path: root/Opcode/OPC_PlanesCollider.cpp
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1 files changed, 653 insertions, 653 deletions
diff --git a/Opcode/OPC_PlanesCollider.cpp b/Opcode/OPC_PlanesCollider.cpp
index 2ee6686..2f827f7 100644
--- a/Opcode/OPC_PlanesCollider.cpp
+++ b/Opcode/OPC_PlanesCollider.cpp
@@ -1,653 +1,653 @@
- * OPCODE - Optimized Collision Detection
- * Copyright (C) 2001 Pierre Terdiman
- * Homepage:
- */
- * Contains code for a planes collider.
- * \file OPC_PlanesCollider.cpp
- * \author Pierre Terdiman
- * \date January, 1st, 2002
- */
- * Contains a Planes-vs-tree collider.
- *
- * \class PlanesCollider
- * \author Pierre Terdiman
- * \version 1.3
- * \date January, 1st, 2002
-// Precompiled Header
-#include "StdAfx.h"
-using namespace Opcode;
-#include "OPC_PlanesAABBOverlap.h"
-#include "OPC_PlanesTriOverlap.h"
-#define SET_CONTACT(prim_index, flag) \
- /* Set contact status */ \
- mFlags |= flag; \
- mTouchedPrimitives->Add(prim_index);
-//! Planes-triangle test
-#define PLANES_PRIM(prim_index, flag) \
- /* Request vertices from the app */ \
- mIMesh->GetTriangle(mVP, prim_index); \
- /* Perform triangle-box overlap test */ \
- if(PlanesTriOverlap(clip_mask)) \
- { \
- SET_CONTACT(prim_index, flag) \
- }
- * Constructor.
- */
-PlanesCollider::PlanesCollider() :
- mPlanes (null),
- mNbPlanes (0)
- * Destructor.
- */
- * Validates current settings. You should call this method after all the settings and callbacks have been defined.
- * \return null if everything is ok, else a string describing the problem
- */
-const char* PlanesCollider::ValidateSettings()
- if(TemporalCoherenceEnabled() && !FirstContactEnabled()) return "Temporal coherence only works with ""First contact"" mode!";
- return VolumeCollider::ValidateSettings();
- * Generic collision query for generic OPCODE models. After the call, access the results:
- * - with GetContactStatus()
- * - with GetNbTouchedPrimitives()
- * - with GetTouchedPrimitives()
- *
- * \param cache [in/out] a planes cache
- * \param planes [in] list of planes in world space
- * \param nb_planes [in] number of planes
- * \param model [in] Opcode model to collide with
- * \param worldm [in] model's world matrix, or null
- * \return true if success
- * \warning SCALE NOT SUPPORTED. The matrices must contain rotation & translation parts only.
- */
-bool PlanesCollider::Collide(PlanesCache& cache, const IcePlane* planes, udword nb_planes, const Model& model, const Matrix4x4* worldm)
- // Checkings
- if(!Setup(&model)) return false;
- // Init collision query
- if(InitQuery(cache, planes, nb_planes, worldm)) return true;
- udword PlaneMask = (1<<nb_planes)-1;
- if(!model.HasLeafNodes())
- {
- if(model.IsQuantized())
- {
- const AABBQuantizedNoLeafTree* Tree = (const AABBQuantizedNoLeafTree*)model.GetTree();
- // Setup dequantization coeffs
- mCenterCoeff = Tree->mCenterCoeff;
- mExtentsCoeff = Tree->mExtentsCoeff;
- // Perform collision query
- if(SkipPrimitiveTests()) _CollideNoPrimitiveTest(Tree->GetNodes(), PlaneMask);
- else _Collide(Tree->GetNodes(), PlaneMask);
- }
- else
- {
- const AABBNoLeafTree* Tree = (const AABBNoLeafTree*)model.GetTree();
- // Perform collision query
- if(SkipPrimitiveTests()) _CollideNoPrimitiveTest(Tree->GetNodes(), PlaneMask);
- else _Collide(Tree->GetNodes(), PlaneMask);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if(model.IsQuantized())
- {
- const AABBQuantizedTree* Tree = (const AABBQuantizedTree*)model.GetTree();
- // Setup dequantization coeffs
- mCenterCoeff = Tree->mCenterCoeff;
- mExtentsCoeff = Tree->mExtentsCoeff;
- // Perform collision query
- if(SkipPrimitiveTests()) _CollideNoPrimitiveTest(Tree->GetNodes(), PlaneMask);
- else _Collide(Tree->GetNodes(), PlaneMask);
- }
- else
- {
- const AABBCollisionTree* Tree = (const AABBCollisionTree*)model.GetTree();
- // Perform collision query
- if(SkipPrimitiveTests()) _CollideNoPrimitiveTest(Tree->GetNodes(), PlaneMask);
- else _Collide(Tree->GetNodes(), PlaneMask);
- }
- }
- return true;
- * Initializes a collision query :
- * - reset stats & contact status
- * - compute planes in model space
- * - check temporal coherence
- *
- * \param cache [in/out] a planes cache
- * \param planes [in] list of planes
- * \param nb_planes [in] number of planes
- * \param worldm [in] model's world matrix, or null
- * \return TRUE if we can return immediately
- * \warning SCALE NOT SUPPORTED. The matrix must contain rotation & translation parts only.
