path: root/Stars45/NetLobbyServer.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Stars45/NetLobbyServer.cpp')
1 files changed, 1359 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Stars45/NetLobbyServer.cpp b/Stars45/NetLobbyServer.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d66b209
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Stars45/NetLobbyServer.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1359 @@
+/* Project Starshatter 4.5
+ Destroyer Studios LLC
+ Copyright © 1997-2004. All Rights Reserved.
+ SUBSYSTEM: Stars.exe
+ FILE: NetLobbyServer.cpp
+ AUTHOR: John DiCamillo
+ ========
+ NetLink Engine for Multiplayer Lobby
+#include "MemDebug.h"
+#include "NetLobbyServer.h"
+#include "NetServerConfig.h"
+#include "NetClientConfig.h"
+#include "NetBrokerClient.h"
+#include "NetAuth.h"
+#include "NetChat.h"
+#include "NetUser.h"
+#include "Campaign.h"
+#include "Mission.h"
+#include "StarServer.h"
+#include "Starshatter.h"
+#include "StarServer.h"
+#include "ShipDesign.h"
+#include "Sim.h"
+#include "ModConfig.h"
+#include "ModInfo.h"
+#include "NetGame.h"
+#include "NetPlayer.h"
+#include "NetUtil.h"
+#include "NetPeer.h"
+#include "NetLayer.h"
+#include "NetHost.h"
+#include "NetMsg.h"
+#include "MachineInfo.h"
+#include "Game.h"
+#include "FormatUtil.h"
+extern const char* versionInfo;
+// +-------------------------------------------------------------------+
+static NetLobbyServer* net_lobby_server = 0;
+ : announce_time(0), server_config(0), motd_index(1)
+ status = NetServerInfo::LOBBY;
+ server_name = Text("Starshatter NetLobbyServer ") + versionInfo;
+ start_time = NetLayer::GetUTC();
+ selected_mission = 0;
+ WORD server_port = 11100;
+ server_config = NetServerConfig::GetInstance();
+ if (server_config) {
+ server_name = server_config->Name();
+ server_port = server_config->GetLobbyPort();
+ server_mission = server_config->GetMission();
+ NetAuth::SetAuthLevel(server_config->GetAuthLevel());
+ server_addr = NetAddr(NetHost().Address().IPAddr(), server_port);
+ link = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) NetLink(server_addr);
+ }
+ LoadMOTD();
+ StarServer* star_server = StarServer::GetInstance();
+ DWORD mission_id = 0;
+ // only one mission:
+ if (star_server && server_mission.length() > 0) {
+ NetCampaignInfo* c = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) NetCampaignInfo;
+ c->id = Campaign::MULTIPLAYER_MISSIONS;
+ c->name = "Persistent Multiplayer";
+ campaigns.append(c);
+ ListIter<Campaign> c_iter = Campaign::GetAllCampaigns();
+ while (++c_iter && !mission_id) {
+ Campaign* campaign = c_iter.value();
+ if (campaign->GetCampaignId() == Campaign::MULTIPLAYER_MISSIONS) {
+ ListIter<MissionInfo> m_iter = campaign->GetMissionList();
+ while (++m_iter && !mission_id) {
+ MissionInfo* m = m_iter.value();
+ if (m->script == server_mission) {
+ c->missions.append(m);
+ mission_id = (Campaign::MULTIPLAYER_MISSIONS << NET_CAMPAIGN_SHIFT) + m->id;
+ SelectMission(mission_id);
+ star_server->SetGameMode(StarServer::LOAD_MODE);
+ // lock in mission:
+ SetStatus(NetServerInfo::PERSISTENT);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // player host may select mission:
+ if (!mission_id) {
+ campaigns.destroy();
+ ListIter<Campaign> c_iter = Campaign::GetAllCampaigns();
+ while (++c_iter) {
+ Campaign* campaign = c_iter.value();
+ if (campaign->GetCampaignId() >= Campaign::MULTIPLAYER_MISSIONS) {
+ NetCampaignInfo* c = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) NetCampaignInfo;
+ c->id = campaign->GetCampaignId();
+ c->name = campaign->Name();
+ campaigns.append(c);
+ ListIter<MissionInfo> m_iter = campaign->GetMissionList();
+ while (++m_iter) {
+ MissionInfo* m = m_iter.value();
+ c->missions.append(m);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ModConfig* config = ModConfig::GetInstance();
+ List<ModInfo>& mods = config->GetModInfoList();
+ server_mods.clear();
+ server_mods.append(mods);
+ net_lobby_server = this;
+ ListIter<NetUser> iter = users;
