/* Project nGenEx Destroyer Studios LLC Copyright © 1997-2004. All Rights Reserved. SUBSYSTEM: nGenEx.lib FILE: Slider.cpp AUTHOR: John DiCamillo OVERVIEW ======== Slider/Gauge ActiveWindow class */ #include "MemDebug.h" #include "Slider.h" #include "Video.h" #include "Font.h" // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ Slider::Slider(ActiveWindow* p, int ax, int ay, int aw, int ah, DWORD aid) : ActiveWindow(p->GetScreen(), ax, ay, aw, ah, aid, 0, p) { captured = false; dragging = false; border_color = Color::Black; fill_color = Color::DarkBlue; active = true; border = true; num_leds = 1; orientation = 0; range_min = 0; range_max = 100; step_size = 10; show_thumb = 0; thumb_size = -1; nvalues = 1; ZeroMemory(value, sizeof(value)); marker[0] = -1; marker[1] = -1; char buf[32]; sprintf_s(buf, "Slider %d", id); desc = buf; } Slider::Slider(Screen* s, int ax, int ay, int aw, int ah, DWORD aid) : ActiveWindow(s, ax, ay, aw, ah, aid) { captured = false; dragging = false; border_color = Color::Black; fill_color = Color::DarkBlue; active = true; border = true; num_leds = 1; orientation = 0; range_min = 0; range_max = 100; step_size = 10; show_thumb = 0; thumb_size = -1; nvalues = 1; ZeroMemory(value, sizeof(value)); marker[0] = -1; marker[1] = -1; char buf[32]; sprintf_s(buf, "Slider %d", id); desc = buf; } Slider::~Slider() { } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Slider::Draw() { int x = 0; int y = 0; int w = rect.w; int h = rect.h; if (w < 1 || h < 1 || !shown) return; Rect ctrl_rect(x,y,w,h); // draw the border: if (border) { Color oc = ShadeColor(border_color, 1); DrawRect(0,0,w-1,h-1,oc); DrawRect(1,1,w-2,h-2,oc); ctrl_rect.Deflate(2,2); } // draw the bevel: FillRect(ctrl_rect, back_color); DrawStyleRect(ctrl_rect, WIN_SUNK_FRAME); // HORIZONTAL if (orientation == 0) { // draw the leds: int led_width = ((w - 6) / (num_leds)) - 1; int led_height = ((h - 5) / (nvalues)) - 1; if (nvalues < 2) { int fill_width = (int) ((double)(w-4) * FractionalValue()); int num_lit = fill_width / (led_width+1); Color fc = ShadeColor(fill_color, 1); if (num_leds == 1) { FillRect(2,2,2+fill_width,h-3,fc); } else { int x0 = 2; for (int i = 0; i < num_lit; i++) { FillRect(x0,2,x0+led_width,h-3,fc); x0 += led_width + 1; } } // draw the thumb: if (thumb_size) { if (thumb_size < 0) thumb_size = h; thumb_pos = 2+fill_width; Rect thumb_rect(thumb_pos-thumb_size/2, 0, thumb_size, h); if (thumb_rect.x < 0) thumb_rect.x = 0; else if (thumb_rect.x > w-thumb_size) thumb_rect.x = w-thumb_size; if (show_thumb) { FillRect(thumb_rect, back_color); DrawStyleRect(thumb_rect, WIN_RAISED_FRAME); } } } else { Color fc = ShadeColor(fill_color, 1); int y0 = 3; for (int i = 0; i < nvalues; i++) { int fill_width = (int) ((double)(w-6) * FractionalValue(i)); FillRect(3,y0,3+fill_width,y0+led_height,fc); y0 += led_height+1; } } // draw the markers: if (marker[0] >= 0) { int m = marker[0]; Color c = ShadeColor(base_color, 1.6); // full highlight DrawLine(m-3, 1, m+4, 1, c); c = ShadeColor(base_color, 1.3); // soft highlight DrawLine(m-3, 2, m-3, 4, c); DrawLine(m-2, 4, m-2, 6, c); DrawLine(m-1, 6, m-1, 8, c); DrawLine(m , 8, m , 10, c); c = base_color; // body DrawLine(m-2, 2, m-2, 4, c); DrawLine(m-1, 2, m-1, 6, c); DrawLine(m , 2, m , 8, c); DrawLine(m+1, 2, m+1, 6, c); DrawLine(m+2, 2, m+2, 4, c); c = ShadeColor(base_color, 0.5); // shadow DrawLine(m+1, 6, m+1, 8, c); DrawLine(m+2, 4, m+2, 6, c); DrawLine(m+3, 2, m+3, 4, c); } if (marker[1] >= 0) { int m = marker[0]; Color c = ShadeColor(base_color, 0.5); // shadow DrawLine(m-3, h-2, m+4, h-2, c); DrawLine(m+1, h-6, m+1, h-8, c); DrawLine(m+2, h-4, m+2, h-6, c); DrawLine(m+3, h-2, m+3, h-4, c); c = ShadeColor(base_color, 1.3); // soft highlight DrawLine(m-3, h-2, m-3, h-4, c); DrawLine(m-2, h-4, m-2, h-6, c); DrawLine(m-1, h-6, m-1, h-8, c); DrawLine(m , h-8, m , h-10, c); c = base_color; // body DrawLine(m-2, h-2, m-2, h-4, c); DrawLine(m-1, h-2, m-1, h-6, c); DrawLine(m , h-2, m , h-8, c); DrawLine(m+1, h-2, m+1, h-6, c); DrawLine(m+2, h-2, m+2, h-4, c); } } // VERTICAL else { // draw the leds: int led_width = ((w - 5) / (nvalues)) - 1; if (num_leds > 1) { } else { if (nvalues < 2) { int led_width = w - 4; int led_height = (int) ((double)(h-4) * FractionalValue()); Color fc = ShadeColor(fill_color, 1); FillRect(2, h-2-led_height, 2+led_width, h-2, fc); // draw the thumb: if (thumb_size) { if (thumb_size < 0) thumb_size = w; thumb_pos = h-2-led_height; Rect