/* Project nGenEx Destroyer Studios LLC Copyright © 1997-2004. All Rights Reserved. SUBSYSTEM: nGenEx.lib FILE: AviFile.cpp AUTHOR: John DiCamillo OVERVIEW ======== AviFile reader / writer */ #include "MemDebug.h" #include "AviFile.h" #include #include #include // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Print(const char* fmt, ...); // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ AviFile::AviFile(const char* fname) : filename(fname), fps(0), play(true), pfile(0), ps(0), ps_comp(0), nframe(0), nsamp(0), iserr(false), frame_size(0) { AVIFileInit(); } AviFile::AviFile(const char* fname, const Rect& r, int frame_rate) : filename(fname), rect(r), fps(frame_rate), play(false), pfile(0), ps(0), ps_comp(0), nframe(0), nsamp(0), iserr(false) { Print("\n\nAviFile(%s, w=%d, h=%d, f=%d FPS)\n", fname, r.w, r.h, fps); frame_size = r.w * r.h * 3; AVIFileInit(); HRESULT hr = AVIFileOpen(&pfile, fname, OF_WRITE|OF_CREATE, 0); if (hr != AVIERR_OK) { Print("AviFile - open failed. %08x\n", hr); iserr = true; return; } Print("AviFile - open successful\n"); AVISTREAMINFO strhdr; ZeroMemory(&strhdr,sizeof(strhdr)); strhdr.fccType = streamtypeVIDEO; strhdr.fccHandler = 0; strhdr.dwScale = 1000 / fps; strhdr.dwRate = 1000; strhdr.dwSuggestedBufferSize = frame_size; SetRect(&strhdr.rcFrame, 0, 0, r.w, r.h); hr = AVIFileCreateStream(pfile, &ps, &strhdr); if (hr != AVIERR_OK) { Print("AviFile - create stream failed. %08x\n", hr); iserr = true; return; } Print("AviFile - create stream successful\n"); AVICOMPRESSOPTIONS opts; ZeroMemory(&opts,sizeof(opts)); opts.fccType = streamtypeVIDEO; //opts.fccHandler = mmioFOURCC('W','M','V','3'); opts.fccHandler = mmioFOURCC('D','I','B',' '); // (full frames) opts.dwFlags = 8; hr = AVIMakeCompressedStream(&ps_comp, ps, &opts, 0); if (hr != AVIERR_OK) { Print("AviFile - compressed stream failed. %08x\n", hr); iserr=true; return; } Print("AviFile - make compressed stream successful\n"); BITMAPINFOHEADER bmih; ZeroMemory(&bmih, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)); bmih.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); bmih.biBitCount = 24; bmih.biCompression = BI_RGB; bmih.biWidth = rect.w; bmih.biHeight = rect.h; bmih.biPlanes = 1; bmih.biSizeImage = frame_size; hr = AVIStreamSetFormat(ps_comp, 0, &bmih, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)); if (hr != AVIERR_OK) { Print("AviFile - stream format failed. %08x\n", hr); iserr=true; return; } Print("AviFile - stream format successful\n"); } AviFile::~AviFile() { if (!play) { Print("*** Closing AVI file '%s' with %d frames\n", (const char*) filename, nframe); } if (ps_comp) AVIStreamRelease(ps_comp); if (ps) AVIStreamRelease(ps); if (pfile) AVIFileRelease(pfile); AVIFileExit(); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // Note that AVI frames use DIB format - Y is inverted. // So we need to flip the native bmp before sending to the // file. HRESULT AviFile::AddFrame(const Bitmap& bmp) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; if (!iserr && !play && bmp.IsHighColor() && bmp.Width() == rect.w && bmp.Height() == rect.h) { int w = bmp.Width(); int h = bmp.Height(); BYTE* buffer = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) BYTE[frame_size]; BYTE* dst = buffer; for (int y = 0; y < bmp.Height(); y++) { Color* src = bmp.HiPixels() + (h - 1 - y) * w; for (int x = 0; x < bmp.Width(); x++) { *dst++ = (BYTE) src->Blue(); *dst++ = (BYTE) src->Green(); *dst++ = (BYTE) src->Red(); src++; } } hr = AVIStreamWrite(ps_comp, nframe, 1, buffer, frame_size, AVIIF_KEYFRAME, 0, 0); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { nframe++; } else { Print("AVIStreamWriteFile failed. %08x\n", hr); iserr = true; } delete [] buffer; } return hr; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ HRESULT AviFile::GetFrame(double seconds, Bitmap& bmp) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; return hr; }