- */
-BOOL PlanesCollider::InitQuery(PlanesCache& cache, const IcePlane* planes, udword nb_planes, const Matrix4x4* worldm)
- // 1) Call the base method
- VolumeCollider::InitQuery();
- // 2) Compute planes in model space
- if(nb_planes>mNbPlanes)
- {
- mPlanes = new IcePlane[nb_planes];
- }
- mNbPlanes = nb_planes;
- if(worldm)
- {
- Matrix4x4 InvWorldM;
- InvertPRMatrix(InvWorldM, *worldm);
-// for(udword i=0;i<nb_planes;i++) mPlanes[i] = planes[i] * InvWorldM;
- for(udword i=0;i<nb_planes;i++) TransformPlane(mPlanes[i], planes[i], InvWorldM);
- }
- else CopyMemory(mPlanes, planes, nb_planes*sizeof(IcePlane));
- // 3) Setup destination pointer
- mTouchedPrimitives = &cache.TouchedPrimitives;
- // 4) Special case: 1-triangle meshes [Opcode 1.3]
- if(mCurrentModel && mCurrentModel->HasSingleNode())
- {
- if(!SkipPrimitiveTests())
- {
- // We simply perform the BV-Prim overlap test each time. We assume single triangle has index 0.
- mTouchedPrimitives->Reset();
- // Perform overlap test between the unique triangle and the planes (and set contact status if needed)
- udword clip_mask = (1<<mNbPlanes)-1;
- // Return immediately regardless of status
- return TRUE;
- }
- }
- // 4) Check temporal coherence:
- if(TemporalCoherenceEnabled())
- {
- // Here we use temporal coherence
- // => check results from previous frame before performing the collision query
- if(FirstContactEnabled())
- {
- // We're only interested in the first contact found => test the unique previously touched face
- if(mTouchedPrimitives->GetNbEntries())
- {
- // Get index of previously touched face = the first entry in the array
- udword PreviouslyTouchedFace = mTouchedPrimitives->GetEntry(0);
- // Then reset the array:
- // - if the overlap test below is successful, the index we'll get added back anyway
- // - if it isn't, then the array should be reset anyway for the normal query
- mTouchedPrimitives->Reset();
- // Perform overlap test between the cached triangle and the planes (and set contact status if needed)
- udword clip_mask = (1<<mNbPlanes)-1;
- // Return immediately if possible
- if(GetContactStatus()) return TRUE;
- }
- // else no face has been touched during previous query
- // => we'll have to perform a normal query
- }
- else mTouchedPrimitives->Reset();
- }
- else
- {
- // Here we don't use temporal coherence => do a normal query
- mTouchedPrimitives->Reset();
- }
- return FALSE;
-#define TEST_CLIP_MASK \
- /* If the box is completely included, so are its children. We don't need to do extra tests, we */ \
- /* can immediately output a list of visible children. Those ones won't need to be clipped. */ \
- if(!OutClipMask) \
- { \
- /* Set contact status */ \
- mFlags |= OPC_CONTACT; \
- _Dump(node); \
- return; \
- }
- * Recursive collision query for normal AABB trees.
- * \param node [in] current collision node
- */
-void PlanesCollider::_Collide(const AABBCollisionNode* node, udword clip_mask)
- // Test the box against the planes. If the box is completely culled, so are its children, hence we exit.
- udword OutClipMask;
- if(!PlanesAABBOverlap(node->mAABB.mCenter, node->mAABB.mExtents, OutClipMask, clip_mask)) return;
- // Else the box straddles one or several planes, so we need to recurse down the tree.
- if(node->IsLeaf())
- {
- PLANES_PRIM(node->GetPrimitive(), OPC_CONTACT)
- }
- else
- {
- _Collide(node->GetPos(), OutClipMask);
- if(ContactFound()) return;
- _Collide(node->GetNeg(), OutClipMask);
- }
- * Recursive collision query for normal AABB trees.
- * \param node [in] current collision node
- */
-void PlanesCollider::_CollideNoPrimitiveTest(const AABBCollisionNode* node, udword clip_mask)
- // Test the box against the planes. If the box is completely culled, so are its children, hence we exit.
- udword OutClipMask;
- if(!PlanesAABBOverlap(node->mAABB.mCenter, node->mAABB.mExtents, OutClipMask, clip_mask)) return;
- // Else the box straddles one or several planes, so we need to recurse down the tree.
- if(node->IsLeaf())
- {
- SET_CONTACT(node->GetPrimitive(), OPC_CONTACT)
- }
- else
- {
- _CollideNoPrimitiveTest(node->GetPos(), OutClipMask);
- if(ContactFound()) return;
- _CollideNoPrimitiveTest(node->GetNeg(), OutClipMask);
- }
- * Recursive collision query for quantized AABB trees.
- * \param node [in] current collision node
- */
-void PlanesCollider::_Collide(const AABBQuantizedNode* node, udword clip_mask)
- // Dequantize box
- const QuantizedAABB& Box = node->mAABB;
- const IcePoint Center(float(Box.mCenter[0]) * mCenterCoeff.x, float(Box.mCenter[1]) * mCenterCoeff.y, float(Box.mCenter[2]) * mCenterCoeff.z);
- const IcePoint Extents(float(Box.mExtents[0]) * mExtentsCoeff.x, float(Box.mExtents[1]) * mExtentsCoeff.y, float(Box.mExtents[2]) * mExtentsCoeff.z);
- // Test the box against the planes. If the box is completely culled, so are its children, hence we exit.