thumb_rect(0, thumb_pos-(thumb_size/2), w, thumb_size); if (thumb_rect.y < 0) thumb_rect.y = 0; else if (thumb_rect.y > h-thumb_size) thumb_rect.y = h-thumb_size; if (show_thumb) { FillRect(thumb_rect, back_color); DrawStyleRect(thumb_rect, WIN_RAISED_FRAME); } } } else { Color fc = ShadeColor(fill_color, 1); int x0 = 3; for (int i = 0; i < nvalues; i++) { int led_height = (int) ((double)(h-6) * FractionalValue(i)); FillRect(x0,h-3-led_height,x0+led_width,h-3,fc); x0 += led_width+1; } } } } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool Slider::GetActive() { return active; } void Slider::SetActive(bool bNewValue) { active = bNewValue; } bool Slider::GetBorder() { return border; } void Slider::SetBorder(bool bNewValue) { border = bNewValue; } Color Slider::GetBorderColor() { return border_color; } void Slider::SetBorderColor(Color newValue) { border_color = newValue; } Color Slider::GetFillColor() { return fill_color; } void Slider::SetFillColor(Color cNewValue) { fill_color = cNewValue; } int Slider::GetNumLeds() { return num_leds; } void Slider::SetNumLeds(int nNewValue) { if (nNewValue >= 0) { num_leds = nNewValue; } } int Slider::GetOrientation() { return orientation; } void Slider::SetOrientation(int nNewValue) { if (nNewValue == 0 || nNewValue == 1) { orientation = nNewValue; } } int Slider::GetRangeMin() { return range_min; } void Slider::SetRangeMin(int nNewValue) { range_min = nNewValue; } int Slider::GetRangeMax() { return range_max; } void Slider::SetRangeMax(int nNewValue) { range_max = nNewValue; } int Slider::GetStepSize() { return step_size; } void Slider::SetStepSize(int nNewValue) { if (nNewValue < range_max - range_min) step_size = nNewValue; } bool Slider::GetShowThumb() { return show_thumb?true:false; } void Slider::SetShowThumb(bool bNewValue) { show_thumb = bNewValue; } int Slider::GetThumbSize() { return thumb_size; } void Slider::SetThumbSize(int nNewValue) { if (nNewValue < range_max - range_min) thumb_size = nNewValue; } int Slider::NumValues() { return nvalues; } int Slider::GetValue(int index) { if (index >= 0 && index < nvalues) return value[index]; return 0; } void Slider::SetValue(int nNewValue, int index) { if (index >= 0 && index < MAX_VAL) { value[index] = nNewValue; if (index >= nvalues) nvalues = index+1; } } void Slider::SetMarker(int nNewValue, int index) { if (index >= 0 && index < 2) { marker[index] = nNewValue; } } double Slider::FractionalValue(int index) { if (index >= 0 && index < nvalues) return ((double) (value[index]-range_min)) / ((double) (range_max-range_min)); return 0; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Slider::StepUp(int index) { if (index >= 0 && index < nvalues) { value[index] += step_size; if (value[index] > range_max) value[index] = range_max; } } void Slider::StepDown(int index) { if (index >= 0 && index < nvalues) { value[index] -= step_size; if (value[index] < range_min) value[index] = range_min; } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ int Slider::OnMouseMove(int x, int y) { bool dirty = false; if (captured) { ActiveWindow* test = GetCapture(); if (test != this) { captured = false; dirty = true; } else if (dragging) { mouse_x = x - rect.x; if (mouse_x < 0) mouse_x = 0; else if (mouse_x > rect.w) mouse_x = rect.w; mouse_y = rect.h - (y - rect.y); if (mouse_y < 0) mouse_y = 0; else if (mouse_y > rect.h) mouse_y = rect.h; // HORIZONTAL if (orientation == 0) { SetValue((int) ((double) mouse_x/rect.w * (range_max-range_min) + range_min)); } // VERTICAL else { SetValue((int) ((double) mouse_y/rect.h * (range_max-range_min) + range_min)); } dirty = true; } } if (dirty) OnClick(); return ActiveWindow::OnMouseMove(x,y); } int Slider::OnLButtonDown(int x, int y) { if (!active) return 0; if (!captured) captured = SetCapture(); mouse_x = x - rect.x; mouse_y = y - rect.y; // HORIZONTAL if (orientation == 0) { if (mouse_x < thumb_pos-thumb_size/2) { StepDown(); } else if (mouse_x > thumb_pos+thumb_size/2) { StepUp(); } else { dragging = true; } } // VERTICAL else { if (mouse_y < thumb_pos-thumb_size/2) { StepUp(); } else if (mouse_y > thumb_pos+thumb_size/2) { StepDown(); } else { dragging = true; } } if (!dragging) OnClick(); return ActiveWindow::OnLButtonDown(x,y); } int Slider::OnLButtonUp(int x, int y) { if (!active) return 0; if (captured) { ReleaseCapture(); captured = 0; dragging = false; } return ActiveWindow::OnLButtonUp(x,y); } int Slider::OnClick() { return ActiveWindow::OnClick(); }