path: root/Magic2/ModelFileMAG.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Magic2/ModelFileMAG.cpp')
1 files changed, 849 insertions, 825 deletions
diff --git a/Magic2/ModelFileMAG.cpp b/Magic2/ModelFileMAG.cpp
index 953f22d..51c6a46 100644
--- a/Magic2/ModelFileMAG.cpp
+++ b/Magic2/ModelFileMAG.cpp
@@ -1,825 +1,849 @@
-/* Project Magic 2.0
- Destroyer Studios LLC
- Copyright © 1997-2004. All Rights Reserved.
- SUBSYSTEM: Magic.exe
- FILE: ModelFileMAG.cpp
- AUTHOR: John DiCamillo
- ========
- File loader for MAG format models
-#include "stdafx.h"
-#include "Magic.h"
-#include "MagicDoc.h"
-#include "ModelFileMAG.h"
-#include "Bitmap.h"
-#include "Polygon.h"
-#include "List.h"
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-struct MaterialMag6 {
- char name[Material::NAMELEN];
- char shader[Material::NAMELEN];
- float power; // highlight sharpness (big=shiny)
- float brilliance; // diffuse power function
- float bump; // bump level (0=none)
- DWORD blend; // alpha blend type
- bool shadow; // material casts shadow
- bool luminous; // verts have their own lighting
- Color ambient_color;
- Color diffuse_color;
- Color specular_color;
- Color emissive_color;
- float ambient_value;
- float diffuse_value;
- float specular_value;
- float emissive_value;
- BYTE tex_diffuse;
- BYTE tex_specular;
- BYTE tex_bumpmap;
- BYTE tex_emissive;
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-ModelFileMAG::ModelFileMAG(const char* fname)
- : ModelFile(fname)
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-ModelFileMAG::Load(Model* m, double scale)
- if (m && scale > 0 && strlen(filename) > 0) {
- ModelFile::Load(m, scale);
- bool result = false;
- FILE* fp = fopen(filename, "rb");
- // check MAG file:
- if (!fp) {
- ::MessageBox(0, "File Open Failed:\nMagic could not open the requested file.", "ERROR", MB_OK);
- return result;
- }
- ZeroMemory(pname, 64);
- strncpy(pname, filename, 63);
- char file_id[5];
- fread(file_id, 4, 1, fp);
- file_id[4] = '\0';
- int version = 1;
- if (!strcmp(file_id, "MAG6")) {
- version = 6;
- }
- else if (!strcmp(file_id, "MAG5")) {
- version = 5;
- }
- else if (!strcmp(file_id, "MAG4")) {
- version = 4;
- }
- else {
- ::MessageBox(0, "File Open Failed:\nThe requested file uses an invalid format.", "ERROR", MB_OK);
- fclose(fp);
- return result;
- }
- // get ready to load, delete existing model:
- m->GetSurfaces().destroy();
- m->GetMaterials().destroy();
- *pnverts = 0;
- *pnpolys = 0;
- // now load the model:
- switch (version) {
- case 4:
- case 5:
- result = LoadMag5(fp, m, scale);
- break;
- case 6:
- result = LoadMag6(fp, m, scale);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- fclose(fp);
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-ModelFileMAG::Save(Model* m)
- if (m) {
- ModelFile::Save(m);
- FILE* fp = fopen(filename, "wb");
- if (!fp) {
- ::MessageBox(0, "Save Failed:\nMagic could not open the file for writing.", "ERROR", MB_OK);
- return FALSE;
- }
- fwrite("MAG6", 4, 1, fp);
- int i = 0;
- int ntex = 0;
- int nmtls = 0;
- int nsurfs = m->NumSurfaces();
- List<Bitmap> textures;
- ListIter<Material> m_iter = m->GetMaterials();
- while (++m_iter) {
- Material* mtl = m_iter.value();
- Bitmap* bmp = mtl->tex_diffuse;
- if (bmp && !textures.contains(bmp)) {
- textures.append(bmp);
- }
- bmp = mtl->tex_specular;
- if (bmp && !textures.contains(bmp)) {
- textures.append(bmp);
- }
- bmp = mtl->tex_emissive;
- if (bmp && !textures.contains(bmp)) {
- textures.append(bmp);
- }
- bmp = mtl->tex_bumpmap;
- if (bmp && !textures.contains(bmp)) {
- textures.append(bmp);
- }
- nmtls++;
- }
- ListIter<Bitmap> t_iter = textures;
- while (++t_iter) {
- Bitmap* bmp = t_iter.value();
- ntex += strlen(bmp->GetFilename()) + 1;
- }
- nsurfs = m->GetSurfaces().size();
- fwrite(&ntex, 4, 1, fp);
- fwrite(&nmtls, 4, 1, fp);
- fwrite(&nsurfs, 4, 1, fp);
- if (ntex) {
- t_iter.reset();
- while (++t_iter) {
- Bitmap* bmp = t_iter.value();
- fwrite(bmp->GetFilename(),
- strlen(bmp->GetFilename()) + 1,
- 1,
- fp);
- }
- }
- if (nmtls) {
- m_iter.reset();
- while (++m_iter) {
- Material* mtl = m_iter.value();
- MaterialMag6 m6;
- ZeroMemory(&m6, sizeof(m6));
- CopyMemory(, mtl->name, Material::NAMELEN);
- CopyMemory(m6.shader, mtl->shader, Material::NAMELEN);
- m6.ambient_value = mtl->ambient_value;
- m6.ambient_color = mtl->ambient_color;
- m6.diffuse_value = mtl->diffuse_value;
- m6.diffuse_color = mtl->diffuse_color;
- m6.specular_value = mtl->specular_value;
- m6.specular_color = mtl->specular_color;
- m6.emissive_value = mtl->emissive_value;
- m6.emissive_color = mtl->emissive_color;
- m6.power = mtl->power;