+ while (++iter) {
+ NetUser* u = iter.value();
+ SendData(u, NET_LOBBY_EXIT, Text());
+ ExecFrame();
+ }
+ Sleep(500);
+ unit_map.destroy();
+ chat_log.destroy();
+ users.destroy();
+ motd.destroy();
+ if (net_lobby_server == this)
+ net_lobby_server = 0;
+ return net_lobby_server;
+// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ motd.destroy();
+ FILE* f = fopen("motd.txt", "r");
+ if (f) {
+ char line[256];
+ while (fgets(line, 256, f)) {
+ int n = strlen(line) - 1;
+ while (n >= 0 && isspace(line[n]))
+ line[n--] = 0;
+ motd.append(new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Text(line));
+ }
+ }
+NetLobbyServer::SendMOTD(NetUser* user)
+ if (motd.size() < 1) return;
+ char buffer[512];
+ for (int i = 0; i < motd.size(); i++) {
+ Text* line = motd[i];
+ sprintf(buffer, "id %d user \" \" msg \"%s\"",
+ motd_index++, *line);
+ SendData(user, NET_LOBBY_CHAT, buffer);
+ }
+ sprintf(buffer, "id %d user \" \" msg \" \"", motd_index++);
+ SendData(user, NET_LOBBY_CHAT, buffer);
+NetLobbyServer::SendMods(NetUser* user)
+ char buffer[300];
+ ModConfig* config = ModConfig::GetInstance();
+ List<ModInfo>& mods = config->GetModInfoList();
+ if (mods.size() < 1) return;
+ for (int i = 0; i < mods.size(); i++) {
+ ModInfo* info = mods[i];
+ sprintf(buffer, "id %d user \"Enabled Mods:\" msg \"%d. '%s' ",
+ motd_index++, i+1, info->Name().data());
+ Text msg = buffer;
+ if (info->Version().length() > 0) {
+ msg += "version ";
+ msg += info->Version().data();
+ }
+ if (info->URL().length() > 0) {
+ msg += " - ";
+ msg += info->URL().data();
+ }
+ msg += "\"";
+ SendData(user, NET_LOBBY_CHAT, msg);
+ }
+ sprintf(buffer, "id %d user \" \" msg \" \"", motd_index++);
+ SendData(user, NET_LOBBY_CHAT, buffer);
+// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ NetLobby::ExecFrame();
+ if (announce_time == 0 || Game::RealTime() - announce_time > 200000) {
+ GameOn();
+ announce_time = Game::RealTime();
+ }
+ if (GetStatus() == NetServerInfo::BRIEFING) {
+ NetGame* net_game = NetGame::GetInstance();
+ if (net_game && net_game->NumPlayers() > 0) {
+ SetStatus(NetServerInfo::ACTIVE);
+ }
+ }
+ StarServer* star_server = StarServer::GetInstance();
+ DWORD mission_id = 0;
+ // restart persistent mission?
+ if (star_server &&
+ star_server->GetGameMode() == StarServer::MENU_MODE &&
+ server_mission.length() > 0) {
+ NetCampaignInfo* c = campaigns.last();
+ if (!c || c->name != "Persistent Multiplayer") {
+ c = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) NetCampaignInfo;
+ c->id = Campaign::MULTIPLAYER_MISSIONS;
+ c->name = "Persistent Multiplayer";
+ campaigns.append(c);
+ }
+ else {
+ c->missions.clear();
+ }
+ ListIter<Campaign> c_iter = Campaign::GetAllCampaigns();
+ while (++c_iter && !mission_id) {
+ Campaign* campaign = c_iter.value();
+ if (campaign->GetCampaignId() == Campaign::MULTIPLAYER_MISSIONS) {
+ ListIter<MissionInfo> m_iter = campaign->GetMissionList();
+ while (++m_iter && !mission_id) {
+ MissionInfo* m = m_iter.value();
+ if (m->script == server_mission) {
+ c->missions.append(m);
+ mission_id = (Campaign::MULTIPLAYER_MISSIONS << NET_CAMPAIGN_SHIFT) + m->id;
+ // unlock old mission:
+ SetStatus(NetServerInfo::LOBBY);
+ SelectMission(mission_id);
+ if (star_server->GetGameMode() == StarServer::MENU_MODE) {
+ star_server->SetGameMode(StarServer::LOAD_MODE);
+ }
+ // lock in new mission:
+ SetStatus(NetServerInfo::PERSISTENT);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ CheckSessions();
+// +-------------------------------------------------------------------+
+NetLobbyServer::SendData(NetUser* dst, int type, Text msg)
+ if (link && dst && type > 0 && type < 255) {
+ if (msg.length())
+ link->SendMessage(dst->GetNetID(), (BYTE) type,, msg.length(), NetMsg::RELIABLE);
+ else
+ link->SendMessage(dst->GetNetID(), (BYTE) type, 0, 0, NetMsg::RELIABLE);
+ }
+// +-------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ if (!link)
+ return;
+ bool dropped = false;
+ ListIter<NetUser> u_iter = users;
