbe((Drone*) shot);
- else if (decoy)
- ship->AddActiveDecoy((Drone*) shot);
- }
- NetWepRelease release;
- release.SetObjID(objid);
- release.SetTgtID(tgtid);
- release.SetSubtarget(subid);
- release.SetWepID(wepid);
- release.SetIndex(index);
- release.SetDecoy(decoy);
- release.SetProbe(probe);
- net_game->SendData(&release);
- }
- }
- else {
- if (w->IsPrimary()) {
- w->NetFirePrimary(target, subtgt, count);
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
-NetPlayer::DoWepRelease(NetWepRelease* release)
- if (ship && release) {
- int index = release->GetIndex();
- DWORD tgtid = release->GetTgtID();
- DWORD wepid = release->GetWepID();
- int subid = release->GetSubtarget();
- bool decoy = release->GetDecoy();
- bool probe = release->GetProbe();
- Weapon* w = 0;
- if (decoy) w = ship->GetDecoy();
- else if (probe) w = ship->GetProbeLauncher();
- else w = ship->GetWeaponByIndex(index);
- if (w && !w->IsPrimary()) {
- SimObject* target = 0;
- System* subtgt = 0;
- NetGame* net_game = NetGame::GetInstance();
- if (net_game) {
- target = net_game->FindShipByObjID(tgtid);
- if (target) {
- if (subid >= 0) {
- Ship* tgt_ship = (Ship*) target;
- subtgt = tgt_ship->Systems().at(subid);
- }
- }
- else {
- target = net_game->FindShotByObjID(tgtid);
- }
- }
- Shot* shot = w->NetFireSecondary(target, subtgt, wepid);
- if (shot && shot->IsDrone()) {
- if (probe)
- ship->SetProbe((Drone*) shot);
- else if (decoy)
- ship->AddActiveDecoy((Drone*) shot);
- }
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
-NetPlayer::DoCommMessage(NetCommMsg* comm_msg)
- if (ship && comm_msg) {
- RadioTraffic* traffic = RadioTraffic::GetInstance();
- RadioMessage* radio_msg = comm_msg->GetRadioMessage();
- if (traffic && radio_msg) {
- if (radio_msg->DestinationElem() || radio_msg->DestinationShip()) {
- // radio traffic owns the sent message,
- // so we must give it a cloned object that is
- // safe to delete:
- traffic->SendMessage(new RadioMessage(*radio_msg));
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-NetPlayer::DoSysDamage(NetSysDamage* sys_damage)
- if (ship && sys_damage) {
- System* sys = ship->GetSystem(sys_damage->GetSystem());
- ship->InflictNetSystemDamage( sys,
- sys_damage->GetDamage(),
- sys_damage->GetDamageType());
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-NetPlayer::DoSysStatus(NetSysStatus* sys_status)
- if (ship && sys_status) {
- System* sys = ship->GetSystem(sys_status->GetSystem());
- ship->SetNetSystemStatus( sys,
- sys_status->GetStatus(),
- sys_status->GetPower(),
- sys_status->GetReactor(),
- sys_status->GetAvailability());
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-NetPlayer::ExecFrame(double seconds)
- if (ship) {
- // bleed off the location error:
- if (loc_error.length() > 0 && bleed_time > 0) {
- double fragment = std::min(seconds / BLEED, bleed_time);
- ship->MoveTo(ship->Location() + loc_error * fragment);
- bleed_time -= fragment;
- }
- // update the ship location by dead reckoning:
- ship->MoveTo(ship->Location() + ship->Velocity() * seconds);
- // let the FLCS run, so that the drive flares will work:
- ship->ExecFLCSFrame();
- // now update the graphic rep and light sources:
- if (ship->Rep()) {
- ship->Rep()->MoveTo(ship->Location());
- ship->Rep()->SetOrientation(ship->Cam().Orientation());
- }
- if (ship->LightSrc()) {
- ship->LightSrc()->MoveTo(ship->Location());
- }
- }
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-NetPlayer::Update(SimObject* obj)
- if (obj == ship) {
- ship = 0;
- }
- return SimObserver::Update(obj);
-const char*
-NetPlayer::GetObserverName() const
- return "NetPlayer";