- m6.brilliance = mtl->brilliance;
- m6.bump = mtl->bump;
- m6.blend = mtl->blend;
- m6.shadow = mtl->shadow;
- m6.luminous = mtl->luminous;
- if (mtl->tex_diffuse)
- m6.tex_diffuse = textures.index(mtl->tex_diffuse) + 1;
- if (mtl->tex_specular)
- m6.tex_specular = textures.index(mtl->tex_specular) + 1;
- if (mtl->tex_emissive)
- m6.tex_emissive = textures.index(mtl->tex_emissive) + 1;
- if (mtl->tex_bumpmap)
- m6.tex_bumpmap = textures.index(mtl->tex_bumpmap) + 1;
- fwrite(&m6, sizeof(m6), 1, fp);
- }
- }
- ListIter<Surface> s_iter = m->GetSurfaces();
- while (++s_iter) {
- Surface* s = s_iter.value();
- int nverts = s->NumVerts();
- int npolys = s->NumPolys();
- BYTE namelen = strlen(s->Name()) + 1;
- fwrite(&nverts, 4, 1, fp);
- fwrite(&npolys, 4, 1, fp);
- fwrite(&namelen, 1, 1, fp);
- fwrite(s->Name(), 1, namelen, fp);
- VertexSet* vset = s->GetVertexSet();
- Poly* polys = s->GetPolys();
- // write vertex set:
- for (int v = 0; v < nverts; v++) {
- fwrite(&vset->loc[v], sizeof(float), 3, fp);
- fwrite(&vset->nrm[v], sizeof(float), 3, fp);
- fwrite(&vset->tu[v], sizeof(float), 1, fp);
- fwrite(&vset->tv[v], sizeof(float), 1, fp);
- }
- // write polys:
- for (int n = 0; n < npolys; n++) {
- Poly& poly = polys[n];
- BYTE poly_nverts = (BYTE) poly.nverts;
- BYTE material_index = 0;
- WORD poly_verts[8];
- m_iter.reset();
- while (++m_iter && !material_index) {
- if (poly.material == m_iter.value())
- material_index = m_iter.index() + 1;
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < poly_nverts; i++) {
- poly_verts[i] = poly.verts[i];
- }
- fwrite(&poly_nverts, sizeof(BYTE), 1, fp);
- fwrite(&material_index, sizeof(BYTE), 1, fp);
- fwrite(&poly_verts[0], sizeof(WORD), poly_nverts, fp);
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-struct HomogenousPlane
- double distance;
- double normal_x;
- double normal_y;
- double normal_z;
- double normal_w;
-static void LoadPlane(Plane& p, FILE* fp)
- HomogenousPlane tmp;
- fread(&tmp, sizeof(HomogenousPlane), 1, fp);
-static void LoadFlags(LPDWORD flags, FILE* fp)
- DWORD magic_flags;
- fread(&magic_flags, sizeof(DWORD), 1, fp);
- enum { FLAT_SHADED = 1,
- TRANSLUCENT = 4, \\ must swap
- CHROMAKEY = 8, // these two
- FOREGROUND = 16, -- not used
- WIREFRAME = 32, -- not used
- SPECULAR1 = 64,
- SPECULAR2 = 128 };
- ***/
- const DWORD magic_mask = 0x0fc3;
- *flags = magic_flags & magic_mask;
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-static int mcomp(const void* a, const void* b)
- Poly* pa = (Poly*) a;
- Poly* pb = (Poly*) b;
- if (pa->sortval == pb->sortval)
- return 0;
- if (pa->sortval < pb->sortval)
- return -1;
- return 1;
-ModelFileMAG::LoadMag5(FILE* fp, Model* m, double scale)
- bool result = false;
- int ntex = 0;
- int nsurfs = 0;
- double radius = 0;
- fread(&ntex, sizeof(ntex), 1, fp);
- fread(&nsurfs, sizeof(nsurfs), 1, fp);
- // create a default gray material:
- Material* mtl = new Material;
- if (mtl) {
- mtl->Ka = Color::DarkGray;
- mtl->Kd = Color::LightGray;
- mtl->Ks = ColorValue(0.1f,0.1f,0.1f);
- mtl->power = 10.0f;
- mtl->ambient_value = 0.2f;
- mtl->ambient_color = Color::DarkGray;
- mtl->diffuse_value = 0.8f;
- mtl->diffuse_color = Color::LightGray;
- mtl->specular_value = 0.5f;
- mtl->specular_color = Color::White;
- strcpy_s(mtl->name, "(default)");
- m->GetMaterials().append(mtl);
- }
- // read texture list:
- for (int i = 0; i < ntex; i++) {
- Material* mtl = new Material;
- char tname[32];
- if (mtl) {
- mtl->Ka = ColorValue(0.5f,0.5f,0.5f);
- mtl->Kd = ColorValue(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f);
- mtl->Ks = ColorValue(0.2f,0.2f,0.2f);
- mtl->power = 20.0f;
- mtl->ambient_value = 1.0f;
- mtl->ambient_color = Color::Gray;
- mtl->diffuse_value = 1.0f;
- mtl->diffuse_color = Color::White;
- mtl->specular_value = 0.2f;
- mtl->specular_color = Color::White;
- fread(tname, 32, 1, fp);
- LoadTexture(tname, mtl->tex_diffuse, Bitmap::BMP_SOLID);
- strcpy_s(mtl->name, tname);
- char* dot = strrchr(mtl->name, '.');
- if (dot)
- *dot = 0;
- char* plus = strrchr(mtl->name, '+');
- if (plus)
- *plus = 0;
- m->GetMaterials().append(mtl);
- }
- }
- int nverts = 0;
- int npolys = 0;
- fread(&nverts, 4, 1, fp);
- fread(&npolys, 4, 1, fp);
- // plan on creating four verts per poly:
- int mag_nverts = nverts;
- int next_vert = nverts;
- nverts = npolys * 4;
- Surface* s = new Surface;
- VertexSet* vset = 0;
- Poly* polys = 0;
- if (s) {
- s->SetName("default");
- s->CreateVerts(nverts);
- s->CreatePolys(npolys);
- vset = s->GetVertexSet();
- polys = s->GetPolys();
- ZeroMemory(vset->loc, nverts * sizeof(Vec3));
- ZeroMemory(vset->diffuse, nverts * sizeof(DWORD));