+ while (++u_iter) {
+ NetUser* u = u_iter.value();
+ NetPeer* p = link->FindPeer(u->GetNetID());
+ if (p && (NetLayer::GetUTC() - p->LastReceiveTime()) > NET_DISCONNECT_TIME) {
+ // check game peer for activity:
+ NetGame* game = NetGame::GetInstance();
+ NetPlayer* player = 0;
+ NetPeer* p2 = 0;
+ if (game) {
+ player = game->FindPlayerByName(u->Name());
+ if (player) {
+ p2 = game->GetPeer(player);
+ if (p2 && (NetLayer::GetUTC() - p2->LastReceiveTime()) < NET_DISCONNECT_TIME) {
+ p->SetLastReceiveTime(p2->LastReceiveTime());
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ ::Print("NetLobbyServer::CheckSessions() Could not find player for '%s'\n", u->Name().data());
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ ::Print("NetLobbyServer::CheckSessions() Could not find net game for '%s'\n", u->Name().data());
+ }
+ // announce drop:
+ char timestr[64];
+ FormatTime(timestr, Game::RealTime()/1000);
+ Print("NetLobbyServer: Dropped inactive connection '%s' %s\n",
+ u->Name().data(), timestr);
+ if (u->IsHost()) {
+ Print(" User was host - ending net game.\n");
+ GameStop();
+ }
+ u_iter.removeItem(); // first remove user from list
+ NetLobby::UnmapUnit(u->Name()); // then unmap unit
+ delete u; // now it is safe to discard the inactive user
+ dropped = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (dropped) {
+ SendUsers();
+ SendUnits();
+ }
+// +-------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ if (status < NetServerInfo::ACTIVE) {
+ SetStatus(NetServerInfo::BRIEFING);
+ if (Starshatter::GetInstance()) {
+ Starshatter::GetInstance()->SetGameMode(Starshatter::PREP_MODE);
+ }
+ else {
+ StarServer* s = StarServer::GetInstance();
+ if (s && s->GetGameMode() == StarServer::MENU_MODE) {
+ s->SetGameMode(StarServer::LOAD_MODE);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (GetStatus() != NetServerInfo::PERSISTENT) {
+ SetStatus(NetServerInfo::LOBBY);
+ StarServer* s = StarServer::GetInstance();
+ if (s && s->GetGameMode() != StarServer::MENU_MODE) {
+ s->SetGameMode(StarServer::MENU_MODE);
+ }
+ }
+// +-------------------------------------------------------------------+
+NetLobbyServer::BanUser(NetUser* user)
+ if (user && !user->IsHost()) {
+ ::Print("NetLobbyServer::BanUser name '%s' addr %d.%d.%d.%d\n",
+ user->Name().data(),
+ user->GetAddress().B1(),
+ user->GetAddress().B2(),
+ user->GetAddress().B3(),
+ user->GetAddress().B4());
+ SendData(user, NET_LOBBY_EXIT, Text());
+ if (server_config)
+ server_config->BanUser(user);
+ DelUser(user);
+ }
+NetLobbyServer::AddUser(NetUser* user)
+ if (server_config && server_config->IsUserBanned(user)) {
+ delete user;
+ return;
+ }
+ NetLobby::AddUser(user);
+ SendUsers();
+NetLobbyServer::DelUser(NetUser* user)
+ NetLobby::DelUser(user);
+ SendUsers();
+ Text content;
+ ListIter<NetUser> u_iter = users;
+ while (++u_iter) {
+ NetUser* u = u_iter.value();
+ content += u->GetDescription();
+ }
+ u_iter.reset();
+ while (++u_iter) {
+ NetUser* u = u_iter.value();
+ SendData(u, NET_LOBBY_USER_LIST, content);
+ }
+// +-------------------------------------------------------------------+
+NetLobbyServer::RequestAuth(NetUser* user)
+ if (user) {
+ Text request = NetAuth::CreateAuthRequest(user);
+ if (request.length() > 0)
+ SendData(user, NET_LOBBY_AUTH_USER, request);
+ }
+// +-------------------------------------------------------------------+
+NetLobbyServer::AddChat(NetUser* user, const char* msg, bool route)
+ NetChatEntry* entry = 0;
+ if (user && msg && *msg) {
+ bool msg_ok = false;
+ const char* p = msg;
+ while (*p && !msg_ok) {
+ if (!isspace(*p++))
+ msg_ok = true;
+ }
+ if (msg_ok) {
+ entry = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) NetChatEntry(user, msg);
+ chat_log.append(entry);
+ // forward to all clients:
+ if (users.size()) {
+ char buffer[768];
+ char msg_buf[256];
+ char usr_buf[256];
+ // safe quotes uses a static buffer,
+ // so make sure to save copies of the
+ // results when using more than one in
+ // a function call...