- udword OutClipMask;
- if(!PlanesAABBOverlap(Center, Extents, OutClipMask, clip_mask)) return;
- // Else the box straddles one or several planes, so we need to recurse down the tree.
- if(node->IsLeaf())
- {
- PLANES_PRIM(node->GetPrimitive(), OPC_CONTACT)
- }
- else
- {
- _Collide(node->GetPos(), OutClipMask);
- if(ContactFound()) return;
- _Collide(node->GetNeg(), OutClipMask);
- }
- * Recursive collision query for quantized AABB trees.
- * \param node [in] current collision node
- */
-void PlanesCollider::_CollideNoPrimitiveTest(const AABBQuantizedNode* node, udword clip_mask)
- // Dequantize box
- const QuantizedAABB& Box = node->mAABB;
- const IcePoint Center(float(Box.mCenter[0]) * mCenterCoeff.x, float(Box.mCenter[1]) * mCenterCoeff.y, float(Box.mCenter[2]) * mCenterCoeff.z);
- const IcePoint Extents(float(Box.mExtents[0]) * mExtentsCoeff.x, float(Box.mExtents[1]) * mExtentsCoeff.y, float(Box.mExtents[2]) * mExtentsCoeff.z);
- // Test the box against the planes. If the box is completely culled, so are its children, hence we exit.
- udword OutClipMask;
- if(!PlanesAABBOverlap(Center, Extents, OutClipMask, clip_mask)) return;
- // Else the box straddles one or several planes, so we need to recurse down the tree.
- if(node->IsLeaf())
- {
- SET_CONTACT(node->GetPrimitive(), OPC_CONTACT)
- }
- else
- {
- _CollideNoPrimitiveTest(node->GetPos(), OutClipMask);
- if(ContactFound()) return;
- _CollideNoPrimitiveTest(node->GetNeg(), OutClipMask);
- }
- * Recursive collision query for no-leaf AABB trees.
- * \param node [in] current collision node
- */
-void PlanesCollider::_Collide(const AABBNoLeafNode* node, udword clip_mask)
- // Test the box against the planes. If the box is completely culled, so are its children, hence we exit.
- udword OutClipMask;
- if(!PlanesAABBOverlap(node->mAABB.mCenter, node->mAABB.mExtents, OutClipMask, clip_mask)) return;
- // Else the box straddles one or several planes, so we need to recurse down the tree.
- if(node->HasPosLeaf()) { PLANES_PRIM(node->GetPosPrimitive(), OPC_CONTACT) }
- else _Collide(node->GetPos(), OutClipMask);
- if(ContactFound()) return;
- if(node->HasNegLeaf()) { PLANES_PRIM(node->GetNegPrimitive(), OPC_CONTACT) }
- else _Collide(node->GetNeg(), OutClipMask);
- * Recursive collision query for no-leaf AABB trees.
- * \param node [in] current collision node
- */
-void PlanesCollider::_CollideNoPrimitiveTest(const AABBNoLeafNode* node, udword clip_mask)
- // Test the box against the planes. If the box is completely culled, so are its children, hence we exit.
- udword OutClipMask;
- if(!PlanesAABBOverlap(node->mAABB.mCenter, node->mAABB.mExtents, OutClipMask, clip_mask)) return;
- // Else the box straddles one or several planes, so we need to recurse down the tree.
- if(node->HasPosLeaf()) { SET_CONTACT(node->GetPosPrimitive(), OPC_CONTACT) }
- else _CollideNoPrimitiveTest(node->GetPos(), OutClipMask);
- if(ContactFound()) return;
- if(node->HasNegLeaf()) { SET_CONTACT(node->GetNegPrimitive(), OPC_CONTACT) }
- else _CollideNoPrimitiveTest(node->GetNeg(), OutClipMask);
- * Recursive collision query for quantized no-leaf AABB trees.
- * \param node [in] current collision node
- */
-void PlanesCollider::_Collide(const AABBQuantizedNoLeafNode* node, udword clip_mask)
- // Dequantize box
- const QuantizedAABB& Box = node->mAABB;
- const IcePoint Center(float(Box.mCenter[0]) * mCenterCoeff.x, float(Box.mCenter[1]) * mCenterCoeff.y, float(Box.mCenter[2]) * mCenterCoeff.z);
- const IcePoint Extents(float(Box.mExtents[0]) * mExtentsCoeff.x, float(Box.mExtents[1]) * mExtentsCoeff.y, float(Box.mExtents[2]) * mExtentsCoeff.z);
- // Test the box against the planes. If the box is completely culled, so are its children, hence we exit.
- udword OutClipMask;
- if(!PlanesAABBOverlap(Center, Extents, OutClipMask, clip_mask)) return;
- // Else the box straddles one or several planes, so we need to recurse down the tree.
- if(node->HasPosLeaf()) { PLANES_PRIM(node->GetPosPrimitive(), OPC_CONTACT) }
- else _Collide(node->GetPos(), OutClipMask);
- if(ContactFound()) return;
- if(node->HasNegLeaf()) { PLANES_PRIM(node->GetNegPrimitive(), OPC_CONTACT) }
- else _Collide(node->GetNeg(), OutClipMask);
- * Recursive collision query for quantized no-leaf AABB trees.
