path: root/zlib/contrib/masmx86/inffas32.lst
diff options
authorYasha Jannoo <>2019-09-14 12:15:04 +0100
committerYasha Jannoo <>2019-09-14 12:51:21 +0100
commitf2e1338eba568ac7caa0051d57f1f6a10ae81801 (patch)
tree4a6589fb83fe95308b75a76505d97a972f2bd7be /zlib/contrib/masmx86/inffas32.lst
parente31b0c1803d976e29b258c7307e32fd0d63821e5 (diff)
Update zlib 3rd party code to v1.2.11
zlib source code, version 1.2.11. Include all the gynmastics involved in: - making sure we compile zlibstat and set the output files locations and filename to those expected by the starshatter setup. - turning off the ASM includes as they are invalid for the new versions of zlib (and crash when running). - matching the calling conventions of the Starshatter code by ommiting ZLIB_WINAPI from the zlib preprocessor defines. - fix debug build compile error in zlibstatic: This fixes some string warnings.
Diffstat (limited to 'zlib/contrib/masmx86/inffas32.lst')
1 files changed, 1224 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/zlib/contrib/masmx86/inffas32.lst b/zlib/contrib/masmx86/inffas32.lst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..025627c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zlib/contrib/masmx86/inffas32.lst
@@ -0,0 +1,1224 @@
+Microsoft (R) Macro Assembler Version 14.16.27031.1 09/14/19 11:35:23
+inffas32.asm Page 1 - 1
+ ;/* inffas32.asm is a hand tuned assembler version of inffast.c -- fast decoding
+ ; *
+ ; * inffas32.asm is derivated from inffas86.c, with translation of assembly code
+ ; *
+ ; * Copyright (C) 1995-2003 Mark Adler
+ ; * For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h
+ ; *
+ ; * Copyright (C) 2003 Chris Anderson <>
+ ; * Please use the copyright conditions above.
+ ; *
+ ; * Mar-13-2003 -- Most of this is derived from inffast.S which is derived from
+ ; * the gcc -S output of zlib-1.2.0/inffast.c. Zlib-1.2.0 is in beta release at
+ ; * the moment. I have successfully compiled and tested this code with gcc2.96,
+ ; * gcc3.2, icc5.0, msvc6.0. It is very close to the speed of inffast.S
+ ; * compiled with gcc -DNO_MMX, but inffast.S is still faster on the P3 with MMX
+ ; * enabled. I will attempt to merge the MMX code into this version. Newer
+ ; * versions of this and inffast.S can be found at
+ ; * and
+ ; *
+ ; * 2005 : modification by Gilles Vollant
+ ; */
+ ; For Visual C++ 4.x and higher and ML 6.x and higher
+ ; ml.exe is in directory \MASM611C of Win95 DDK
+ ; ml.exe is also distributed in
+ ; and in VC++2003 toolkit at
+ ;
+ ;
+ ; compile with command line option
+ ; ml /coff /Zi /c /Flinffas32.lst inffas32.asm
+ ; if you define NO_GZIP (see inflate.h), compile with
+ ; ml /coff /Zi /c /Flinffas32.lst /DNO_GUNZIP inffas32.asm
+ ; zlib122sup is 0 fort zlib and lower
+ ; zlib122sup is 8 fort zlib and more (with addition of dmax and head
+ ; in inflate_state in inflate.h)
+ = 00000008 zlib1222sup equ 8
+ = 0000000B INFLATE_MODE_TYPE equ 11
+ = 0000001A INFLATE_MODE_BAD equ 26
+ ; 75 "inffast.S"
+ ;FILE "inffast.S"
+ ;;;GLOBAL _inflate_fast
+ ;;;SECTION .text
+ .586p
+ .mmx
+ name inflate_fast_x86
+ 00000000 _DATA segment
+ 00000000 inflate_fast_use_mmx:
+ 00000000 00000001 dd 1
+ 00000000 _TEXT segment
+ 00000000 46 61 73 74 20 db 'Fast decoding Code from Chris Anderson'
+ 64 65 63 6F 64
+ 69 6E 67 20 43
+ 6F 64 65 20 66
+ 72 6F 6D 20 43
+ 68 72 69 73 20
+ 41 6E 64 65 72
+ 73 6F 6E
+ 00000026 00 db 0
+ 00000028 invalid_literal_length_code_msg:
+ 00000028 69 6E 76 61 6C db 'invalid literal/length code'
+ 69 64 20 6C 69
+ 74 65 72 61 6C
+ 2F 6C 65 6E 67
+ 74 68 20 63 6F
+ 64 65
+ 00000043 00 db 0
+ 00000044 invalid_distance_code_msg:
+ 00000044 69 6E 76 61 6C db 'invalid distance code'
+ 69 64 20 64 69
+ 73 74 61 6E 63
+ 65 20 63 6F 64
+ 65
+ 00000059 00 db 0
+ 0000005C invalid_distance_too_far_msg:
+ 0000005C 69 6E 76 61 6C db 'invalid distance too far back'
+ 69 64 20 64 69
+ 73 74 61 6E 63
+ 65 20 74 6F 6F
+ 20 66 61 72 20
+ 62 61 63 6B
+ 00000079 00 db 0
+ 0000007C inflate_fast_mask:
+ 0000007C 00000000 dd 0
+ 00000080 00000001 dd 1
+ 00000084 00000003 dd 3
+ 00000088 00000007 dd 7
+ 0000008C 0000000F dd 15
+ 00000090 0000001F dd 31
+ 00000094 0000003F dd 63
