AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2024-08-26Added manual pageHEADmasterAki
2024-08-26Added installation targetsAki
2024-08-26User may now ask for multiple standards/tags from the CLI utilityAki
2024-08-21Added C++ headers definitionAki
2024-08-21Added some dead simple parser tests for own sanityAki
2024-08-20Use familiar names where possible in dbAki
2024-08-20Command implementation will now output the query resultsAki
While this no longer depends on side-effects to output the results, it still depends on side-effects when parsing in a typical OOP fashion. This works for now but is not really safe or maintainable. Luckily, this tool is not intended for long term maintenance so I'll be leaving it at that. I already procrastinated enough and the main goal - a showcase of particular use of Lua as DSL - has been accomplished.
2024-08-20Parser is no longer a singleton-like entityAki
2024-08-02Multiset ref counter will no longer go into negative numbersAki
2024-07-19stdnoreturn is only deprecated, no need to keep it like thisAki
2024-07-19Use multiset-like data structure for storing headersAki
This looks like an overkill because it is one. The space and time complexity of the multiset structure is rather bad. At this point it stays mostly because of sunk cost fallacy. It will provide OK abstraction layer to build the rest of this forsaken project.
2024-06-30Split "DSL" definition from the "all-in-parser-and-output"Aki
2024-06-26Implemented dumb database for standard C headersAki