path: root/data/shatter/Awards/Awards.def
diff options
authorAki <>2022-02-06 19:14:54 +0100
committerAki <>2022-02-06 19:16:34 +0100
commitd289918bfdf7635ec3bb2c94d8255da2b2572aea (patch)
tree6e9143cbfd63fd0e6a674d37a51a58ea85882929 /data/shatter/Awards/Awards.def
parentba64478a1aa1740da47ff0016dff6cc633900b73 (diff)
Added datafiles to the repository
This includes only text files from the most common distribution of content.dat and shatter.dat.
Diffstat (limited to 'data/shatter/Awards/Awards.def')
1 files changed, 555 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/data/shatter/Awards/Awards.def b/data/shatter/Awards/Awards.def
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2facb09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/shatter/Awards/Awards.def
@@ -0,0 +1,555 @@
+// *** R A N K T A B L E ***
+award: {
+ type: rank,
+ id: 0,
+ name: Cadet,
+ abrv: CDT,
+ desc: "This is the entry level rank for Force:Space trainees. Cadets are "
+ "authorized to fly training missions for fighter combat under appropriate trainer supervision.",
+ award: "Congratulations, Cadet! Welcome to Force:Space! "
+ "During your initial training tours, we will be observing your conduct and performance at all times. "
+ "Perform your duties to the best of your ability, and you will find the stars soon within your grasp.",
+ award_sound: "Awards/Rank0.wav"
+ small: Rank00,
+ large: Rank01,
+ grant: 0x7,
+ total_points: 0,
+award: {
+ type: rank,
+ id: 1,
+ name: Ensign,
+ abrv: ENS,
+ desc: "This is the first rank of Force commissioned officers. As an Ensign, "
+ "you will be expected to fly fighter combat missions on a daily basis.",
+ award: "Congratulations on your commission, Ensign! You are in officer's country now. "
+ "Based on your new rank, you have authorization to undertake all fighter missions assigned to your unit. "
+ "You will be expected to serve Force with courage, honor, and commitment at all times.",
+ award_sound: "Awards/Rank1.wav"
+ small: Rank10,
+ large: Rank11,
+ grant: 0x7,
+ total_points: 500,
+award: {
+ type: rank,
+ id: 2,
+ name: Lieutenant,
+ abrv: LT,
+ desc: "This is the second rank of Force commissioned officers. As a Lieutenant, "
+ "you will be expected to fly fighter combat missions on a daily basis.",
+ award: "Congratulations, Lieutenant! You've earned your first bar. "
+ "Don't spend so much time polishing it that you forget how to fly. "
+ "Keep your head about you, it only gets harder from here.",
+ award_sound: "Awards/Rank2.wav"
+ small: Rank20,
+ large: Rank21,
+ grant: 0x7,
+ total_points: 2000,
+award: {
+ type: rank,
+ id: 3,
+ name: "Lt. Commander",
+ abrv: LCDR,
+ desc: "This is the third rank of Force commissioned officers, and the first Command Rank. "
+ "As a Lt. Commander, you may continue to fly fighter missions, or you may "
+ "request transfer to a starship command.",
+ award: "Congratulations, Lt. Commander! Welcome to the Command Ranks. Based on your record, "
+ "I'm sure that your immediate supervisors will support your transfer to "
+ "a Destroyer Squadron command, whenever you choose to request one.",
+ award_sound: "Awards/Rank3.wav"
+ small: Rank30,
+ large: Rank31,
+ grant: 0x03ff,
+ total_points: 5000,
+award: {
+ type: rank,
+ id: 4,
+ name: Commander,
+ abrv: CDR,
+ desc: "Commander is the fourth rank of Force commissioned officers. As a Commander, "
+ "you are eligible for a Destroyer Command, or you may wish to head up a Fighter Wing.",
+ award: "Congratulations, Commander! Force:Command is very pleased to see the progress "
+ "of your career. Keep up the good work, and you will make Captain in no time.",
+ award_sound: "Awards/Rank4.wav"
+ small: Rank40,
+ large: Rank41,
+ grant: 0x03ff,
+ total_points: 10e3,
+award: {
+ type: rank,
+ id: 5,
+ name: Captain,
+ abrv: CAPT,
+ desc: "Captain is the fifth rank of Force commissioned officers. As a Captain, "