- * \param node [in] current collision node
- */
-void PlanesCollider::_CollideNoPrimitiveTest(const AABBQuantizedNoLeafNode* node, udword clip_mask)
- // Dequantize box
- const QuantizedAABB& Box = node->mAABB;
- const IcePoint Center(float(Box.mCenter[0]) * mCenterCoeff.x, float(Box.mCenter[1]) * mCenterCoeff.y, float(Box.mCenter[2]) * mCenterCoeff.z);
- const IcePoint Extents(float(Box.mExtents[0]) * mExtentsCoeff.x, float(Box.mExtents[1]) * mExtentsCoeff.y, float(Box.mExtents[2]) * mExtentsCoeff.z);
- // Test the box against the planes. If the box is completely culled, so are its children, hence we exit.
- udword OutClipMask;
- if(!PlanesAABBOverlap(Center, Extents, OutClipMask, clip_mask)) return;
- // Else the box straddles one or several planes, so we need to recurse down the tree.
- if(node->HasPosLeaf()) { SET_CONTACT(node->GetPosPrimitive(), OPC_CONTACT) }
- else _CollideNoPrimitiveTest(node->GetPos(), OutClipMask);
- if(ContactFound()) return;
- if(node->HasNegLeaf()) { SET_CONTACT(node->GetNegPrimitive(), OPC_CONTACT) }
- else _CollideNoPrimitiveTest(node->GetNeg(), OutClipMask);
- * Constructor.
- */
- * Destructor.
- */
-bool HybridPlanesCollider::Collide(PlanesCache& cache, const IcePlane* planes, udword nb_planes, const HybridModel& model, const Matrix4x4* worldm)
- // We don't want primitive tests here!
- // Checkings
- if(!Setup(&model)) return false;
- // Init collision query
- if(InitQuery(cache, planes, nb_planes, worldm)) return true;
- // Special case for 1-leaf trees
- if(mCurrentModel && mCurrentModel->HasSingleNode())
- {
- // Here we're supposed to perform a normal query, except our tree has a single node, i.e. just a few triangles
- udword Nb = mIMesh->GetNbTriangles();
- // Loop through all triangles
- udword clip_mask = (1<<mNbPlanes)-1;
- for(udword i=0;i<Nb;i++)
- {
- }
- return true;
- }
- // Override destination array since we're only going to get leaf boxes here
- mTouchedBoxes.Reset();
- mTouchedPrimitives = &mTouchedBoxes;
- udword PlaneMask = (1<<nb_planes)-1;
- // Now, do the actual query against leaf boxes
- if(!model.HasLeafNodes())
- {
- if(model.IsQuantized())
- {
- const AABBQuantizedNoLeafTree* Tree = (const AABBQuantizedNoLeafTree*)model.GetTree();
- // Setup dequantization coeffs
- mCenterCoeff = Tree->mCenterCoeff;
- mExtentsCoeff = Tree->mExtentsCoeff;
- // Perform collision query - we don't want primitive tests here!
- _CollideNoPrimitiveTest(Tree->GetNodes(), PlaneMask);
- }
- else
- {
- const AABBNoLeafTree* Tree = (const AABBNoLeafTree*)model.GetTree();
- // Perform collision query - we don't want primitive tests here!
- _CollideNoPrimitiveTest(Tree->GetNodes(), PlaneMask);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if(model.IsQuantized())
- {
- const AABBQuantizedTree* Tree = (const AABBQuantizedTree*)model.GetTree();
- // Setup dequantization coeffs
- mCenterCoeff = Tree->mCenterCoeff;
- mExtentsCoeff = Tree->mExtentsCoeff;
- // Perform collision query - we don't want primitive tests here!
- _CollideNoPrimitiveTest(Tree->GetNodes(), PlaneMask);
- }
- else
- {
- const AABBCollisionTree* Tree = (const AABBCollisionTree*)model.GetTree();
- // Perform collision query - we don't want primitive tests here!
- _CollideNoPrimitiveTest(Tree->GetNodes(), PlaneMask);
- }
- }
- // We only have a list of boxes so far
- if(GetContactStatus())
- {
- // Reset contact status, since it currently only reflects collisions with leaf boxes
- Collider::InitQuery();
- // Change dest container so that we can use built-in overlap tests and get collided primitives
- cache.TouchedPrimitives.Reset();
- mTouchedPrimitives = &cache.TouchedPrimitives;
- // Read touched leaf boxes
- udword Nb = mTouchedBoxes.GetNbEntries();
- const udword* Touched = mTouchedBoxes.GetEntries();
- const LeafTriangles* LT = model.GetLeafTriangles();
- const udword* Indices = model.GetIndices();
- // Loop through touched leaves
- udword clip_mask = (1<<mNbPlanes)-1;
- while(Nb--)
- {
- const LeafTriangles& CurrentLeaf = LT[*Touched++];
- // Each leaf box has a set of triangles
- udword NbTris = CurrentLeaf.GetNbTriangles();
- if(Indices)
- {
- const udword* T = &Indices[CurrentLeaf.GetTriangleIndex()];
- // Loop through triangles and test each of them
- while(NbTris--)
- {
- udword TriangleIndex = *T++;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- udword BaseIndex = CurrentLeaf.GetTriangleIndex();
- // Loop through triangles and test each of them
- while(NbTris--)
- {
- udword TriangleIndex = BaseIndex++;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return true;
+ * OPCODE - Optimized Collision Detection
+ * Copyright (C) 2001 Pierre Terdiman
+ * Homepage:
+ */
+ * Contains code for a planes collider.