- ZeroMemory(vset->specular, nverts * sizeof(DWORD));
- ZeroMemory(vset->tu, nverts * sizeof(float));
- ZeroMemory(vset->tv, nverts * sizeof(float));
- ZeroMemory(vset->rw, nverts * sizeof(float));
- // read vertex set:
- int v;
- for (v = 0; v < mag_nverts; v++) {
- Vec3 vert, norm;
- DWORD vstate;
- fread(&vert, sizeof(Vec3), 1, fp);
- fread(&norm, sizeof(Vec3), 1, fp);
- fread(&vstate, sizeof(DWORD), 1, fp);
- vert.SwapYZ();
- vert *= (float) scale;
- norm.SwapYZ();
- vset->loc[v] = vert;
- vset->nrm[v] = norm;
- double d = vert.length();
- if (d > radius)
- radius = (float) d;
- }
- while (v < nverts)
- vset->nrm[v++] = Vec3(1,0,0);
- // read polys:
- Vec3 dummy_center;
- DWORD dummy_flags;
- DWORD dummy_color;
- int texture_num;
- int poly_nverts;
- int vert_index_buffer[32];
- float texture_index_buffer[32];
- for (int n = 0; n < npolys; n++) {
- Poly& poly = polys[n];
- poly.vertex_set = vset;
- fread(&dummy_flags, sizeof(DWORD), 1, fp);
- fread(&dummy_center, sizeof(Vec3), 1, fp);
- LoadPlane(poly.plane, fp);
- fread(&dummy_color, sizeof(DWORD), 1, fp);
- fread(&texture_num, sizeof(int), 1, fp);
- if (texture_num >= 0 && texture_num < ntex) {
- texture_num++;
- poly.material = m->GetMaterials()[texture_num];
- poly.sortval = texture_num;
- if (dummy_flags & 2) { // luminous
- Material* mtl = m->GetMaterials()[texture_num];
- mtl->ambient_value = 0.0f;
- mtl->ambient_color = Color::Black;
- mtl->diffuse_value = 0.0f;
- mtl->diffuse_color = Color::Black;
- mtl->specular_value = 0.0f;
- mtl->specular_color = Color::Black;
- mtl->emissive_value = 1.0f;
- mtl->emissive_color = Color::White;
- mtl->Ka = ColorValue(0,0,0,0);
- mtl->Kd = ColorValue(0,0,0,0);
- mtl->Ks = ColorValue(0,0,0,0);
- mtl->Ke = ColorValue(1,1,1,1);
- mtl->tex_emissive = mtl->tex_diffuse;
- }
- }
- else {
- poly.material = m->GetMaterials().first(); // default material
- poly.sortval = 1000;
- }
- // hack: store flat shaded flag in unused visible byte
- poly.visible = (BYTE) (dummy_flags & 1);
- fread(&poly_nverts, sizeof(int), 1, fp);
- fread(vert_index_buffer, sizeof(int), poly_nverts, fp);
- if (poly_nverts == 3)
- s->AddIndices(3);
- else if (poly_nverts == 4)
- s->AddIndices(6);
- poly.nverts = poly_nverts;
- for (int vi = 0; vi < poly_nverts; vi++) {
- int v = vert_index_buffer[vi];
- if (vset->rw[v] > 0) {
- vset->CopyVertex(next_vert, v);
- v = next_vert++;
- }
- vset->rw[v] = 1;
- poly.verts[vi] = v;
- }
- fread(texture_index_buffer, sizeof(float), poly_nverts, fp); // tu's
- for (int vi = 0; vi < poly_nverts; vi++) {
- int v = poly.verts[vi];
- vset->tu[v] = texture_index_buffer[vi];
- }
- fread(texture_index_buffer, sizeof(float), poly_nverts, fp); // tv's
- for (int vi = 0; vi < poly_nverts; vi++) {
- int v = poly.verts[vi];
- vset->tv[v] = texture_index_buffer[vi];
- }
- DWORD unused[32];
- fread(unused, 16, 1, fp);
- }
- // pass 2 (adjust vertex normals for flat polys):
- for (int n = 0; n < npolys; n++) {
- Poly& poly = polys[n];
- poly.plane = Plane(vset->loc[poly.verts[0]],
- vset->loc[poly.verts[2]],
- vset->loc[poly.verts[1]]);
- // hack: retrieve flat shaded flag from unused visible byte
- if (poly.visible) {
- int poly_nverts = poly.nverts;
- for (int vi = 0; vi < poly_nverts; vi++) {
- int v = poly.verts[vi];
- vset->nrm[v] = poly.plane.normal;
- }
- }
- }
- // sort the polys by material index:
- qsort((void*) polys, npolys, sizeof(Poly), mcomp);
- // then assign them to cohesive segments:
- Segment* segment = 0;
- for (int n = 0; n < npolys; n++) {
- if (segment && segment->material == polys[n].material) {
- segment->npolys++;
- }
- else {
- segment = 0;
- }
- if (!segment) {
- segment = new Segment;
- segment->npolys = 1;
- segment->polys = &polys[n];
- segment->material = segment->polys->material;
- s->GetSegments().append(segment);
- }
- }
- s->BuildHull();
- m->GetSurfaces().append(s);
- *pnverts = nverts;
- *pnpolys = npolys;
- *pradius = (float) radius;
- result = nverts && npolys;
- }
- return result;
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-ModelFileMAG::LoadMag6(FILE* fp, Model* m, double scale)
- bool result = false;
- int i = 0;
- int ntex = 0;
- int nmtls = 0;
- int nsurfs = 0;
- double radius = 0;
- List<Bitmap> textures;
- fread(&ntex, sizeof(ntex), 1, fp); // size of texture block
- fread(&nmtls, sizeof(nmtls), 1, fp); // number of materials
- fread(&nsurfs, sizeof(nsurfs), 1, fp); // number of surfaces
- // read texture list:
- if (ntex) {
- char* buffer = new char[ntex];
- char* p = buffer;
- Bitmap* bmp = 0;
- fread(buffer, ntex, 1, fp);
- while (p < buffer + ntex) {
- LoadTexture(p, bmp, Bitmap::BMP_SOLID);