+ 00000098 0000007F dd 127
+ 0000009C 000000FF dd 255
+ 000000A0 000001FF dd 511
+ 000000A4 000003FF dd 1023
+ 000000A8 000007FF dd 2047
+ 000000AC 00000FFF dd 4095
+ 000000B0 00001FFF dd 8191
+ 000000B4 00003FFF dd 16383
+ 000000B8 00007FFF dd 32767
+ 000000BC 0000FFFF dd 65535
+ 000000C0 0001FFFF dd 131071
+ 000000C4 0003FFFF dd 262143
+ 000000C8 0007FFFF dd 524287
+ 000000CC 000FFFFF dd 1048575
+ 000000D0 001FFFFF dd 2097151
+ 000000D4 003FFFFF dd 4194303
+ 000000D8 007FFFFF dd 8388607
+ 000000DC 00FFFFFF dd 16777215
+ 000000E0 01FFFFFF dd 33554431
+ 000000E4 03FFFFFF dd 67108863
+ 000000E8 07FFFFFF dd 134217727
+ 000000EC 0FFFFFFF dd 268435455
+ 000000F0 1FFFFFFF dd 536870911
+ 000000F4 3FFFFFFF dd 1073741823
+ 000000F8 7FFFFFFF dd 2147483647
+ 000000FC FFFFFFFF dd 4294967295
+ = 00000000 mode_state equ 0 ;/* state->mode */
+ = 00000028 wsize_state equ (32+zlib1222sup) ;/* state->wsize */
+ = 00000030 write_state equ (36+4+zlib1222sup) ;/* state->write */
+ = 00000034 window_state equ (40+4+zlib1222sup) ;/* state->window */
+ = 00000038 hold_state equ (44+4+zlib1222sup) ;/* state->hold */
+ = 0000003C bits_state equ (48+4+zlib1222sup) ;/* state->bits */
+ = 0000004C lencode_state equ (64+4+zlib1222sup) ;/* state->lencode */
+ = 00000050 distcode_state equ (68+4+zlib1222sup) ;/* state->distcode */
+ = 00000054 lenbits_state equ (72+4+zlib1222sup) ;/* state->lenbits */
+ = 00000058 distbits_state equ (76+4+zlib1222sup) ;/* state->distbits */
+ ;;SECTION .text
+ ; 205 "inffast.S"
+ ;GLOBAL inflate_fast_use_mmx
+ ;SECTION .data
+ ; GLOBAL inflate_fast_use_mmx:object
+ ;.size inflate_fast_use_mmx, 4
+ ; 226 "inffast.S"
+ ;SECTION .text
+ 00000100 _inflate_fast proc near
+ 00000100 .FPO (16, 4, 0, 0, 1, 0)
+ 00000100 57 push edi
+ 00000101 56 push esi
+ 00000102 55 push ebp
+ 00000103 53 push ebx
+ 00000104 9C pushfd
+ 00000105 83 EC 40 sub esp,64
+ 00000108 FC cld
+ 00000109 8B 74 24 58 mov esi, [esp+88]
+ 0000010D 8B 7E 1C mov edi, [esi+28]
+ 00000110 8B 56 04 mov edx, [esi+4]
+ 00000113 8B 06 mov eax, [esi+0]
+ 00000115 03 D0 add edx,eax
+ 00000117 83 EA 0B sub edx,11
+ 0000011A 89 44 24 2C mov [esp+44],eax
+ 0000011E 89 54 24 14 mov [esp+20],edx
+ 00000122 8B 6C 24 5C mov ebp, [esp+92]
+ 00000126 8B 4E 10 mov ecx, [esi+16]
+ 00000129 8B 5E 0C mov ebx, [esi+12]
+ 0000012C 2B E9 sub ebp,ecx
+ 0000012E F7 DD neg ebp
+ 00000130 03 EB add ebp,ebx
+ 00000132 81 E9 00000101 sub ecx,257
+ 00000138 03 CB add ecx,ebx
+ 0000013A 89 5C 24 3C mov [esp+60],ebx
+ 0000013E 89 6C 24 28 mov [esp+40],ebp
+ 00000142 89 4C 24 10 mov [esp+16],ecx
+ ; 285 "inffast.S"
+ 00000146 8B 47 4C mov eax, [edi+lencode_state]
+ 00000149 8B 4F 50 mov ecx, [edi+distcode_state]
+ 0000014C 89 44 24 08 mov [esp+8],eax
+ 00000150 89 4C 24 0C mov [esp+12],ecx
+ 00000154 B8 00000001 mov eax,1
+ 00000159 8B 4F 54 mov ecx, [edi+lenbits_state]
+ 0000015C D3 E0 shl eax,cl
+ 0000015E 48 dec eax
+ 0000015F 89 04 24 mov [esp+0],eax
+ 00000162 B8 00000001 mov eax,1
+ 00000167 8B 4F 58 mov ecx, [edi+distbits_state]
+ 0000016A D3 E0 shl eax,cl
+ 0000016C 48 dec eax
+ 0000016D 89 44 24 04 mov [esp+4],eax
+ 00000171 8B 47 28 mov eax, [edi+wsize_state]
+ 00000174 8B 4F 30 mov ecx, [edi+write_state]
+ 00000177 8B 57 34 mov edx, [edi+window_state]
+ 0000017A 89 44 24 34 mov [esp+52],eax
+ 0000017E 89 4C 24 30 mov [esp+48],ecx
+ 00000182 89 54 24 38 mov [esp+56],edx
+ 00000186 8B 6F 38 mov ebp, [edi+hold_state]
+ 00000189 8B 5F 3C mov ebx, [edi+bits_state]
+ ; 321 "inffast.S"
+ 0000018C 8B 74 24 2C mov esi, [esp+44]
+ 00000190 8B 4C 24 14 mov ecx, [esp+20]
+ 00000194 3B CE cmp ecx,esi
+ 00000196 77 22 ja L_align_long
+ 00000198 83 C1 0B add ecx,11
+ 0000019B 2B CE sub ecx,esi
+ 0000019D B8 0000000C mov eax,12
+ 000001A2 2B C1 sub eax,ecx
+ 000001A4 8D 7C 24 1C lea edi, [esp+28]
+ 000001A8 F3/ A4 rep movsb
+ 000001AA 8B C8 mov ecx,eax
+ 000001AC 33 C0 xor eax,eax
+ 000001AE F3/ AA rep stosb
+ 000001B0 8D 74 24 1C lea esi, [esp+28]
+ 000001B4 89 74 24 14 mov [esp+20],esi
+ 000001B8 EB 18 jmp L_is_aligned
+ 000001BA L_align_long:
+ 000001BA F7 C6 00000003 test esi,3
+ 000001C0 74 10 jz L_is_aligned
+ 000001C2 33 C0 xor eax,eax
+ 000001C4 8A 06 mov al, [esi]