+ "you are eligible to command any starship squadron less than a full fleet carrier.",
+ award: "Captain on deck! On behalf of Force:Command, let me extend my sincere "
+ "congratulations for a job well done. When you are ready to move up to a "
+ "Cruiser command, just put in the transfer request. A spot will be waiting for you.",
+ award_sound: "Awards/Rank5.wav"
+ small: Rank50,
+ large: Rank51,
+ grant: 0x0fff,
+ total_points: 20e3,
+award: {
+ type: rank,
+ id: 6,
+ name: Commodore,
+ abrv: COMM,
+ desc: "Commodore is the sixth rank of Force commissioned officers, and the lowest rank of "
+ "the Admiralty. As a Commodore, you may command any starship squadron in the fleet.",
+ award: "Very well done, Commodore! Welcome to the Admiral's Club. Now that you are becoming "
+ "one of the 'old gray hairs' of the fleet, you should start thinking about taking on "
+ "some bigger challenges. A fleet carrier battle group may be just the opportunity you need.",
+ award_sound: "Awards/Rank6.wav"
+ small: Rank60,
+ large: Rank61,
+ grant: 0xffff,
+ total_points: 40e3,
+award: {
+ type: rank,
+ id: 7,
+ name: "Vice Admiral",
+ abrv: VADM,
+ desc: "Vice Admiral is the seventh rank of Force commissioned officers, and the second rank of "
+ "the Admiralty. As a Vice Admiral, you may command any starship squadron in the fleet.",
+ award: "Congratulations, Vice Admiral! Force:Command is very pleased to see the progress "
+ "of your career. SECNAV and the Executive Board will be looking for great things from "
+ "you. Your leadership will be a great asset to your assigned command.",
+ award_sound: "Awards/Rank7.wav"
+ small: Rank70,
+ large: Rank71,
+ grant: 0xffff,
+ total_points: 100e3,
+award: {
+ type: rank,
+ id: 8,
+ name: "Admiral",
+ abrv: ADM,
+ desc: "Admiral is the eighth rank of Force commissioned officers, and the third rank of "
+ "the Admiralty. As an Admiral, you may command any starship squadron in the fleet.",
+ award: "Congratulations, Admiral! In recognition of your continued excellence and dedication, "
+ "Force:Command is very pleased to grant you this promotion. Your service record is "
+ "an honor to your command. Thank you for all the hard work you have been doing.",
+ award_sound: "Awards/Rank8.wav"
+ small: Rank80,
+ large: Rank81,
+ grant: 0xffff,
+ total_points: 150e3,
+award: {
+ type: rank,
+ id: 9,
+ name: "Fleet Admiral",
+ abrv: FADM,
+ desc: "Fleet Admiral is the ninth rank of Force commissioned officers, and the second highest rank of "
+ "the Admiralty. As a Fleet Admiral, you may command any starship squadron in the fleet.",
+ award: "Congratulations, Fleet Admiral! In recognition of your continued excellence and dedication, "
+ "Force:Command is very pleased to grant you this promotion. Your service record is "
+ "an honor to your command. Thank you for all the hard work you have been doing.",
+ award_sound: "Awards/Rank9.wav"
+ small: Rank90,
+ large: Rank91,
+ grant: 0xffff,
+ total_points: 200e3,
+award: {
+ type: rank,
+ id: 10,
+ name: "Grand Admiral",
+ abrv: GADM,
+ desc: "Grand Admiral is the tenth and highest rank of all Force commissioned officers, reporting "
+ "directly to SECNAV. Only one officer in the entire fleet is awarded this supreme rank at any one time.",
+ award: "Congratulations, Grand Admiral! On behalf of the Alliance President, with the full authorization of the "
+ "Combined Senate, SECNAV is proud to grant you this promotion. "
+ "Your leadership and dedication has been an inspiration to us all. "
+ "You will hold this honorary rank award for life.",
+ award_sound: "Awards/RankA.wav"
+ small: RankA0,
+ large: RankA1,
+ grant: 0xffff,
+ total_points: 250e3,
+// *** M E D A L T A B L E ***
+award: {
+ type: medal,
+ id: 0x0001,
+ name: "Operation Nightfall",
+ desc: "The Operation Nightfall Campaign medal is awarded to any member of any branch of Force who "
+ "participated in combat action in the Marakan Core Theater.",
