/* Project nGenEx Destroyer Studios LLC Copyright © 1997-2004. All Rights Reserved. SUBSYSTEM: nGenEx.lib FILE: SoundD3D.cpp AUTHOR: John DiCamillo OVERVIEW ======== DirectSound and DirectSound3D (sound card) class */ //#define INITGUID #include #include #include #include #include "MemDebug.h" #include "SoundD3D.h" #include "Game.h" #ifdef DIRECT_SOUND_3D #include "ia3d.h" #endif // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Print(const char* msg, ...); char* DSErrStr(HRESULT dserr); void SoundD3DError(const char* msg, HRESULT dserr); static int DS3D_report_errors = 1; #ifndef RELEASE #define RELEASE(x) if (x) { x->Release(); x=NULL; } #endif // +====================================================================+ // | SOUND CARD D3D // +====================================================================+ SoundCardD3D::SoundCardD3D(HWND hwnd) : soundcard(0), primary(0) { HRESULT err = 0; status = SC_ERROR; // 1) Get interface to DirectSound object: #ifdef DIRECT_SOUND_3D CoInitialize(NULL); err = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_A3d, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IDirectSound, (VOID **)&soundcard); if (SUCCEEDED(err)) { soundcard->Initialize(NULL); SoundD3DError("Initialized Aureal3D Sound", 0); } else { SoundD3DError("Could not initialize Aureal3D Sound", err); SoundD3DError("Proceding with standard DirectSoundCreate", 0); #endif err = DirectSoundCreate(0, &soundcard, 0); if (FAILED(err)) { SoundD3DError("Could not create DirectSound object.", err); soundcard = 0; primary = 0; return; } #ifdef DIRECT_SOUND_3D } #endif // 2) Set the cooperative level: err = soundcard->SetCooperativeLevel(hwnd, DSSCL_PRIORITY); if (FAILED(err)) { SoundD3DError("Could not set cooperative level.", err); RELEASE(soundcard); return; } // Prepare to initialize the primary buffer: DSCAPS caps; memset(&caps, 0, sizeof(caps)); caps.dwSize = sizeof(caps); err = soundcard->GetCaps(&caps); if (FAILED(err)) { SoundD3DError("Could not get soundcard caps.", err); RELEASE(soundcard); return; } if (caps.dwFlags & DSCAPS_EMULDRIVER) Print(" WARNING: using DirectSound emulated drivers\n"); memset(&dsbd, 0, sizeof(dsbd)); dsbd.dwSize = sizeof(dsbd); #ifdef DIRECT_SOUND_3D int use_ds3d = true; // 3) Set up the primary buffer (try to use DS3D): dsbd.dwFlags = DSBCAPS_PRIMARYBUFFER | DSBCAPS_CTRL3D; err = soundcard->CreateSoundBuffer(&dsbd, &primary, 0); if (err == DSERR_CONTROLUNAVAIL) { use_ds3d = false; // try again, without using DS3D dsbd.dwFlags = DSBCAPS_PRIMARYBUFFER | DSBCAPS_CTRLDEFAULT; err = soundcard->CreateSoundBuffer(&dsbd, &primary, 0); if (FAILED(err)) { SoundD3DError("Could not initialize primary buffer", err); RELEASE(soundcard); return; } else { Print(" WARNING: DirectSound3D is not available, simulating instead\n"); } } // 4) Set up the listener: if (primary && use_ds3d) { err = primary->QueryInterface(IID_IDirectSound3DListener, (void**)&listener); if (FAILED(err)) { SoundD3DError("Could not get listener interface", err); } else { listener->SetPosition(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, DS3D_IMMEDIATE); listener->SetOrientation(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, DS3D_IMMEDIATE); } } #else // 3) Set up the primary buffer: dsbd.dwFlags = DSBCAPS_PRIMARYBUFFER; err = soundcard->CreateSoundBuffer(&dsbd, &primary, 0); if (FAILED(err)) { SoundD3DError("Could not initialize primary buffer", err); RELEASE(soundcard); return; } #endif // 5) Set primary buffer parameters to 16 bit STEREO at 44kHz SetFormat(16, 2, 44100); // read back the result format and display to the