- textures.append(bmp);
- p += strlen(p) + 1;
- }
- delete [] buffer;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < nmtls; i++) {
- MaterialMag6 m6;
- Material* mtl = new Material;
- fread(&m6, sizeof(m6), 1, fp);
- if (mtl) {
- CopyMemory(mtl->name,, Material::NAMELEN);
- CopyMemory(mtl->shader, m6.shader, Material::NAMELEN);
- mtl->ambient_value = m6.ambient_value;
- mtl->ambient_color = m6.ambient_color;
- mtl->diffuse_value = m6.diffuse_value;
- mtl->diffuse_color = m6.diffuse_color;
- mtl->specular_value = m6.specular_value;
- mtl->specular_color = m6.specular_color;
- mtl->emissive_value = m6.emissive_value;
- mtl->emissive_color = m6.emissive_color;
- mtl->Ka = ColorValue(mtl->ambient_color) * mtl->ambient_value;
- mtl->Kd = ColorValue(mtl->diffuse_color) * mtl->diffuse_value;
- mtl->Ks = ColorValue(mtl->specular_color) * mtl->specular_value;
- mtl->Ke = ColorValue(mtl->emissive_color) * mtl->emissive_value;
- mtl->power = m6.power;
- mtl->brilliance = m6.brilliance;
- mtl->bump = m6.bump;
- mtl->blend = m6.blend;
- mtl->shadow = m6.shadow;
- mtl->luminous = m6.luminous;
- if (m6.tex_diffuse && m6.tex_diffuse <= textures.size())
- mtl->tex_diffuse = textures[m6.tex_diffuse - 1];
- if (m6.tex_specular && m6.tex_specular <= textures.size())
- mtl->tex_specular = textures[m6.tex_specular - 1];
- if (m6.tex_emissive && m6.tex_emissive <= textures.size())
- mtl->tex_emissive = textures[m6.tex_emissive - 1];
- if (m6.tex_bumpmap && m6.tex_bumpmap <= textures.size())
- mtl->tex_bumpmap = textures[m6.tex_bumpmap - 1];
- m->GetMaterials().append(mtl);
- }
- }
- for (i = 0; i < nsurfs; i++) {
- int nverts = 0;
- int npolys = 0;
- BYTE namelen = 0;
- char name[128];
- fread(&nverts, 4, 1, fp);
- fread(&npolys, 4, 1, fp);
- fread(&namelen, 1, 1, fp);
- fread(name, 1, namelen, fp);
- Surface* surface = new Surface;
- surface->SetName(name);
- surface->CreateVerts(nverts);
- surface->CreatePolys(npolys);
- VertexSet* vset = surface->GetVertexSet();
- Poly* polys = surface->GetPolys();
- ZeroMemory(polys, sizeof(Poly) * npolys);
- // read vertex set:
- for (int v = 0; v < nverts; v++) {
- fread(&vset->loc[v], sizeof(float), 3, fp);
- fread(&vset->nrm[v], sizeof(float), 3, fp);
- fread(&vset->tu[v], sizeof(float), 1, fp);
- fread(&vset->tv[v], sizeof(float), 1, fp);
- double d = vset->loc[v].length();
- if (d > radius)
- radius = d;
- }
- // read polys:
- for (int n = 0; n < npolys; n++) {
- Poly& poly = polys[n];
- BYTE poly_nverts = 0;
- BYTE material_index = 0;
- WORD poly_verts[8];
- fread(&poly_nverts, sizeof(BYTE), 1, fp);
- fread(&material_index, sizeof(BYTE), 1, fp);
- fread(&poly_verts[0], sizeof(WORD), poly_nverts, fp);
- if (poly_nverts >= 3) {
- poly.nverts = poly_nverts;
- for (int i = 0; i < poly_nverts; i++) {
- poly.verts[i] = poly_verts[i];
- }
- }
- else {
- poly.sortval = 666;
- }
- if (material_index > 0) {
- poly.material = m->GetMaterials()[material_index-1];
- poly.sortval = material_index;
- }
- else if (m->NumMaterials()) {
- poly.material = m->GetMaterials().first();
- poly.sortval = 1;
- }
- else {
- poly.sortval = 1000;
- }
- if (poly.nverts == 3)
- surface->AddIndices(3);
- else if (poly.nverts == 4)
- surface->AddIndices(6);
- poly.vertex_set = vset;
- poly.plane = Plane(vset->loc[poly.verts[0]],
- vset->loc[poly.verts[2]],
- vset->loc[poly.verts[1]]);
- }
- // sort the polys by material index:
- qsort((void*) polys, npolys, sizeof(Poly), mcomp);
- // then assign them to cohesive segments:
- Segment* segment = 0;
- for (int n = 0; n < npolys; n++) {
- if (segment && segment->material == polys[n].material) {
- segment->npolys++;
- }
- else {
- segment = 0;
- }
- if (!segment) {
- segment = new Segment;
- segment->npolys = 1;
- segment->polys = &polys[n];
- segment->material = segment->polys->material;
- surface->GetSegments().append(segment);
- }
- }
- surface->ComputeTangents();
- surface->BuildHull();
- m->GetSurfaces().append(surface);
- *pnverts = nverts;
- *pnpolys = npolys;
- *pradius = (float) radius;
- result = nverts && npolys;
- }
- return result;
+/* Starshatter OpenSource Distribution
+ Copyright (c) 1997-2004, Destroyer Studios LLC.
+ All Rights Reserved.
+ Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+ * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+ this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+ this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+ and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ * Neither the name "Destroyer Studios" nor the names of its contributors
+ may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+ without specific prior written permission.
