.TH ready-for-shutdown.target 8 "2024-01-25" .SH NAME ready-for-shutdown.target, shutdown-if-no-sessions.service - systemd target that marks completion of routine boot tasks .SH SYNOPSIS .B ready-for-shutdown.target .br .B shutdown-if-no-sessions.service .SH DESCRIPTION Target is intended to mark the completion of all scheduled tasks and readiness for shutdown that is triggered immediately after. Before enabling this target add .B [Install] section listing all units that are intended to be run before shutting down. For example: .P .RS .EX [Unit] After=mirror.service [Install] WantedBy=mirror.service .EE .RE .SH FILES .I @SYSDDIR@/ready-for-shutdown.target .br .I @SYSDDIR@/shutdown-if-no-sessions.service .br .I @LIBEXECDIR@/shutdown-if-no-sessions