log file: GetFormat(0); ShowFormat(); status = SC_OK; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ SoundCardD3D::~SoundCardD3D() { ListIter iter = sounds; while (++iter) { Sound* s = iter.value(); s->Stop(); } sounds.destroy(); #ifdef DIRECT_SOUND_3D RELEASE(listener); #endif RELEASE(primary); RELEASE(soundcard); Print(" SoundCardD3D: shutdown\n"); status = SC_UNINITIALIZED; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool SoundCardD3D::SetFormat(int bits, int channels, int hertz) { if (!soundcard) return false; DSCAPS caps; memset(&caps, 0, sizeof(caps)); caps.dwSize = sizeof(caps); soundcard->GetCaps(&caps); if (!(caps.dwFlags & DSCAPS_PRIMARY16BIT)) bits = 8; if (!(caps.dwFlags & DSCAPS_PRIMARYSTEREO)) channels = 1; memset(&wfex, 0, sizeof(wfex)); wfex.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM; wfex.nChannels = channels; wfex.nSamplesPerSec = hertz; wfex.nBlockAlign = (channels * bits) / 8; wfex.nAvgBytesPerSec = wfex.nSamplesPerSec * wfex.nBlockAlign; wfex.wBitsPerSample = bits; return SetFormat(&wfex); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool SoundCardD3D::SetFormat(LPWAVEFORMATEX format) { HRESULT err = E_FAIL; if (primary) err = primary->SetFormat(format); return SUCCEEDED(err); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool SoundCardD3D::GetFormat(LPWAVEFORMATEX format) { if (!format) format = &wfex; HRESULT err = E_FAIL; if (primary) err = primary->GetFormat(format, sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX), 0); return SUCCEEDED(err); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void SoundCardD3D::ShowFormat() { Print(" SoundCardD3D Primary Buffer Format:\n"); Print(" bits: %d\n", wfex.wBitsPerSample); Print(" chls: %d\n", wfex.nChannels); Print(" rate: %d\n\n", wfex.nSamplesPerSec); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ Sound* SoundCardD3D::CreateSound(DWORD flags, LPWAVEFORMATEX format) { if (!soundcard) return 0; Sound* result = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) SoundD3D(soundcard, flags, format); if (result) AddSound(result); return result; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ Sound* SoundCardD3D::CreateSound(DWORD flags, LPWAVEFORMATEX format, DWORD len, LPBYTE data) { if (!soundcard) return 0; Sound* result = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) SoundD3D(soundcard, flags, format, len, data); if (flags & (Sound::STREAMED | Sound::OGGVORBIS)) { if (result) AddSound(result); } return result; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void SoundCardD3D::SetListener(const Camera& cam, const Vec3& vel) { Point pos = cam.Pos(); #ifdef DIRECT_SOUND_3D listener->SetPosition((float) pos.x, (float) pos.z, (float) pos.y, DS3D_IMMEDIATE); listener->SetOrientation((float) cam.vpn().x, (float) cam.vpn().y, (float) cam.vpn().z, (float) cam.vup().x, (float) cam.vup().y, (float) cam.vup().z, DS3D_IMMEDIATE); listener->SetVelocity(vel.x, vel.y, vel.z, DS3D_IMMEDIATE); #else listener.Clone(cam); listener.MoveTo(pos.x, pos.z, pos.y); velocity = vel; #endif } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool SoundCardD3D::Pause() { AutoThreadSync a(sync); ListIter iter = sounds; while (++iter) { Sound* s = iter.value(); if ((s->GetFlags() & Sound::INTERFACE) == 0) s->Pause(); } return true; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool SoundCardD3D::Resume() { AutoThreadSync a(sync); ListIter iter = sounds; while (++iter) { Sound* s = iter.value(); if (s->IsReady()) s->Play(); } return true; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool SoundCardD3D::StopSoundEffects() { AutoThreadSync