+ SUBSYSTEM: Magic.exe
+ FILE: ModelFileMAG.cpp
+ AUTHOR: John DiCamillo
+ ========
+ File loader for MAG format models
+#include "stdafx.h"
+#include "Magic.h"
+#include "MagicDoc.h"
+#include "ModelFileMAG.h"
+#include "Bitmap.h"
+#include "Polygon.h"
+#include "List.h"
+// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
+struct MaterialMag6 {
+ char name[Material::NAMELEN];
+ char shader[Material::NAMELEN];
+ float power; // highlight sharpness (big=shiny)
+ float brilliance; // diffuse power function
+ float bump; // bump level (0=none)
+ DWORD blend; // alpha blend type
+ bool shadow; // material casts shadow
+ bool luminous; // verts have their own lighting
+ Color ambient_color;
+ Color diffuse_color;
+ Color specular_color;
+ Color emissive_color;
+ float ambient_value;
+ float diffuse_value;
+ float specular_value;
+ float emissive_value;
+ BYTE tex_diffuse;
+ BYTE tex_specular;
+ BYTE tex_bumpmap;
+ BYTE tex_emissive;
+// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ModelFileMAG::ModelFileMAG(const char* fname)
+ : ModelFile(fname)
+// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ModelFileMAG::Load(Model* m, double scale)
+ if (m && scale > 0 && strlen(filename) > 0) {
+ ModelFile::Load(m, scale);
+ bool result = false;
+ FILE* fp = fopen(filename, "rb");
+ // check MAG file:
+ if (!fp) {
+ ::MessageBox(0, "File Open Failed:\nMagic could not open the requested file.", "ERROR", MB_OK);
+ return result;
+ }
+ ZeroMemory(pname, 64);
+ strncpy(pname, filename, 63);
+ char file_id[5];
+ fread(file_id, 4, 1, fp);
+ file_id[4] = '\0';
+ int version = 1;
+ if (!strcmp(file_id, "MAG6")) {
+ version = 6;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(file_id, "MAG5")) {
+ version = 5;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(file_id, "MAG4")) {
+ version = 4;
+ }
+ else {
+ ::MessageBox(0, "File Open Failed:\nThe requested file uses an invalid format.", "ERROR", MB_OK);
+ fclose(fp);
+ return result;
+ }
+ // get ready to load, delete existing model:
+ m->GetSurfaces().destroy();
+ m->GetMaterials().destroy();
+ *pnverts = 0;
+ *pnpolys = 0;
+ // now load the model:
+ switch (version) {
+ case 4:
+ case 5:
+ result = LoadMag5(fp, m, scale);
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ result = LoadMag6(fp, m, scale);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ fclose(fp);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ModelFileMAG::Save(Model* m)
+ if (m) {
+ ModelFile::Save(m);
+ FILE* fp = fopen(filename, "wb");
+ if (!fp) {
+ ::MessageBox(0, "Save Failed:\nMagic could not open the file for writing.", "ERROR", MB_OK);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ fwrite("MAG6", 4, 1, fp);
+ int i = 0;
+ int ntex = 0;
+ int nmtls = 0;
+ int nsurfs = m->NumSurfaces();
+ List<Bitmap> textures;
+ ListIter<Material> m_iter = m->GetMaterials();
+ while (++m_iter) {
+ Material* mtl = m_iter.value();
+ Bitmap* bmp = mtl->tex_diffuse;
+ if (bmp && !textures.contains(bmp)) {
+ textures.append(bmp);
+ }
+ bmp = mtl->tex_specular;
+ if (bmp && !textures.contains(bmp)) {
+ textures.append(bmp);
+ }
+ bmp = mtl->tex_emissive;
+ if (bmp && !textures.contains(bmp)) {
+ textures.append(bmp);
+ }
+ bmp = mtl->tex_bumpmap;
+ if (bmp && !textures.contains(bmp)) {
+ textures.append(bmp);
+ }
+ nmtls++;
+ }
+ ListIter<Bitmap> t_iter = textures;
+ while (++t_iter) {
+ Bitmap* bmp = t_iter.value();
+ ntex += strlen(bmp->GetFilename()) + 1;
+ }
+ nsurfs = m->GetSurfaces().size();
+ fwrite(&ntex, 4, 1, fp);
+ fwrite(&nmtls, 4, 1, fp);
+ fwrite(&nsurfs, 4, 1, fp);
+ if (ntex) {
+ t_iter.reset();
+ while (++t_iter) {
+ Bitmap* bmp = t_iter.value();
+ fwrite(bmp->GetFilename(),
+ strlen(bmp->GetFilename()) + 1,
+ 1,
+ fp);
+ }
+ }
+ if (nmtls) {
+ m_iter.reset();
+ while (++m_iter) {
+ Material* mtl = m_iter.value();
+ MaterialMag6 m6;
+ ZeroMemory(&m6, sizeof(m6));
+ CopyMemory(, mtl->name, Material::NAMELEN);
+ CopyMemory(m6.shader, mtl->shader, Material::NAMELEN);
+ m6.ambient_value = mtl->ambient_value;
+ m6.ambient_color = mtl->ambient_color;
+ m6.diffuse_value = mtl->diffuse_value;
+ m6.diffuse_color = mtl->diffuse_color;
+ m6.specular_value = mtl->specular_value;
+ m6.specular_color = mtl->specular_color;
+ m6.emissive_value = mtl->emissive_value;
+ m6.emissive_color = mtl->emissive_color;
+ m6.power = mtl->power;
+ m6.brilliance = mtl->brilliance;
+ m6.bump = mtl->bump;
+ m6.blend = mtl->blend;
+ m6.shadow = mtl->shadow;