+ strcpy(msg_buf, SafeQuotes(msg));
+ strcpy(usr_buf, SafeQuotes(user->Name()));
+ sprintf(buffer, "id %d user \"%s\" msg \"%s\"",
+ entry->GetID(), usr_buf, msg_buf);
+ ListIter<NetUser> iter = users;
+ while (++iter) {
+ NetUser* u = iter.value();
+ SendData(u, NET_LOBBY_CHAT, buffer);
+ }
+ if (route) {
+ // send to active game:
+ NetUtil::SendChat(0xffff, usr_buf, msg_buf);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ NetLobby::ClearChat();
+ FILE* f = fopen("chat.txt", "w");
+ if (f) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < chat_log.size(); i++) {
+ NetChatEntry* c = chat_log[i];
+ fprintf(f, "%08x [%s] %s\n",
+ c->GetTime(),
+ c->GetUser().data(),
+ c->GetMessage().data());
+ }
+ fclose(f);
+ }
+// +-------------------------------------------------------------------+
+NetLobbyServer::SelectMission(DWORD id)
+ if (GetStatus() == NetServerInfo::PERSISTENT)
+ return;
+ NetLobby::SelectMission(id);
+ // inform all users of the selection:
+ char buffer[32];
+ sprintf(buffer, "m_id 0x%08x", selected_mission);
+ ListIter<NetUser> iter = users;
+ while (++iter) {
+ NetUser* u = iter.value();
+ SendData(u, NET_LOBBY_MISSION_SELECT, buffer);
+ }
+// +-------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ if (!mission) {
+ unit_map.destroy();
+ return unit_map;
+ }
+ List<NetUnitEntry> units;
+ ListIter<MissionElement> iter = mission->GetElements();
+ int i = 0;
+ Sim* sim = Sim::GetSim();
+ if (sim && sim->GetElements().size() > 0)
+ iter = sim->GetMissionElements();
+ // create new entries for the playable elements in the mission or simulation:
+ while (++iter) {
+ MissionElement* elem = iter.value();
+ if (elem->IsPlayable()) {
+ NetUnitEntry* u = 0;
+ if (elem->Count() == 1) {
+ u = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) NetUnitEntry(elem, 0);
+ u->SetLives(elem->RespawnCount() + 1);
+ u->SetMissionRole(elem->MissionRole());
+ u->SetIFF(elem->GetIFF());
+ if (elem->GetDesign())
+ u->SetDesign(elem->GetDesign()->name);
+ if (elem->Ships().size() > 0) {
+ MissionShip* s = elem->Ships()[0];
+ u->SetIntegrity((int) s->Integrity());
+ }
+ units.append(u);
+ }
+ else {
+ for (int i = 0; i < elem->Count(); i++) {
+ u = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) NetUnitEntry(elem, i+1);
+ u->SetMissionRole(elem->MissionRole());
+ u->SetIFF(elem->GetIFF());
+ if (elem->GetDesign())
+ u->SetDesign(elem->GetDesign()->name);
+ if (elem->Ships().size() > i) {
+ MissionShip* s = elem->Ships()[i];
+ u->SetLives(s->Respawns() + 1);
+ u->SetIntegrity((int) s->Integrity());
+ }
+ units.append(u);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // match new entries with any existing map entries:
+ if (unit_map.size()) {
+ for (i = 0; i < units.size(); i++) {
+ NetUnitEntry* e_new = units[i];
+ NetUnitEntry* e_old = unit_map.find(e_new);
+ if (e_old) {
+ e_new->SetUserName(e_old->GetUserName());
+ e_new->SetLock(e_old->GetLocked());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // rewrite the unit map with the new entries:
+ ClearUnitMap();
+ for (i = 0; i < units.size(); i++) {
+ unit_map.append(units[i]);
+ }
+ return unit_map;
+NetLobbyServer::MapUnit(int n, const char* user, bool lock)
+ NetLobby::MapUnit(n, user, lock);
+ Text reply;
+ ListIter<NetUnitEntry> map_iter = GetUnitMap();
+ while (++map_iter) {
+ NetUnitEntry* unit = map_iter.value();
+ reply += unit->GetDescription();
+ }
+ ListIter<NetUser> u_iter = users;
+ while (++u_iter) {
+ NetUser* u = u_iter.value();
+ SendData(u, NET_LOBBY_UNIT_LIST, reply);
+ }
+NetLobbyServer::UnmapUnit(const char* user)
+ NetLobby::UnmapUnit(user);
+ Text reply;
