path: root/data/shatter/Campaigns/04/Actions
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+JARNELL - The ink is barely dry on the cease-fire order that brought a halt to Operation Shining Fortress but Alliance Force starships are once again being sent into harm's way. The Sixth Fleet left Force Yards in Jarnell several days ago, and after proceeding along the southern route through recently-liberated Haiche, has begun operations in the Hegemony border system of Ostara. (See diagram at right)
+Force officials have so far downplayed the importance of this fleet engagement. "Shortly before the war began, long range scouts detected a secret Hegemony base in the Ostara system, near the planet Aram. In the interest of establishing a safe buffer zone for the Haiche Protectorate, we are taking this opportunity to encourage those forces to return to the core Hegemony worlds," Force:Space Fleet Commander A. Evars was quoted as saying.
+Independent military analysts at the prestigious Wiggen Institute think-tank have observed that another Alliance fleet is also being prepared in the Paragon system. "Having two additional expeditionary fleets in operation right now strongly suggests that Force is preparing for a wider conflict in the near future," said Chu Vo of the institute.
+Force:Command joint chiefs declined to comment on speculations that a major offensive was being planned against the middle Hegemony systems. "I have no information on that subject that I can share with you at the present time," said Evars. \ No newline at end of file
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+VESTAPOL, BOROVA - Museum of Precolonial Antiquities
+Sifting through the debris and damage left behind by the Hegemony attack has been an arduous process for museum curator Josef Severn. Large portions of the museum complex were leveled by plasma weapons used during the fighting, and advanced scientific intrustments have been needed to sort out fragments of ancient artifacts from the scattered pieces of the walls and display cases that once housed them. After weeks of painstaking work, most of the museum's collection of antiquities have been identified. However, the Borovan Archaelith remains among the missing.
+The Museum of Precolonial Antiquities was established sixty years ago by the Borovan Government to preserve and research xeno-archaelogical discoveries on the Baradan Peninsula. The Museum specializes in the ancient artifacts of the unknown "Precursor" civilization that inhabited the Blue Drift Region some eight million years ago. Little is known about the Precursor species, and only a few of their technological works have survived the eight thousand millenia since their demise.
+The Borovan Archaelith is the oldest and most complete artifact in the museum collection. The object is a perfect black crystal, almost half a meter in length. To the naked eye, the Archaelith appears to be a smooth hexagonal prism. However, deep sonic imaging has revealed a surprisingly complex inner structure of facets and fissures of unknown purpose.
+When the museum clean-up process began to recover fragments of the other Precursor artifacts, there was initial hope that the Archaelith might be recovered intact. The ancient crystal had been removed from public display and taken to a scanning laboratory in a separate part of the museum only hours before the attack began. The scanning facility was heavily sheltered to prevent ambient radiation from interfering with the sensitive tests, and this served to protect the laboratory from the worst damage of the heavy plasma weapons.
+However, it now appears that some Hegemony ground forces may have entered the laboratory wing of the museum during the battle. Much of the equipment in the area was destroyed by small arms fire, and several rooms were forcibly entered. The Hegemony has officially denied removing any of the ancient artifacts from the museum or laboratories. But today, weeks after the fighting has ended, the location of the Borovan Archaelith remains a mystery. \ No newline at end of file
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+Traces of Technite Discovered on Tantalus Mining Station
+Force:Intel field agents involved in clean-up and security operations at Tantalus Mining Station on Haiche have reported detecting traces of Technite in unprocessed ores stockpiled at the refinery. Technite does not occur naturally on Haiche, or any other known planet in the periphery. Neither the Alliance nor the Hegemony have found a way to synthesize it. The only known sources of the material are archaic; trace deposits were found on Borova on the Baradan Peninsula near the Precursor discoveries.
+Further analysis of the ore and the recovered mining equipment from Tantalus Station suggests that the site contained only small amounts of rare earth metals of any value. It seems unlikely that the Hegemony would risk an illegal mining operation to recover such small amounts of tantalum and iridium. It appears that Tantalus Mining Station was specifically tasked with recovering technite from Haiche. It is presently impossible to determine how much technite was extracted, refined, and shipped off planet prior to Force capture of the planet.