+ 000001C6 46 inc esi
+ 000001C7 8B CB mov ecx,ebx
+ 000001C9 83 C3 08 add ebx,8
+ 000001CC D3 E0 shl eax,cl
+ 000001CE 0B E8 or ebp,eax
+ 000001D0 EB E8 jmp L_align_long
+ 000001D2 L_is_aligned:
+ 000001D2 8B 7C 24 3C mov edi, [esp+60]
+ ; 366 "inffast.S"
+ 000001D6 L_check_mmx:
+ 000001D6 83 3D 00000000 R cmp dword ptr [inflate_fast_use_mmx],2
+ 02
+ 000001DD 0F 84 00000289 je L_init_mmx
+ 000001E3 77 6B ja L_do_loop
+ 000001E5 50 push eax
+ 000001E6 53 push ebx
+ 000001E7 51 push ecx
+ 000001E8 52 push edx
+ 000001E9 9C pushfd
+ 000001EA 8B 04 24 mov eax, [esp]
+ 000001ED 81 34 24 xor dword ptr [esp],0200000h
+ 00200000
+ 000001F4 9D popfd
+ 000001F5 9C pushfd
+ 000001F6 5A pop edx
+ 000001F7 33 D0 xor edx,eax
+ 000001F9 74 44 jz L_dont_use_mmx
+ 000001FB 33 C0 xor eax,eax
+ 000001FD 0F A2 cpuid
+ 000001FF 81 FB 756E6547 cmp ebx,0756e6547h
+ 00000205 75 38 jne L_dont_use_mmx
+ 00000207 81 F9 6C65746E cmp ecx,06c65746eh
+ 0000020D 75 30 jne L_dont_use_mmx
+ 0000020F 81 FA 49656E69 cmp edx,049656e69h
+ 00000215 75 28 jne L_dont_use_mmx
+ 00000217 B8 00000001 mov eax,1
+ 0000021C 0F A2 cpuid
+ 0000021E C1 E8 08 shr eax,8
+ 00000221 83 E0 0F and eax,15
+ 00000224 83 F8 06 cmp eax,6
+ 00000227 75 16 jne L_dont_use_mmx
+ 00000229 F7 C2 00800000 test edx,0800000h
+ 0000022F 75 02 jnz L_use_mmx
+ 00000231 EB 0C jmp L_dont_use_mmx
+ 00000233 L_use_mmx:
+ 00000233 C7 05 00000000 R mov dword ptr [inflate_fast_use_mmx],2
+ 00000002
+ 0000023D EB 0A jmp L_check_mmx_pop
+ 0000023F L_dont_use_mmx:
+ 0000023F C7 05 00000000 R mov dword ptr [inflate_fast_use_mmx],3
+ 00000003
+ 00000249 L_check_mmx_pop:
+ 00000249 5A pop edx
+ 0000024A 59 pop ecx
+ 0000024B 5B pop ebx
+ 0000024C 58 pop eax
+ 0000024D EB 87 jmp L_check_mmx
+ ; 426 "inffast.S"
+ 00000250 L_do_loop:
+ ; 437 "inffast.S"
+ 00000250 80 FB 0F cmp bl,15
+ 00000253 77 0D ja L_get_length_code
+ 00000255 33 C0 xor eax,eax
+ 00000257 66| AD lodsw
+ 00000259 8A CB mov cl,bl
+ 0000025B 80 C3 10 add bl,16
+ 0000025E D3 E0 shl eax,cl
+ 00000260 0B E8 or ebp,eax
+ 00000262 L_get_length_code:
+ 00000262 8B 14 24 mov edx, [esp+0]
+ 00000265 8B 4C 24 08 mov ecx, [esp+8]
+ 00000269 23 D5 and edx,ebp
+ 0000026B 8B 04 91 mov eax, [ecx+edx*4]
+ 0000026E L_dolen:
+ 0000026E 8A CC mov cl,ah
+ 00000270 2A DC sub bl,ah
+ 00000272 D3 ED shr ebp,cl
+ 00000274 84 C0 test al,al
+ 00000276 75 19 jnz L_test_for_length_base
+ 00000278 C1 E8 10 shr eax,16
+ 0000027B AA stosb
+ 0000027C L_while_test:
+ 0000027C 39 7C 24 10 cmp [esp+16],edi
+ 00000280 0F 86 00000462 jbe L_break_loop
+ 00000286 39 74 24 14 cmp [esp+20],esi
+ 0000028A 77 C4 ja L_do_loop
+ 0000028C E9 00000457 jmp L_break_loop
+ 00000291 L_test_for_length_base:
+ ; 502 "inffast.S"
+ 00000291 8B D0 mov edx,eax
+ 00000293 C1 EA 10 shr edx,16
+ 00000296 8A C8 mov cl,al
+ 00000298 A8 10 test al,16
+ 0000029A 0F 84 000000F4 jz L_test_for_second_level_length
+ 000002A0 80 E1 0F and cl,15
+ 000002A3 74 25 jz L_save_len
+ 000002A5 3A D9 cmp bl,cl
+ 000002A7 73 11 jae L_add_bits_to_len
+ 000002A9 8A E9 mov ch,cl
+ 000002AB 33 C0 xor eax,eax
+ 000002AD 66| AD lodsw
+ 000002AF 8A CB mov cl,bl
+ 000002B1 80 C3 10 add bl,16
+ 000002B4 D3 E0 shl eax,cl
+ 000002B6 0B E8 or ebp,eax
+ 000002B8 8A CD mov cl,ch
+ 000002BA L_add_bits_to_len:
+ 000002BA B8 00000001 mov eax,1
+ 000002BF D3 E0 shl eax,cl
+ 000002C1 48 dec eax
+ 000002C2 2A D9 sub bl,cl
+ 000002C4 23 C5 and eax,ebp
+ 000002C6 D3 ED shr ebp,cl
+ 000002C8 03 D0 add edx,eax
+ 000002CA L_save_len:
+ 000002CA 89 54 24 18 mov [esp+24],edx
+ 000002CE L_decode_distance:
+ ; 549 "inffast.S"
+ 000002CE 80 FB 0F cmp bl,15
+ 000002D1 77 0D ja L_get_distance_code
+ 000002D3 33 C0 xor eax,eax
+ 000002D5 66| AD lodsw
+ 000002D7 8A CB mov cl,bl
+ 000002D9 80 C3 10 add bl,16
+ 000002DC D3 E0 shl eax,cl
+ 000002DE 0B E8 or ebp,eax
+ 000002E0 L_get_distance_code:
+ 000002E0 8B 54 24 04 mov edx, [esp+4]
+ 000002E4 8B 4C 24 0C mov ecx, [esp+12]
+ 000002E8 23 D5 and edx,ebp
+ 000002EA 8B 04 91 mov eax, [ecx+edx*4]
+ 000002ED L_dodist:
+ 000002ED 8B D0 mov edx,eax
+ 000002EF C1 EA 10 shr edx,16
+ 000002F2 8A CC mov cl,ah
+ 000002F4 2A DC sub bl,ah
+ 000002F6 D3 ED shr ebp,cl
+ ; 584 "inffast.S"