+ ListIter<NetUnitEntry> map_iter = GetUnitMap();
+ while (++map_iter) {
+ NetUnitEntry* unit = map_iter.value();
+ reply += unit->GetDescription();
+ }
+ ListIter<NetUser> u_iter = users;
+ while (++u_iter) {
+ NetUser* u = u_iter.value();
+ SendData(u, NET_LOBBY_UNIT_LIST, reply);
+ }
+ Text content;
+ ListIter<NetUnitEntry> map_iter = GetUnitMap();
+ while (++map_iter) {
+ NetUnitEntry* unit = map_iter.value();
+ content += unit->GetDescription();
+ }
+ ListIter<NetUser> u_iter = users;
+ while (++u_iter) {
+ NetUser* u = u_iter.value();
+ SendData(u, NET_LOBBY_UNIT_LIST, content);
+ }
+// +-------------------------------------------------------------------+
+NetLobbyServer::Serialize(Mission* m, NetUser* user)
+ Text s;
+ if (!m || !user)
+ return s;
+ NetUnitEntry* unit = 0;
+ ListIter<NetUnitEntry> u_iter = GetUnitMap();
+ while (++u_iter && !unit) {
+ NetUnitEntry* u = u_iter.value();
+ if (u->GetUserName() == user->Name())
+ unit = u;
+ }
+ if (unit)
+ s = m->Serialize(unit->GetElemName(), unit->GetIndex());
+ return s;
+ if (mission) {
+ Text content = Serialize(mission, GetLocalUser());
+ Campaign* c = Campaign::SelectCampaign("Multiplayer Missions");
+ if (c) {
+ c->LoadNetMission(99999,;
+ return c->GetMission(99999);
+ }
+ }
+ return mission;
+// +-------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ NetHost host;
+ const char* type = "Starshatter";
+ const char* password = "No";
+ char address[32];
+ strcpy(address, "0");
+ if (server_config) {
+ if (server_config->GetGameType() == NetServerConfig::NET_GAME_PRIVATE)
+ return;
+ if (server_config->GetGameType() == NetServerConfig::NET_GAME_LAN) {
+ type = "Starshatter-LAN";
+ sprintf(address, "%d.%d.%d.%d",
+ host.Address().B1(),
+ host.Address().B2(),
+ host.Address().B3(),
+ host.Address().B4());
+ }
+ else {
+ type = "Starshatter";
+ sprintf(address, "");
+ }
+ if (server_config->GetGamePass().length() > 0)
+ password = "Yes";
+ }
+ NetBrokerClient::GameOn(server_name,
+ type,
+ address,
+ server_addr.Port(),
+ password);
+// +-------------------------------------------------------------------+
+NetLobbyServer::DoPing(NetPeer* peer, Text s)
+{ }
+NetLobbyServer::DoServerInfo(NetPeer* peer, Text s)
+ if (peer && peer->NetID()) {
+ char buffer[1024];
+ WORD gameport = 11101;
+ if (server_config)
+ gameport = server_config->GetGamePort();
+ sprintf(buffer, "info \"%s\" version \"%s\" mode %d users %d host %s port %d",
+ MachineInfo::GetShortDescription(),
+ versionInfo,
+ GetStatus(),
+ NumUsers(),
+ HasHost() ? "true" : "false",
+ gameport);
+ link->SendMessage(peer->NetID(), (BYTE) NET_LOBBY_SERVER_INFO, buffer, strlen(buffer), NetMsg::RELIABLE);
+ }
+NetLobbyServer::DoServerMods(NetPeer* peer, Text s)
+ if (peer && peer->NetID()) {
+ Text response;
+ ModConfig* config = ModConfig::GetInstance();
+ List<ModInfo>& mods = config->GetModInfoList();
+ ListIter<ModInfo> mod_iter = mods;
+ char buffer[32];
+ sprintf(buffer, "num %d ", mods.size());
+ response += buffer;
+ while (++mod_iter) {
+ ModInfo* info = mod_iter.value();
+ response += "mod \"";
+ response += info->Name();
+ response += "\" url \"";
+ response += info->URL();
+ response += "\" ver \"";
+ response += info->Version();
+ response += "\" ";
+ }
+ link->SendMessage(peer->NetID(), (BYTE) NET_LOBBY_SERVER_MODS, response, response.length(), NetMsg::RELIABLE);
+ }
+// +-------------------------------------------------------------------+
+NetLobbyServer::DoLogin(NetPeer* peer, Text msg)
+ List<NetLobbyParam> params;
+ ParseMsg(msg, params);
+ Text name;
+ Text pass;
+ Text host;
+ Text gamepass;
+ Text signature;
