path: root/Stars45/NetLobbyDlg.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Stars45/NetLobbyDlg.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 473 deletions
diff --git a/Stars45/NetLobbyDlg.cpp b/Stars45/NetLobbyDlg.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index f878916..0000000
--- a/Stars45/NetLobbyDlg.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,473 +0,0 @@
-/* Starshatter: The Open Source Project
- Copyright (c) 2021-2022, Starshatter: The Open Source Project Contributors
- Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Starshatter OpenSource Distribution Contributors
- Copyright (c) 1997-2006, Destroyer Studios LLC.
- AUTHOR: John DiCamillo
- ========
- Main Menu Dialog Active Window class
-#include "NetLobbyDlg.h"
-#include "NetUnitDlg.h"
-#include "NetClientConfig.h"
-#include "MenuScreen.h"
-#include "Starshatter.h"
-#include "Ship.h"
-#include "Player.h"
-#include "Campaign.h"
-#include "NetAddr.h"
-#include "NetLobbyClient.h"
-#include "NetLobbyServer.h"
-#include "NetUser.h"
-#include "NetChat.h"
-#include "DataLoader.h"
-#include "Video.h"
-#include "Keyboard.h"
-#include "MachineInfo.h"
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-DEF_MAP_CLIENT(NetLobbyDlg, OnCampaignSelect);
-DEF_MAP_CLIENT(NetLobbyDlg, OnMissionSelect);
-DEF_MAP_CLIENT(NetLobbyDlg, OnApply);
-DEF_MAP_CLIENT(NetLobbyDlg, OnCancel);
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-NetLobbyDlg::NetLobbyDlg(Screen* s, FormDef& def, MenuScreen* mgr)
-: FormWindow(s, 0, 0, s->Width(), s->Height()), manager(mgr),
- selected_campaign = 0;
- selected_mission = 0;
- last_chat = 0;
- host_mode = false;
- Init(def);
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
- lst_campaigns = (ComboBox*) FindControl(200);
- REGISTER_CLIENT(EID_SELECT, lst_campaigns, NetLobbyDlg, OnCampaignSelect);
- lst_missions = (ListBox*) FindControl(201);
- REGISTER_CLIENT(EID_SELECT, lst_missions, NetLobbyDlg, OnMissionSelect);
- txt_desc = FindControl(202);
- lst_players = (ListBox*) FindControl(210);
- lst_chat = (ListBox*) FindControl(211);
- edt_chat = (EditBox*) FindControl(212);
- if (edt_chat)
- edt_chat->SetText("");
- apply = (Button*) FindControl(1);
- REGISTER_CLIENT(EID_CLICK, apply, NetLobbyDlg, OnApply);
- cancel = (Button*) FindControl(2);
- REGISTER_CLIENT(EID_CLICK, cancel, NetLobbyDlg, OnCancel);
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
- if (!IsShown()) {
- // clear server data:
- if (lst_chat) lst_chat->ClearItems();
- if (lst_campaigns) lst_campaigns->ClearItems();
- if (lst_missions) lst_missions->ClearItems();
- if (txt_desc) txt_desc->SetText("");
- if (apply) apply->SetEnabled(false);
- if (lst_missions) {
- lst_missions->SetSelectedStyle(ListBox::LIST_ITEM_STYLE_FILLED_BOX);
- lst_missions->SetLeading(2);
- }
- selected_campaign = 0;
- selected_mission = 0;
- last_chat = 0;
- FormWindow::Show();
- net_lobby = NetLobby::GetInstance();
- if (!net_lobby) {
- Starshatter* stars = Starshatter::GetInstance();
- if (stars)
- stars->StartLobby();
- net_lobby = NetLobby::GetInstance();
- }
- if (net_lobby) {
- if (net_lobby->IsServer()) {
- host_mode = true;
- NetUser* user = net_lobby->GetLocalUser();
- if (!user) {
- Player* player = Player::GetCurrentPlayer();
- if (player) {