+ 000002F8 8A C8 mov cl,al
+ 000002FA A8 10 test al,16
+ 000002FC 0F 84 000000B2 jz L_test_for_second_level_dist
+ 00000302 80 E1 0F and cl,15
+ 00000305 74 65 jz L_check_dist_one
+ 00000307 3A D9 cmp bl,cl
+ 00000309 73 11 jae L_add_bits_to_dist
+ 0000030B 8A E9 mov ch,cl
+ 0000030D 33 C0 xor eax,eax
+ 0000030F 66| AD lodsw
+ 00000311 8A CB mov cl,bl
+ 00000313 80 C3 10 add bl,16
+ 00000316 D3 E0 shl eax,cl
+ 00000318 0B E8 or ebp,eax
+ 0000031A 8A CD mov cl,ch
+ 0000031C L_add_bits_to_dist:
+ 0000031C B8 00000001 mov eax,1
+ 00000321 D3 E0 shl eax,cl
+ 00000323 48 dec eax
+ 00000324 2A D9 sub bl,cl
+ 00000326 23 C5 and eax,ebp
+ 00000328 D3 ED shr ebp,cl
+ 0000032A 03 D0 add edx,eax
+ 0000032C EB 00 jmp L_check_window
+ 0000032E L_check_window:
+ ; 625 "inffast.S"
+ 0000032E 89 74 24 2C mov [esp+44],esi
+ 00000332 8B C7 mov eax,edi
+ 00000334 2B 44 24 28 sub eax, [esp+40]
+ 00000338 3B C2 cmp eax,edx
+ 0000033A 0F 82 00000094 jb L_clip_window
+ 00000340 8B 4C 24 18 mov ecx, [esp+24]
+ 00000344 8B F7 mov esi,edi
+ 00000346 2B F2 sub esi,edx
+ 00000348 83 E9 03 sub ecx,3
+ 0000034B 8A 06 mov al, [esi]
+ 0000034D 88 07 mov [edi],al
+ 0000034F 8A 46 01 mov al, [esi+1]
+ 00000352 8A 56 02 mov dl, [esi+2]
+ 00000355 83 C6 03 add esi,3
+ 00000358 88 47 01 mov [edi+1],al
+ 0000035B 88 57 02 mov [edi+2],dl
+ 0000035E 83 C7 03 add edi,3
+ 00000361 F3/ A4 rep movsb
+ 00000363 8B 74 24 2C mov esi, [esp+44]
+ 00000367 E9 FFFFFF10 jmp L_while_test
+ 0000036C L_check_dist_one:
+ 0000036C 83 FA 01 cmp edx,1
+ 0000036F 75 BD jne L_check_window
+ 00000371 39 7C 24 28 cmp [esp+40],edi
+ 00000375 74 B7 je L_check_window
+ 00000377 4F dec edi
+ 00000378 8B 4C 24 18 mov ecx, [esp+24]
+ 0000037C 8A 07 mov al, [edi]
+ 0000037E 83 E9 03 sub ecx,3
+ 00000381 88 47 01 mov [edi+1],al
+ 00000384 88 47 02 mov [edi+2],al
+ 00000387 88 47 03 mov [edi+3],al
+ 0000038A 83 C7 04 add edi,4
+ 0000038D F3/ AA rep stosb
+ 0000038F E9 FFFFFEE8 jmp L_while_test
+ 00000394 L_test_for_second_level_length:
+ 00000394 A8 40 test al,64
+ 00000396 0F 85 0000030E jnz L_test_for_end_of_block
+ 0000039C B8 00000001 mov eax,1
+ 000003A1 D3 E0 shl eax,cl
+ 000003A3 48 dec eax
+ 000003A4 23 C5 and eax,ebp
+ 000003A6 03 C2 add eax,edx
+ 000003A8 8B 54 24 08 mov edx, [esp+8]
+ 000003AC 8B 04 82 mov eax, [edx+eax*4]
+ 000003AF E9 FFFFFEBA jmp L_dolen
+ 000003B4 L_test_for_second_level_dist:
+ 000003B4 A8 40 test al,64
+ 000003B6 0F 85 000002E2 jnz L_invalid_distance_code
+ 000003BC B8 00000001 mov eax,1
+ 000003C1 D3 E0 shl eax,cl
+ 000003C3 48 dec eax
+ 000003C4 23 C5 and eax,ebp
+ 000003C6 03 C2 add eax,edx
+ 000003C8 8B 54 24 0C mov edx, [esp+12]
+ 000003CC 8B 04 82 mov eax, [edx+eax*4]
+ 000003CF E9 FFFFFF19 jmp L_dodist
+ 000003D4 L_clip_window:
+ ; 721 "inffast.S"
+ 000003D4 8B C8 mov ecx,eax
+ 000003D6 8B 44 24 34 mov eax, [esp+52]
+ 000003DA F7 D9 neg ecx
+ 000003DC 8B 74 24 38 mov esi, [esp+56]
+ 000003E0 3B C2 cmp eax,edx
+ 000003E2 0F 82 000002DE jb L_invalid_distance_too_far
+ 000003E8 03 CA add ecx,edx
+ 000003EA 83 7C 24 30 00 cmp dword ptr [esp+48],0
+ 000003EF 75 24 jne L_wrap_around_window
+ 000003F1 2B C1 sub eax,ecx
+ 000003F3 03 F0 add esi,eax
+ ; 749 "inffast.S"
+ 000003F5 8B 44 24 18 mov eax, [esp+24]
+ 000003F9 3B C1 cmp eax,ecx
+ 000003FB 76 60 jbe L_do_copy1
+ 000003FD 2B C1 sub eax,ecx
+ 000003FF F3/ A4 rep movsb
+ 00000401 8B F7 mov esi,edi
+ 00000403 2B F2 sub esi,edx
+ 00000405 EB 56 jmp L_do_copy1
+ 00000407 3B C1 cmp eax,ecx
+ 00000409 76 52 jbe L_do_copy1
+ 0000040B 2B C1 sub eax,ecx
+ 0000040D F3/ A4 rep movsb
+ 0000040F 8B F7 mov esi,edi
+ 00000411 2B F2 sub esi,edx
+ 00000413 EB 48 jmp L_do_copy1
+ 00000415 L_wrap_around_window:
+ ; 793 "inffast.S"
+ 00000415 8B 44 24 30 mov eax, [esp+48]
+ 00000419 3B C8 cmp ecx,eax
+ 0000041B 76 2C jbe L_contiguous_in_window
+ 0000041D 03 74 24 34 add esi, [esp+52]
+ 00000421 03 F0 add esi,eax
+ 00000423 2B F1 sub esi,ecx
+ 00000425 2B C8 sub ecx,eax
+ 00000427 8B 44 24 18 mov eax, [esp+24]
+ 0000042B 3B C1 cmp eax,ecx
+ 0000042D 76 2E jbe L_do_copy1
+ 0000042F 2B C1 sub eax,ecx
+ 00000431 F3/ A4 rep movsb
+ 00000433 8B 74 24 38 mov esi, [esp+56]
+ 00000437 8B 4C 24 30 mov ecx, [esp+48]