+ * \file OPC_PlanesCollider.cpp
+ * \author Pierre Terdiman
+ * \date January, 1st, 2002
+ */
+ * Contains a Planes-vs-tree collider.
+ *
+ * \class PlanesCollider
+ * \author Pierre Terdiman
+ * \version 1.3
+ * \date January, 1st, 2002
+// Precompiled Header
+#include "StdAfx.h"
+using namespace Opcode;
+#include "OPC_PlanesAABBOverlap.h"
+#include "OPC_PlanesTriOverlap.h"
+#define SET_CONTACT(prim_index, flag) \
+ /* Set contact status */ \
+ mFlags |= flag; \
+ mTouchedPrimitives->Add(prim_index);
+//! Planes-triangle test
+#define PLANES_PRIM(prim_index, flag) \
+ /* Request vertices from the app */ \
+ mIMesh->GetTriangle(mVP, prim_index); \
+ /* Perform triangle-box overlap test */ \
+ if(PlanesTriOverlap(clip_mask)) \
+ { \
+ SET_CONTACT(prim_index, flag) \
+ }
+ * Constructor.
+ */
+PlanesCollider::PlanesCollider() :
+ mPlanes (null),
+ mNbPlanes (0)
+ * Destructor.
+ */
+ * Validates current settings. You should call this method after all the settings and callbacks have been defined.
+ * \return null if everything is ok, else a string describing the problem
+ */
+const char* PlanesCollider::ValidateSettings()
+ if(TemporalCoherenceEnabled() && !FirstContactEnabled()) return "Temporal coherence only works with ""First contact"" mode!";
+ return VolumeCollider::ValidateSettings();
+ * Generic collision query for generic OPCODE models. After the call, access the results:
+ * - with GetContactStatus()
+ * - with GetNbTouchedPrimitives()
+ * - with GetTouchedPrimitives()
+ *
+ * \param cache [in/out] a planes cache
+ * \param planes [in] list of planes in world space
+ * \param nb_planes [in] number of planes
+ * \param model [in] Opcode model to collide with
+ * \param worldm [in] model's world matrix, or null
+ * \return true if success
+ * \warning SCALE NOT SUPPORTED. The matrices must contain rotation & translation parts only.
+ */
+bool PlanesCollider::Collide(PlanesCache& cache, const IcePlane* planes, udword nb_planes, const Model& model, const Matrix4x4* worldm)
+ // Checkings
+ if(!Setup(&model)) return false;
+ // Init collision query
+ if(InitQuery(cache, planes, nb_planes, worldm)) return true;
+ udword PlaneMask = (1<<nb_planes)-1;
+ if(!model.HasLeafNodes())
+ {
+ if(model.IsQuantized())
+ {
+ const AABBQuantizedNoLeafTree* Tree = (const AABBQuantizedNoLeafTree*)model.GetTree();
+ // Setup dequantization coeffs
+ mCenterCoeff = Tree->mCenterCoeff;
+ mExtentsCoeff = Tree->mExtentsCoeff;
+ // Perform collision query
+ if(SkipPrimitiveTests()) _CollideNoPrimitiveTest(Tree->GetNodes(), PlaneMask);
+ else _Collide(Tree->GetNodes(), PlaneMask);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const AABBNoLeafTree* Tree = (const AABBNoLeafTree*)model.GetTree();
+ // Perform collision query
+ if(SkipPrimitiveTests()) _CollideNoPrimitiveTest(Tree->GetNodes(), PlaneMask);
+ else _Collide(Tree->GetNodes(), PlaneMask);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(model.IsQuantized())
+ {
+ const AABBQuantizedTree* Tree = (const AABBQuantizedTree*)model.GetTree();
+ // Setup dequantization coeffs
+ mCenterCoeff = Tree->mCenterCoeff;
+ mExtentsCoeff = Tree->mExtentsCoeff;
+ // Perform collision query
+ if(SkipPrimitiveTests()) _CollideNoPrimitiveTest(Tree->GetNodes(), PlaneMask);
+ else _Collide(Tree->GetNodes(), PlaneMask);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const AABBCollisionTree* Tree = (const AABBCollisionTree*)model.GetTree();
+ // Perform collision query
+ if(SkipPrimitiveTests()) _CollideNoPrimitiveTest(Tree->GetNodes(), PlaneMask);
+ else _Collide(Tree->GetNodes(), PlaneMask);
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ * Initializes a collision query :
+ * - reset stats & contact status
+ * - compute planes in model space
+ * - check temporal coherence
+ *
+ * \param cache [in/out] a planes cache
+ * \param planes [in] list of planes
+ * \param nb_planes [in] number of planes
+ * \param worldm [in] model's world matrix, or null
+ * \return TRUE if we can return immediately
+ * \warning SCALE NOT SUPPORTED. The matrix must contain rotation & translation parts only.