a(sync); DWORD ok_sounds = (Sound::INTERFACE | Sound::OGGVORBIS | Sound::RESOURCE); ListIter iter = sounds; while (++iter) { Sound* s = iter.value(); if ((s->GetFlags() & ok_sounds) == 0) s->Stop(); } return true; } // +====================================================================+ // | SOUND D3D // +====================================================================+ SoundD3D::SoundD3D(LPDIRECTSOUND card, DWORD flag_req, LPWAVEFORMATEX format) : soundcard(card), buffer(0), min_dist(1.0f), max_dist(100000.0f), stream(0), stream_left(0), min_safety(0), read_size(0), transfer(0), w(0), r(0), stream_offset(0), data_len(0), data(0), moved(false), eos_written(false), eos_latch(0), ov_file(0), total_time(0) { flags = flag_req; CopyMemory(&wfex, format, sizeof(wfex)); ZeroMemory(&dsbd, sizeof(dsbd)); dsbd.dwSize = sizeof(dsbd); dsbd.dwFlags = DSBCAPS_CTRLVOLUME /* | DSBCAPS_GETCURRENTPOSITION2 */; dsbd.lpwfxFormat = &wfex; #ifdef DIRECT_SOUND_3D sound3d = 0; if (flags & LOCALIZED) if (flags & LOC_3D) dsbd.dwFlags |= DSBCAPS_CTRL3D; else dsbd.dwFlags |= DSBCAPS_CTRLPAN | DSBCAPS_CTRLFREQUENCY; #else dsbd.dwFlags |= DSBCAPS_LOCSOFTWARE; if (flags & LOCALIZED) dsbd.dwFlags |= DSBCAPS_CTRLPAN | DSBCAPS_CTRLFREQUENCY; #endif } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // SOUND RESOURCE CONSTRUCTOR: // (Now also used to create Ogg Vorbis streaming sound objects) SoundD3D::SoundD3D(LPDIRECTSOUND card, DWORD flag_req, LPWAVEFORMATEX format, DWORD len, LPBYTE pData) : soundcard(card), buffer(0), min_dist(1.0f), max_dist(100000.0f), stream(0), stream_left(0), min_safety(0), read_size(0), transfer(0), w(0), r(0), stream_offset(0), data_len(0), data(0), moved(false), eos_written(false), eos_latch(0), ov_file(0) { flags = flag_req; if (!(flags & (STREAMED | OGGVORBIS))) flags = flag_req | RESOURCE; CopyMemory(&wfex, format, sizeof(wfex)); ZeroMemory(&dsbd, sizeof(dsbd)); dsbd.dwSize = sizeof(dsbd); dsbd.dwFlags = DSBCAPS_CTRLVOLUME /* | DSBCAPS_GETCURRENTPOSITION2 */; dsbd.lpwfxFormat = &wfex; #ifdef DIRECT_SOUND_3D sound3d = 0; if (flags & LOCALIZED) if (flags & LOC_3D) dsbd.dwFlags |= DSBCAPS_CTRL3D; else dsbd.dwFlags |= DSBCAPS_CTRLPAN | DSBCAPS_CTRLFREQUENCY; #else if (flags & LOCALIZED) dsbd.dwFlags |= DSBCAPS_CTRLPAN | DSBCAPS_CTRLFREQUENCY; #endif if (len) { // If this is an OGG VORBIS streaming sound, // the parameter that normally points to the actual data // is used to pass in an Ogg Vorbis file structure instead: if (flags & OGGVORBIS) { ov_file = (OggVorbis_File*) pData; StreamOggFile(); } else { data_len = len; data = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) BYTE[len]; if (!data) { data_len = 0; } else { CopyMemory(data, pData, data_len); Load(data_len, data); } } } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ SoundD3D::~SoundD3D() { delete [] data; delete [] transfer; if (ov_file) { ov_clear(ov_file); delete ov_file; } else if (stream) { fclose(stream); } RELEASE(buffer); #ifdef DIRECT_SOUND_3D RELEASE(sound3d); #endif } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void SoundD3D::Update() { if (!buffer || status != PLAYING) return; // nothing to do DWORD dstat; HRESULT hr = buffer->GetStatus(&dstat); if (FAILED(hr)) { SoundD3DError("Update: GetStatus failed", hr); return; } AutoThreadSync a(sync); if (sound_check) sound_check->Update(this); if (!Game::Paused() || flags & STREAMED) { // see if we are done: if (!