+ m6.luminous = mtl->luminous;
+ if (mtl->tex_diffuse)
+ m6.tex_diffuse = textures.index(mtl->tex_diffuse) + 1;
+ if (mtl->tex_specular)
+ m6.tex_specular = textures.index(mtl->tex_specular) + 1;
+ if (mtl->tex_emissive)
+ m6.tex_emissive = textures.index(mtl->tex_emissive) + 1;
+ if (mtl->tex_bumpmap)
+ m6.tex_bumpmap = textures.index(mtl->tex_bumpmap) + 1;
+ fwrite(&m6, sizeof(m6), 1, fp);
+ }
+ }
+ ListIter<Surface> s_iter = m->GetSurfaces();
+ while (++s_iter) {
+ Surface* s = s_iter.value();
+ int nverts = s->NumVerts();
+ int npolys = s->NumPolys();
+ BYTE namelen = strlen(s->Name()) + 1;
+ fwrite(&nverts, 4, 1, fp);
+ fwrite(&npolys, 4, 1, fp);
+ fwrite(&namelen, 1, 1, fp);
+ fwrite(s->Name(), 1, namelen, fp);
+ VertexSet* vset = s->GetVertexSet();
+ Poly* polys = s->GetPolys();
+ // write vertex set:
+ for (int v = 0; v < nverts; v++) {
+ fwrite(&vset->loc[v], sizeof(float), 3, fp);
+ fwrite(&vset->nrm[v], sizeof(float), 3, fp);
+ fwrite(&vset->tu[v], sizeof(float), 1, fp);
+ fwrite(&vset->tv[v], sizeof(float), 1, fp);
+ }
+ // write polys:
+ for (int n = 0; n < npolys; n++) {
+ Poly& poly = polys[n];
+ BYTE poly_nverts = (BYTE) poly.nverts;
+ BYTE material_index = 0;
+ WORD poly_verts[8];
+ m_iter.reset();
+ while (++m_iter && !material_index) {
+ if (poly.material == m_iter.value())
+ material_index = m_iter.index() + 1;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < poly_nverts; i++) {
+ poly_verts[i] = poly.verts[i];
+ }
+ fwrite(&poly_nverts, sizeof(BYTE), 1, fp);
+ fwrite(&material_index, sizeof(BYTE), 1, fp);
+ fwrite(&poly_verts[0], sizeof(WORD), poly_nverts, fp);
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
+struct HomogenousPlane
+ double distance;
+ double normal_x;
+ double normal_y;
+ double normal_z;
+ double normal_w;
+static void LoadPlane(Plane& p, FILE* fp)
+ HomogenousPlane tmp;
+ fread(&tmp, sizeof(HomogenousPlane), 1, fp);
+static void LoadFlags(LPDWORD flags, FILE* fp)
+ DWORD magic_flags;
+ fread(&magic_flags, sizeof(DWORD), 1, fp);
+ enum { FLAT_SHADED = 1,
+ TRANSLUCENT = 4, \\ must swap
+ CHROMAKEY = 8, // these two
+ FOREGROUND = 16, -- not used
+ WIREFRAME = 32, -- not used
+ SPECULAR1 = 64,
+ SPECULAR2 = 128 };
+ ***/
+ const DWORD magic_mask = 0x0fc3;
+ *flags = magic_flags & magic_mask;
+// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
+static int mcomp(const void* a, const void* b)
+ Poly* pa = (Poly*) a;
+ Poly* pb = (Poly*) b;
+ if (pa->sortval == pb->sortval)
+ return 0;
+ if (pa->sortval < pb->sortval)
+ return -1;
+ return 1;
+ModelFileMAG::LoadMag5(FILE* fp, Model* m, double scale)
+ bool result = false;
+ int ntex = 0;
+ int nsurfs = 0;
+ double radius = 0;
+ fread(&ntex, sizeof(ntex), 1, fp);
+ fread(&nsurfs, sizeof(nsurfs), 1, fp);
+ // create a default gray material:
+ Material* mtl = new Material;
+ if (mtl) {
+ mtl->Ka = Color::DarkGray;
+ mtl->Kd = Color::LightGray;
+ mtl->Ks = ColorValue(0.1f,0.1f,0.1f);
+ mtl->power = 10.0f;
+ mtl->ambient_value = 0.2f;
+ mtl->ambient_color = Color::DarkGray;
+ mtl->diffuse_value = 0.8f;
+ mtl->diffuse_color = Color::LightGray;
+ mtl->specular_value = 0.5f;
+ mtl->specular_color = Color::White;
+ strcpy_s(mtl->name, "(default)");
+ m->GetMaterials().append(mtl);
+ }
+ // read texture list:
+ for (int i = 0; i < ntex; i++) {
+ Material* mtl = new Material;
+ char tname[32];
+ if (mtl) {
+ mtl->Ka = ColorValue(0.5f,0.5f,0.5f);
+ mtl->Kd = ColorValue(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f);
+ mtl->Ks = ColorValue(0.2f,0.2f,0.2f);
+ mtl->power = 20.0f;
+ mtl->ambient_value = 1.0f;
+ mtl->ambient_color = Color::Gray;
+ mtl->diffuse_value = 1.0f;
+ mtl->diffuse_color = Color::White;
+ mtl->specular_value = 0.2f;
+ mtl->specular_color = Color::White;
+ fread(tname, 32, 1, fp);
+ LoadTexture(tname, mtl->tex_diffuse, Bitmap::BMP_SOLID);
+ strcpy_s(mtl->name, tname);
+ char* dot = strrchr(mtl->name, '.');
+ if (dot)
+ *dot = 0;
+ char* plus = strrchr(mtl->name, '+');
+ if (plus)
+ *plus = 0;
+ m->GetMaterials().append(mtl);
+ }
+ }
+ int nverts = 0;
+ int npolys = 0;
+ fread(&nverts, 4, 1, fp);
+ fread(&npolys, 4, 1, fp);
+ // plan on creating four verts per poly:
+ int mag_nverts = nverts;
+ int next_vert = nverts;
+ nverts = npolys * 4;
+ Surface* s = new Surface;
+ VertexSet* vset = 0;
+ Poly* polys = 0;
+ if (s) {
+ s->SetName("default");
+ s->CreateVerts(nverts);
+ s->CreatePolys(npolys);
+ vset = s->GetVertexSet();
+ polys = s->GetPolys();
+ ZeroMemory(vset->loc, nverts * sizeof(Vec3));
