path: root/not/Hero.lua
diff options
authorAki <>2017-03-16 19:05:50 +0100
committerAki <>2017-03-16 19:05:50 +0100
commit84278ed41f61c586dbb38dd99c45ee33e2f58c77 (patch)
treed7661f79901f40464b0b39a9bc5de6f4d5191b3b /not/Hero.lua
parentbd22a09dc862ac5480426bfd5e0311a97b6cfa77 (diff)
Moved ? -> not.?; Renamed Player -> Hero
Diffstat (limited to 'not/Hero.lua')
1 files changed, 449 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/not/Hero.lua b/not/Hero.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ddc724
--- /dev/null
+++ b/not/Hero.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,449 @@
+-- `Hero`
+-- Entity controlled by a player. It has a physical body and a sprite. Can play animations and interact with other instances of the same class.
+-- Collision category: [2]
+-- WHOLE CODE HAS FLAG OF "need a cleanup"
+require "not.Sprite"
+-- Metatable of `Hero`
+-- nils initialized in constructor
+Hero = {
+ -- General and physics
+ name = "empty",
+ body = nil,
+ shape = nil,
+ fixture = nil,
+ sprite = nil,
+ rotate = 0, -- "angle" would sound better
+ facing = 1,
+ max_velocity = 105,
+ world = nil, -- game world
+ -- Combat
+ combo = 0,
+ lives = 3,
+ spawntimer = 2,
+ alive = true,
+ punchcd = 0.25,
+ punchdir = 0, -- a really bad thing
+ -- Movement
+ inAir = true,
+ salto = false,
+ jumpactive = false,
+ jumpdouble = true,
+ jumptimer = 0.16,
+ jumpnumber = 2,
+ -- Keys
+ controlset = nil,
+ -- HUD
+ portrait_sprite = nil,
+ portrait_frame = nil,
+ portrait_sheet = require "nautsicons",
+ portrait_box = 0, 15, 32,32, 80,130),
+ -- Sounds
+ sfx = require "sounds",
+ -- Animations table
+ animations = require "animations"
+Hero.__index = Hero
+setmetatable(Hero, Sprite)
+-- Constructor of `Hero`
+function Hero:new (game, world, x, y, name)
+ -- Meta
+ local o = {}
+ setmetatable(o, self)
+ -- Physics
+ local group = -1-#game.Nauts
+ o.body = love.physics.newBody(world, x, y, "dynamic")
+ o.shape = love.physics.newRectangleShape(10, 16)
+ o.fixture = love.physics.newFixture(o.body, o.shape, 8)
+ o.fixture:setUserData(o)
+ o.fixture:setCategory(2)
+ o.fixture:setMask(2)
+ o.fixture:setGroupIndex(group)
+ o.body:setFixedRotation(true)
+ -- Misc
+ = name or "empty"
+ o:setImage(newImage("assets/nauts/"".png"))
+ = game
+ o.punchcd = 0
+ -- Animation
+ o.current = o.animations.default
+ o:createEffect("respawn")
+ -- Portrait load for first object created
+ if self.portrait_sprite == nil then
+ self.portrait_sprite ="assets/portraits.png")
+ self.portrait_frame ="assets/menu.png")
+ end
+ return o
+-- Control set managment
+function Hero:assignControlSet(set)
+ self.controlset = set
+function Hero:getControlSet()
+ return self.controlset
+-- Update callback of `Hero`
+function Hero:update(dt)
+ -- hotfix? for destroyed bodies
+ if self.body:isDestroyed() then return end
+ -- locals
+ local x, y = self.body:getLinearVelocity()
+ local isDown = Controller.isDown
+ local controlset = self:getControlSet()
+ -- Jumping
+ if self.jumpactive and self.jumptimer > 0 then
+ self.body:setLinearVelocity(x,-160)
+ self.jumptimer = self.jumptimer - dt
+ end
+ -- Salto
+ if self.salto and (self.current == self.animations.walk or self.current == self.animations.default) then
+ self.rotate = (self.rotate + 17 * dt * self.facing) % 360
+ elseif self.rotate ~= 0 then
+ self.rotate = 0
+ end
+ -- Walking
+ if isDown(controlset, "left") then
+ self.facing = -1
+ self.body:applyForce(-250, 0)
+ -- Controlled speed limit
+ if x < -self.max_velocity then
+ self.body:applyForce(250, 0)
+ end
+ end
+ if isDown(controlset, "right") then
+ self.facing = 1
+ self.body:applyForce(250, 0)
+ -- Controlled speed limit
+ if x > self.max_velocity then
+ self.body:applyForce(-250, 0)
+ end
+ end
+ -- Custom linear damping
+ if not isDown(controlset, "left") and
+ not isDown(controlset, "right")
+ then
+ local face = nil
+ if x < -12 then
+ face = 1
+ elseif x > 12 then
+ face = -1
+ else
+ face = 0
+ end
+ self.body:applyForce(40*face,0)
+ if not self.inAir then
+ self.body:applyForce(80*face,0)
+ end
+ end
+ Sprite.update(self, dt)
+ -- # DEATH
+ -- We all die in the end.
