path: root/Stars45/Ship.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'Stars45/Ship.h')
1 files changed, 583 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Stars45/Ship.h b/Stars45/Ship.h
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+/* Project Starshatter 4.5
+ Destroyer Studios LLC
+ Copyright © 1997-2004. All Rights Reserved.
+ SUBSYSTEM: Stars.exe
+ FILE: Ship.h
+ AUTHOR: John DiCamillo
+ ========
+ Starship (or space/ground station) class
+#ifndef Ship_h
+#define Ship_h
+#include "Types.h"
+#include "SimObject.h"
+#include "DetailSet.h"
+#include "Director.h"
+#include "Geometry.h"
+#include "List.h"
+// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
+class Ship;
+class Shot;
+class Drone;
+class Bitmap;
+class CombatUnit;
+class Computer;
+class Contact;
+class Drive;
+class Element;
+class Farcaster;
+class FlightComp;
+class FlightDeck;
+class Hangar;
+class InboundSlot;
+class Instruction;
+class LandingGear;
+class MotionController;
+class NavLight;
+class NavSystem;
+class PowerSource;
+class QuantumDrive;
+class RadioMessage;
+class Shield;
+class ShieldRep;
+class ShipDesign;
+class ShipKiller;
+class Solid;
+class Skin;
+class Sound;
+class Sensor;
+class System;
+class Thruster;
+class Weapon;
+class WeaponDesign;
+class WeaponGroup;
+// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
+class Ship : public SimObject,
+ public SimObserver
+ static const char* TYPENAME() { return "Ship"; }
+ DRONE = 0x0001,
+ FIGHTER = 0x0002,
+ ATTACK = 0x0004,
+ LCA = 0x0008,
+ COURIER = 0x0010,
+ CARGO = 0x0020,
+ CORVETTE = 0x0040,
+ FREIGHTER = 0x0080,
+ FRIGATE = 0x0100,
+ DESTROYER = 0x0200,
+ CRUISER = 0x0400,
+ BATTLESHIP = 0x0800,
+ CARRIER = 0x1000,
+ DREADNAUGHT = 0x2000,
+ STATION = 0x4000,
+ FARCASTER = 0x8000,
+ MINE = 0x00010000,
+ COMSAT = 0x00020000,
+ DEFSAT = 0x00040000,
+ SWACS = 0x00080000,
+ BUILDING = 0x00100000,
+ FACTORY = 0x00200000,
+ SAM = 0x00400000,
+ EWR = 0x00800000,
+ C3I = 0x01000000,
+ STARBASE = 0x02000000,
+ DROPSHIPS = 0x0000000f,
+ STARSHIPS = 0x0000fff0,
+ SPACE_UNITS = 0x000f0000,
+ GROUND_UNITS = 0xfff00000
+ };
+ Ship(const char* ship_name, const char* reg_num, ShipDesign* design, int IFF=0, int cmd_ai=0, const int* loadout=0);
+ virtual ~Ship();
+ int operator == (const Ship& s) const { return id ==; }
+ static void Initialize();
+ static void Close();
+ virtual void ExecFrame(double seconds);
+ virtual void AeroFrame(double seconds);
+ virtual void StatFrame(double seconds);
+ virtual void DockFrame(double seconds);
+ virtual void LinearFrame(double seconds);
+ virtual void ExecSensors(double seconds);
+ void ExecNavFrame(double seconds);
+ void ExecPhysics(double seconds);
+ void ExecThrottle(double seconds);
+ void ExecSystems(double seconds);
+ virtual void Activate(Scene& scene);
+ virtual void Deactivate(Scene& scene);
+ virtual void SelectDetail(double seconds);
+ virtual void SetRegion(SimRegion* rgn);
+ virtual int GetTextureList(List<Bitmap>& textures);
+ virtual void SetControls(MotionController* m);
+ virtual void SetNetworkControl(Director* net_ctrl=0);
+ void SetDirectorInfo(const char* msg) { director_info = msg; }
+ const char* GetDirectorInfo() const { return director_info; }
+ void SetAIMode(int n) { ai_mode = (BYTE) n; }