+ 0000043B 3B C1 cmp eax,ecx
+ 0000043D 76 1E jbe L_do_copy1
+ 0000043F 2B C1 sub eax,ecx
+ 00000441 F3/ A4 rep movsb
+ 00000443 8B F7 mov esi,edi
+ 00000445 2B F2 sub esi,edx
+ 00000447 EB 14 jmp L_do_copy1
+ 00000449 L_contiguous_in_window:
+ ; 836 "inffast.S"
+ 00000449 03 F0 add esi,eax
+ 0000044B 2B F1 sub esi,ecx
+ 0000044D 8B 44 24 18 mov eax, [esp+24]
+ 00000451 3B C1 cmp eax,ecx
+ 00000453 76 08 jbe L_do_copy1
+ 00000455 2B C1 sub eax,ecx
+ 00000457 F3/ A4 rep movsb
+ 00000459 8B F7 mov esi,edi
+ 0000045B 2B F2 sub esi,edx
+ 0000045D L_do_copy1:
+ ; 862 "inffast.S"
+ 0000045D 8B C8 mov ecx,eax
+ 0000045F F3/ A4 rep movsb
+ 00000461 8B 74 24 2C mov esi, [esp+44]
+ 00000465 E9 FFFFFE12 jmp L_while_test
+ ; 878 "inffast.S"
+ 0000046C L_init_mmx:
+ 0000046C 0F 77 emms
+ 0000046E 0F 6E C5 movd mm0,ebp
+ 00000471 8B EB mov ebp,ebx
+ ; 896 "inffast.S"
+ 00000473 0F 6E 24 24 movd mm4,dword ptr [esp+0]
+ 00000477 0F 7F E3 movq mm3,mm4
+ 0000047A 0F 6E 6C 24 04 movd mm5,dword ptr [esp+4]
+ 0000047F 0F 7F EA movq mm2,mm5
+ 00000482 0F EF C9 pxor mm1,mm1
+ 00000485 8B 5C 24 08 mov ebx, [esp+8]
+ 00000489 EB 01 jmp L_do_loop_mmx
+ 0000048C L_do_loop_mmx:
+ 0000048C 0F D3 C1 psrlq mm0,mm1
+ 0000048F 83 FD 20 cmp ebp,32
+ 00000492 77 12 ja L_get_length_code_mmx
+ 00000494 0F 6E F5 movd mm6,ebp
+ 00000497 0F 6E 3E movd mm7,dword ptr [esi]
+ 0000049A 83 C6 04 add esi,4
+ 0000049D 0F F3 FE psllq mm7,mm6
+ 000004A0 83 C5 20 add ebp,32
+ 000004A3 0F EB C7 por mm0,mm7
+ 000004A6 L_get_length_code_mmx:
+ 000004A6 0F DB E0 pand mm4,mm0
+ 000004A9 0F 7E E0 movd eax,mm4
+ 000004AC 0F 7F DC movq mm4,mm3
+ 000004AF 8B 04 83 mov eax, [ebx+eax*4]
+ 000004B2 L_dolen_mmx:
+ 000004B2 0F B6 CC movzx ecx,ah
+ 000004B5 0F 6E C9 movd mm1,ecx
+ 000004B8 2B E9 sub ebp,ecx
+ 000004BA 84 C0 test al,al
+ 000004BC 75 19 jnz L_test_for_length_base_mmx
+ 000004BE C1 E8 10 shr eax,16
+ 000004C1 AA stosb
+ 000004C2 L_while_test_mmx:
+ 000004C2 39 7C 24 10 cmp [esp+16],edi
+ 000004C6 0F 86 0000021C jbe L_break_loop
+ 000004CC 39 74 24 14 cmp [esp+20],esi
+ 000004D0 77 BA ja L_do_loop_mmx
+ 000004D2 E9 00000211 jmp L_break_loop
+ 000004D7 L_test_for_length_base_mmx:
+ 000004D7 8B D0 mov edx,eax
+ 000004D9 C1 EA 10 shr edx,16
+ 000004DC A8 10 test al,16
+ 000004DE 0F 84 000000E0 jz L_test_for_second_level_length_mmx
+ 000004E4 83 E0 0F and eax,15
+ 000004E7 74 14 jz L_decode_distance_mmx
+ 000004E9 0F D3 C1 psrlq mm0,mm1
+ 000004EC 0F 6E C8 movd mm1,eax
+ 000004EF 0F 7E C1 movd ecx,mm0
+ 000004F2 2B E8 sub ebp,eax
+ 000004F4 23 0C 85 and ecx, [inflate_fast_mask+eax*4]
+ 0000007C R
+ 000004FB 03 D1 add edx,ecx
+ 000004FD L_decode_distance_mmx:
+ 000004FD 0F D3 C1 psrlq mm0,mm1
+ 00000500 83 FD 20 cmp ebp,32
+ 00000503 77 12 ja L_get_dist_code_mmx
+ 00000505 0F 6E F5 movd mm6,ebp
+ 00000508 0F 6E 3E movd mm7,dword ptr [esi]
+ 0000050B 83 C6 04 add esi,4
+ 0000050E 0F F3 FE psllq mm7,mm6
+ 00000511 83 C5 20 add ebp,32
+ 00000514 0F EB C7 por mm0,mm7
+ 00000517 L_get_dist_code_mmx:
+ 00000517 8B 5C 24 0C mov ebx, [esp+12]
+ 0000051B 0F DB E8 pand mm5,mm0
+ 0000051E 0F 7E E8 movd eax,mm5
+ 00000521 0F 7F D5 movq mm5,mm2
+ 00000524 8B 04 83 mov eax, [ebx+eax*4]
+ 00000527 L_dodist_mmx:
+ 00000527 0F B6 CC movzx ecx,ah
+ 0000052A 8B D8 mov ebx,eax
+ 0000052C C1 EB 10 shr ebx,16
+ 0000052F 2B E9 sub ebp,ecx
+ 00000531 0F 6E C9 movd mm1,ecx
+ 00000534 A8 10 test al,16
+ 00000536 0F 84 000000AC jz L_test_for_second_level_dist_mmx
+ 0000053C 83 E0 0F and eax,15
+ 0000053F 74 57 jz L_check_dist_one_mmx
+ 00000541 L_add_bits_to_dist_mmx:
+ 00000541 0F D3 C1 psrlq mm0,mm1
+ 00000544 0F 6E C8 movd mm1,eax
+ 00000547 0F 7E C1 movd ecx,mm0
+ 0000054A 2B E8 sub ebp,eax
+ 0000054C 23 0C 85 and ecx, [inflate_fast_mask+eax*4]
+ 0000007C R
+ 00000553 03 D9 add ebx,ecx
+ 00000555 L_check_window_mmx:
+ 00000555 89 74 24 2C mov [esp+44],esi
+ 00000559 8B C7 mov eax,edi
+ 0000055B 2B 44 24 28 sub eax, [esp+40]
+ 0000055F 3B C3 cmp eax,ebx
+ 00000561 0F 82 000000A9 jb L_clip_window_mmx
+ 00000567 8B CA mov ecx,edx
+ 00000569 8B F7 mov esi,edi
+ 0000056B 2B F3 sub esi,ebx
+ 0000056D 83 E9 03 sub ecx,3
+ 00000570 8A 06 mov al, [esi]
+ 00000572 88 07 mov [edi],al