+ ZeroMemory(vset->diffuse, nverts * sizeof(DWORD));
+ ZeroMemory(vset->specular, nverts * sizeof(DWORD));
+ ZeroMemory(vset->tu, nverts * sizeof(float));
+ ZeroMemory(vset->tv, nverts * sizeof(float));
+ ZeroMemory(vset->rw, nverts * sizeof(float));
+ // read vertex set:
+ int v;
+ for (v = 0; v < mag_nverts; v++) {
+ Vec3 vert, norm;
+ DWORD vstate;
+ fread(&vert, sizeof(Vec3), 1, fp);
+ fread(&norm, sizeof(Vec3), 1, fp);
+ fread(&vstate, sizeof(DWORD), 1, fp);
+ vert.SwapYZ();
+ vert *= (float) scale;
+ norm.SwapYZ();
+ vset->loc[v] = vert;
+ vset->nrm[v] = norm;
+ double d = vert.length();
+ if (d > radius)
+ radius = (float) d;
+ }
+ while (v < nverts)
+ vset->nrm[v++] = Vec3(1,0,0);
+ // read polys:
+ Vec3 dummy_center;
+ DWORD dummy_flags;
+ DWORD dummy_color;
+ int texture_num;
+ int poly_nverts;
+ int vert_index_buffer[32];
+ float texture_index_buffer[32];
+ for (int n = 0; n < npolys; n++) {
+ Poly& poly = polys[n];
+ poly.vertex_set = vset;
+ fread(&dummy_flags, sizeof(DWORD), 1, fp);
+ fread(&dummy_center, sizeof(Vec3), 1, fp);
+ LoadPlane(poly.plane, fp);
+ fread(&dummy_color, sizeof(DWORD), 1, fp);
+ fread(&texture_num, sizeof(int), 1, fp);
+ if (texture_num >= 0 && texture_num < ntex) {
+ texture_num++;
+ poly.material = m->GetMaterials()[texture_num];
+ poly.sortval = texture_num;
+ if (dummy_flags & 2) { // luminous
+ Material* mtl = m->GetMaterials()[texture_num];
+ mtl->ambient_value = 0.0f;
+ mtl->ambient_color = Color::Black;
+ mtl->diffuse_value = 0.0f;
+ mtl->diffuse_color = Color::Black;
+ mtl->specular_value = 0.0f;
+ mtl->specular_color = Color::Black;
+ mtl->emissive_value = 1.0f;
+ mtl->emissive_color = Color::White;
+ mtl->Ka = ColorValue(0,0,0,0);
+ mtl->Kd = ColorValue(0,0,0,0);
+ mtl->Ks = ColorValue(0,0,0,0);
+ mtl->Ke = ColorValue(1,1,1,1);
+ mtl->tex_emissive = mtl->tex_diffuse;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ poly.material = m->GetMaterials().first(); // default material
+ poly.sortval = 1000;
+ }
+ // hack: store flat shaded flag in unused visible byte
+ poly.visible = (BYTE) (dummy_flags & 1);
+ fread(&poly_nverts, sizeof(int), 1, fp);
+ fread(vert_index_buffer, sizeof(int), poly_nverts, fp);
+ if (poly_nverts == 3)
+ s->AddIndices(3);
+ else if (poly_nverts == 4)
+ s->AddIndices(6);
+ poly.nverts = poly_nverts;
+ for (int vi = 0; vi < poly_nverts; vi++) {
+ int v = vert_index_buffer[vi];
+ if (vset->rw[v] > 0) {
+ vset->CopyVertex(next_vert, v);
+ v = next_vert++;
+ }
+ vset->rw[v] = 1;
+ poly.verts[vi] = v;
+ }
+ fread(texture_index_buffer, sizeof(float), poly_nverts, fp); // tu's
+ for (int vi = 0; vi < poly_nverts; vi++) {
+ int v = poly.verts[vi];
+ vset->tu[v] = texture_index_buffer[vi];
+ }
+ fread(texture_index_buffer, sizeof(float), poly_nverts, fp); // tv's
+ for (int vi = 0; vi < poly_nverts; vi++) {
+ int v = poly.verts[vi];
+ vset->tv[v] = texture_index_buffer[vi];
+ }
+ DWORD unused[32];
+ fread(unused, 16, 1, fp);
+ }
+ // pass 2 (adjust vertex normals for flat polys):
+ for (int n = 0; n < npolys; n++) {
+ Poly& poly = polys[n];
+ poly.plane = Plane(vset->loc[poly.verts[0]],
+ vset->loc[poly.verts[2]],
+ vset->loc[poly.verts[1]]);
+ // hack: retrieve flat shaded flag from unused visible byte
+ if (poly.visible) {
+ int poly_nverts = poly.nverts;
+ for (int vi = 0; vi < poly_nverts; vi++) {
+ int v = poly.verts[vi];
+ vset->nrm[v] = poly.plane.normal;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // sort the polys by material index:
+ qsort((void*) polys, npolys, sizeof(Poly), mcomp);
+ // then assign them to cohesive segments:
+ Segment* segment = 0;
+ for (int n = 0; n < npolys; n++) {
+ if (segment && segment->material == polys[n].material) {
+ segment->npolys++;
+ }
+ else {
+ segment = 0;
+ }
+ if (!segment) {
+ segment = new Segment;
+ segment->npolys = 1;
+ segment->polys = &polys[n];
+ segment->material = segment->polys->material;
+ s->GetSegments().append(segment);
+ }
+ }
+ s->BuildHull();
+ m->GetSurfaces().append(s);
+ *pnverts = nverts;
+ *pnpolys = npolys;
+ *pradius = (float) radius;
+ result = nverts && npolys;
+ }
+ return result;
+// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ModelFileMAG::LoadMag6(FILE* fp, Model* m, double scale)
+ bool result = false;
+ int i = 0;
+ int ntex = 0;
+ int nmtls = 0;
+ int nsurfs = 0;
+ double radius = 0;
+ List<Bitmap> textures;
+ fread(&ntex, sizeof(ntex), 1, fp); // size of texture block
+ fread(&nmtls, sizeof(nmtls), 1, fp); // number of materials
