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+<title>How to Generate Files From Templates in Shell</title>
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+<h1>How to Generate Files From Templates in Shell</h1>
+<p class="subtitle">Published on 2023-03-26 18:05:00+02:00
+<p>This is a total rewrite of an old article. I no longer liked it and my methods have changed.
+<p>Generating or "configuring" files from a template is a common occurrence. A prime example from what I usually use is
+<a href="">configure_file</a> in CMake. Another example
+would be service configuration files sitting in a staging location before getting deployed (e.g., version controlled
+configs for e-mail or web server). Today let's focus on these kinds of use and not verbose template engines for e.g.,
+<p>Common notations to mark replacement spots in templates are: <code>$VARIABLE</code>, <code>${VARIABLE}</code>, and
+<code>@VARIABLE@</code>. First two are obviously coming directly from shell-like notation of variable substitution. The
+latter exists exactly to be different from these for when we want to create a template that may contain <code>$</code>
+notation in the output as part of its natural syntax. In other words: when the syntax of generated file uses
+<h2>Using shell itself</h2>
+<p>POSIX-compliant shells support a mechanism called
+<a href="">heredoc</a>. We can
+use it in combination with <b>cat</b>(1):
+cat &lt;&lt;CONTENT
+server {
+ listen 80;
+ server_name $USER.$DOMAIN;
+ root /srv/http/$UESR/public;
+<p>This case has an obvious problem. This isn't really a template that I promised. Instead, it is a script that
+generates the intended output. Someone could also try to argue about useless use of <b>cat</b> here.
+<p>Using <b>cat</b> and heredocs gives us a lot of flexibility. We can wrap some content with a common header and footer
+if we want to:
+cat /dev/fd/3 $@ /dev/fd/3 3&lt;&lt;HEAD 4&lt;&lt;FOOT
+&lt;!doctype html&gt;
+&lt;html lang="en"&gt;
+&lt;script src="script.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;
+<h2>Using envsubst</h2>
+<p>If we want a real template instead of an executable script we can use <b>envsubst</b>(1). This tool is extremely
+straight-forward in use: put template in standard input and get substituted text in standard output:
+server {
+ listen 80;
+ server_name $USER.$DOMAIN;
+ root /srv/http/$USER/public;
+$ export DOMAIN=example.tld
+$ envsubst &lt;
+server {
+ listen 80;
+ server_name;
+ root /srv/http/aki/public;
+<img src="how_to_generate_files_from_templates_in_shell-1.png" alt="shell substitution">
+<p><b>Envsubst</b> supports <code>${VARIABLE}</code>, too.
+<p>Major potential problem with <b>envsubst</b> is that it substitutes everything as it goes. It doesn't matter whether
+the variable exists in the environment or not. This is the usual expected behaviour from shell, but it might not be
+well suited for handling any output that uses <code>$</code> in a meaningful way. We can partially workaround it using
+<i>SHELL-FORMAT</i> argument:
+$ envsubst <em>'$USER, $DOMAIN'</em> &lt; &gt;nginx.conf
+<p>This limits the substitutions to selected variables. The format of this argument is not important. Whatever is a
+conformant variable reference will work: <code>'$USER$DOMAIN'</code>, <code>'$USER $DOMAIN'</code>,
+<code>'$USER,$DOMAIN'</code>, and the first example are all equivalent. Just remember to not substitute the variables
+when calling <b>envsubst</b> by accident and to put it in one argument (hence why single-quotes are used).
+<h2>Using sed</h2>
+<p>Finally, we can use <b>sed</b>(1) to gain even more control over what happens to our templates. This comes at the
+cost: <b>sed</b> does not have access to environment variables on its own. Usually, we can find it being used like this:
+$ sed "s/@VERSION@/$VERSION/g" &lt; &gt;version.h
+<p>Shell will substitute <code>$VERSION</code> there with the variable and any use of <code>@VERSION@</code> in template
+file will be replaced. Note that <b>sed</b> can replace anything it wants - <code>@</code> are used here to make it more
+strict and to make template more readable.
+<p>If we are feeling like over-engineering, we can generate script for <b>sed</b> and use that instead. The variable
+values may come from anywhere you want at that point, let's use shell:
+if tag=$(git describe --tags --exact); then
+ echo s/@VERSION@/$tag/g
+ echo s/@VERSION@/@BRANCH@-@HASH@/g
+echo s/@HASH@/$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)/g
+echo s/@BRANCH@/$(git symbolic-ref --short HEAD || echo detached)/g
+<p>Here rather than using <b>cat</b> I used <code>echo</code>. Depending on the state of repository it is used in, it
+may output something similar to:
+<p>We can then feed it into <b>sed</b>:
+$ sed -f <em>subst.sed</em> &lt; &gt;version.h
+<p>Now, if we want to over-engineer it for real, let's put it into a Makefile:
+ ./$&lt; &gt;$@
+%.h: subst.sed
+ sed -f subst.sed &lt;$&lt; &gt;$@
+<h2>Other Alternatives</h2>
+<p>Otherwise one could potentially use: <b>perl</b>(1), <b>python</b>(1), <b>awk</b>(1), maybe shell's <code>eval</code>
+if feeling adventurous (and malicious, I guess). CMakes <code>configure_file</code> is very nice but is limited to
+CMake. I'm starting to feel like it could be a nice weekend project to make a utility after a beer or two.
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