+ award: "The Operation Nightfall Campaign medal is awarded to any member of any branch of Force who "
+ "participated in combat action in the Marakan Core Theater.",
+ small: Ribbon05,
+ large: Medal05,
+ campaign_id: 5,
+ campaign_complete: true,
+ dynamic_campaign: true,
+ ceremony: false,
+award: {
+ type: medal,
+ id: 0x0002,
+ name: "Operation Firestorm",
+ desc: "The Operation Firestorm Campaign medal is awarded to any member of any branch of Force who "
+ "participated in combat action in either the Ostara-Tarsus-Kolchev or the Loris-Korian Theaters.",
+ award: "The Operation Firestorm Campaign medal is awarded to any member of any branch of Force who "
+ "participated in combat action in either the Ostara-Tarsus-Kolchev or the Loris-Korian Theaters.",
+ small: Ribbon04,
+ large: Medal04,
+ campaign_id: 4,
+ campaign_complete: true,
+ dynamic_campaign: true,
+ ceremony: false,
+award: {
+ type: medal,
+ id: 0x0004,
+ name: "Operation Shining Fortress",
+ desc: "The Operation Shining Fortress Campaign medal is awarded to any member of any branch of Force who "
+ "participated in combat action in the defense of the Jarnell, Borova, and Athenar systems.",
+ award: "The Operation Shining Fortress Campaign medal is awarded to any member of any branch of Force who "
+ "participated in combat action in the defense of the Jarnell, Borova, and Athenar systems.",
+ small: Ribbon03,
+ large: Medal03,
+ campaign_id: 3,
+ campaign_complete: true,
+ dynamic_campaign: true,
+ ceremony: false,
+award: {
+ type: medal,
+ id: 0x0010,
+ name: "Operation Highland",
+ desc: "The Operation Highland Campaign medal is awarded to any member of any branch of Force who "
+ "participated in combat action in the Solus-Renser Theater of Operations.",
+ award: "The Operation Highland Campaign medal is awarded to any member of any branch of Force who "
+ "participated in combat action in the Solus-Renser Theater of Operations.",
+ small: Ribbon01,
+ large: Medal01,
+ campaign_id: 2,
+ campaign_complete: true,
+ dynamic_campaign: true,
+ ceremony: false,
+award: {
+ type: medal,
+ id: 0x0020,
+ name: "Order of the Red Flame",
+ desc: "The Order of the Red Flame is awarded to any member of any branch of Force "
+ "who is killed or wounded during combat action, either in hostile, neutral, "
+ "or friendly territory.",
+ award: "For meritorious service during combat action, it is my honor to bestow upon "
+ "you this Order of the Red Flame "
+ "in the name of the Chief Executive Officer of the Terellian Alliance. "
+ "May this small token speed the healing of your injuries and return you swiftly "
+ "to your unit.",
+ small: Ribbon06,
+ large: Medal06,
+ lost: 1,
+ min_rank: 1,
+ max_rank: 6,
+ lottery: 2,
+award: {
+ type: medal,
+ id: 0x0040,
+ name: "Flight Medal",
+ desc: "The Flight Medal is awarded to any member of any branch of Force "
+ "who distinguishes him or herself by heroism or extraordinary achievement "
+ "while participating in aerial or orbital flight. "
+ "The performance of the act of heroism must be evidenced by voluntary action "
+ "above and beyond the call of duty. ",
+ award: "The Flight Medal is awarded to any member of any branch of Force "
+ "who distinguishes him or herself by heroism or extraordinary achievement "
+ "while participating in aerial or orbital flight. "
+ "The performance of the act of heroism must be evidenced by voluntary action "
+ "above and beyond the call of duty. ",
+ small: Ribbon07,
+ large: Medal07,
+ lost: -1,
+ kills: 3,
+ min_rank: 1,
+ max_rank: 6,
+ max_ship_class: attack,
+ lottery: 10,
+ total_missions: 15,
+award: {
+ type: medal,
+ id: 0x0080,
+ name: "Command Medal",
+ desc: "The Command Medal is awarded to any member of any branch of Force "
+ "who distinguishes him or herself by heroism or extraordinary achievement "
+ "while participating in a command role aboard an Alliance Fleet Starship. "