+ */
+BOOL PlanesCollider::InitQuery(PlanesCache& cache, const IcePlane* planes, udword nb_planes, const Matrix4x4* worldm)
+ // 1) Call the base method
+ VolumeCollider::InitQuery();
+ // 2) Compute planes in model space
+ if(nb_planes>mNbPlanes)
+ {
+ mPlanes = new IcePlane[nb_planes];
+ }
+ mNbPlanes = nb_planes;
+ if(worldm)
+ {
+ Matrix4x4 InvWorldM;
+ InvertPRMatrix(InvWorldM, *worldm);
+// for(udword i=0;i<nb_planes;i++) mPlanes[i] = planes[i] * InvWorldM;
+ for(udword i=0;i<nb_planes;i++) TransformPlane(mPlanes[i], planes[i], InvWorldM);
+ }
+ else CopyMemory(mPlanes, planes, nb_planes*sizeof(IcePlane));
+ // 3) Setup destination pointer
+ mTouchedPrimitives = &cache.TouchedPrimitives;
+ // 4) Special case: 1-triangle meshes [Opcode 1.3]
+ if(mCurrentModel && mCurrentModel->HasSingleNode())
+ {
+ if(!SkipPrimitiveTests())
+ {
+ // We simply perform the BV-Prim overlap test each time. We assume single triangle has index 0.
+ mTouchedPrimitives->Reset();
+ // Perform overlap test between the unique triangle and the planes (and set contact status if needed)
+ udword clip_mask = (1<<mNbPlanes)-1;
+ // Return immediately regardless of status
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ // 4) Check temporal coherence:
+ if(TemporalCoherenceEnabled())
+ {
+ // Here we use temporal coherence
+ // => check results from previous frame before performing the collision query
+ if(FirstContactEnabled())
+ {
+ // We're only interested in the first contact found => test the unique previously touched face
+ if(mTouchedPrimitives->GetNbEntries())
+ {
+ // Get index of previously touched face = the first entry in the array
+ udword PreviouslyTouchedFace = mTouchedPrimitives->GetEntry(0);
+ // Then reset the array:
+ // - if the overlap test below is successful, the index we'll get added back anyway
+ // - if it isn't, then the array should be reset anyway for the normal query
+ mTouchedPrimitives->Reset();
+ // Perform overlap test between the cached triangle and the planes (and set contact status if needed)
+ udword clip_mask = (1<<mNbPlanes)-1;
+ // Return immediately if possible
+ if(GetContactStatus()) return TRUE;
+ }
+ // else no face has been touched during previous query
+ // => we'll have to perform a normal query
+ }
+ else mTouchedPrimitives->Reset();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Here we don't use temporal coherence => do a normal query
+ mTouchedPrimitives->Reset();
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+#define TEST_CLIP_MASK \
+ /* If the box is completely included, so are its children. We don't need to do extra tests, we */ \
+ /* can immediately output a list of visible children. Those ones won't need to be clipped. */ \
+ if(!OutClipMask) \
+ { \
+ /* Set contact status */ \
+ mFlags |= OPC_CONTACT; \
+ _Dump(node); \
+ return; \
+ }
+ * Recursive collision query for normal AABB trees.
+ * \param node [in] current collision node
+ */
+void PlanesCollider::_Collide(const AABBCollisionNode* node, udword clip_mask)
+ // Test the box against the planes. If the box is completely culled, so are its children, hence we exit.
+ udword OutClipMask;
+ if(!PlanesAABBOverlap(node->mAABB.mCenter, node->mAABB.mExtents, OutClipMask, clip_mask)) return;
+ // Else the box straddles one or several planes, so we need to recurse down the tree.
+ if(node->IsLeaf())
+ {
+ PLANES_PRIM(node->GetPrimitive(), OPC_CONTACT)
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _Collide(node->GetPos(), OutClipMask);
+ if(ContactFound()) return;
+ _Collide(node->GetNeg(), OutClipMask);
+ }
+ * Recursive collision query for normal AABB trees.
+ * \param node [in] current collision node
+ */
+void PlanesCollider::_CollideNoPrimitiveTest(const AABBCollisionNode* node, udword clip_mask)
+ // Test the box against the planes. If the box is completely culled, so are its children, hence we exit.
+ udword OutClipMask;
+ if(!PlanesAABBOverlap(node->mAABB.mCenter, node->mAABB.mExtents, OutClipMask, clip_mask)) return;
+ // Else the box straddles one or several planes, so we need to recurse down the tree.
+ if(node->IsLeaf())
+ {
+ SET_CONTACT(node->GetPrimitive(), OPC_CONTACT)
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _CollideNoPrimitiveTest(node->GetPos(), OutClipMask);
+ if(ContactFound()) return;
+ _CollideNoPrimitiveTest(node->GetNeg(), OutClipMask);
+ }
+ * Recursive collision query for quantized AABB trees.
+ * \param node [in] current collision node
+ */
+void PlanesCollider::_Collide(const AABBQuantizedNode* node, udword clip_mask)
+ // Dequantize box
+ const QuantizedAABB& Box = node->mAABB;
+ const IcePoint Center(float(Box.mCenter[0]) * mCenterCoeff.x, float(Box.mCenter[1]) * mCenterCoeff.y, float(Box.mCenter[2]) * mCenterCoeff.z);
+ const IcePoint Extents(float(Box.mExtents[0]) * mExtentsCoeff.x, float(Box.mExtents[1]) * mExtentsCoeff.y, float(Box.mExtents[2]) * mExtentsCoeff.z);
+ // Test the box against the planes. If the box is completely culled, so are its children, hence we exit.
+ udword OutClipMask;
+ if(!PlanesAABBOverlap(Center, Extents, OutClipMask, clip_mask)) return;
+ // Else the box straddles one or several planes, so we need to recurse down the tree.