+ int GetAIMode() const { return (int) ai_mode; }
+ void SetCommandAILevel(int n) { command_ai_level = (BYTE) n; }
+ int GetCommandAILevel() const { return command_ai_level; }
+ virtual int GetFlightPhase() const { return flight_phase; }
+ virtual void SetFlightPhase(OP_MODE phase);
+ bool IsNetObserver() const { return net_observer_mode; }
+ void SetNetObserver(bool n) { net_observer_mode = n; }
+ bool IsInvulnerable() const { return invulnerable; }
+ void SetInvulnerable(bool n) { invulnerable = n; }
+ double GetHelmHeading() const { return helm_heading; }
+ double GetHelmPitch() const { return helm_pitch; }
+ void SetHelmHeading(double h);
+ void SetHelmPitch(double p);
+ virtual void ApplyHelmYaw(double y);
+ virtual void ApplyHelmPitch(double p);
+ virtual void ApplyPitch(double pitch_acc); // override for G limiter
+ void ArcadeStop() { arcade_velocity *= 0; }
+ // CAMERA:
+ Point BridgeLocation() const { return bridge_vec; }
+ Point ChaseLocation() const { return chase_vec; }
+ Point TransitionLocation() const { return transition_loc; }
+ Ship* GetController() const;
+ int NumInbound() const;
+ int NumFlightDecks() const;
+ FlightDeck* GetFlightDeck(int i=0) const;
+ Ship* GetCarrier() const { return carrier; }
+ FlightDeck* GetDock() const { return dock; }
+ void SetCarrier(Ship* c, FlightDeck* d);
+ void Stow();
+ InboundSlot* GetInbound() const { return inbound; }
+ void SetInbound(InboundSlot* s);
+ int GetFuelLevel() const; // (0-100) percent of full tank
+ void SetThrottle(double percent);
+ void SetAugmenter(bool enable);
+ double Thrust(double seconds) const;
+ double VelocityLimit() const { return vlimit; }
+ Drive* GetDrive() const { return main_drive; }
+ double Throttle() const { return throttle; }
+ bool Augmenter() const { return augmenter; }
+ QuantumDrive* GetQuantumDrive() const { return quantum_drive; }
+ Farcaster* GetFarcaster() const { return farcaster; }
+ bool IsAirborne() const;
+ bool IsDropCam() const { return transition_type == TRANSITION_DROP_CAM; }
+ bool IsDropping() const { return transition_type == TRANSITION_DROP_ORBIT; }
+ bool IsAttaining() const { return transition_type == TRANSITION_MAKE_ORBIT; }
+ bool IsSkipping() const { return transition_type == TRANSITION_TIME_SKIP; }
+ bool IsDying() const { return transition_type == TRANSITION_DEATH_SPIRAL; }
+ bool IsDead() const { return transition_type == TRANSITION_DEAD; }
+ bool InTransition() const { return transition_type != TRANSITION_NONE; }
+ void DropOrbit();
+ void MakeOrbit();
+ bool CanTimeSkip();
+ bool IsInCombat();
+ void TimeSkip();
+ void DropCam(double time=10, double range=0);
+ void DeathSpiral();
+ void CompleteTransition();
+ void SetTransition(double trans_time, int trans_type, const Point& trans_loc);
+ double CompassHeading() const;
+ double CompassPitch() const;
+ double AltitudeMSL() const;
+ double AltitudeAGL() const;
+ double GForce() const;
+ virtual void SetupAgility();
+ void ExecFLCSFrame();
+ void CycleFLCSMode();
+ void SetFLCSMode(int mode);
+ int GetFLCSMode() const;
+ void SetTransX(double t);
+ void SetTransY(double t);
+ void SetTransZ(double t);
+ bool IsGearDown();
+ void LowerGear();
+ void RaiseGear();
+ void ToggleGear();
+ void ToggleNavlights();
+ virtual void CheckFriendlyFire();