+ 00000574 8A 46 01 mov al, [esi+1]
+ 00000577 8A 56 02 mov dl, [esi+2]
+ 0000057A 83 C6 03 add esi,3
+ 0000057D 88 47 01 mov [edi+1],al
+ 00000580 88 57 02 mov [edi+2],dl
+ 00000583 83 C7 03 add edi,3
+ 00000586 F3/ A4 rep movsb
+ 00000588 8B 74 24 2C mov esi, [esp+44]
+ 0000058C 8B 5C 24 08 mov ebx, [esp+8]
+ 00000590 E9 FFFFFF2D jmp L_while_test_mmx
+ 00000598 L_check_dist_one_mmx:
+ 00000598 83 FB 01 cmp ebx,1
+ 0000059B 75 B8 jne L_check_window_mmx
+ 0000059D 39 7C 24 28 cmp [esp+40],edi
+ 000005A1 74 B2 je L_check_window_mmx
+ 000005A3 4F dec edi
+ 000005A4 8B CA mov ecx,edx
+ 000005A6 8A 07 mov al, [edi]
+ 000005A8 83 E9 03 sub ecx,3
+ 000005AB 88 47 01 mov [edi+1],al
+ 000005AE 88 47 02 mov [edi+2],al
+ 000005B1 88 47 03 mov [edi+3],al
+ 000005B4 83 C7 04 add edi,4
+ 000005B7 F3/ AA rep stosb
+ 000005B9 8B 5C 24 08 mov ebx, [esp+8]
+ 000005BD E9 FFFFFF00 jmp L_while_test_mmx
+ 000005C4 L_test_for_second_level_length_mmx:
+ 000005C4 A8 40 test al,64
+ 000005C6 0F 85 000000DE jnz L_test_for_end_of_block
+ 000005CC 83 E0 0F and eax,15
+ 000005CF 0F D3 C1 psrlq mm0,mm1
+ 000005D2 0F 7E C1 movd ecx,mm0
+ 000005D5 23 0C 85 and ecx, [inflate_fast_mask+eax*4]
+ 0000007C R
+ 000005DC 03 CA add ecx,edx
+ 000005DE 8B 04 8B mov eax, [ebx+ecx*4]
+ 000005E1 E9 FFFFFECC jmp L_dolen_mmx
+ 000005E8 L_test_for_second_level_dist_mmx:
+ 000005E8 A8 40 test al,64
+ 000005EA 0F 85 000000AE jnz L_invalid_distance_code
+ 000005F0 83 E0 0F and eax,15
+ 000005F3 0F D3 C1 psrlq mm0,mm1
+ 000005F6 0F 7E C1 movd ecx,mm0
+ 000005F9 23 0C 85 and ecx, [inflate_fast_mask+eax*4]
+ 0000007C R
+ 00000600 8B 44 24 0C mov eax, [esp+12]
+ 00000604 03 CB add ecx,ebx
+ 00000606 8B 04 88 mov eax, [eax+ecx*4]
+ 00000609 E9 FFFFFF19 jmp L_dodist_mmx
+ 00000610 L_clip_window_mmx:
+ 00000610 8B C8 mov ecx,eax
+ 00000612 8B 44 24 34 mov eax, [esp+52]
+ 00000616 F7 D9 neg ecx
+ 00000618 8B 74 24 38 mov esi, [esp+56]
+ 0000061C 3B C3 cmp eax,ebx
+ 0000061E 0F 82 000000A2 jb L_invalid_distance_too_far
+ 00000624 03 CB add ecx,ebx
+ 00000626 83 7C 24 30 00 cmp dword ptr [esp+48],0
+ 0000062B 75 20 jne L_wrap_around_window_mmx
+ 0000062D 2B C1 sub eax,ecx
+ 0000062F 03 F0 add esi,eax
+ 00000631 3B D1 cmp edx,ecx
+ 00000633 76 58 jbe L_do_copy1_mmx
+ 00000635 2B D1 sub edx,ecx
+ 00000637 F3/ A4 rep movsb
+ 00000639 8B F7 mov esi,edi
+ 0000063B 2B F3 sub esi,ebx
+ 0000063D EB 4E jmp L_do_copy1_mmx
+ 0000063F 3B D1 cmp edx,ecx
+ 00000641 76 4A jbe L_do_copy1_mmx
+ 00000643 2B D1 sub edx,ecx
+ 00000645 F3/ A4 rep movsb
+ 00000647 8B F7 mov esi,edi
+ 00000649 2B F3 sub esi,ebx
+ 0000064B EB 40 jmp L_do_copy1_mmx
+ 0000064D L_wrap_around_window_mmx:
+ 0000064D 8B 44 24 30 mov eax, [esp+48]
+ 00000651 3B C8 cmp ecx,eax
+ 00000653 76 28 jbe L_contiguous_in_window_mmx
+ 00000655 03 74 24 34 add esi, [esp+52]
+ 00000659 03 F0 add esi,eax
+ 0000065B 2B F1 sub esi,ecx
+ 0000065D 2B C8 sub ecx,eax
+ 0000065F 3B D1 cmp edx,ecx
+ 00000661 76 2A jbe L_do_copy1_mmx
+ 00000663 2B D1 sub edx,ecx
+ 00000665 F3/ A4 rep movsb
+ 00000667 8B 74 24 38 mov esi, [esp+56]
+ 0000066B 8B 4C 24 30 mov ecx, [esp+48]
+ 0000066F 3B D1 cmp edx,ecx
+ 00000671 76 1A jbe L_do_copy1_mmx
+ 00000673 2B D1 sub edx,ecx
+ 00000675 F3/ A4 rep movsb
+ 00000677 8B F7 mov esi,edi
+ 00000679 2B F3 sub esi,ebx
+ 0000067B EB 10 jmp L_do_copy1_mmx
+ 0000067D L_contiguous_in_window_mmx:
+ 0000067D 03 F0 add esi,eax
+ 0000067F 2B F1 sub esi,ecx
+ 00000681 3B D1 cmp edx,ecx
+ 00000683 76 08 jbe L_do_copy1_mmx
+ 00000685 2B D1 sub edx,ecx
+ 00000687 F3/ A4 rep movsb
+ 00000689 8B F7 mov esi,edi
+ 0000068B 2B F3 sub esi,ebx
+ 0000068D L_do_copy1_mmx:
+ 0000068D 8B CA mov ecx,edx
+ 0000068F F3/ A4 rep movsb
+ 00000691 8B 74 24 2C mov esi, [esp+44]
+ 00000695 8B 5C 24 08 mov ebx, [esp+8]
+ 00000699 E9 FFFFFE24 jmp L_while_test_mmx
+ ; 1174 "inffast.S"
+ 0000069E L_invalid_distance_code:
+ 0000069E B9 00000044 R mov ecx, invalid_distance_code_msg
+ 000006A3 BA 0000001A mov edx,INFLATE_MODE_BAD
+ 000006A8 EB 2C jmp L_update_stream_state
+ 000006AA L_test_for_end_of_block:
+ 000006AA A8 20 test al,32
+ 000006AC 74 0C jz L_invalid_literal_length_code
+ 000006AE B9 00000000 mov ecx,0