+ "The performance of the act of heroism must be evidenced by voluntary action "
+ "above and beyond the call of duty. ",
+ award: "The Command Medal is awarded to any member of any branch of Force "
+ "who distinguishes him or herself by heroism or extraordinary achievement "
+ "while participating in a command role aboard an Alliance Fleet Starship. "
+ "The performance of the act of heroism must be evidenced by voluntary action "
+ "above and beyond the call of duty. ",
+ small: Ribbon08,
+ large: Medal08,
+ lost: -1,
+ kills: 3,
+ min_rank: 3,
+ max_rank: 6,
+ min_ship_class: corvette,
+ lottery: 10,
+award: {
+ type: medal,
+ id: 0x0100,
+ name: "Distinguished Service Cross",
+ desc: "The Distinguished Service Cross is awarded to any person who, while serving with any branch of Force, "
+ "distinguishes him or herself by extraordinary heroism "
+ "while engaged in action against an enemy of the Alliance. "
+ "The performance of the act of heroism must be evidenced by voluntary action "
+ "above and beyond the call of duty. ",
+ award: "The Distinguished Service Cross is awarded to any person who, while serving with any branch of Force, "
+ "distinguishes him or herself by extraordinary heroism "
+ "while engaged in action against an enemy of the Alliance. "
+ "The performance of the act of heroism must be evidenced by voluntary action "
+ "above and beyond the call of duty. ",
+ small: Ribbon09,
+ large: Medal09,
+ kills: 1,
+ min_rank: 3,
+ lottery: 20,
+ total_missions: 100,
+ dynamic_campaign: true
+award: {
+ type: medal,
+ id: 0x0200,
+ name: "Gold Star",
+ desc: "The Gold Star Medal is awarded to any person who, while serving in any capacity in or with Force, "
+ "has distinguished him or herself by heroic or meritorious achievement or "
+ "service while engaged in an action against an enemy of the Terellian Alliance.",
+ award: "The Gold Star Medal is awarded to any person who, while serving in any capacity in or with Force, "
+ "has distinguished him or herself by heroic or meritorious achievement or "
+ "service while engaged in an action against an enemy of the Terellian Alliance.",
+ small: Ribbon0A,
+ large: Medal0A,
+ lost: -1,
+ kills: 3,
+ min_rank: 4,
+ max_rank: 7,
+ lottery: 20,
+ dynamic_campaign: true
+award: {
+ type: medal,
+ id: 0x0400,
+ name: "Order of the Wounded Lion",
+ desc: "The Order of the Wounded Lion is awarded to any member of any branch of Force "
+ "who is killed or wounded during combat action, either in hostile, neutral, "
+ "or friendly territory.",
+ award: "For meritorious service during combat action, it is my honor to bestow upon "
+ "you this Order of the Wounded Lion "
+ "in the name of the Chief Executive Officer of the Terellian Alliance. "
+ "May this small token speed the healing of your injuries and return you swiftly "
+ "to your unit.",
+ small: Ribbon0B,
+ large: Medal0B,
+ lost: 1,
+ kills: 5,
+ required_awards: 0x0020,
+ lottery: 2,
+ dynamic_campaign: true
+award: {
+ type: medal,
+ id: 0x0800,
+ name: "Command Shield",
+ desc: "The Command Shield is awarded to any member of Force:Space "
+ "who distinguishes him or herself by heroism or extraordinary achievement "
+ "while participating in a command role aboard an Alliance Fleet Starship. "
+ "The performance of the act of heroism must be evidenced by voluntary action "
+ "above and beyond the call of duty. ",
+ award: "The Command Shield is awarded to any member of Force:Space "
+ "who distinguishes him or herself by heroism or extraordinary achievement "
+ "while participating in a command role aboard an Alliance Fleet Starship. "
+ "The performance of the act of heroism must be evidenced by voluntary action "
+ "above and beyond the call of duty. ",
+ small: Ribbon0C,
+ large: Medal0C,
+ lost: -1,
+ kills: 2,
+ min_ship_class: destroyer,
+ required_awards: 0x0080,
+ lottery: 20,
+ total_missions: 50,
+ dynamic_campaign: true
+award: {
+ type: medal,
+ id: 0x1000,
