diff options
authorPhilipp Janda <>2009-11-10 15:51:55 +0100
committerAki <>2024-09-04 22:49:50 +0200
commit68db2b554e23157d218e07a10d9aed81a1da197e (patch)
Original implementation from mailing list
Taken from lua-l mailing list archive. I alreaady found it three times and lost it twice. Original description: > And in that case it's not necessary to use normal text as output at all. > So here is my try using graphviz. It should handle cycles, metatables, > environment tables and upvalues. I used it to debug __index-cycles in a > mixture of generated and hand-written code (was a real mess). Source is > public domain. > > HF, > Philipp Commit author information and date preserved from the original e-mail. lua-l:
1 files changed, 426 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dottify.lua b/dottify.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff0fb51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dottify.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,426 @@
+-- generate a graphviz graph from a lua table structure
+local function append( tab, ... )
+ for i = 1, select( '#', ... ) do
+ tab[ #tab + 1 ] = (select( i, ... ))
+ end
+ return tab
+local function abbrev( str, data )
+ local escape = "\\\\"
+ if data.use_html then
+ escape = "\\"
+ end
+ local s = string.gsub( str, "[^%w?!=/+*-_.:,; ]", function( c )
+-- local s = string.gsub( str, "[^%w_]", function( c )
+ return escape .. string.byte( c )
+ end )
+ if string.len( s ) > 20 then
+ s = string.sub( s, 1, 17 ) .. "..."
+ end
+ return "'" .. s .. "'"
+local function update_node_depth( val, data, depth )
+ data.node2depth[ val ] = math.min( data.node2depth[ val ] or depth, depth )
+local function define_node( data, node )
+ assert( not data.node2id[ node.value ] )
+ local id = data.n_nodes
+ data.n_nodes = data.n_nodes + 1
+ data.node2id[ node.value ] = id
+ append( data.nodes, node )
+ return id
+local function define_edge( data, edge )
+ append( data.edges, edge )
+local function get_metatable( val, enabled )
+ if enabled then
+ if type( debug ) == "table" and
+ type( debug.getmetatable ) == "function" then
+ return debug.getmetatable( val )
+ elseif type( getmetatable ) == "function" then
+ return getmetatable( val )
+ end
+ end
+local function get_environment( val, enabled )
+ if enabled then
+ if type( debug ) == "table" and
+ type( debug.getfenv ) == "function" then
+ return debug.getfenv( val )
+ elseif type( getfenv ) == "function" and
+ type( val ) == "function" then
+ return getfenv( val )
+ end
+ end
+-- generate dot code for references
+local function dottify_metatable_ref( val, id1, mt, id2, data )
+ append( data.edges, {
+ A = val, A_id = id1,
+ B = mt, B_id = id2,
+ style = "dashed",
+ arrowtail = "odiamond",
+ label = "metatable",
+ color = "blue"
+ } )
+ data.nodes[ data.node2id[ val ] ].important = true
+ data.nodes[ data.node2id[ mt ] ].important = true
+local function dottify_environment_ref( val, id1, env, id2, data )
+ append( data.edges, {
+ A = val, A_id = id1,
+ B = env, B_id = id2,
+ style = "dotted",
+ arrowtail = "dot",
+ label = "environment",
+ color = "red"
+ } )
+ data.nodes[ data.node2id[ val ] ].important = true
+ data.nodes[ data.node2id[ env ] ].important = true
+local function dottify_upvalue_ref( val, id1, upv, id2, data, name )
+ append( data.edges, {
+ A = val, A_id = id1,
+ B = upv, B_id = id2,
+ style = "dashed",
+ label = name or "#upvalue",
+ color = "green"
+ } )
+ data.nodes[ data.node2id[ val ] ].important = true
+ data.nodes[ data.node2id[ upv ] ].important = true
+local function dottify_ref( val1, id1, val2, id2, data )
+ append( data.edges, {
+ A = val1, A_id = id1,
+ B = val2, B_id = id2,
+ style = "solid",
+ arrowhead = "normal",
+ } )
+-- forward declarations
+local dottify_table, dottify_userdata, dottify_thread, dottify_function
+local function make_label( tab, v, data, id, subid, depth )
+ if type( v ) == "table" then
+ local id2 = dottify_table( v, data, depth+1 )
+ dottify_ref( tab, id..":"..subid, v, id2..":0", data )
+ return tostring( v )
+ elseif type( v ) == "userdata" then
+ local id2 = dottify_userdata( v, data, depth+1 )
+ dottify_ref( tab, id..":"..subid, v, id2, data )
+ return tostring( v )