+ fread(&nsurfs, sizeof(nsurfs), 1, fp); // number of surfaces
+ // read texture list:
+ if (ntex) {
+ char* buffer = new char[ntex];
+ char* p = buffer;
+ Bitmap* bmp = 0;
+ fread(buffer, ntex, 1, fp);
+ while (p < buffer + ntex) {
+ LoadTexture(p, bmp, Bitmap::BMP_SOLID);
+ textures.append(bmp);
+ p += strlen(p) + 1;
+ }
+ delete [] buffer;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < nmtls; i++) {
+ MaterialMag6 m6;
+ Material* mtl = new Material;
+ fread(&m6, sizeof(m6), 1, fp);
+ if (mtl) {
+ CopyMemory(mtl->name,, Material::NAMELEN);
+ CopyMemory(mtl->shader, m6.shader, Material::NAMELEN);
+ mtl->ambient_value = m6.ambient_value;
+ mtl->ambient_color = m6.ambient_color;
+ mtl->diffuse_value = m6.diffuse_value;
+ mtl->diffuse_color = m6.diffuse_color;
+ mtl->specular_value = m6.specular_value;
+ mtl->specular_color = m6.specular_color;
+ mtl->emissive_value = m6.emissive_value;
+ mtl->emissive_color = m6.emissive_color;
+ mtl->Ka = ColorValue(mtl->ambient_color) * mtl->ambient_value;
+ mtl->Kd = ColorValue(mtl->diffuse_color) * mtl->diffuse_value;
+ mtl->Ks = ColorValue(mtl->specular_color) * mtl->specular_value;
+ mtl->Ke = ColorValue(mtl->emissive_color) * mtl->emissive_value;
+ mtl->power = m6.power;
+ mtl->brilliance = m6.brilliance;
+ mtl->bump = m6.bump;
+ mtl->blend = m6.blend;
+ mtl->shadow = m6.shadow;
+ mtl->luminous = m6.luminous;
+ if (m6.tex_diffuse && m6.tex_diffuse <= textures.size())
+ mtl->tex_diffuse = textures[m6.tex_diffuse - 1];
+ if (m6.tex_specular && m6.tex_specular <= textures.size())
+ mtl->tex_specular = textures[m6.tex_specular - 1];
+ if (m6.tex_emissive && m6.tex_emissive <= textures.size())
+ mtl->tex_emissive = textures[m6.tex_emissive - 1];
+ if (m6.tex_bumpmap && m6.tex_bumpmap <= textures.size())
+ mtl->tex_bumpmap = textures[m6.tex_bumpmap - 1];
+ m->GetMaterials().append(mtl);
+ }
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < nsurfs; i++) {
+ int nverts = 0;
+ int npolys = 0;
+ BYTE namelen = 0;
+ char name[128];
+ fread(&nverts, 4, 1, fp);
+ fread(&npolys, 4, 1, fp);
+ fread(&namelen, 1, 1, fp);
+ fread(name, 1, namelen, fp);
+ Surface* surface = new Surface;
+ surface->SetName(name);
+ surface->CreateVerts(nverts);
+ surface->CreatePolys(npolys);
+ VertexSet* vset = surface->GetVertexSet();
+ Poly* polys = surface->GetPolys();
+ ZeroMemory(polys, sizeof(Poly) * npolys);
+ // read vertex set:
+ for (int v = 0; v < nverts; v++) {
+ fread(&vset->loc[v], sizeof(float), 3, fp);
+ fread(&vset->nrm[v], sizeof(float), 3, fp);
+ fread(&vset->tu[v], sizeof(float), 1, fp);
+ fread(&vset->tv[v], sizeof(float), 1, fp);
+ double d = vset->loc[v].length();
+ if (d > radius)
+ radius = d;
+ }
+ // read polys:
+ for (int n = 0; n < npolys; n++) {
+ Poly& poly = polys[n];
+ BYTE poly_nverts = 0;
+ BYTE material_index = 0;
+ WORD poly_verts[8];
+ fread(&poly_nverts, sizeof(BYTE), 1, fp);
+ fread(&material_index, sizeof(BYTE), 1, fp);
+ fread(&poly_verts[0], sizeof(WORD), poly_nverts, fp);
+ if (poly_nverts >= 3) {
+ poly.nverts = poly_nverts;
+ for (int i = 0; i < poly_nverts; i++) {
+ poly.verts[i] = poly_verts[i];
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ poly.sortval = 666;
+ }
+ if (material_index > 0) {
+ poly.material = m->GetMaterials()[material_index-1];
+ poly.sortval = material_index;
+ }
+ else if (m->NumMaterials()) {
+ poly.material = m->GetMaterials().first();
+ poly.sortval = 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ poly.sortval = 1000;
+ }
+ if (poly.nverts == 3)
+ surface->AddIndices(3);
+ else if (poly.nverts == 4)
+ surface->AddIndices(6);
+ poly.vertex_set = vset;
+ poly.plane = Plane(vset->loc[poly.verts[0]],
+ vset->loc[poly.verts[2]],
+ vset->loc[poly.verts[1]]);
+ }
+ // sort the polys by material index:
+ qsort((void*) polys, npolys, sizeof(Poly), mcomp);
+ // then assign them to cohesive segments:
+ Segment* segment = 0;
+ for (int n = 0; n < npolys; n++) {
+ if (segment && segment->material == polys[n].material) {
+ segment->npolys++;
+ }
+ else {
+ segment = 0;
+ }
+ if (!segment) {
+ segment = new Segment;
+ segment->npolys = 1;
+ segment->polys = &polys[n];
+ segment->material = segment->polys->material;
+ surface->GetSegments().append(segment);
+ }
+ }
+ surface->ComputeTangents();
+ surface->BuildHull();
+ m->GetSurfaces().append(surface);
+ *pnverts = nverts;
+ *pnpolys = npolys;
+ *pradius = (float) radius;
+ result = nverts && npolys;
+ }
+ return result;