path: root/contrib/zlib/contrib/amd64/amd64-match.S
diff options
authorAki <>2024-03-02 22:57:02 +0100
committerAki <>2024-03-03 00:59:45 +0100
commitca18c5b1b5004ffa88b6b3b85cd038d1217c09c6 (patch)
tree1ba5a8734c96f892322cd65af7cf33041ba4cb68 /contrib/zlib/contrib/amd64/amd64-match.S
parente70158ea57302e2fa2d588b67fc8dc18265192eb (diff)
zlib sources removed from this tree
This, for whatever reason, breaks std::fs exception handling. All remaining external projects will be moved to use this approach soon. This is to prepare it for more new libraries which would otherwise make the tree grow even further.
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/zlib/contrib/amd64/amd64-match.S')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 452 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/zlib/contrib/amd64/amd64-match.S b/contrib/zlib/contrib/amd64/amd64-match.S
deleted file mode 100644
index 81d4a1c..0000000
--- a/contrib/zlib/contrib/amd64/amd64-match.S
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,452 +0,0 @@
- * match.S -- optimized version of longest_match()
- * based on the similar work by Gilles Vollant, and Brian Raiter, written 1998
- *
- * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the BSD License. Use by owners of Che Guevarra
- * parafernalia is prohibited, where possible, and highly discouraged
- * elsewhere.
- */
-# define match_init _match_init
-# define longest_match _longest_match
-#define scanend ebx
-#define scanendw bx
-#define chainlenwmask edx /* high word: current chain len low word: s->wmask */
-#define curmatch rsi
-#define curmatchd esi
-#define windowbestlen r8
-#define scanalign r9
-#define scanalignd r9d
-#define window r10
-#define bestlen r11
-#define bestlend r11d
-#define scanstart r12d
-#define scanstartw r12w
-#define scan r13
-#define nicematch r14d
-#define limit r15
-#define limitd r15d
-#define prev rcx
- * The 258 is a "magic number, not a parameter -- changing it
- * breaks the hell loose
- */
-#define MAX_MATCH (258)
-#define MIN_MATCH (3)
-#define MAX_MATCH_8 ((MAX_MATCH + 7) & ~7)
-/* stack frame offsets */
-#define LocalVarsSize (112)
-#define _chainlenwmask ( 8-LocalVarsSize)(%rsp)
-#define _windowbestlen (16-LocalVarsSize)(%rsp)
-#define save_r14 (24-LocalVarsSize)(%rsp)
-#define save_rsi (32-LocalVarsSize)(%rsp)
-#define save_rbx (40-LocalVarsSize)(%rsp)
-#define save_r12 (56-LocalVarsSize)(%rsp)
-#define save_r13 (64-LocalVarsSize)(%rsp)
-#define save_r15 (80-LocalVarsSize)(%rsp)
-.globl match_init, longest_match
- * On AMD64 the first argument of a function (in our case -- the pointer to
- * deflate_state structure) is passed in %rdi, hence our offsets below are
- * all off of that.
