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+<title>How To Organize Your Lua Project</title>
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+<h1>How To Organize Your Lua Project</h1>
+<p class="subtitle">Published on 2021-01-07 15:45:00+01:00
+<p>From time to time I hear complaints about how Lua handles modules. Here and there I see and even answer myself
+questions regarding <code>require</code> and adjusting the paths in <code>package</code> to allow some desired
+behaviour, with the most prominent issue of relative imports that always work.
+<p>Before we hop into the explanation of how to organize files in your Lua projects, let's talk about default importing
+mechanism in Lua: <a href=""><code>require</code></a>.</p>
+<img src="how_to_organize_your_lua_project-1.png" alt="lua hierarchy">
+<h2>How <code>require</code> handles paths</h2>
+<p>Both <code>package</code> and <code>require</code> are surprisingly interesting tools. At first glance they are
+simple. When you look into them, they are still understandable while gaining some complexity that doesn't reach
+unnecessary extremes. They are elegant.
+<p>They use a mechanism to find desired files called path resolution or usually simply <strong>path</strong>. The main
+component of is a sequence of patterns that may become a pathname, e.g.:
+<p>What does it tell us? First off, <code>?</code> is going to be replaced by the argument that was provided to the
+<code>require</code>. All dots will be replaced by an appropriate path separator so that: <code>a.b.c</code> will
+become <code>a/b/c</code> in *nix systems. So, for call like <code>require "a.b.c"</code>, out path will look
+like this:
+<p>Now, each of these paths are tried and the first one that actually exists in the system will be used. If none of them
+match an existing file, the import fails. Simple as that.
+<p>The path that is used in resolution is set in <code>package.path</code>. You can modify it in Lua, but it is
+intrusive and may depend on a single entry point. Generally, if you plan to release your project as a module for people
+to use, I encourage you to avoid modifying anything global. And that's global. Anyway, <code>package.path</code> doesn't
+appear out of nowhere - it is populated by one of:
+ <li>Environmental variable <code>LUA_PATH_x_x</code>, where <code>x_x</code> is version such as <code>5_4</code>
+ <li>Environmental variable <code>LUA_PATH</code>
+ <li>Default as defined in <a href="">luaconf.h</a>
+<p>Interestingly, if two separators <code>;;</code> show up in the environmental variable path, they will be replaced by
+the default path. Meaning <code>/path/to/project/?.lua;;</code> works as prepending your custom path to the default one.
+<p>Of course, there is way more to it than just this i.a.: requiring modules written in C, searchers or preloads.
+However, in our case this knowledge will suffice.
+<p>If you are curious how exactly path is loaded be sure to check out
+<a href=""><code>setpath</code></a>.
+<p>To prepare for development, we need to know where we are heading. First step is to consider the execution
+environment. Of course, this and packaging are journeys on their own, so let's just look at two common examples: an
+application that uses some framework that uses Lua (e.g. a game made in <a href="">LÖVE</a>) and a
+standalone module for others to use.
+<p>In the first case, it's the duty of the framework to configure the path properly and inform you through the
+documentation about it. Paths in LÖVE use their own file hierarchy that is managed by <code>love.filesystem</code> and
+by default contains both the game's source (directory or the mounted <code>.love</code> archive) and the save directory.
+This means that the structure in your source files is directly reflected in the calls to <code>require</code>, so that
+<code>require "module.submodule"</code> will always try <code>game/module/submodule.lua</code>, no matter how you run
+the game. This case usually doesn't involve any additional environment configuration for the development stage.
+<p>In the second case, your project will end up in an already configured environment and will need to fit in. The
+installation of the package usually involves copying your files to the directory that is already included in the path,
+so that no further configuration is needed for the execution (at least regarding the path). You can assume, that the
+successful installation will make your modules available in the way you want them.
+<p>This doesn't happen in the development stage, when you rarely install your package, and most certainly you don't
+install it each time you want to test it. This means, that you need to adjust the path so that your modules appear in it
+as if they were installed in the system. The principle of minimizing the intrusiveness remains, so the best option is to
+use the environmental variables to prepare for development. If you run your application or any tool in such environment,
+then Lua will have access to your modules no matter where it is run. Additionally, it will be consistent with the
+target environment and won't need any additional hacks.
+<h2>Development environment</h2>
+<p>All this talk comes down to: set <code>LUA_PATH</code> in your development environment so that it includes your
+project files even if they are not installed in system. A simple approach is to source following in each session:
+export PROJECT=/path/to/project
+export LUA_PATH="$PROJECT/?.lua;$PROJECT/?/init.lua;;"
+<p>Note the double semicolon that will get replaced by default path, so that other modules that are already installed
+are also available.
+<p>Let's try it out:
+$ source
+$ find .