+ 000006B3 BA 0000000B mov edx,INFLATE_MODE_TYPE
+ 000006B8 EB 1C jmp L_update_stream_state
+ 000006BA L_invalid_literal_length_code:
+ 000006BA B9 00000028 R mov ecx, invalid_literal_length_code_msg
+ 000006BF BA 0000001A mov edx,INFLATE_MODE_BAD
+ 000006C4 EB 10 jmp L_update_stream_state
+ 000006C6 L_invalid_distance_too_far:
+ 000006C6 8B 74 24 2C mov esi, [esp+44]
+ 000006CA B9 0000005C R mov ecx, invalid_distance_too_far_msg
+ 000006CF BA 0000001A mov edx,INFLATE_MODE_BAD
+ 000006D4 EB 00 jmp L_update_stream_state
+ 000006D6 L_update_stream_state:
+ 000006D6 8B 44 24 58 mov eax, [esp+88]
+ 000006DA 85 C9 test ecx,ecx
+ 000006DC 74 03 jz L_skip_msg
+ 000006DE 89 48 18 mov [eax+24],ecx
+ 000006E1 L_skip_msg:
+ 000006E1 8B 40 1C mov eax, [eax+28]
+ 000006E4 89 10 mov [eax+mode_state],edx
+ 000006E6 EB 00 jmp L_break_loop
+ 000006E8 L_break_loop:
+ ; 1243 "inffast.S"
+ 000006E8 83 3D 00000000 R cmp dword ptr [inflate_fast_use_mmx],2
+ 02
+ 000006EF 75 02 jne L_update_next_in
+ 000006F1 8B DD mov ebx,ebp
+ 000006F3 L_update_next_in:
+ ; 1266 "inffast.S"
+ 000006F3 8B 44 24 58 mov eax, [esp+88]
+ 000006F7 8B CB mov ecx,ebx
+ 000006F9 8B 50 1C mov edx, [eax+28]
+ 000006FC C1 E9 03 shr ecx,3
+ 000006FF 2B F1 sub esi,ecx
+ 00000701 C1 E1 03 shl ecx,3
+ 00000704 2B D9 sub ebx,ecx
+ 00000706 89 78 0C mov [eax+12],edi
+ 00000709 89 5A 3C mov [edx+bits_state],ebx
+ 0000070C 8B CB mov ecx,ebx
+ 0000070E 8D 5C 24 1C lea ebx, [esp+28]
+ 00000712 39 5C 24 14 cmp [esp+20],ebx
+ 00000716 75 14 jne L_buf_not_used
+ 00000718 2B F3 sub esi,ebx
+ 0000071A 8B 18 mov ebx, [eax+0]
+ 0000071C 89 5C 24 14 mov [esp+20],ebx
+ 00000720 03 F3 add esi,ebx
+ 00000722 8B 58 04 mov ebx, [eax+4]
+ 00000725 83 EB 0B sub ebx,11
+ 00000728 01 5C 24 14 add [esp+20],ebx
+ 0000072C L_buf_not_used:
+ 0000072C 89 30 mov [eax+0],esi
+ 0000072E BB 00000001 mov ebx,1
+ 00000733 D3 E3 shl ebx,cl
+ 00000735 4B dec ebx
+ 00000736 83 3D 00000000 R cmp dword ptr [inflate_fast_use_mmx],2
+ 02
+ 0000073D 75 08 jne L_update_hold
+ 0000073F 0F D3 C1 psrlq mm0,mm1
+ 00000742 0F 7E C5 movd ebp,mm0
+ 00000745 0F 77 emms
+ 00000747 L_update_hold:
+ 00000747 23 EB and ebp,ebx
+ 00000749 89 6A 38 mov [edx+hold_state],ebp
+ 0000074C 8B 5C 24 14 mov ebx, [esp+20]
+ 00000750 3B DE cmp ebx,esi
+ 00000752 76 0A jbe L_last_is_smaller
+ 00000754 2B DE sub ebx,esi
+ 00000756 83 C3 0B add ebx,11
+ 00000759 89 58 04 mov [eax+4],ebx
+ 0000075C EB 0A jmp L_fixup_out
+ 0000075E L_last_is_smaller:
+ 0000075E 2B F3 sub esi,ebx
+ 00000760 F7 DE neg esi
+ 00000762 83 C6 0B add esi,11
+ 00000765 89 70 04 mov [eax+4],esi
+ 00000768 L_fixup_out:
+ 00000768 8B 5C 24 10 mov ebx, [esp+16]
+ 0000076C 3B DF cmp ebx,edi
+ 0000076E 76 0D jbe L_end_is_smaller
+ 00000770 2B DF sub ebx,edi
+ 00000772 81 C3 00000101 add ebx,257
+ 00000778 89 58 10 mov [eax+16],ebx
+ 0000077B EB 0D jmp L_done
+ 0000077D L_end_is_smaller:
+ 0000077D 2B FB sub edi,ebx
+ 0000077F F7 DF neg edi
+ 00000781 81 C7 00000101 add edi,257
+ 00000787 89 78 10 mov [eax+16],edi
+ 0000078A L_done:
+ 0000078A 83 C4 40 add esp,64
+ 0000078D 9D popfd
+ 0000078E 5B pop ebx
+ 0000078F 5D pop ebp
+ 00000790 5E pop esi
+ 00000791 5F pop edi
+ 00000792 C3 ret
+ 00000793 _inflate_fast endp
+ 00000004 _TEXT ends
+ end
+ Microsoft (R) Macro Assembler Version 14.16.27031.1 09/14/19 11:35:23
+inffas32.asm Symbols 2 - 1
+Segments and Groups:
+ N a m e Size Length Align Combine Class
+FLAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GROUP
+_DATA . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Bit 00000004 Para Public 'DATA'
+_TEXT . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Bit 00000793 Para Public 'CODE'
+Procedures, parameters, and locals:
+ N a m e Type Value Attr
+_inflate_fast . . . . . . . . . P Near 00000100 _TEXT Length= 00000693 Public
+ L_align_long . . . . . . . . . L Near 000001BA _TEXT
+ L_is_aligned . . . . . . . . . L Near 000001D2 _TEXT
+ L_check_mmx . . . . . . . . . L Near 000001D6 _TEXT
+ L_use_mmx . . . . . . . . . . L Near 00000233 _TEXT
+ L_dont_use_mmx . . . . . . . . L Near 0000023F _TEXT
+ L_check_mmx_pop . . . . . . . L Near 00000249 _TEXT
+ L_do_loop . . . . . . . . . . L Near 00000250 _TEXT