- */
-/* you can check the structure offset by running
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "deflate.h"
-void print_depl()
-deflate_state ds;
-deflate_state *s=&ds;
-printf("size pointer=%u\n",(int)sizeof(void*));
-printf("#define dsWSize (%3u)(%%rdi)\n",(int)(((char*)&(s->w_size))-((char*)s)));
-printf("#define dsWMask (%3u)(%%rdi)\n",(int)(((char*)&(s->w_mask))-((char*)s)));
-printf("#define dsWindow (%3u)(%%rdi)\n",(int)(((char*)&(s->window))-((char*)s)));
-printf("#define dsPrev (%3u)(%%rdi)\n",(int)(((char*)&(s->prev))-((char*)s)));
-printf("#define dsMatchLen (%3u)(%%rdi)\n",(int)(((char*)&(s->match_length))-((char*)s)));
-printf("#define dsPrevMatch (%3u)(%%rdi)\n",(int)(((char*)&(s->prev_match))-((char*)s)));
-printf("#define dsStrStart (%3u)(%%rdi)\n",(int)(((char*)&(s->strstart))-((char*)s)));
-printf("#define dsMatchStart (%3u)(%%rdi)\n",(int)(((char*)&(s->match_start))-((char*)s)));
-printf("#define dsLookahead (%3u)(%%rdi)\n",(int)(((char*)&(s->lookahead))-((char*)s)));
-printf("#define dsPrevLen (%3u)(%%rdi)\n",(int)(((char*)&(s->prev_length))-((char*)s)));
-printf("#define dsMaxChainLen (%3u)(%%rdi)\n",(int)(((char*)&(s->max_chain_length))-((char*)s)));
-printf("#define dsGoodMatch (%3u)(%%rdi)\n",(int)(((char*)&(s->good_match))-((char*)s)));
-printf("#define dsNiceMatch (%3u)(%%rdi)\n",(int)(((char*)&(s->nice_match))-((char*)s)));
- to compile for XCode 3.2 on MacOSX x86_64
- - run "gcc -g -c -DXCODE_MAC_X64_STRUCTURE amd64-match.S"
- */
-#define dsWSize ( 68)(%rdi)
-#define dsWMask ( 76)(%rdi)
-#define dsWindow ( 80)(%rdi)
-#define dsPrev ( 96)(%rdi)
-#define dsMatchLen (144)(%rdi)
-#define dsPrevMatch (148)(%rdi)
-#define dsStrStart (156)(%rdi)
-#define dsMatchStart (160)(%rdi)
-#define dsLookahead (164)(%rdi)
-#define dsPrevLen (168)(%rdi)
-#define dsMaxChainLen (172)(%rdi)
-#define dsGoodMatch (188)(%rdi)
-#define dsNiceMatch (192)(%rdi)
-# define STRUCT_OFFSET (0)
-#define dsWSize ( 56 + STRUCT_OFFSET)(%rdi)
-#define dsWMask ( 64 + STRUCT_OFFSET)(%rdi)
-#define dsWindow ( 72 + STRUCT_OFFSET)(%rdi)
-#define dsPrev ( 88 + STRUCT_OFFSET)(%rdi)
-#define dsMatchLen (136 + STRUCT_OFFSET)(%rdi)
-#define dsPrevMatch (140 + STRUCT_OFFSET)(%rdi)
-#define dsStrStart (148 + STRUCT_OFFSET)(%rdi)
-#define dsMatchStart (152 + STRUCT_OFFSET)(%rdi)
-#define dsLookahead (156 + STRUCT_OFFSET)(%rdi)
-#define dsPrevLen (160 + STRUCT_OFFSET)(%rdi)
-#define dsMaxChainLen (164 + STRUCT_OFFSET)(%rdi)
-#define dsGoodMatch (180 + STRUCT_OFFSET)(%rdi)
-#define dsNiceMatch (184 + STRUCT_OFFSET)(%rdi)
-/* uInt longest_match(deflate_state *deflatestate, IPos curmatch) */
- * Retrieve the function arguments. %curmatch will hold cur_match
- * throughout the entire function (passed via rsi on amd64).
- * rdi will hold the pointer to the deflate_state (first arg on amd64)
- */
- mov %rsi, save_rsi
- mov %rbx, save_rbx
- mov %r12, save_r12
- mov %r13, save_r13
- mov %r14, save_r14
- mov %r15, save_r15
-/* uInt wmask = s->w_mask; */
-/* unsigned chain_length = s->max_chain_length; */
-/* if (s->prev_length >= s->good_match) { */
-/* chain_length >>= 2; */
-/* } */
- movl dsPrevLen, %eax
- movl dsGoodMatch, %ebx
- cmpl %ebx, %eax
- movl dsWMask, %eax
- movl dsMaxChainLen, %chainlenwmask
- jl LastMatchGood
- shrl $2, %chainlenwmask
-/* chainlen is decremented once beforehand so that the function can */