+ name: "Silver Comet",
+ desc: "The Silver Comet Medal is awarded to a person who, while serving in any capacity with Force, "
+ "distinguishes him or herself by extraordinary heroism while engaged in an action against "
+ "an enemy of the Terellian Alliance, or while engaged in military operations involving conflict "
+ "with an opposing force. The act or acts of heroism must have been so notable and have "
+ "involved risk of life so extraordinary as to set the individual apart from his or her comrades.",
+ award: "The Silver Comet Medal is awarded to a person who, while serving in any capacity with Force, "
+ "distinguishes him or herself by extraordinary heroism while engaged in an action against "
+ "an enemy of the Terellian Alliance, or while engaged in military operations involving conflict "
+ "with an opposing force. The act or acts of heroism must have been so notable and have "
+ "involved risk of life so extraordinary as to set the individual apart from his or her comrades.",
+ small: Ribbon0D,
+ large: Medal0D,
+ kills: 8,
+ required_awards: 0x0400,
+ lottery: 3,
+ total_missions: 100,
+ dynamic_campaign: true
+award: {
+ type: medal,
+ id: 0x2000,
+ name: "White Star",
+ desc: "The White Star Medal is awarded to a person who, while serving in any capacity with Force, "
+ "distinguishes him or herself by exceptional gallantry in space while engaged in an action against "
+ "an enemy of the Terellian Alliance, or while engaged in military operations involving conflict "
+ "with an opposing force. The deed performed must have been so notable and have "
+ "involved risk of life so extraordinary as to set the individual apart from his or her comrades.",
+ award: "The White Star Medal is awarded to a person who, while serving in any capacity with Force, "
+ "distinguishes him or herself by exceptional gallantry in space while engaged in an action against "
+ "an enemy of the Terellian Alliance, or while engaged in military operations involving conflict "
+ "with an opposing force. The deed performed must have been so notable and have "
+ "involved risk of life so extraordinary as to set the individual apart from his or her comrades.",
+ small: Ribbon0E,
+ large: Medal0E,
+ kills: 8,
+ required_awards: 0x0400,
+ lottery: 3,
+ total_missions: 150,
+ dynamic_campaign: true
+award: {
+ type: medal,
+ id: 0x4000,
+ name: "Golden Meteor",
+ desc: "The Golden Meteor is awarded by the Alliance President, in the name of the Combined Senate, "
+ "to a person who, while an active member of Force, distinguishes him or herself conspicuously "
+ "by exceptional gallantry at the risk of his or her life above and beyond the call of duty while "
+ "engaged in action against an enemy of the Alliance, or while engaged in military operations involving conflict "
+ "with an opposing force. The deed performed must have been one of personal bravery or self-sacrifice "
+ "so conspicuous as to clearly distinguish the individual above his or her comrades. "
+ "The Golden Meteor is the highest honor that may be bestowed upon any citizen of the Alliance.",
+ award: "The Golden Meteor is awarded by the Alliance President, in the name of the Combined Senate, "
+ "to a person who, while an active member of Force, distinguishes him or herself conspicuously "
+ "by exceptional gallantry at the risk of his or her life above and beyond the call of duty while "
+ "engaged in action against an enemy of the Alliance, or while engaged in military operations involving conflict "
+ "with an opposing force. The deed performed must have been one of personal bravery or self-sacrifice "
+ "so conspicuous as to clearly distinguish the individual above his or her comrades. "
+ "The Golden Meteor is the highest honor that may be bestowed upon any citizen of the Alliance.",
+ small: Ribbon0F,
+ large: Medal0F,
+ kills: 10,
+ required_awards: 0x3400,
+ total_missions: 200,
+ dynamic_campaign: true