(dstat & DSBSTATUS_PLAYING)) { status = DONE; buffer->Stop(); return; } // if not done, see if we need to change location params: if (moved) { Localize(); } } // if not done, see if we need to load more data // into the streaming buffer: if (flags & STREAMED) { buffer->GetCurrentPosition(&r, 0); DWORD data_left; if (w > r) data_left = w - r; else data_left = w + (read_size + min_safety) - r; // getting low, fill 'er up: if (eos_written || data_left <= min_safety) { StreamBlock(); if (stream_left == 0) { // if this is the end of a looping stream, if (flags & LOOP) { RewindStream(); looped++; } else { if (!eos_written) { eos_written = true; eos_latch = 3; } else if (--eos_latch == 0) { status = DONE; buffer->Stop(); } } } status = PLAYING; } } } void SoundD3D::StreamBlock() { if (flags & OGGVORBIS) { StreamOggBlock(); return; } if (!stream || !stream_left) return; if (stream_left < read_size) { if (stream_left > 0) { fread(transfer, stream_left, 1, stream); Load(stream_left, transfer); stream_left = 0; } } else if (read_size > 0) { fread(transfer, read_size, 1, stream); Load(read_size, transfer); stream_left -= read_size; } } int ogg_read_error_count = 0; void SoundD3D::StreamOggBlock() { int current_bitstream; DWORD bytes_read = 0; long retval = 0; char* p = (char*) transfer; while (stream_left && bytes_read < read_size) { retval = ov_read(ov_file, p, read_size-bytes_read, 0,2,1, ¤t_bitstream); if (retval == 0) { /* EOF */ stream_left = 0; } else if (retval < 0) { /* error in the stream. Not a problem, just reporting it in case the app cares. In this case, we don't. */ ogg_read_error_count++; } else { /* we don't bother dealing with sample rate changes, etc, but you'll have to ??? */ bytes_read += retval; stream_left -= retval; p += retval; } } if (bytes_read) Load(bytes_read, transfer); } void SoundD3D::RewindStream() { if (flags & OGGVORBIS) { RewindOggStream(); return; } if (!stream || !buffer) return; // rewind the stream and keep going... eos_written = false; eos_latch = 0; read_size = wfex.nAvgBytesPerSec / 2; // find the size of the file: fseek(stream, 0, SEEK_END); stream_left = ftell(stream) - stream_offset; fseek(stream, stream_offset, SEEK_SET); total_time = (double) stream_left / (double) wfex.nAvgBytesPerSec; if (stream_left < read_size) { status = DONE; buffer->Stop(); } } void SoundD3D::RewindOggStream() { if (!ov_file || !buffer) return; // rewind the stream and keep going... eos_written = false; eos_latch = 0; read_size = wfex.nAvgBytesPerSec / 2; // set the stream pointer back to the beginning: ov_pcm_seek(ov_file, 0); // find the size of the file: stream_left = (DWORD) ov_pcm_total(ov_file,-1); stream_offset = 0; total_time = (double) stream_left / (double) wfex.nAvgBytesPerSec; if (stream_left < read_size) { status = DONE; buffer->Stop(); } } void SoundD3D::Localize() { #ifdef DIRECT_SOUND_3D if (sound3d) { sound3d->SetMinDistance(min_dist, DS3D_IMMEDIATE); sound3d->SetMaxDistance(max_dist, DS3D_IMMEDIATE); sound3d->SetPosition(location.x, location.y, location.z, DS3D_IMMEDIATE); sound3d->SetVelocity(velocity.x, velocity.y, velocity.z, DS3D_IMMEDIATE); } #else // if no buffer, nothing to do: if (!buffer) { moved = false; return; } // Compute pan and volume from scratch: if ((flags & LOC_3D) && creator) { Vec3 loc = location; SoundCardD3D* ears = (SoundCardD3D*) creator; Camera& listener = ears->listener; Vec3 ear_loc = listener.Pos(); ear_loc.SwapYZ(); Vec3 direction = loc - ear_loc; loc.x = direction * listener.vrt(); loc.y = direction * listener.vup(); loc.z = direction * listener.vpn(); double pan = 10000; if (loc.z != 0.0f) pan = fabs(1000.0f * loc.x / loc.z); if (pan > 10000) pan = 10000; if (loc.x < 0) pan = -pan; if (volume > 0) volume = 0; double vol = volume; double mind2 = min_dist * min_dist; double maxd2 = max_dist * max_dist; double d2 = (loc.x*loc.x) + (loc.y*loc.y) + (loc.z*loc.z); if (d2 > maxd2) vol = -10000; else if (d2 > mind2) vol -= (d2-mind2)/(maxd2-mind2) * (vol+10000); // clamp volume to legal range: if (vol < -10000) vol = -10000; else if (vol > volume) vol = volume; /*** Print("Localize: ears = (%f, %f, %f)\n", ear_loc.x, ear_loc.y, ear_loc.z); Print(" world = (%f, %f, %f)\n", location.x, location.y, location.z); Print(" view = (%f, %f, %f)\n", loc.x, loc.y, loc.z); Print(" Pan=%f Volume=%f\n", pan, vol); /***/ HRESULT hr = buffer->SetPan((LONG) pan); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { char warn[512]; sprintf_s(warn, "Warning could not set pan on buffer to %d", pan); SoundD3DError(warn, hr); } hr = buffer->SetVolume((LONG) vol); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { char warn[512]; sprintf_s(warn, "Warning: could not set volume on buffer to %d", vol); SoundD3DError(warn, hr); } // if not too far to hear... if ((flags & DOPPLER) && (d2 < maxd2)) { // COMPUTE DOPPLER SHIFT: const float c = 10000.0f; direction.Normalize(); float v_L = ears->velocity * direction; float v_S = velocity * direction; DWORD f_shift = wfex.nSamplesPerSec; if (v_L != v_S) { // towards listener: if (v_S < 0) f_shift = wfex.nSamplesPerSec + 20; else f_shift = wfex.nSamplesPerSec - 20; } // distance rolloff of high frequencies: double dist = sqrt(d2); DWORD roll_off = (DWORD) (80 * dist/max_dist); f_shift -= roll_off; if (f_shift < 100) f_shift = 100; if (f_shift > 100000) f_shift = 100000; hr = buffer->SetFrequency(f_shift); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { char warn[512]; sprintf_s(warn, "Warning: could not set Doppler frequency on buffer to %d", f_shift); SoundD3DError(warn, hr); } } } else { buffer->SetPan((LONG) location.x); buffer->SetVolume((LONG) volume); } #endif moved = false; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ Sound* SoundD3D::Duplicate() { Sound* sound = 0; if (flags & RESOURCE) { sound = Sound::Create(flags & ~RESOURCE, &wfex); if (sound && !(flags & STREAMED)) { sound->SetMinDistance(min_dist); sound->SetMaxDistance(max_dist); if (!buffer) { sound->Load(data_len, data); } else { SoundD3D* s3d = (SoundD3D*) sound; soundcard->DuplicateSoundBuffer(buffer, &s3d->buffer); sound->Rewind(); } } } return sound; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ HRESULT SoundD3D::StreamFile(const char* name, DWORD offset) { DWORD buf_size = wfex.nAvgBytesPerSec / 2; DWORD safety_zone = buf_size * 2; if (stream) { delete[] transfer; transfer = 0; fclose(stream); } status = UNINITIALIZED; stream_left = 0; stream_offset = offset; eos_written = false; eos_latch = 0; min_safety = safety_zone; read_size = buf_size; fopen_s(&stream, name, "rb"); // open the stream: if (stream == 0) { SoundD3DError("StreamFile: could not open stream", E_FAIL); return E_FAIL; } // find the size of the file: fseek(stream, 0, SEEK_END); stream_left = ftell(stream) - offset; fseek(stream, stream_offset, SEEK_SET); total_time = (double) stream_left / (double) wfex.nAvgBytesPerSec; if (stream_left < read_size) { read_size = stream_left; } HRESULT hr = AllocateBuffer(read_size + min_safety); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; flags |= STREAMED; // preload the buffer: w = r = 0; transfer = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) BYTE[read_size + 1024]; if (!transfer) { hr = E_FAIL; } else { ZeroMemory(transfer, read_size+1024); StreamBlock(); } return hr; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ HRESULT SoundD3D::StreamOggFile() { DWORD