+Force:Intel does not have an analysis of possible Hegemony motives at this time. Technite is considered a laboratory curiousity and has no known practical applications. Borovan technite deposits were of such small quantities that our best materials science expert have not yet fully classified all of its physical properties.
+Kash Anlon, Force:Intel Second Directorate
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+Timestamp: 02/06:00:00
+Subject: Zolon Ambassador
+Classified: SECRET R2 NTK
+The Zolon Ambassador to Tarsus has offered to broker peace negotiations between the Terellian Alliance and the Marakan Hegemony. The Zolons have invited representatives from both sides to meet aboard their Consular Starship in Tarsus orbit to discuss plans to de-escalate the current conflict.
+Militarily, this seems an unlikely plan. It is doubtful that the Hegemony is ready to make serious concessions at this time as they probably see the outcome of the war to be too hard to predict. They are still very much in this fight, and they have not yet lost any real territory to our advance.
+Politically however, this is not an opportunity that we can simply ignore. A diplomatic team has been dispatched from Haiche to rendezvous with Sixth Fleet. The fleet will then translate to the Tarsus system to rendezvous with the Zolon Consular Starship.
+Realistically, we knew we would have to invade Tarsus in force sooner or later. This development simply advances the time table and gives us an opportunity to enter the system relatively unopposed.
+Note that we are now operating under a flag of truce until the negotiations have concluded. Rules of Engagement: Do not fire unless you are fired upon. Stay alert. There will be plenty of Hegemony warships in the area. Anything could happen if we are not careful.
+Vice Admiral Caldott,
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+My fellow citizens, once again the dark shadow of a violent foe has darkened our hope for lasting interstellar peace. Even as an Alliance diplomatic team was at work in the Tarsus system negotiating a peace treaty to end the ongoing conflict with the Hegemony, a surprise enemy attack has devestated the peace process and thrown us all even further into chaos and war. Zolon warships acting in concert with Hegemony agents have attacked the peace conference, killing our negotiating team even at the expense of destroying every member of the Zolon Consulate in Tarsus.
+Even more disturbing, we have confirmed reports from Force:Intelligence, combined with information provided by the Ele'aan Ambassador that lead us to only one conclusion. The recent Hegemony attacks on Alliance territory were carried out with the specific intention of recovering ancient artifacts and rare materials for use in developing a devestating new type of weapon. The Ele'aan Ambassador has informed us that the Hegemony military are working with scientists of the Zolon Empire to use the Borovan Archaelith to process Technite to create a "Quantum Disruptor" that will destroy computer systems and render even our strongest warships incapable of faster-than-light travel.
+Within the past hour, this office has received the official declaration of war by the combined systems of the Marakan Hegemony. Our response is simple. Though now as ever we have no interest in conquest, we shall meet every enemy with strength, every treason with vengeance, every attack with justice.
+And so, however reluctantly, I hereby order Force to commence OPERATION FIRESTORM: all out war with the Marakan Hegemony. Once more we shall take up arms against agression. Once more, our brave men and women shall pass through the gauntlet of hardship and danger to emerge victorious and proud. Once more unto the breach, for honor, for courage, and enduring freedom.
+Thank you, and good evening. \ No newline at end of file
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+Timestamp: $TIME
+Subject: Operation Firestorm
+Classified: SECRET R3 NTK
+Our strategic plan for Operation Firestorm is to employ the Sixth and Seventh Fleets as two arms in a giant pincer maneuver. The Sixth Fleet is currently deployed in the southern systems. By proceding from Haiche to Ostara to Tarsus, we have effectively flanked the heavier concentration of Hegemony firepower in the Kolchev system. The Seventh Fleet is already in Silessia on its way to the Loris system in the north. Once Loris is secure, the Seventh Fleet will proceed south to Korius and Adantar. Additional Fleets will then become available to backfill and secure the territory we have won.