+ Text squadron;
+ Text version;
+ int rank = 0;
+ int flight_time = 0;
+ int missions = 0;
+ int kills = 0;
+ int losses = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < params.size(); i++) {
+ NetLobbyParam* p = params[i];
+ int num = 0;
+ sscanf(p->value, "%d", &num);
+ if (p->name == "name")
+ name = p->value;
+ else if (p->name == "pass")
+ pass = p->value;
+ else if (p->name == "gamepass")
+ gamepass = p->value;
+ else if (p->name == "host")
+ host = p->value;
+ else if (p->name == "sig")
+ signature = p->value;
+ else if (p->name == "squad")
+ squadron = p->value;
+ else if (p->name == "version")
+ version = p->value;
+ else if (p->name == "rank")
+ rank = num;
+ else if (p->name == "time")
+ flight_time = num;
+ else if (p->name == "miss")
+ missions = num;
+ else if (p->name == "kill")
+ kills = num;
+ else if (p->name == "loss")
+ losses = num;
+ }
+ params.destroy();
+ // first check the game version:
+ if (version != versionInfo) {
+ Print("NetLobbyServer - user '%s' tried to login with invalid game version '%s'\n",
+ return;
+ }
+ // next check the game password:
+ if (server_config && server_config->GetGamePass().length() > 0) {
+ if (gamepass != server_config->GetGamePass()) {
+ Print("NetLobbyServer - user '%s' tried to login with invalid game password '%s'\n",
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // now try to log the user in:
+ NetUser* pre_existing = FindUserByName(name);
+ // is user already logged in?
+ if (pre_existing) {
+ if (pre_existing->Pass() == pass &&
+ pre_existing->GetAddress().IPAddr() == peer->Address().IPAddr()) {
+ }
+ }
+ // otherwise, create a new user:
+ else {
+ NetUser* user = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) NetUser(name);
+ user->SetAddress(peer->Address());
+ user->SetNetID(peer->NetID());
+ user->SetPass(pass);
+ user->SetSignature(signature);
+ user->SetSquadron(squadron);
+ user->SetRank(rank);
+ user->SetFlightTime(flight_time);
+ user->SetMissions(missions);
+ user->SetKills(kills);
+ user->SetLosses(losses);
+ if (host == "true" && !HasHost())
+ user->SetHost(true);
+ AddUser(user);
+ RequestAuth(user);
+ SendMOTD(user);
+ SendMods(user);
+ }
+NetLobbyServer::DoLogout(NetPeer* peer, Text msg)
+ NetUser* user = FindUserByNetID(peer->NetID());
+ if (user) {
+ if (user->IsHost())
+ GameStop();
+ DelUser(user);
+ }
+NetLobbyServer::DoUserAuth(NetPeer* peer, Text msg)
+ NetUser* user = FindUserByNetID(peer->NetID());
+ if (user) {
+ NetAuth::AuthUser(user, msg);
+ if (!user->IsAuthOK()) {
+ char buffer[256];
+ sprintf(buffer, "id %d user \"SERVER\" msg \"**********\"", motd_index++);
+ SendData(user, NET_LOBBY_CHAT, buffer);
+ sprintf(buffer, "id %d user \"SERVER\" msg \"*** Your game configuration does not match the server.\"", motd_index++);
+ SendData(user, NET_LOBBY_CHAT, buffer);
+ if (server_mods.size() > 0) {
+ sprintf(buffer, "id %d user \"SERVER\" msg \"*** Please check that you have the proper mods deployed in\"", motd_index++);
+ SendData(user, NET_LOBBY_CHAT, buffer);
+ sprintf(buffer, "id %d user \"SERVER\" msg \"*** the order shown above.\"", motd_index++);
+ SendData(user, NET_LOBBY_CHAT, buffer);
+ }
+ else {
+ sprintf(buffer, "id %d user \"SERVER\" msg \"*** Please verify that you have no mods deployed.\"", motd_index++);
+ SendData(user, NET_LOBBY_CHAT, buffer);
+ }
+ sprintf(buffer, "id %d user \"SERVER\" msg \"*** You will not be permitted to join the game with an invalid\"", motd_index++);
+ SendData(user, NET_LOBBY_CHAT, buffer);
+ sprintf(buffer, "id %d user \"SERVER\" msg \"*** configuration. You may reconnect to this server after you\"", motd_index++);