+ elseif type( v ) == "function" then
+ local id2 = dottify_function( v, data, depth+1 )
+ dottify_ref( tab, id..":"..subid, v, id2, data )
+ return tostring( v )
+ elseif type( v ) == "thread" then
+ local id2 = dottify_thread( v, data, depth+1 )
+ dottify_ref( tab, id..":"..subid, v, id2, data )
+ return tostring( v )
+ elseif type( v ) == "string" then
+ return abbrev( v, data )
+ elseif type( v ) == "number" or type( v ) == "boolean" then
+ return tostring( v )
+ else
+ error( "unsupported primitive lua type" )
+ end
+function dottify_table( tab, data, depth )
+ assert( type( tab ) == "table" )
+ update_node_depth( tab, data, depth )
+ if not data.node2id[ tab ] then
+ local node = {
+ value = tab
+ }
+ local id = define_node( data, node )
+ local label
+ -- build label for this table
+ if data.use_html then
+ node.shape = "plaintext"
+ <TR><TD PORT="0" COLSPAN="2" BGCOLOR="lightgrey">]] .. tostring( tab ) .. [[
+ else
+ node.shape = "record"
+ label = "{ <0> " .. tostring( tab )
+ end
+ local handled = {}
+ local n = 1
+ -- first the array part
+ for i,v in ipairs( tab ) do
+ local el_label = make_label( tab, v, data, id, n, depth )
+ if data.use_html then
+ label = label .. [[
+ <TR><TD PORT="]] .. n .. [[" COLSPAN="2">]] .. el_label .. [[
+ else
+ label = label .. " | <" .. n .. "> " .. el_label
+ end
+ n = n + 1
+ handled[ i ] = true
+ end
+ -- and then the hash part
+ local keys, values = {}, {}
+ for k,v in pairs( tab ) do
+ node.important = true
+ if not handled[ k ] then -- skip array part elements
+ local k_label = make_label( tab, k, data, id, "k"..n, depth )
+ local v_label = make_label( tab, v, data, id, "v"..n, depth )
+ if data.use_html then
+ label = label .. [[
+ <TR><TD PORT="k]] .. n .. [[">]] .. k_label .. [[
+</TD><TD PORT="v]] .. n .. [[">]] .. v_label .. [[
+ else
+ append( keys, "<k" .. n .. "> " .. k_label )
+ append( values, "<v" .. n .. "> " .. v_label )
+ end
+ n = n + 1
+ end
+ end
+ if data.use_html then
+ node.label = label .. [[</TABLE>]]
+ else
+ if next( keys ) ~= nil then
+ label = label .. " | { { " .. table.concat( keys, " | " ) ..
+ " } | { " .. table.concat( values, " | " ) .. " } }"
+ end
+ node.label = label .. " }"
+ end
+ -- and now the metatable
+ local mt = get_metatable( tab, data.show_metatables )
+ if type( mt ) == "table" then
+ local id2 = dottify_table( mt, data, depth+1 )
+ dottify_metatable_ref( tab, id .. ":0", mt, id2 .. ":0", data )
+ end
+ end
+ return data.node2id[ tab ]
+function dottify_userdata( udata, data, depth )
+ assert( type( udata ) == "userdata" )
+ update_node_depth( udata, data, depth )
+ if not data.node2id[ udata ] then
+ local id = define_node( data, {
+ value = udata,
+ label = tostring( udata ),
+ shape = "box"
+ } )
+ -- the metatable
+ local mt = get_metatable( udata, data.show_metatables )
+ if type( mt ) == "table" then
+ local id2 = dottify_table( mt, data, depth+1 )
+ dottify_metatable_ref( udata, id, mt, id2..":0", data )
+ end
+ -- the environment
+ local env = get_environment( udata, data.show_environments )
+ if type( env ) == "table" then
+ local id2 = dottify_table( env, data, depth+1 )
+ dottify_environment_ref( udata, id, env, id2..":0", data )
+ end
+ end
+ return data.node2id[ udata ]
+function dottify_thread( thread, data, depth )
+ assert( type( thread ) == "thread" )
+ update_node_depth( thread, data, depth )
+ if not data.node2id[ thread ] then
+ local id = define_node( data, {
+ value = thread,
+ label = tostring( thread ),
+ shape = "triangle"
+ } )
+ -- the environment
+ local env = get_environment( val, data.show_environments )
+ if type( env ) == "table" then
+ local id2 = dottify_table( env, data, depth+1 )
+ dottify_environment_ref( thread, id, env, id2..":0", data )
+ end
+ end
+ return data.node2id[ thread ]
+function dottify_function( func, data, depth )
+ assert( type( func ) == "function" )
+ update_node_depth( func, data, depth )
+ if not data.node2id[ func ] then
+ local id = define_node( data, {
+ value = func,
+ label = tostring( func ),
+ shape = "ellipse"
+ } )
+ -- the environment
+ local env = get_environment( func, data.show_environments )
+ if type( env ) == "table" then
+ local id2 = dottify_table( env, data, depth+1 )
