path: root/main.go
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-08-29Added last 365 stat summaryHEADmasterAki
2024-08-29Removed "first visit" from summaryAki
2024-01-12Moved all config-like things into one placeAki
2024-01-10Added first visit date to the dashboardAki
2024-01-09Added simple fancy style to the dashboard (maybe opinionated)Aki
2024-01-09Created simple dashboard in the landing pageAki
2023-12-31Embedded robots.txtAki
2023-12-31Print some status in the home viewAki
2023-12-31Added GET /entries?[from=N]Aki
2023-12-31Added stupid and naive configuration for portAki
2023-12-31Embed script and any pages into the toolAki
2023-12-31Fixed missing OPTIONS that's also allowedAki
2022-09-12Reordered importsAki
2020-07-10Added home handler againAki
2020-07-10Added cross-origin policiesAki
2020-07-08Initial backend that collects entriesAki