+ virtual void CheckFire(bool c) { check_fire = c; }
+ virtual bool CheckFire() const { return (check_fire||net_observer_mode)?true:false; }
+ virtual void SelectWeapon(int n, int w);
+ virtual bool FireWeapon(int n);
+ virtual bool FirePrimary() { return FireWeapon(primary); }
+ virtual bool FireSecondary() { return FireWeapon(secondary); }
+ virtual bool FireDecoy();
+ virtual void CyclePrimary();
+ virtual void CycleSecondary();
+ virtual Weapon* GetPrimary() const;
+ virtual Weapon* GetSecondary() const;
+ virtual Weapon* GetWeaponByIndex(int n);
+ virtual WeaponGroup* GetPrimaryGroup() const;
+ virtual WeaponGroup* GetSecondaryGroup() const;
+ virtual Weapon* GetDecoy() const;
+ virtual List<Shot>& GetActiveDecoys();
+ virtual void AddActiveDecoy(Drone* d);
+ virtual int* GetLoadout() { return loadout; }
+ List<Shot>& GetThreatList();
+ void AddThreat(Shot* s);
+ void DropThreat(Shot* s);
+ virtual bool Update(SimObject* obj);
+ virtual const char* GetObserverName() const { return name; }
+ virtual int GetMissileEta(int index) const;
+ virtual void SetMissileEta(int id, int eta);
+ virtual WeaponDesign* GetPrimaryDesign() const;
+ virtual WeaponDesign* GetSecondaryDesign() const;
+ virtual void SetTarget(SimObject* t, System* sub=0, bool from_net=false);
+ virtual SimObject* GetTarget() const { return target; }
+ virtual System* GetSubTarget() const { return subtarget; }
+ virtual void CycleSubTarget(int dir=1);
+ virtual void DropTarget();
+ virtual void LockTarget(int type=SimObject::SIM_SHIP,
+ bool closest=false,
+ bool hostile=false);
+ virtual void LockTarget(SimObject* candidate);
+ virtual bool IsTracking(SimObject* tgt);
+ virtual bool GetTrigger(int i) const;
+ virtual void SetTrigger(int i);
+ Ship* GetWard() const { return ward; }
+ void SetWard(Ship* s);
+ virtual double InflictDamage(double damage,
+ Shot* shot = 0,
+ int hit_type = 3,
+ Point hull_impact = Point(0,0,0));
+ virtual double InflictSystemDamage(double damage, Shot* shot, Point impact);
+ virtual void InflictNetDamage(double damage, Shot* shot=0);
+ virtual void InflictNetSystemDamage(System* system, double damage, BYTE type);
+ virtual void SetNetSystemStatus(System* system, int status, int power, int reactor, double avail);
+ virtual void SetIntegrity(float n) { integrity = n; }
+ virtual void Destroy();
+ virtual int ShieldStrength() const;
+ virtual int HullStrength() const;
+ virtual int HitBy(Shot* shot, Point& impact);
+ virtual int CollidesWith(Physical& o);
+ virtual int GetContactID() const { return contact_id; }
+ virtual int GetIFF() const { return IFF_code; }
+ virtual void SetIFF(int iff);
+ virtual Color MarkerColor() const;
+ static Color IFFColor(int iff);
+ virtual void DoEMCON();
+ virtual double PCS() const;
+ virtual double ACS() const;
+ int NumContacts() const; // actual sensor contacts
+ List<Contact>& ContactList();
+ virtual int GetSensorMode() const;
+ virtual void SetSensorMode(int mode);
+ virtual void LaunchProbe();
+ virtual Weapon* GetProbeLauncher() const { return probe; }
+ virtual Drone* GetProbe() const { return sensor_drone; }
+ virtual void SetProbe(Drone* d);
+ virtual int GetEMCON() const { return emcon; }
+ virtual void SetEMCON(int e, bool from_net=false);
+ virtual Contact* FindContact(SimObject* s) const;
