AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-06-19Published using pacman to manage emscripten packagesAki
2022-06-17Renamed different ways of making errorsAki
2022-06-17Tweaked style: default font and line-heightAki
2022-04-29Bumped update date in different ways of making errorsAki
2022-04-29Added note about windows and reworded monads stuffAki
2022-04-29Fixed cout shift directionAki
2022-04-28Published different ways of making errorsAki
2022-04-08Added new starshatter dev blog postAki
2022-04-08Renamed starshatter dev blog postAki
2022-02-12Added Starshatter and cleaned up indexAki
2022-02-03Rewrote middle section of starshatter update to make goals more visibleAki
2022-01-30Fixed typo in indexAki
2022-01-30Added update on ssoAki
2022-01-30Renovated markdown rantAki
2022-01-28Changed ending of time travel storyAki
2022-01-28Published rebase time travel storyAki
2022-01-27Added a rant about static filesAki
2022-01-26Fixed typo in plop's siteAki
2022-01-26Bumped last modified date of posix archival guide because I forgot previouslyAki
2022-01-26Updated Lua project headings and minor detailsAki
2022-01-26Indexing changesAki
2022-01-26Added descriptions for project links in indexAki
2022-01-26Updates to archival guide and renamed yesterday's articleAki
2022-01-25Written an article with a very long nameAki
2021-08-29Separated index and blogAki
2021-08-14Published compress in POSIX guideAki
2021-08-14Minor updates to tutorialsAki
2021-08-11Updated tar guide with link to ar and f- optionAki
2021-07-26Fixed type and extended usage section of arAki
2021-07-26Restructured indexAki
2021-07-26Published ar guideAki
2021-07-25Renamed guides to include "How To" in their namesAki
2021-07-25Published Deconstructing Web BrowsersAki
2021-07-25Initialized website as git repositoryAki