buf_size = wfex.nAvgBytesPerSec / 2; DWORD safety_zone = buf_size * 2; if (stream) { delete[] transfer; fclose(stream); transfer = 0; stream = 0; } status = UNINITIALIZED; stream_left = (DWORD) ov_pcm_total(ov_file,-1); stream_offset = 0; eos_written = false; eos_latch = 0; min_safety = safety_zone; read_size = buf_size; total_time = (double) stream_left / (double) wfex.nAvgBytesPerSec; if (stream_left < read_size) { read_size = stream_left; } HRESULT hr = AllocateBuffer(read_size + min_safety); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; flags |= STREAMED | OGGVORBIS; // preload the buffer: w = r = 0; transfer = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) BYTE[read_size + 1024]; if (!transfer) { hr = E_FAIL; } else { ZeroMemory(transfer, read_size+1024); StreamOggBlock(); } return hr; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ HRESULT SoundD3D::Load(DWORD bytes, BYTE* data) { status = UNINITIALIZED; HRESULT hr; if (!buffer) { hr = AllocateBuffer(bytes); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; } } LPVOID dest1, dest2; DWORD size1, size2; hr = buffer->Lock(w, bytes, &dest1, &size1, &dest2, &size2, 0); if (hr == DSERR_BUFFERLOST) { buffer->Restore(); hr = buffer->Lock(w, bytes, &dest1, &size1, &dest2, &size2, 0); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { CopyMemory(dest1, data, size1); if (dest2) { CopyMemory(dest2, data + size1, size2); } if (flags & STREAMED) w = (w + size1 + size2) % (read_size + min_safety); else w += size1 + size2; hr = buffer->Unlock(dest1, size1, dest2, size2); if (FAILED(hr)) { SoundD3DError("Load: could not unlock buffer", hr); } } else { SoundD3DError("Load: could not lock buffer", hr); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { status = READY; } return hr; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ HRESULT SoundD3D::AllocateBuffer(DWORD bytes) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; if (!buffer) { dsbd.dwBufferBytes = bytes; if (soundcard) { hr = soundcard->CreateSoundBuffer(&dsbd, &buffer, NULL); if (FAILED(hr)) { SoundD3DError("AllocateBuffer: could not create buffer", hr); Print(" dsbd.dwSize = %8d\n", dsbd.dwSize); Print(" dsbd.dwFlags = %08x\n", dsbd.dwFlags); Print(" dsbd.dwBufferBytes = %8d\n", dsbd.dwBufferBytes); Print(" dsbd.lpwfxFormat = %08x\n", dsbd.lpwfxFormat); if (dsbd.lpwfxFormat) { Print(" wfex.wBitsPerSample = %8d\n", dsbd.lpwfxFormat->wBitsPerSample); Print(" wfex.nChannels = %8d\n", dsbd.lpwfxFormat->nChannels); Print(" wfex.nSamplesPerSec = %8d\n", dsbd.lpwfxFormat->nSamplesPerSec); } } } else { SoundD3DError("AllocateBuffer: soundcard is null", E_FAIL); } } return hr; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ HRESULT SoundD3D::Play() { if (IsPlaying()) return S_OK; if (!buffer) return E_FAIL; HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; if (IsDone()) hr = Rewind(); if (IsReady()) { if (moved) Localize(); if (flags & LOOP || flags & STREAMED) hr = buffer->Play(0, 0, DSBPLAY_LOOPING); else hr = buffer->Play(0, 0, 0); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) status = PLAYING; } return hr; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ HRESULT SoundD3D::Rewind() { if (!buffer) return E_FAIL; HRESULT hr = S_OK; if (IsPlaying()) hr = Stop(); if (flags & STREAMED) { RewindStream(); StreamBlock(); } else { hr = buffer->SetCurrentPosition(0); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { status = READY; looped = 0; } return hr; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ HRESULT SoundD3D::Pause() { if (status == DONE) return S_OK; HRESULT hr = Stop(); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) status = READY; return hr; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ HRESULT SoundD3D::Stop() { if (!buffer) return E_FAIL; if (!IsPlaying()) { status = DONE; return S_OK; } status = DONE; return buffer->Stop(); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ double SoundD3D::GetTimeRemaining() const { double time_left = -1; if (IsPlaying() || IsReady()) { time_left = (double) stream_left / (double) wfex.nAvgBytesPerSec; } return time_left; } double SoundD3D::GetTimeElapsed() const { double time_elapsed = 0; if (IsPlaying()) { time_elapsed = total_time - GetTimeRemaining(); } return time_elapsed; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void SoundD3D::SetVolume(long v) { if (v > 0) v = 0; else if (v < -10000) v = -10000; volume = v; moved = true; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ long SoundD3D::GetPan() const { long p = 10000; if (location.z) p = (long) fabs(location.x/location.z); if (p > 10000) p = 10000; if (location.x < 0) p = -p; return p; } void SoundD3D::SetPan(long p) { if (p > 10000) p = 10000; if (p < -10000) p = -10000; location.x = (float) p; location.y = 0.0f; location.z = 1.0f; moved = true; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void SoundD3D::SetLocation(const Vec3& l) { location = l; moved = true; } void SoundD3D::SetVelocity(const Vec3& v) { velocity = v; moved = true; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ float SoundD3D::GetMinDistance() const { return min_dist; } void SoundD3D::SetMinDistance(float f) { min_dist = f; moved = true; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ float SoundD3D::GetMaxDistance() const { return max_dist; } void SoundD3D::SetMaxDistance(float f) { max_dist = f; moved = true; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void SoundD3DError(const char* msg, HRESULT err) { Print(" SoundD3D: %s. [%s]\n", msg, DSErrStr(err)); } char* DSErrStr(HRESULT err) { switch (err) { case DS_OK: return "DS_OK"; case DSERR_ALLOCATED: return "The call failed because resources (such as a priority level) " "were already being used by another caller."; case DSERR_CONTROLUNAVAIL: return "The control (vol,pan,etc.) requested by the caller is not available."; case DSERR_INVALIDPARAM: return "An invalid parameter was passed to the returning function."; case DSERR_INVALIDCALL: return "This call is not valid for the current state of this object"; case DSERR_GENERIC: return "An undetermined error occured inside the DirectSound subsystem"; case DSERR_PRIOLEVELNEEDED: return "The caller does not have the priority level required for the function to succeed."; case DSERR_OUTOFMEMORY: return "Not enough free memory is available to complete the operation"; case DSERR_BADFORMAT: return "The specified WAVE format is not supported"; case DSERR_UNSUPPORTED: return "The function called is not supported at this time"; case DSERR_NODRIVER: return "No sound driver is available for use"; case DSERR_ALREADYINITIALIZED: return "This object is already initialized"; case DSERR_NOAGGREGATION: return "This object does not support aggregation"; case DSERR_BUFFERLOST: return "The buffer memory has been lost, and must be restored."; case DSERR_OTHERAPPHASPRIO: return "Another app has a higher priority level, preventing this call from succeeding."; case DSERR_UNINITIALIZED: return "This object has not been initialized."; #ifdef DIRECT_SOUND_3D case DSERR_NOINTERFACE: return "The requested COM interface is not available."; #endif default: return "Unknown Error Code"; } return "Internal Error"; }