+ dottify_environment_ref( func, id, env, id2..":0", data )
+ end
+ -- the upvalues
+ if data.show_upvalues and
+ type( debug ) == "table" and
+ type( debug.getupvalue ) == "function" then
+ local n = 1
+ repeat
+ local name, upvalue = debug.getupvalue( func, n )
+ if type( upvalue ) == "table" then
+ local id2 = dottify_table( upvalue, data, depth+1 )
+ dottify_upvalue_ref( func, id, upvalue, id2..":0", data, name )
+ elseif type( upvalue ) == "userdata" then
+ local id2 = dottify_userdata( upvalue, data, depth+1 )
+ dottify_upvalue_ref( func, id, upvalue, id2, data, name )
+ elseif type( upvalue ) == "function" then
+ local id2 = dottify_function( upvalue, data, depth+1 )
+ dottify_upvalue_ref( func, id, upvalue, id2, data, name )
+ elseif type( upvalue ) == "thread" then
+ local id2 = dottify_thread( upvalue, data, depth+1 )
+ dottify_upvalue_ref( func, id, upvalue, id2, data, name )
+ end
+ n = n + 1
+ until name == nil
+ end
+ end
+ return data.node2id[ func ]
+local option_names = {
+ "label", "shape", "style", "dir", "arrowhead", "arrowtail", "color",
+ "fillcolor"
+local function process_options( obj )
+ local options = {}
+ for _,opt in ipairs( option_names ) do
+ if obj[ opt ] then
+ local quote_on = "\""
+ local quote_off = "\""
+ if opt == "label" and type( obj[ opt ] ) == "string" and
+ obj[ opt ]:match( "^<.*>$" ) then
+ quote_on, quote_off = "<", ">"
+ end
+ append( options, tostring( opt ) .. "=" .. quote_on ..
+ tostring( obj[ opt ] ) .. quote_off )
+ end
+ end
+ return options
+local function write_nodes( file, data )
+ for _,n in ipairs( data.nodes ) do
+ if (data.max_depth <= 0 or
+ data.node2depth[ n.value ] <= data.max_depth) and
+ (data.show_unimportant or n.important) then
+ local options = process_options( n )
+ file:write( " ", tostring( data.node2id[ n.value ] ),
+ " [", table.concat( options, "," ), "];\n" )
+ end
+ end
+local function write_edges( file, data )
+ for _,e in ipairs( data.edges ) do
+ if (data.max_depth <= 0 or
+ (data.node2depth[ e.A ] <= data.max_depth and
+ data.node2depth[ e.B ] <= data.max_depth)) and
+ (data.show_unimportant or
+ (data.nodes[ data.node2id[ e.A ] ].important and
+ data.nodes[ data.node2id[ e.B ] ].important)) then
+ local id1 = e.A_id or data.node2id[ e.A ]
+ local id2 = e.B_id or data.node2id[ e.B ]
+ local options = process_options( e )
+ file:write( " ", tostring( id1 ), " -> ", tostring( id2 ),
+ " [", table.concat( options, "," ), "];\n" )
+ end
+ end
+-- main function
+local function dottify( filename, val, ... )
+ local data = {
+ n_nodes = 1,
+ node2id = {},
+ node2depth = {},
+ nodes = {},
+ edges = {},
+ show_metatables = true,
+ show_upvalues = true,
+ show_environments = false,
+ use_html = true,
+ show_unimportant = false,
+ max_depth = 0,
+ }
+ for i = 1, select( '#', ... ) do
+ local opt = select( i, ... )
+ if opt == "noenvironments" then
+ data.show_environments = false
+ elseif opt == "nometatables" then
+ data.show_metatables = false
+ elseif opt == "noupvalues" then
+ data.show_upvalues = false
+ elseif opt == "nohtml" then
+ data.use_html = false
+ elseif opt == "environments" then
+ data.show_environments = true
+ elseif opt == "metatables" then
+ data.show_metatables = true
+ elseif opt == "upvalues" then
+ data.show_upvalues = true
+ elseif opt == "html" then
+ data.use_html = true
+ elseif opt == "unimportant" then
+ data.show_unimportant = true
+ elseif type( opt ) == "number" then
+ data.max_depth = opt
+ end
+ end
+ local t = type( val )
+ if t == "table" then
+ local id = dottify_table( val, data, 1 )
+ data.nodes[ id ].important = true
+ elseif t == "function" then
+ local id = dottify_function( val, data, 1 )
+ data.nodes[ id ].important = true
+ elseif t == "thread" then
+ local id = dottify_thread( val, data, 1 )
+ data.nodes[ id ].important = true
+ elseif t == "userdata" then
+ local id = dottify_userdata( val, data, 1 )
+ data.nodes[ id ].important = true
+ else
+ io.stderr:write( "warning: unsuitable value for dotlua!\n" )
+ end
+ local file = assert( filename, "w" ) )
+ file:write( "digraph {\n" )
+ write_nodes( file, data )
+ write_edges( file, data )
+ file:write( "}\n" )
+ file:close()
+return dottify