- user = new NetUser(player);
- user->SetHost(true);
- }
- else {
- ::Print("NetLobbyDlg::Show() Host mode - no current player?\n");
- }
- }
- net_lobby->SetLocalUser(user);
- }
- SelectMission();
- }
- }
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
- ExecLobbyFrame();
- if (Keyboard::KeyDown(VK_RETURN)) {
- if (edt_chat && edt_chat->GetText().length() > 0) {
- SendChat(edt_chat->GetText());
- edt_chat->SetText("");
- }
- }
- GetPlayers();
- GetChat();
- if (lst_campaigns) {
- if (lst_campaigns->NumItems() < 1)
- GetMissions();
- else
- GetSelectedMission();
- }
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
- if (net_lobby && net_lobby->GetLastError() != 0) {
- if (net_lobby->IsClient()) {
- Starshatter* stars = Starshatter::GetInstance();
- if (stars)
- stars->StopLobby();
- net_lobby = 0;
- manager->ShowNetClientDlg();
- }
- }
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
- if (!lst_players) return;
- if (net_lobby) {
- lst_players->ClearItems();
- NetUser* u = net_lobby->GetLocalUser();
- if (u) {
- Text name = Player::RankAbrv(u->Rank());
- name += " ";
- name += u->Name();
- int count = lst_players->AddItem(u->IsHost() ? "*" : " ");
- lst_players->SetItemText(count-1, 1, name);
- host_mode = true;
- }
- ListIter<NetUser> iter = net_lobby->GetUsers();
- while (++iter) {
- NetUser* u = iter.value();
- int count = lst_players->AddItem(u->IsHost() ? "*" : " ");
- Text name = Player::RankAbrv(u->Rank());
- name += " ";
- name += u->Name();
- lst_players->SetItemText(count-1, 1, name);
- if (Player::GetCurrentPlayer()->Name() == u->Name())
- host_mode = u->IsHost();
- }
- }
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
- if (!lst_chat) return;
- if (net_lobby) {
- int last_item = lst_chat->NumItems() - 1;
- int count = 0;
- bool added = false;
- ListIter<NetChatEntry> iter = net_lobby->GetChat();
- while (++iter) {
- NetChatEntry* c = iter.value();
- if (count++ > last_item) {
- int n = lst_chat->AddItem(c->GetUser());
- lst_chat->SetItemText(n-1, 1, c->GetMessage());
- added = true;
- }
- }
- if (added)
- lst_chat->EnsureVisible(lst_chat->NumItems()+1);
- }
-NetLobbyDlg::SendChat(Text msg)
- if (msg.length() < 1) return;
- Player* player = Player::GetCurrentPlayer();
- if (msg[0] >= '0' && msg[0] <= '9') {
- if (player) {
- Text macro = player->ChatMacro(msg[0] - '0');
- if (macro.length())
- msg = macro;
- }
- }
- if (net_lobby)
- net_lobby->AddChat(net_lobby->GetLocalUser(), msg);
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
- if (!lst_campaigns || !lst_missions)
- return;
- if (net_lobby) {
- lst_campaigns->ClearItems();
- List<NetCampaignInfo>& campaigns = net_lobby->GetCampaigns();
- if (campaigns.size()) {
- ListIter<NetCampaignInfo> c_iter = campaigns;
- while (++c_iter) {
- NetCampaignInfo* c = c_iter.value();
- lst_campaigns->AddItem(c->name);
- }
- lst_campaigns->SetSelection(0);
- NetCampaignInfo* c = campaigns[0];
- lst_missions->ClearItems();
- ListIter<MissionInfo> m_iter = c->missions;
- while (++m_iter) {
- MissionInfo* m = m_iter.value();
- lst_missions->AddItem(m->name);
- }
- }
- }
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
- if (!lst_campaigns || !lst_missions) return;
- if (net_lobby) {
- if (net_lobby->GetSelectedMissionID()) {
