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SUBSYSTEM: nGenEx.lib FILE: Solid.h AUTHOR: John DiCamillo OVERVIEW ======== Classes for rendering solid meshes of polygons */ #ifndef Solid_h #define Solid_h #include "Polygon.h" #include "Graphic.h" #include "Video.h" #include "List.h" // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ class Solid; class Model; class ModelFile; class Surface; class Segment; class Shadow; class Light; class OPCODE_data; // for collision detection // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ class Solid : public Graphic { public: static const char* TYPENAME() { return "Solid"; } enum { NAMELEN = 64 }; static bool IsCollisionEnabled(); static void EnableCollision(bool enable); Solid(); virtual ~Solid(); // operations virtual void Render(Video* video, DWORD flags); virtual void SelectDetail(Projector* p); virtual void ProjectScreenRect(Projector* p); virtual void Update(); // accessors / mutators Model* GetModel() const { return model; } void GetAllTextures(List& textures); virtual bool IsDynamic() const; virtual void SetDynamic(bool d); virtual void SetLuminous(bool l); virtual void SetOrientation(const Matrix& o); virtual void SetOrientation(const Solid& match); const Matrix& Orientation() const { return orientation; } float Roll() const { return roll; } float Pitch() const { return pitch; } float Yaw() const { return yaw; } virtual bool IsSolid() const { return true; } // stencil shadows virtual void CreateShadows(int nlights=1); virtual void UpdateShadows(List& lights); List& GetShadows() { return shadows; } bool Load(const char* mag_file, double scale=1.0); bool Load(ModelFile* loader, double scale=1.0); void UseModel(Model* model); void ClearModel(); bool Rescale(double scale); // collision detection virtual int CollidesWith(Graphic& o); virtual int CheckRayIntersection(Point pt, Point vpn, double len, Point& ipt, bool treat_translucent_polys_as_solid=true); virtual Poly* GetIntersectionPoly() const { return intersection_poly; } // buffer management virtual void DeletePrivateData(); virtual void InvalidateSurfaceData(); virtual void InvalidateSegmentData(); protected: Model* model; bool own_model; float roll, pitch, yaw; Matrix orientation; Poly* intersection_poly; List shadows; }; // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ class Model { friend class Solid; friend class ModelFile; public: static const char* TYPENAME() { return "Model"; } enum { MAX_VERTS = 64000, MAX_POLYS = 16000 }; Model(); Model(const Model& m); ~Model(); Model& operator = (const Model& m); int operator == (const Model& that) const { return this == &that; } bool Load(const char* mag_file, double scale=1.0); bool Load(ModelFile* loader, double scale=1.0); const char* Name() const { return name; } int NumVerts() const { return nverts; } int NumSurfaces() const { return surfaces.size(); } int NumMaterials() const { return materials.size(); } int NumPolys() const { return npolys; } int NumSegments() const; double Radius() const { return radius; } bool IsDynamic() const { return dynamic; } void SetDynamic(bool d) { dynamic = d; } bool IsLuminous() const { return luminous; } void SetLuminous(bool l) { luminous = l; } List& GetSurfaces() { return surfaces; } List& GetMaterials() { return materials; } const Material* FindMaterial(const char* mtl_name) const; const Material* ReplaceMaterial(const Material* mtl); void GetAllTextures(List& textures); Poly* AddPolys(int nsurf, int npolys, int nverts); void ExplodeMesh(); void OptimizeMesh(); void OptimizeMaterials(); void ScaleBy(double factor); void Normalize(); void SelectPolys(List&, Material* mtl); void SelectPolys(List&, Vec3 loc); void AddSurface(Surface* s); void ComputeTangents(); // buffer management void DeletePrivateData(); private: bool LoadMag5(BYTE* block, int len, double scale); bool LoadMag6(BYTE* block, int len, double scale); char name[Solid::NAMELEN]; List surfaces; List materials; int nverts; int npolys; float radius; float extents[6]; bool luminous; bool dynamic; }; // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ class Surface { friend class Solid; friend class Model; public: static const char* TYPENAME() { return "Surface"; } enum { HIDDEN=1, LOCKED=2, SIMPLE=4, MAX_VERTS=64000, MAX_POLYS=16000 }; Surface(); ~Surface(); int operator == (const Surface& s) const { return this == &s; } const char* Name() const { return name; } int NumVerts() const { return vertex_set ? vertex_set->nverts : 0; } int NumSegments() const { return segments.size(); } int NumPolys() const { return npolys; } int NumIndices() const { return nindices; } bool IsHidden() const { return state & HIDDEN ? true : false; } bool IsLocked() const { return state & LOCKED ? true : false; } bool IsSimplified() const { return state & SIMPLE ? true : false; } Model* GetModel() const { return model; } List& GetSegments() { return segments; } const Point& GetOffset() const { return offset; } const Matrix& GetOrientation() const { return orientation; } double Radius() const { return radius; } VertexSet* GetVertexSet() const { return vertex_set; } Vec3* GetVLoc() const { return vloc; } Poly* GetPolys() const { return polys; } void SetName(const char* n); void SetHidden(bool b); void SetLocked(bool b); void SetSimplified(bool b); void CreateVerts(int nverts); void CreatePolys(int npolys); void AddIndices(int n) { nindices += n; } Poly* AddPolys(int npolys, int nverts); VideoPrivateData* GetVideoPrivateData() const { return video_data; } void SetVideoPrivateData(VideoPrivateData* vpd) { video_data = vpd; } void ScaleBy(double factor); void BuildHull(); void Normalize(); void SelectPolys(List&, Material* mtl); void SelectPolys(List&, Vec3 loc); void InitializeCollisionHull(); void ComputeTangents(); void CalcGradients(Poly& p, Vec3& tangent, Vec3& binormal); void Copy(Surface& s, Model* m); void OptimizeMesh(); void ExplodeMesh(); private: char name[Solid::NAMELEN]; Model* model; VertexSet* vertex_set; // for rendering Vec3* vloc; // for shadow hull float radius; int nhull; int npolys; int nindices; int state; Poly* polys; List segments; Point offset; Matrix orientation; public: OPCODE_data* opcode; private: VideoPrivateData* video_data; }; // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ class Segment { public: static const char* TYPENAME() { return "Segment"; } Segment(); Segment(int n, Poly* p, Material* mtl, Model* mod=0); ~Segment(); bool IsSolid() const { return material ? material->IsSolid() : true; } bool IsTranslucent() const { return material ? material->IsTranslucent(): false; } bool IsGlowing() const { return material ? material->IsGlowing() : false; } VideoPrivateData* GetVideoPrivateData() const { return video_data; } void SetVideoPrivateData(VideoPrivateData* vpd) { video_data = vpd; } int npolys; Poly* polys; Material* material; Model* model; VideoPrivateData* video_data; }; // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ class ModelFile { public: ModelFile(const char* fname); virtual ~ModelFile(); virtual bool Load(Model* m, double scale=1.0); virtual bool Save(Model* m); protected: char filename[256]; Model* model; // internal accessors: char* pname; int* pnverts; int* pnpolys; float* pradius; }; // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ #endif Solid_h