+For those of you in the Sixth Fleet, we expect Tarsus to be an easy victory. The system is isolated and not well defended. However, the Kolchev system will be no pushover. There is a major Hegemony starbase in the northern mountains of Lovo Sector on Kolchev, and we expect their star fleet to fall back and regroup in that system as soon as we begin to gain the upper hand in Tarsus.
+Finally, it looks like we will have to watch out for Zolon involvement after all. Zolon fighters and cruisers played a key role in eliminating the peace conference and escalating the war. Unfortunately, we have very little information on their capabilities. Reports from officers who engaged them in the Tarsus system suggest that their ships are very tough and have weapons at least the equal of our own. They also seem to have developed some new type of faster than light drive. We assume that is operates on a principle entirely different than our own quantum drives. Even their smallest fighters have independent FTL capability, so they can both run and fight.
+Well, we have a job to do. Stay sharp out there.
+Vice Admiral Caldott,
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+The Government of the Loris System has Collapsed.
+Force:Intel field agents report that the system is in a state of near-anarchy. Hegemony military losses sustained during Operation Shining Fortress have eroded popular support for the government. New demands to defend the system for Operation Firestorm have strained resources to the breaking point.
+The Brotherhood of Iron criminal organization saw this an opportunity to attack. The Loris Trade Secretary was assassinated and replaced, and trade enforcement was weakened as a result. Brotherhood Marauders and Raiders began preying on traffic in the outer sectors. Now, fighting has erupted throughout the entire Loris System. The government has collapsed, and Hegemony military units are attempting to control the political situation and deal with the pirates at the same time.
+It is unfortunate that we cannot wait for this local conflict to burn itself out before we invade the Loris system. Unfortunately, Force Seventh Fleet needs to get to the Korius system to complete the pincer strategy or the Sixth Fleet will be trapped in hostile territory. Taking control of the Loris system is quickest way to achieve that goal. And that means that both the pirates and the Hegemony warships are legal targets.
+Jonas Devlin, Force:Intel Third Directorate
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+The Tanis Field Command Center is very well secured. Only true Dantari are ever allowed within the secret location, and only those of the inmost circle are permitted any knowledge of its location on Adantar. Rare visitors from the outside are brought to and from the command center in a state of suspended animation, and are rigorously checked for hidden recording devices and location transponders. Automatic weapons are kept trained on visitors at all times.
+Such is the atmosphere that surrounds the Warlord Masil Gannet. The former Solusan Senator returned to the world of his ancestors following a failed political movement to ally Solus with nearby Renser Prefecture. When he arrived here, he found the Ulset Nar political organization, originally founded by his grandfather, in a state of disarray. Gannet quickly used his wealth and political connections among ultra conservative Dantari to reform the group and setup a new base of operations in the Tanis Sector.
+Under Gannet's leadership, the Ulset Nar group became focused - one might even say obsessed - with establishing the supremacy of true ethnic Dantari throughout the Korius system. Although the group claims to be interested only in peaceful leadership of those willing to follow, the massive store of weapons in their desert fortress may give a deeper sense of their true aims.
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+Timestamp: $TIME
+Subject: Kolchev System
+Classified: SECRET R3 NTK
+As expected, the Hegemony Third Fleet has fallen back to the Kolchev system. Once it became clear that they could not contest our control of Tarsus, they elected to abandon that system in hopes that we could be drawn into a trap by attacking them where they are well defended. Of course, being aware of the trap is our first step in evading it.
+The Kolchev system will present some unique challenges for Force Sixth Fleet. Hegemony forces are scattered across four planetary orbits. The capital Kolchev is the only planet capable of sustaining a human population. The northern mountains of the Lovo sector on Kolchev are home to a significant military presence.
+Taking control of the Kolchev system will require us to choose our battles. Always engage the enemy where we can muster a local tactical advantage, and be prepared to withdraw to protect your ships if necessary. Remember that the Hegemony forces have the advantage of local supplies, while we are stretched across half the Blue Drift region.
+Good luck.
+Vice Admiral Caldott,
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+Timestamp: $TIME
+Subject: Korius System
+Classified: SECRET R3 NTK
+As you know, the Korian System consists of two major planets surrounded by a sparse outer asteroid belt. The outer planet, Rhomin, is a medium gas giant with several large moons. Two of these moons sustain human populations. The larger inhabited moon is Korius, the system capital. The smaller moon is Adantar, a cold desert with a thin atmosphere.