+ if(node->IsLeaf())
+ {
+ PLANES_PRIM(node->GetPrimitive(), OPC_CONTACT)
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _Collide(node->GetPos(), OutClipMask);
+ if(ContactFound()) return;
+ _Collide(node->GetNeg(), OutClipMask);
+ }
+ * Recursive collision query for quantized AABB trees.
+ * \param node [in] current collision node
+ */
+void PlanesCollider::_CollideNoPrimitiveTest(const AABBQuantizedNode* node, udword clip_mask)
+ // Dequantize box
+ const QuantizedAABB& Box = node->mAABB;
+ const IcePoint Center(float(Box.mCenter[0]) * mCenterCoeff.x, float(Box.mCenter[1]) * mCenterCoeff.y, float(Box.mCenter[2]) * mCenterCoeff.z);
+ const IcePoint Extents(float(Box.mExtents[0]) * mExtentsCoeff.x, float(Box.mExtents[1]) * mExtentsCoeff.y, float(Box.mExtents[2]) * mExtentsCoeff.z);
+ // Test the box against the planes. If the box is completely culled, so are its children, hence we exit.
+ udword OutClipMask;
+ if(!PlanesAABBOverlap(Center, Extents, OutClipMask, clip_mask)) return;
+ // Else the box straddles one or several planes, so we need to recurse down the tree.
+ if(node->IsLeaf())
+ {
+ SET_CONTACT(node->GetPrimitive(), OPC_CONTACT)
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _CollideNoPrimitiveTest(node->GetPos(), OutClipMask);
+ if(ContactFound()) return;
+ _CollideNoPrimitiveTest(node->GetNeg(), OutClipMask);
+ }
+ * Recursive collision query for no-leaf AABB trees.
+ * \param node [in] current collision node
+ */
+void PlanesCollider::_Collide(const AABBNoLeafNode* node, udword clip_mask)
+ // Test the box against the planes. If the box is completely culled, so are its children, hence we exit.
+ udword OutClipMask;
+ if(!PlanesAABBOverlap(node->mAABB.mCenter, node->mAABB.mExtents, OutClipMask, clip_mask)) return;
+ // Else the box straddles one or several planes, so we need to recurse down the tree.
+ if(node->HasPosLeaf()) { PLANES_PRIM(node->GetPosPrimitive(), OPC_CONTACT) }
+ else _Collide(node->GetPos(), OutClipMask);
+ if(ContactFound()) return;
+ if(node->HasNegLeaf()) { PLANES_PRIM(node->GetNegPrimitive(), OPC_CONTACT) }
+ else _Collide(node->GetNeg(), OutClipMask);
+ * Recursive collision query for no-leaf AABB trees.
+ * \param node [in] current collision node
+ */
+void PlanesCollider::_CollideNoPrimitiveTest(const AABBNoLeafNode* node, udword clip_mask)
+ // Test the box against the planes. If the box is completely culled, so are its children, hence we exit.
+ udword OutClipMask;
+ if(!PlanesAABBOverlap(node->mAABB.mCenter, node->mAABB.mExtents, OutClipMask, clip_mask)) return;
+ // Else the box straddles one or several planes, so we need to recurse down the tree.
+ if(node->HasPosLeaf()) { SET_CONTACT(node->GetPosPrimitive(), OPC_CONTACT) }
+ else _CollideNoPrimitiveTest(node->GetPos(), OutClipMask);
+ if(ContactFound()) return;
+ if(node->HasNegLeaf()) { SET_CONTACT(node->GetNegPrimitive(), OPC_CONTACT) }
+ else _CollideNoPrimitiveTest(node->GetNeg(), OutClipMask);
+ * Recursive collision query for quantized no-leaf AABB trees.
+ * \param node [in] current collision node
+ */
+void PlanesCollider::_Collide(const AABBQuantizedNoLeafNode* node, udword clip_mask)
+ // Dequantize box
+ const QuantizedAABB& Box = node->mAABB;
+ const IcePoint Center(float(Box.mCenter[0]) * mCenterCoeff.x, float(Box.mCenter[1]) * mCenterCoeff.y, float(Box.mCenter[2]) * mCenterCoeff.z);
+ const IcePoint Extents(float(Box.mExtents[0]) * mExtentsCoeff.x, float(Box.mExtents[1]) * mExtentsCoeff.y, float(Box.mExtents[2]) * mExtentsCoeff.z);
+ // Test the box against the planes. If the box is completely culled, so are its children, hence we exit.
+ udword OutClipMask;
+ if(!PlanesAABBOverlap(Center, Extents, OutClipMask, clip_mask)) return;
+ // Else the box straddles one or several planes, so we need to recurse down the tree.
+ if(node->HasPosLeaf()) { PLANES_PRIM(node->GetPosPrimitive(), OPC_CONTACT) }
+ else _Collide(node->GetPos(), OutClipMask);
+ if(ContactFound()) return;
+ if(node->HasNegLeaf()) { PLANES_PRIM(node->GetNegPrimitive(), OPC_CONTACT) }
+ else _Collide(node->GetNeg(), OutClipMask);
+ * Recursive collision query for quantized no-leaf AABB trees.