+ virtual bool IsHostileTo(const SimObject* o) const;
+ const char* Registry() const { return regnum; }
+ void SetName(const char* ident) { strcpy(name, ident); }
+ const ShipDesign* Design() const { return design; }
+ const char* Abbreviation() const;
+ const char* DesignName() const;
+ const char* DesignFileName() const;
+ static const char* ClassName(int c);
+ static int ClassForName(const char* name);
+ const char* ClassName() const;
+ CLASSIFICATION Class() const;
+ bool IsGroundUnit() const;
+ bool IsStarship() const;
+ bool IsDropship() const;
+ bool IsStatic() const;
+ bool IsRogue() const;
+ void SetRogue(bool r=true);
+ int GetFriendlyFire() const { return ff_count; }
+ void SetFriendlyFire(int f);
+ void IncFriendlyFire(int f=1);
+ double Agility() const { return agility; }
+ DWORD MissionClock() const;
+ Graphic* Cockpit() const;
+ void ShowCockpit();
+ void HideCockpit();
+ int Value() const;
+ double AIValue() const;
+ static int Value(int type);
+ const Skin* GetSkin() const { return skin; }
+ void UseSkin(const Skin* s) { skin = s; }
+ void ShowRep();
+ void HideRep();
+ void EnableShadows(bool enable);
+ int RespawnCount() const { return respawns; }
+ void SetRespawnCount(int r) { respawns = r; }
+ const Point& RespawnLoc() const { return respawn_loc; }
+ void SetRespawnLoc(const Point& rl)
+ { respawn_loc = rl; }
+ double WarpFactor() const { return warp_fov; }
+ void SetWarp(double w) { warp_fov = (float) w; }
+ void MatchOrientation(const Ship& s);
+ void ExecEvalFrame(double seconds);
+ void SetLaunchPoint(Instruction* pt);
+ void AddNavPoint(Instruction* pt, Instruction* afterPoint=0);
+ void DelNavPoint(Instruction* pt);
+ void ClearFlightPlan();
+ Instruction* GetNextNavPoint();
+ int GetNavIndex(const Instruction* n);
+ double RangeToNavPoint(const Instruction* n);
+ void SetNavptStatus(Instruction* n, int status);
+ List<Instruction>& GetFlightPlan();
+ int FlightPlanLength();
+ CombatUnit* GetCombatUnit() const { return combat_unit; }
+ Element* GetElement() const { return element; }
+ Ship* GetLeader() const;
+ int GetElementIndex() const;
+ int GetOrigElementIndex() const;
+ void SetElement(Element* e);
+ Instruction* GetRadioOrders() const;
+ void ClearRadioOrders();
+ void HandleRadioMessage(RadioMessage* msg);
+ bool IsAutoNavEngaged();
+ void SetAutoNav(bool engage=true);
+ void CommandMode();
+ void ClearTrack();
+ void UpdateTrack();
+ int TrackLength() const { return ntrack; }
+ Point TrackPoint(int i) const;
+ List<System>& RepairQueue() { return repair_queue; }
+ double RepairSpeed() const;
+ int RepairTeams() const;
+ void RepairSystem(System* sys);
+ void IncreaseRepairPriority(int task_index);
+ void DecreaseRepairPriority(int task_index);
+ void ExecMaintFrame(double seconds);
+ bool AutoRepair() const { return auto_repair; }
+ void EnableRepair(bool e) { auto_repair = e; }
+ bool MasterCaution() const { return master_caution; }
+ void ClearCaution() { master_caution = 0; }
+ List<System>& Systems() { return systems; }
+ List<WeaponGroup>& Weapons() { return weapons; }
+ List<Drive>& Drives() { return drives; }
+ List<Computer>& Computers() { return computers; }
+ List<FlightDeck>& FlightDecks() { return flight_decks; }
+ List<PowerSource>& Reactors() { return reactors; }