+ SendData(user, NET_LOBBY_CHAT, buffer);
+ sprintf(buffer, "id %d user \"SERVER\" msg \"*** have corrected your mod configuration.\"", motd_index++);
+ SendData(user, NET_LOBBY_CHAT, buffer);
+ sprintf(buffer, "id %d user \"SERVER\" msg \"**********\"", motd_index++);
+ SendData(user, NET_LOBBY_CHAT, buffer);
+ sprintf(buffer, "id %d user \" \" msg \" \"", motd_index++);
+ SendData(user, NET_LOBBY_CHAT, buffer);
+ }
+ }
+NetLobbyServer::DoChat(NetPeer* peer, Text msg)
+ List<NetLobbyParam> params;
+ ParseMsg(msg, params);
+ Text chat_msg;
+ for (int i = 0; i < params.size(); i++) {
+ NetLobbyParam* p = params[i];
+ int num = 0;
+ sscanf(p->value, "%d", &num);
+ if (p->name == "msg") {
+ chat_msg = p->value;
+ }
+ }
+ params.destroy();
+ NetUser* user = FindUserByNetID(peer->NetID());
+ if (user) {
+ // receive chat from client:
+ if (chat_msg.length()) {
+ AddChat(user, chat_msg);
+ }
+ // request for chat log:
+ else {
+ ListIter<NetChatEntry> iter = chat_log;
+ while (++iter) {
+ NetChatEntry* entry = iter.value();
+ char buffer[512];
+ char msg_buf[256];
+ char usr_buf[256];
+ // safe quotes uses a static buffer,
+ // so make sure to save copies of the
+ // results when using more than one in
+ // a function call...
+ strcpy(msg_buf, SafeQuotes(entry->GetMessage()));
+ strcpy(usr_buf, SafeQuotes(entry->GetUser()));
+ sprintf(buffer, "id %d user \"%s\" msg \"%s\"",
+ entry->GetID(), usr_buf, msg_buf);
+ SendData(user, NET_LOBBY_CHAT, buffer);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+NetLobbyServer::DoUserList(NetPeer* peer, Text msg)
+ NetUser* user = FindUserByNetID(peer->NetID());
+ if (user) {
+ Text content;
+ if (local_user)
+ content += local_user->GetDescription();
+ ListIter<NetUser> iter = users;
+ while (++iter) {
+ NetUser* u = iter.value();
+ content += u->GetDescription();
+ }
+ SendData(user, NET_LOBBY_USER_LIST, content);
+ }
+NetLobbyServer::DoBanUser(NetPeer* peer, Text msg)
+ NetUser* user = FindUserByNetID(peer->NetID());
+ if (user && user->IsHost() && user->IsAuthOK()) {
+ List<NetLobbyParam> params;
+ ParseMsg(msg, params);
+ if (params.size() > 0) {
+ NetLobbyParam* p = params[0];
+ if (p->name == "user") {
+ Text user_name = p->value;
+ NetUser* u = FindUserByName(user_name);
+ if (u && !u->IsHost())
+ BanUser(u);
+ }
+ }
+ params.destroy();
+ }
+NetLobbyServer::DoMissionList(NetPeer* peer, Text msg)
+ NetUser* user = FindUserByNetID(peer->NetID());
+ if (user) {
+ Text reply;
+ char buffer[4096];
+ ListIter<Campaign> c_iter = Campaign::GetAllCampaigns();
+ while (++c_iter) {
+ Campaign* c = c_iter.value();
+ if (c->GetCampaignId() >= Campaign::MULTIPLAYER_MISSIONS) {
+ sprintf(buffer, "c_id 0x%08x c_name \"%s\" ",
+ c->GetCampaignId(),
+ SafeQuotes(c->Name()));
+ reply += buffer;
+ }
+ }
+ c_iter.reset();
+ while (++c_iter) {
+ Campaign* c = c_iter.value();
+ if (c->GetCampaignId() >= Campaign::MULTIPLAYER_MISSIONS) {
+ ListIter<MissionInfo> m_iter = c->GetMissionList();
+ while (++m_iter) {
+ MissionInfo* m = m_iter.value();
+ int mission_id = (c->GetCampaignId() << NET_CAMPAIGN_SHIFT) + m->id;
+ sprintf(buffer, "m_id 0x%08x ", mission_id);
+ reply += buffer;
+ reply += "m_name \"";
+ reply += SafeQuotes(m->name);
+ // long version of safe quotes:
+ int n = 0;
+ const char* s = m->;
+ while (*s && n < 4090) {
+ if (*s == '"') {
+ buffer[n++] = '\'';
+ s++;
+ }
+ else if (*s == '\n') {
+ buffer[n++] = '\\';
+ buffer[n++] = 'n';
+ s++;
+ }
+ else if (*s == '\t') {
+ buffer[n++] = '\\';
+ buffer[n++] = 't';
+ s++;
+ }
+ else {
+ buffer[n++] = *s++;
+ }
+ }
+ // don't forget the null terminator!