+ local m =
+ if (self.body:getX() < m.center_x - m.width*1.5 or self.body:getX() > m.center_x + m.width*1.5 or
+ self.body:getY() < m.center_y - m.height*1.5 or self.body:getY() > m.center_y + m.height*1.5) and
+ self.alive
+ then
+ self:die()
+ end
+ -- respawn
+ if self.spawntimer > 0 then
+ self.spawntimer = self.spawntimer - dt
+ end
+ if self.spawntimer <= 0 and not self.alive and self.lives >= 0 then
+ self:respawn()
+ end
+ -- # PUNCH
+ -- Cooldown
+ self.punchcd = self.punchcd - dt
+ if not self.body:isDestroyed() then -- This is weird
+ for _,fixture in pairs(self.body:getFixtureList()) do
+ if fixture:getUserData() ~= self then
+ fixture:setUserData({fixture:getUserData()[1] - dt, fixture:getUserData()[2]})
+ if fixture:getUserData()[1] < 0 then
+ fixture:destroy()
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- Stop vertical
+ local c,a = self.current, self.animations
+ if (c == a.attack_up or c == a.attack_down or c == a.attack) and self.frame < c.frames then
+ if self.punchdir == 0 then
+ self.body:setLinearVelocity(0,0)
+ else
+ self.body:setLinearVelocity(38*self.facing,0)
+ end
+ end
+ if self.punchcd <= 0 and self.punchdir == 1 then
+ self.punchdir = 0
+ end
+-- Controller callbacks
+function Hero:controlpressed(set, action, key)
+ if set ~= self:getControlSet() then return end
+ local isDown = Controller.isDown
+ local controlset = self:getControlSet()
+ -- Jumping
+ if action == "jump" then
+ if self.jumpnumber > 0 then
+ -- General jump logics
+ self.jumpactive = true
+ --self:playSound(6)
+ -- Spawn proper effect
+ if not self.inAir then
+ self:createEffect("jump")
+ else
+ self:createEffect("doublejump")
+ end
+ -- Start salto if last jump
+ if self.jumpnumber == 1 then
+ self.salto = true
+ end
+ -- Animation clear
+ if (self.current == self.animations.attack) or
+ (self.current == self.animations.attack_up) or
+ (self.current == self.animations.attack_down) then
+ self:setAnimation("default")
+ end
+ -- Remove jump
+ self.jumpnumber = self.jumpnumber - 1
+ end
+ end
+ -- Walking
+ if (action == "left" or action == "right") and
+ (self.current ~= self.animations.attack) and
+ (self.current ~= self.animations.attack_up) and
+ (self.current ~= self.animations.attack_down) then
+ self:setAnimation("walk")
+ end
+ -- Punching
+ if action == "attack" and self.punchcd <= 0 then
+ local f = self.facing
+ self.salto = false
+ if isDown(controlset, "up") then
+ -- Punch up
+ if self.current ~= self.animations.damage then
+ self:setAnimation("attack_up")
+ end
+ self:hit("up")
+ elseif isDown(controlset, "down") then
+ -- Punch down
+ if self.current ~= self.animations.damage then
+ self:setAnimation("attack_down")
+ end
+ self:hit("down")
+ else
+ -- Punch horizontal
+ if self.current ~= self.animations.damage then
+ self:setAnimation("attack")
+ end
+ if f == 1 then
+ self:hit("right")
+ else
+ self:hit("left")
+ end
+ self.punchdir = 1
+ end
+ end
+function Hero:controlreleased(set, action, key)
+ if set ~= self:getControlSet() then return end
+ local isDown = Controller.isDown
+ local controlset = self:getControlSet()
+ -- Jumping
+ if action == "jump" then
+ self.jumpactive = false
+ self.jumptimer = Hero.jumptimer -- take initial from metatable
+ end
+ -- Walking
+ if (action == "left" or action == "right") and not
+ (isDown(controlset, "left") or isDown(controlset, "right")) and
+ self.current == self.animations.walk
+ then
+ self:setAnimation("default")
+ end
+-- Draw of `Hero`
+function Hero:draw(offset_x, offset_y, scale, debug)
+ -- draw only alive
+ if not self.alive then return end
+ -- locals
+ local offset_x = offset_x or 0
+ local offset_y = offset_y or 0
+ local scale = scale or 1
+ local debug = debug or false
+ local x, y = self:getPosition()
+ -- pixel grid ; `approx` selected to prevent floating characters on certain conditions
+ local approx = math.floor
+ if (y - math.floor(y)) > 0.5 then approx = math.ceil end
+ local draw_y = (approx(y) + offset_y) * scale
+ local draw_x = (math.floor(x) + offset_x) * scale
+ -- sprite draw