+ List<NavLight>& NavLights() { return navlights; }
+ Shield* GetShield() { return shield; }
+ Solid* GetShieldRep() { return (Solid*) shieldRep; }
+ Sensor* GetSensor() { return sensor; }
+ NavSystem* GetNavSystem() { return navsys; }
+ FlightComp* GetFLCS() { return flcs; }
+ Thruster* GetThruster() { return thruster; }
+ Hangar* GetHangar() { return hangar; }
+ LandingGear* GetGear() { return gear; }
+ System* GetSystem(int sys_id);
+ static int GetControlModel() { return control_model; }
+ static void SetControlModel(int n) { control_model = n; }
+ static int GetFlightModel() { return flight_model; }
+ static void SetFlightModel(int f) { flight_model = f; }
+ static int GetLandingModel() { return landing_model; }
+ static void SetLandingModel(int f) { landing_model = f; }
+ static double GetFriendlyFireLevel() { return friendly_fire_level; }
+ static void SetFriendlyFireLevel(double f)
+ { friendly_fire_level = f; }
+ int CheckShotIntersection(Shot* shot, Point& ipt, Point& hpt, Weapon** wep=0);
+ WeaponGroup* FindWeaponGroup(const char* name);
+ char regnum[16];
+ ShipDesign* design;
+ ShipKiller* killer;
+ DetailSet detail;
+ int detail_level;
+ Sim* sim;
+ double vlimit;
+ double agility;
+ double throttle;
+ double throttle_request;
+ bool augmenter;
+ float wep_mass;
+ float wep_resist;
+ int IFF_code;
+ int cmd_chain_index;
+ int ff_count;
+ OP_MODE flight_phase;
+ SimObject* target;
+ System* subtarget;
+ Ship* ward;
+ int check_fire;
+ int primary;
+ int secondary;
+ const Skin* skin;
+ Solid* cockpit;
+ Drive* main_drive;
+ QuantumDrive* quantum_drive;
+ Farcaster* farcaster;
+ Shield* shield;
+ ShieldRep* shieldRep;
+ NavSystem* navsys;
+ FlightComp* flcs;
+ Sensor* sensor;
+ LandingGear* gear;
+ Thruster* thruster;
+ Weapon* decoy;
+ Weapon* probe;
+ Drone* sensor_drone;
+ Hangar* hangar;
+ List<Shot> decoy_list;
+ List<Shot> threat_list;
+ List<System> systems;
+ List<PowerSource> reactors;
+ List<WeaponGroup> weapons;
+ List<Drive> drives;
+ List<Computer> computers;
+ List<FlightDeck> flight_decks;
+ List<NavLight> navlights;
+ List<System> repair_queue;
+ CombatUnit* combat_unit;
+ Element* element;
+ int orig_elem_index;
+ Instruction* radio_orders;
+ Instruction* launch_point;
+ Vec3 chase_vec;
+ Vec3 bridge_vec;
+ const char* director_info;
+ BYTE ai_mode;
+ BYTE command_ai_level;
+ BYTE flcs_mode;
+ bool net_observer_mode;
+ float pcs; // passive sensor cross section
+ float acs; // active sensor cross section
+ BYTE emcon;
+ BYTE old_emcon;
+ bool invulnerable;
+ DWORD launch_time;
+ DWORD friendly_fire_time;
+ Ship* carrier;
+ FlightDeck* dock;
+ InboundSlot* inbound;
+ Director* net_control;
+ Point* track;
+ int ntrack;
+ DWORD track_time;
+ float helm_heading;
+ float helm_pitch;
+ float altitude_agl;
+ float g_force;
+ float warp_fov;
+ float transition_time;
+ int transition_type;
+ Point transition_loc;
+ Point respawn_loc;
+ int respawns;
+ bool master_caution;
+ bool auto_repair;
+ DWORD last_repair_time;
+ DWORD last_eval_time;
+ DWORD last_beam_time;
+ DWORD last_bolt_time;
+ int missile_id[4];
+ BYTE missile_eta[4];
+ bool trigger[4];
+ int* loadout;
+ int contact_id;
+ static int control_model;
+ static int flight_model;
+ static int landing_model;
+ static double friendly_fire_level;
+#endif Ship_h