- int id = net_lobby->GetSelectedMissionID();
- selected_campaign = id >> NET_CAMPAIGN_SHIFT;
- selected_mission = id & NET_MISSION_MASK;
- List<NetCampaignInfo>& campaigns = net_lobby->GetCampaigns();
- for (int i = 0; i < campaigns.size(); i++) {
- NetCampaignInfo* c = campaigns[i];
- if (c->id == selected_campaign) {
- lst_campaigns->SetSelection(i);
- OnCampaignSelect(0);
- for (int j = 0; j < c->missions.size(); j++) {
- MissionInfo* m = c->missions[j];
- if (m->id == selected_mission) {
- lst_missions->SetSelected(j);
- OnMissionSelect(0);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else if (selected_campaign) {
- selected_campaign = 0;
- selected_mission = 0;
- }
- lst_campaigns->SetEnabled(selected_campaign == 0);
- lst_missions->SetEnabled(selected_mission == 0);
- if (!host_mode)
- apply->SetEnabled(selected_mission != 0);
- }
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
- if (!lst_campaigns || !lst_missions) return;
- bool selected = false;
- if (net_lobby) {
- int c_index = lst_campaigns->GetSelectedIndex();
- int m_index = lst_missions->GetSelection();
- List<NetCampaignInfo>& campaigns = net_lobby->GetCampaigns();
- if (c_index >= 0 && c_index < campaigns.size() && m_index >= 0) {
- NetCampaignInfo* c = campaigns[c_index];
- if (m_index < c->missions.size()) {
- MissionInfo* m = c->missions[m_index];
- DWORD id = (c->id << NET_CAMPAIGN_SHIFT) +
- (m->id & NET_MISSION_MASK);
- net_lobby->SelectMission(id);
- selected = true;
- }
- }
- if (!selected)
- net_lobby->SelectMission(0);
- }
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-NetLobbyDlg::OnCampaignSelect(AWEvent* event)
- if (net_lobby) {
- List<NetCampaignInfo>& campaigns = net_lobby->GetCampaigns();
- if (lst_campaigns && lst_missions && campaigns.size()) {
- int index = lst_campaigns->GetSelectedIndex();
- if (index >= 0 && index < campaigns.size()) {
- NetCampaignInfo* c = campaigns[index];
- lst_missions->ClearItems();
- txt_desc->SetText("");
- ListIter<MissionInfo> iter = c->missions;
- while (++iter) {
- MissionInfo* m = iter.value();
- lst_missions->AddItem(m->name);
- }
- }
- }
- }
-NetLobbyDlg::OnMissionSelect(AWEvent* event)
- if (net_lobby) {
- List<NetCampaignInfo>& campaigns = net_lobby->GetCampaigns();
- if (lst_campaigns && lst_missions && txt_desc && campaigns.size()) {
- txt_desc->SetText("");
- if (host_mode && apply)
- apply->SetEnabled(false);
- int c_index = lst_campaigns->GetSelectedIndex();
- int m_index = lst_missions->GetSelection();
- if (c_index >= 0 && c_index < campaigns.size()) {
- NetCampaignInfo* c = campaigns[c_index];
- if (m_index >= 0 && m_index < c->missions.size()) {
- MissionInfo* m = c->missions[m_index];
- txt_desc->SetText(m->description);
- if (host_mode && apply)
- apply->SetEnabled(true);
- }
- }
- }
- }
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-NetLobbyDlg::OnApply(AWEvent* event)
- if (host_mode)
- SelectMission();
- manager->ShowNetUnitDlg();
- NetUnitDlg* unit_dlg = manager->GetNetUnitDlg();
- if (unit_dlg)
- unit_dlg->SetHostMode(host_mode);
-NetLobbyDlg::OnCancel(AWEvent* event)
- if (net_lobby) {
- net_lobby->SelectMission(0);
- net_lobby = 0;
- Starshatter* stars = Starshatter::GetInstance();
- if (stars)
- stars->StopLobby();
- }
- manager->ShowNetClientDlg();