-/* use the sign flag instead of the zero flag for the exit test. */
-/* It is then shifted into the high word, to make room for the wmask */
-/* value, which it will always accompany. */
- decl %chainlenwmask
- shll $16, %chainlenwmask
- orl %eax, %chainlenwmask
-/* if ((uInt)nice_match > s->lookahead) nice_match = s->lookahead; */
- movl dsNiceMatch, %eax
- movl dsLookahead, %ebx
- cmpl %eax, %ebx
- jl LookaheadLess
- movl %eax, %ebx
-LookaheadLess: movl %ebx, %nicematch
-/* register Bytef *scan = s->window + s->strstart; */
- mov dsWindow, %window
- movl dsStrStart, %limitd
- lea (%limit, %window), %scan
-/* Determine how many bytes the scan ptr is off from being */
-/* dword-aligned. */
- mov %scan, %scanalign
- negl %scanalignd
- andl $3, %scanalignd
-/* IPos limit = s->strstart > (IPos)MAX_DIST(s) ? */
-/* s->strstart - (IPos)MAX_DIST(s) : NIL; */
- movl dsWSize, %eax
- subl $MIN_LOOKAHEAD, %eax
- xorl %ecx, %ecx
- subl %eax, %limitd
- cmovng %ecx, %limitd
-/* int best_len = s->prev_length; */
- movl dsPrevLen, %bestlend
-/* Store the sum of s->window + best_len in %windowbestlen locally, and in memory. */
- lea (%window, %bestlen), %windowbestlen
- mov %windowbestlen, _windowbestlen
-/* register ush scan_start = *(ushf*)scan; */
-/* register ush scan_end = *(ushf*)(scan+best_len-1); */
-/* Posf *prev = s->prev; */
- movzwl (%scan), %scanstart
- movzwl -1(%scan, %bestlen), %scanend
- mov dsPrev, %prev
-/* Jump into the main loop. */
- movl %chainlenwmask, _chainlenwmask
- jmp LoopEntry
-.balign 16
-/* do {
- * match = s->window + cur_match;
- * if (*(ushf*)(match+best_len-1) != scan_end ||
- * *(ushf*)match != scan_start) continue;
- * [...]
- * } while ((cur_match = prev[cur_match & wmask]) > limit
- * && --chain_length != 0);
- *
- * Here is the inner loop of the function. The function will spend the
- * majority of its time in this loop, and majority of that time will
- * be spent in the first ten instructions.
- */
- andl %chainlenwmask, %curmatchd
- movzwl (%prev, %curmatch, 2), %curmatchd
- cmpl %limitd, %curmatchd
- jbe LeaveNow
- subl $0x00010000, %chainlenwmask
- js LeaveNow
-LoopEntry: cmpw -1(%windowbestlen, %curmatch), %scanendw
- jne LookupLoop
- cmpw %scanstartw, (%window, %curmatch)
- jne LookupLoop
-/* Store the current value of chainlen. */
- movl %chainlenwmask, _chainlenwmask
-/* %scan is the string under scrutiny, and %prev to the string we */
-/* are hoping to match it up with. In actuality, %esi and %edi are */
-/* both pointed (MAX_MATCH_8 - scanalign) bytes ahead, and %edx is */
-/* initialized to -(MAX_MATCH_8 - scanalign). */
- mov $(-MAX_MATCH_8), %rdx
- lea (%curmatch, %window), %windowbestlen
- lea MAX_MATCH_8(%windowbestlen, %scanalign), %windowbestlen
- lea MAX_MATCH_8(%scan, %scanalign), %prev
-/* the prefetching below makes very little difference... */
- prefetcht1 (%windowbestlen, %rdx)
- prefetcht1 (%prev, %rdx)
- * Test the strings for equality, 8 bytes at a time. At the end,
- * adjust %rdx so that it is offset to the exact byte that mismatched.
- *
- * It should be confessed that this loop usually does not represent
- * much of the total running time. Replacing it with a more
- * straightforward "rep cmpsb" would not drastically degrade
- * performance -- unrolling it, for example, makes no difference.