+$ cd modulea
+$ lua
+Lua 5.4.2
+> require "moduleb"
+table: 0x561e4b72fb20
+> require "modulea"
+table: 0x561e4b73aa40
+> require "modulea.submodule"
+table: 0x561e4b743030
+<p>As you can see, despite being in the subdirectory, you can still use modules with their fully qualified names that
+will remain the same once you install the package. Note, that you could <code>require "init"</code> or <code>require
+"submodule"</code> in this case, but I strongly recommend against it. Remain specific, follow the rules and pretend that
+you use an installed package from an unknown working directory. <strong>Don't</strong> depend on current working
+directory as it is not always the same. Using full names that consider the path setup <strong>guarantees
+<img src="how_to_organize_your_lua_project-2.png" alt="a random whale">
+<h2>Organizing your files</h2>
+<p>Finally, this is what we're waiting for. Assume you have a directory that is a parent of all of your project files.
+We'll call it a project <strong>root</strong>. Usually, this is also root directory for your version control system, be
+it git or anything else, and for other tools such as building systems or even entire IDEs.
+<p>Because it is such a central place to the project, I usually just go ahead and prepend it to <code>LUA_PATH</code> in
+the very same way as in the section above:
+export PROJECT=/path/to/project
+export LUA_PATH="$PROJECT/?.lua;$PROJECT/?/init.lua;;"
+<p>Just like previously, any Lua file that will be descendent of the root will be accessible to us through
+<code>require</code>. But what is that <i>init.lua</i>?
+<p>It's there to create a way to improve hierarchical structure of your project - to allow splitting bigger modules into
+smaller parts (or even submodules that could be included on their own), so that the module doesn't grow into a single
+millions-lines-long file. <strong>In simpler words</strong>: you can create a directory named after module and put
+<i>init.lua</i> file there and it will act just like a sole <i>module.lua</i> in root.
+<p>You could also create a directory named after module and <i>module.lua</i> file in root at the same time, but this
+way you will have two entries per module in the root instead of just one.
+<p>Additionally, you can then put any module-related files into that directory. You can also use <i>init.lua</i> as
+a simple wrapper that calls <code>require</code> for each of its submodules and returns a table with them.
+<p>Consider a verbose example:
+$ find .
+$ cat wave/init.lua
+-- This is a wrapper example.
+return {
+ sawtooth = require "wave.sawtooth",
+ sine = require "wave.sine",
+ square = require "wave.square",
+$ cat persistence/init.lua
+-- This is a normal module example.
+return {}
+$ cat persistance/tests.lua
+-- This is a script that tests an example module.
+local p = require "persistence"
+assert(type(p) == "table")
+$ cat main.lua
+-- This is an example main of love application.
+local persistence = require "persistence"
+local wave = require "wave"
+$ cat version.lua
+-- This is an example module that acts as version string of the application.
+return "1.0.0"
+<p>Now, this is a mash-up of everything we've discussed. Despite it pretending to be LÖVE application it has
+<i></i>. Why? The reason is simple: the <i>persistence</i> and <i>wave</i> modules are not meant to be distributed
+alone, and they won't ever appear in path of any other environment than LÖVE's. But LÖVE is not the only execution
+environment in here: <i>persistence/tests.lua</i> is also meant to be executed. Possibly alone through Lua interpreter.
+To allow it <i></i> is present and used.
+<p>Let's have another example of a simple module meant for installation:
+$ find .
+$ cat Makefile
+ @echo Nothing to be done
+ cp -r hello $(PREFIX)
+ rm -fd $(PREFIX)/hello/* $(PREFIX)/hello
+<p>As you can see <i>Makefile</i> in this example has targets for installation and removal of the package. The structure
+again is simple. Root works as part of the resolution path and so our module is placed in it's own directory named after
+<p>The last example is a project of a single file module:
+$ find .
+<p>Yes, it's that simple.
+<p>Now, having <i></i> in every single project might get bothersome, so I usually use a shell function for
+managing them, similarly to what Python's venv does or LuaRocks' env. Speaking of,
+<a href="">LuaRocks</a> is yet another interesting story to be told.
+ <li>Consider the execution environment when preparing the development environment.
+ <li>Contain your project. Avoid changing globals if the modules may be used by someone else in an unknown
+ environment.
+ <li>Never depend on the current working directory being something specific.
+ <li>While developing include your project's root in <code>LUA_PATH</code> to influence <code>require</code>'s
+ behaviour.
+ <li>Split modules into parts and use <i>init.lua</i> which is available by default to enclose the module into a
+ single directory.
+<p>This is just one of the ways to handle structuring your Lua project. It's based on simple rules but has broad usage.
+One tempting alternative is this little snippet:
+local parents = (...):match "(.-)[^%.]+$"
+require(parents .. "sibling")
+<p>Another already mentioned alternatives is adjusting <code>package.path</code> directly in Lua. However, I decided to
+skip it due to it's intrusiveness.
+<p>All in all, Lua is extremely customizable and adjustable. I would be surprised if these three would be the only ways
+to organize projects in Lua.
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