+ L_get_length_code . . . . . . L Near 00000262 _TEXT
+ L_dolen . . . . . . . . . . . L Near 0000026E _TEXT
+ L_while_test . . . . . . . . . L Near 0000027C _TEXT
+ L_test_for_length_base . . . . L Near 00000291 _TEXT
+ L_add_bits_to_len . . . . . . L Near 000002BA _TEXT
+ L_save_len . . . . . . . . . . L Near 000002CA _TEXT
+ L_decode_distance . . . . . . L Near 000002CE _TEXT
+ L_get_distance_code . . . . . L Near 000002E0 _TEXT
+ L_dodist . . . . . . . . . . . L Near 000002ED _TEXT
+ L_add_bits_to_dist . . . . . . L Near 0000031C _TEXT
+ L_check_window . . . . . . . . L Near 0000032E _TEXT
+ L_check_dist_one . . . . . . . L Near 0000036C _TEXT
+ L_test_for_second_level_length . L Near 00000394 _TEXT
+ L_test_for_second_level_dist . L Near 000003B4 _TEXT
+ L_clip_window . . . . . . . . L Near 000003D4 _TEXT
+ L_wrap_around_window . . . . . L Near 00000415 _TEXT
+ L_contiguous_in_window . . . . L Near 00000449 _TEXT
+ L_do_copy1 . . . . . . . . . . L Near 0000045D _TEXT
+ L_init_mmx . . . . . . . . . . L Near 0000046C _TEXT
+ L_do_loop_mmx . . . . . . . . L Near 0000048C _TEXT
+ L_get_length_code_mmx . . . . L Near 000004A6 _TEXT
+ L_dolen_mmx . . . . . . . . . L Near 000004B2 _TEXT
+ L_while_test_mmx . . . . . . . L Near 000004C2 _TEXT
+ L_test_for_length_base_mmx . . L Near 000004D7 _TEXT
+ L_decode_distance_mmx . . . . L Near 000004FD _TEXT
+ L_get_dist_code_mmx . . . . . L Near 00000517 _TEXT
+ L_dodist_mmx . . . . . . . . . L Near 00000527 _TEXT
+ L_add_bits_to_dist_mmx . . . . L Near 00000541 _TEXT
+ L_check_window_mmx . . . . . . L Near 00000555 _TEXT
+ L_check_dist_one_mmx . . . . . L Near 00000598 _TEXT
+ L_test_for_second_level_length_mmx . L Near 000005C4 _TEXT
+ L_test_for_second_level_dist_mmx . L Near 000005E8 _TEXT
+ L_clip_window_mmx . . . . . . L Near 00000610 _TEXT
+ L_wrap_around_window_mmx . . . L Near 0000064D _TEXT
+ L_contiguous_in_window_mmx . . L Near 0000067D _TEXT
+ L_do_copy1_mmx . . . . . . . . L Near 0000068D _TEXT
+ L_invalid_distance_code . . . L Near 0000069E _TEXT
+ L_test_for_end_of_block . . . L Near 000006AA _TEXT
+ L_invalid_literal_length_code L Near 000006BA _TEXT
+ L_invalid_distance_too_far . . L Near 000006C6 _TEXT
+ L_update_stream_state . . . . L Near 000006D6 _TEXT
+ L_skip_msg . . . . . . . . . . L Near 000006E1 _TEXT
+ L_break_loop . . . . . . . . . L Near 000006E8 _TEXT
+ L_update_next_in . . . . . . . L Near 000006F3 _TEXT
+ L_buf_not_used . . . . . . . . L Near 0000072C _TEXT
+ L_update_hold . . . . . . . . L Near 00000747 _TEXT
+ L_last_is_smaller . . . . . . L Near 0000075E _TEXT
+ L_fixup_out . . . . . . . . . L Near 00000768 _TEXT
+ L_end_is_smaller . . . . . . . L Near 0000077D _TEXT
+ L_done . . . . . . . . . . . . L Near 0000078A _TEXT
+ N a m e Type Value Attr
+@CodeSize . . . . . . . . . . . Number 00000000h
+@DataSize . . . . . . . . . . . Number 00000000h
+@Interface . . . . . . . . . . . Number 00000000h
+@Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . Number 00000007h
+@code . . . . . . . . . . . . . Text _TEXT
+@data . . . . . . . . . . . . . Text FLAT
+@fardata? . . . . . . . . . . . Text FLAT
+@fardata . . . . . . . . . . . . Text FLAT
+@stack . . . . . . . . . . . . . Text FLAT
+INFLATE_MODE_BAD . . . . . . . . Number 0000001Ah
+INFLATE_MODE_TYPE . . . . . . . Number 0000000Bh
+bits_state . . . . . . . . . . . Number 0000003Ch
+distbits_state . . . . . . . . . Number 00000058h
+distcode_state . . . . . . . . . Number 00000050h
+hold_state . . . . . . . . . . . Number 00000038h
+inflate_fast_mask . . . . . . . L Near 0000007C _TEXT
+inflate_fast_use_mmx . . . . . . L Near 00000000 _DATA
+invalid_distance_code_msg . . . L Near 00000044 _TEXT
+invalid_distance_too_far_msg . . L Near 0000005C _TEXT
+invalid_literal_length_code_msg L Near 00000028 _TEXT
+lenbits_state . . . . . . . . . Number 00000054h
+lencode_state . . . . . . . . . Number 0000004Ch
+mode_state . . . . . . . . . . . Number 00000000h
+window_state . . . . . . . . . . Number 00000034h
+write_state . . . . . . . . . . Number 00000030h
+wsize_state . . . . . . . . . . Number 00000028h
+zlib1222sup . . . . . . . . . . Number 00000008h
+ 0 Warnings
+ 0 Errors