- */
-#undef USE_SSE /* works, but is 6-7% slower, than non-SSE... */
-#ifdef USE_SSE
- /* Preload the SSE registers */
- movdqu (%windowbestlen, %rdx), %xmm1
- movdqu (%prev, %rdx), %xmm2
- pcmpeqb %xmm2, %xmm1
- movdqu 16(%windowbestlen, %rdx), %xmm3
- movdqu 16(%prev, %rdx), %xmm4
- pcmpeqb %xmm4, %xmm3
- movdqu 32(%windowbestlen, %rdx), %xmm5
- movdqu 32(%prev, %rdx), %xmm6
- pcmpeqb %xmm6, %xmm5
- movdqu 48(%windowbestlen, %rdx), %xmm7
- movdqu 48(%prev, %rdx), %xmm8
- pcmpeqb %xmm8, %xmm7
- /* Check the comparisions' results */
- pmovmskb %xmm1, %rax
- notw %ax
- bsfw %ax, %ax
- jnz LeaveLoopCmps
- /* this is the only iteration of the loop with a possibility of having
- incremented rdx by 0x108 (each loop iteration add 16*4 = 0x40
- and (0x40*4)+8=0x108 */
- add $8, %rdx
- jz LenMaximum
- add $8, %rdx
- pmovmskb %xmm3, %rax
- notw %ax
- bsfw %ax, %ax
- jnz LeaveLoopCmps
- add $16, %rdx
- pmovmskb %xmm5, %rax
- notw %ax
- bsfw %ax, %ax
- jnz LeaveLoopCmps
- add $16, %rdx
- pmovmskb %xmm7, %rax
- notw %ax
- bsfw %ax, %ax
- jnz LeaveLoopCmps
- add $16, %rdx
- jmp LoopCmps
-LeaveLoopCmps: add %rax, %rdx
- mov (%windowbestlen, %rdx), %rax
- xor (%prev, %rdx), %rax
- jnz LeaveLoopCmps
- mov 8(%windowbestlen, %rdx), %rax
- xor 8(%prev, %rdx), %rax
- jnz LeaveLoopCmps8
- mov 16(%windowbestlen, %rdx), %rax
- xor 16(%prev, %rdx), %rax
- jnz LeaveLoopCmps16
- add $24, %rdx
- jnz LoopCmps
- jmp LenMaximum
-# if 0
- * This three-liner is tantalizingly simple, but bsf is a slow instruction,
- * and the complicated alternative down below is quite a bit faster. Sad...
- */
-LeaveLoopCmps: bsf %rax, %rax /* find the first non-zero bit */
- shrl $3, %eax /* divide by 8 to get the byte */
- add %rax, %rdx
-# else
- add $8, %rdx
- add $8, %rdx
-LeaveLoopCmps: testl $0xFFFFFFFF, %eax /* Check the first 4 bytes */
- jnz Check16
- add $4, %rdx
- shr $32, %rax
-Check16: testw $0xFFFF, %ax
- jnz LenLower
- add $2, %rdx
- shrl $16, %eax
-LenLower: subb $1, %al
- adc $0, %rdx
-# endif
-/* Calculate the length of the match. If it is longer than MAX_MATCH, */
-/* then automatically accept it as the best possible match and leave. */
- lea (%prev, %rdx), %rax
- sub %scan, %rax
- cmpl $MAX_MATCH, %eax
- jge LenMaximum
-/* If the length of the match is not longer than the best match we */
-/* have so far, then forget it and return to the lookup loop. */
- cmpl %bestlend, %eax
- jg LongerMatch
- mov _windowbestlen, %windowbestlen
- mov dsPrev, %prev
- movl _chainlenwmask, %edx
- jmp LookupLoop
-/* s->match_start = cur_match; */
-/* best_len = len; */
-/* if (len >= nice_match) break; */
-/* scan_end = *(ushf*)(scan+best_len-1); */
- movl %eax, %bestlend
- movl %curmatchd, dsMatchStart
- cmpl %nicematch, %eax
- jge LeaveNow
- lea (%window, %bestlen), %windowbestlen
- mov %windowbestlen, _windowbestlen
- movzwl -1(%scan, %rax), %scanend
- mov dsPrev, %prev
- movl _chainlenwmask, %chainlenwmask
- jmp LookupLoop
-/* Accept the current string, with the maximum possible length. */
- movl $MAX_MATCH, %bestlend
- movl %curmatchd, dsMatchStart
-/* if ((uInt)best_len <= s->lookahead) return (uInt)best_len; */
-/* return s->lookahead; */
- movl dsLookahead, %eax
- cmpl %eax, %bestlend
- cmovngl %bestlend, %eax
-/* Restore the registers and return from whence we came. */
- mov save_rsi, %rsi
- mov save_rbx, %rbx
- mov save_r12, %r12
- mov save_r13, %r13
- mov save_r14, %r14
- mov save_r15, %r15
- ret
-match_init: ret