+Adantar is the homeworld of the ethnic Dantari who started the Solusan conflict. In fact, there are reliable reports that the Separatist leader Masil Gannet has returned to Adantar and established himself as a local warlord. Although Adantar itself is heavily armed, we do not have any good data on the strength of space forces in the Korian system. It does not seem likely that Masil Gannet would be able to construct a new navy in the short period of time he has been in this system. At the same time, we should not underestimate his financial reserves. With that kind of personal wealth comes power and the political connections to achieve many ends.
+Vice Admiral Caldott,
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+Operation Firestorm has collapsed. The Hegemony Third Fleet has gained a tactical advantage over the Force:Space Expeditionary Force in the southern systems.
+The Alliance has sustained devastating losses in these attacks and has been forced to withdraw. The Sixth Fleet is attempting to fall back to safe positions within Alliance controlled space. Reinforcements are being called up from the home systems. With luck, they will arrive in time to hold off the Hegemony counter invasion and force a settlement. \ No newline at end of file
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+Operation Highland has failed in its mission to secure the peace. Alliance losses
+in the Renser system have been severe, including the loss of the Fleet Carrier
+Battle Group Archon. The CEO, with the approval of the Combined Senate, has
+ordered the immediate withdrawal of all remaining Force:Space units from the
+Prefecture of Renser.
+At least one additional Hegemony fleet is being mobilized from the Korius System.
+We can only hope that this failure does not result in the unilateral escalation on
+the part of Hegemony forces... \ No newline at end of file
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+FM: Jonas Devlin, Force:Intel Third Directorate
+PATH: FI3D HQ | Thralis Relay | Force Command Transceiver | 6TH FLEET HQ | $GROUP
+Hey Mate,
+Well, it looks like my trade scouting days are officially over. This may come as some surprise, but I've been working as a Force:Intel field agent for the past two years. I got recruited at a traders conference here in Thralis. Anyway, after that series of scrapes I went through trying to get out of the Nephrys system, my boss decided he wanted to keep me where he could see that I was in one piece. So he kicked me upstairs and made me an Analyst in Third Directorate. Now I just get to read the kinds of reports I used to submit.
+I guess I'm not that surprised to hear the Zolons have gotten actively involved in the fight. The Nephrys system was crawling with them when I was out there. It seems to be their main hangout in Hegemony space. Still, something seems really off about the "phony peace treaty" ruse. I can't put my finger on it, but something doesn't add up.
+Good luck, mate. Watch your back out there.
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+FM: Sara Hunter - Ele'aan Consulate Jarnell
+PATH: Ele'aan Consular Net Center | Jarnell Main Traffic Relay | Athenar Terminus | Janek Station Courier Drop | 6TH FLEET HQ | $GROUP
+Hello $NAME,
+Councilor Auris just left here to return home to Ele'aan space. The Consulate Center feels really strange with no ambassador here. He said it was just a routine trip, but I have a feeling he isn't planning on coming back. Now that he has convinced the President that the Zolons are behind this whole war, I think he feels like his job is done here.
+But there's more - something else you need to know. I'm afraid to discuss it on an open channel like this; I don't know who else might have access to the fleet mail feed. I think it might be really important, I don't know. I wish I could see you face to face. I'm afraid to just sit on this information, and I don't know who else I can trust.
+I just need someone to tell me that we are all doing the right thing...
+Love from
+Sara \ No newline at end of file
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+The Hegemony systems Kolchev and Korius have agreed to an unconditional cease fire.
+Force:Ground Special Ops have captured Masil Gannet's headquarters in the Tanis sector on Adantar, and recovered Gannet's body. It is believed that he was assassinated by his own forces just prior to the final raid.
+Force:Intel field agents have begun searching both planets for evidence of either technite processing or the stolen Borovan artifact. Now that we have military control of these systems, it is only a matter of time before this evidence is found. \ No newline at end of file