+ * \param node [in] current collision node
+ */
+void PlanesCollider::_CollideNoPrimitiveTest(const AABBQuantizedNoLeafNode* node, udword clip_mask)
+ // Dequantize box
+ const QuantizedAABB& Box = node->mAABB;
+ const IcePoint Center(float(Box.mCenter[0]) * mCenterCoeff.x, float(Box.mCenter[1]) * mCenterCoeff.y, float(Box.mCenter[2]) * mCenterCoeff.z);
+ const IcePoint Extents(float(Box.mExtents[0]) * mExtentsCoeff.x, float(Box.mExtents[1]) * mExtentsCoeff.y, float(Box.mExtents[2]) * mExtentsCoeff.z);
+ // Test the box against the planes. If the box is completely culled, so are its children, hence we exit.
+ udword OutClipMask;
+ if(!PlanesAABBOverlap(Center, Extents, OutClipMask, clip_mask)) return;
+ // Else the box straddles one or several planes, so we need to recurse down the tree.
+ if(node->HasPosLeaf()) { SET_CONTACT(node->GetPosPrimitive(), OPC_CONTACT) }
+ else _CollideNoPrimitiveTest(node->GetPos(), OutClipMask);
+ if(ContactFound()) return;
+ if(node->HasNegLeaf()) { SET_CONTACT(node->GetNegPrimitive(), OPC_CONTACT) }
+ else _CollideNoPrimitiveTest(node->GetNeg(), OutClipMask);
+ * Constructor.
+ */
+ * Destructor.
+ */
+bool HybridPlanesCollider::Collide(PlanesCache& cache, const IcePlane* planes, udword nb_planes, const HybridModel& model, const Matrix4x4* worldm)
+ // We don't want primitive tests here!
+ // Checkings
+ if(!Setup(&model)) return false;
+ // Init collision query
+ if(InitQuery(cache, planes, nb_planes, worldm)) return true;
+ // Special case for 1-leaf trees
+ if(mCurrentModel && mCurrentModel->HasSingleNode())
+ {
+ // Here we're supposed to perform a normal query, except our tree has a single node, i.e. just a few triangles
+ udword Nb = mIMesh->GetNbTriangles();
+ // Loop through all triangles
+ udword clip_mask = (1<<mNbPlanes)-1;
+ for(udword i=0;i<Nb;i++)
+ {
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Override destination array since we're only going to get leaf boxes here
+ mTouchedBoxes.Reset();
+ mTouchedPrimitives = &mTouchedBoxes;
+ udword PlaneMask = (1<<nb_planes)-1;
+ // Now, do the actual query against leaf boxes
+ if(!model.HasLeafNodes())
+ {
+ if(model.IsQuantized())
+ {
+ const AABBQuantizedNoLeafTree* Tree = (const AABBQuantizedNoLeafTree*)model.GetTree();
+ // Setup dequantization coeffs
+ mCenterCoeff = Tree->mCenterCoeff;
+ mExtentsCoeff = Tree->mExtentsCoeff;
+ // Perform collision query - we don't want primitive tests here!
+ _CollideNoPrimitiveTest(Tree->GetNodes(), PlaneMask);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const AABBNoLeafTree* Tree = (const AABBNoLeafTree*)model.GetTree();
+ // Perform collision query - we don't want primitive tests here!
+ _CollideNoPrimitiveTest(Tree->GetNodes(), PlaneMask);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(model.IsQuantized())
+ {
+ const AABBQuantizedTree* Tree = (const AABBQuantizedTree*)model.GetTree();
+ // Setup dequantization coeffs
+ mCenterCoeff = Tree->mCenterCoeff;
+ mExtentsCoeff = Tree->mExtentsCoeff;
+ // Perform collision query - we don't want primitive tests here!
+ _CollideNoPrimitiveTest(Tree->GetNodes(), PlaneMask);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const AABBCollisionTree* Tree = (const AABBCollisionTree*)model.GetTree();
+ // Perform collision query - we don't want primitive tests here!
+ _CollideNoPrimitiveTest(Tree->GetNodes(), PlaneMask);
+ }
+ }
+ // We only have a list of boxes so far
+ if(GetContactStatus())
+ {
+ // Reset contact status, since it currently only reflects collisions with leaf boxes
+ Collider::InitQuery();
+ // Change dest container so that we can use built-in overlap tests and get collided primitives
+ cache.TouchedPrimitives.Reset();
+ mTouchedPrimitives = &cache.TouchedPrimitives;
+ // Read touched leaf boxes
+ udword Nb = mTouchedBoxes.GetNbEntries();
+ const udword* Touched = mTouchedBoxes.GetEntries();
+ const LeafTriangles* LT = model.GetLeafTriangles();
+ const udword* Indices = model.GetIndices();
+ // Loop through touched leaves
+ udword clip_mask = (1<<mNbPlanes)-1;
+ while(Nb--)
+ {
+ const LeafTriangles& CurrentLeaf = LT[*Touched++];
+ // Each leaf box has a set of triangles
+ udword NbTris = CurrentLeaf.GetNbTriangles();
+ if(Indices)
+ {
+ const udword* T = &Indices[CurrentLeaf.GetTriangleIndex()];
+ // Loop through triangles and test each of them
+ while(NbTris--)
+ {
+ udword TriangleIndex = *T++;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ udword BaseIndex = CurrentLeaf.GetTriangleIndex();
+ // Loop through triangles and test each of them
+ while(NbTris--)
+ {
+ udword TriangleIndex = BaseIndex++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;