+ buffer[n] = 0;
+ reply += "\" m_desc \"";
+ reply += buffer;
+ reply += "\" ";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SendData(user, NET_LOBBY_MISSION_LIST, reply);
+ sprintf(buffer, "m_id 0x%08x", selected_mission);
+ SendData(user, NET_LOBBY_MISSION_SELECT, buffer);
+ }
+NetLobbyServer::DoMissionSelect(NetPeer* peer, Text msg)
+ if (GetStatus() == NetServerInfo::PERSISTENT)
+ return;
+ NetUser* user = FindUserByNetID(peer->NetID());
+ if (user && user->IsHost() && user->IsAuthOK()) {
+ List<NetLobbyParam> params;
+ ParseMsg(msg, params);
+ for (int i = 0; i < params.size(); i++) {
+ NetLobbyParam* p = params[i];
+ int num = 0;
+ sscanf(p->value, "0x%x", &num);
+ if (p->name == "m_id") {
+ SelectMission(num);
+ }
+ }
+ params.destroy();
+ }
+NetLobbyServer::DoMissionData(NetPeer* peer, Text msg)
+ NetUser* user = FindUserByNetID(peer->NetID());
+ if (user && mission && user->IsAuthOK()) {
+ Text reply = Serialize(mission, user);
+ SendData(user, NET_LOBBY_MISSION_DATA, reply);
+ FILE* f = ::fopen("multi_mission_send.def", "w");
+ if (f) {
+ ::fwrite(, reply.length(), 1, f);
+ ::fclose(f);
+ }
+ }
+NetLobbyServer::DoUnitList(NetPeer* peer, Text msg)
+ NetUser* user = FindUserByNetID(peer->NetID());
+ if (user && unit_map.size() && user->IsAuthOK()) {
+ Text reply;
+ ListIter<NetUnitEntry> iter = GetUnitMap();
+ while (++iter) {
+ NetUnitEntry* unit = iter.value();
+ reply += unit->GetDescription();
+ }
+ SendData(user, NET_LOBBY_UNIT_LIST, reply);
+ }
+NetLobbyServer::DoMapUnit(NetPeer* peer, Text msg)
+ NetUser* user = FindUserByNetID(peer->NetID());
+ if (user && unit_map.size() && user->IsAuthOK()) {
+ List<NetLobbyParam> params;
+ ParseMsg(msg, params);
+ int id = 0;
+ bool lock = false;
+ Text user_name;
+ for (int i = 0; i < params.size(); i++) {
+ NetLobbyParam* p = params[i];
+ if (p->name == "id") {
+ sscanf(p->value, "%d", &id);
+ }
+ else if (p->name == "user") {
+ user_name = p->value;
+ }
+ else if (p->name == "lock") {
+ lock = (p->value == "true") ? true : false;
+ }
+ }
+ params.destroy();
+ MapUnit(id, user_name, lock);
+ }
+NetLobbyServer::DoGameStart(NetPeer* peer, Text msg)
+ GameStart();
+NetLobbyServer::DoGameStop(NetPeer* peer, Text msg)
+ NetUser* user = FindUserByNetID(peer->NetID());
+ if (user && user->IsHost() && user->IsAuthOK())
+ GameStop();