+ Sprite.draw(self, draw_x, draw_y, self.rotate, self.facing*scale, scale, 12, 15)
+ -- debug draw
+ if debug then
+ for _,fixture in pairs(self.body:getFixtureList()) do
+ if fixture:getCategory() == 2 then
+, 255, 0, 120)
+ else
+, 0, 255, 40)
+ end
+ end
+ for _,contact in pairs(self.body:getContactList()) do
+, 0, 0, 255)
+ end
+ end
+-- getPosition
+function Hero:getPosition()
+ return self.body:getPosition()
+-- Draw HUD of `Hero`
+-- elevation: 1 bottom, 0 top
+function Hero:drawHUD(x,y,scale,elevation)
+ -- hud displays only if player is alive
+ if self.alive then
+, self.portrait_box, (x)*scale, (y)*scale, 0, scale, scale)
+, self.portrait_sheet[], (x+2)*scale, (y+3)*scale, 0, scale, scale)
+ local dy = 30 * elevation
+, self.lives),(x+24)*scale,(y-3+dy)*scale,0,scale,scale)
+ end
+-- Change animation of `Hero`
+-- default, walk, attack, attack_up, attack_down, damage
+function Hero:nextFrame()
+ local isDown = Controller.isDown
+ local controlset = self:getControlSet()
+ if self.current.repeated or not (self.frame == self.current.frames) then
+ self.frame = (self.frame % self.current.frames) + 1
+ elseif isDown(controlset, "right") or isDown(controlset, "left") then
+ -- If nonrepeatable animation is finished and player is walking
+ self:setAnimation("walk")
+ elseif self.current == self.animations.damage then
+ self:setAnimation("default")
+ end
+-- Spawn `Effect` relative to `Hero`
+function Hero:createEffect(name)
+ if name == "trail" or name == "hit" then
+ -- 16px effect: -7 -7
+, self.body:getX()-8, self.body:getY()-8)
+ elseif name ~= nil then
+ -- 24px effect: -12 -15
+, self.body:getX()-12, self.body:getY()-15)
+ end
+-- Punch of `Hero`
+-- direction: left, right, up, down
+-- creates temporary fixture for player's body that acts as sensor; fixture is deleted after time set in UserData[1]; deleted by Hero:update(dt)
+function Hero:hit(direction)
+ -- start cooldown
+ self.punchcd = Hero.punchcd -- INITIAL from metatable
+ -- actual punch
+ local fixture
+ if direction == "left" then
+ fixture = love.physics.newFixture(self.body, love.physics.newPolygonShape(-2,-6, -20,-6, -20,6, -2,6), 0)
+ end
+ if direction == "right" then
+ fixture = love.physics.newFixture(self.body, love.physics.newPolygonShape(2,-6, 20,-6, 20,6, 2,6), 0)
+ end
+ if direction == "up" then
+ fixture = love.physics.newFixture(self.body, love.physics.newPolygonShape(-8,-4, -8,-20, 8,-20, 8,-4), 0)
+ end
+ if direction == "down" then
+ fixture = love.physics.newFixture(self.body, love.physics.newPolygonShape(-8,4, -8,20, 8,20, 8,4), 0)
+ end
+ fixture:setSensor(true)
+ fixture:setCategory(3)
+ fixture:setMask(1,3)
+ fixture:setGroupIndex(self.fixture:getGroupIndex())
+ fixture:setUserData({0.08, direction})
+ -- sound
+ self:playSound(4)
+-- Taking damage of `Hero` by successful hit test
+-- currently called from World's startContact
+function Hero:damage(direction)
+ local horizontal, vertical = 0, 0
+ if direction == "left" then
+ horizontal = -1
+ end
+ if direction == "right" then
+ horizontal = 1
+ end
+ if direction == "up" then
+ vertical = -1
+ end
+ if direction == "down" then
+ vertical = 1
+ end
+ self:createEffect("hit")
+ local x,y = self.body:getLinearVelocity()
+ self.body:setLinearVelocity(x,0)
+ self.body:applyLinearImpulse((42+10*self.combo)*horizontal, (68+10*self.combo)*vertical + 15)
+ self:setAnimation("damage")
+ self.combo = math.min(27, self.combo + 1)
+ self.punchcd = 0.08 + self.combo*0.006
+ self:playSound(2)
+-- DIE
+function Hero:die()
+ self:playSound(1)
+ self.combo = Hero.combo -- INITIAL from metatable
+ self.lives = self.lives - 1
+ self.alive = false
+ self.spawntimer = Hero.spawntimer -- INITIAL from metatable
+ self.body:setActive(false)
+-- And then respawn. Like Jon Snow.
+function Hero:respawn()
+ self.alive = true
+ self.body:setLinearVelocity(0,0)
+ self.body:setPosition(
+ self.body:setActive(true)
+ self:createEffect("respawn")
+ self:playSound(7)
+-- Sounds
+function Hero:playSound(sfx, force)
+ if self.alive or force then
+ local source =[sfx])
+ source:play()
+ end