/* Project nGenEx Destroyer Studios LLC Copyright © 1997-2004. All Rights Reserved. SUBSYSTEM: nGenEx.lib FILE: ActiveWindow.cpp AUTHOR: John DiCamillo OVERVIEW ======== Window class */ #include #include "MemDebug.h" #include "ActiveWindow.h" #include "EventDispatch.h" #include "Color.h" #include "Bitmap.h" #include "Font.h" #include "FontMgr.h" #include "Layout.h" #include "Polygon.h" #include "Screen.h" #include "View.h" #include "Video.h" // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ Font* ActiveWindow::sys_font = 0; Color ActiveWindow::sys_back_color = Color(128,128,128); Color ActiveWindow::sys_fore_color = Color( 0, 0, 0); void ActiveWindow::SetSystemFont(Font* f) { sys_font = f; } void ActiveWindow::SetSystemBackColor(Color c) { sys_back_color = c; } void ActiveWindow::SetSystemForeColor(Color c) { sys_fore_color = c; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ ActiveWindow::ActiveWindow(Screen* screen, int ax, int ay, int aw, int ah, DWORD aid, DWORD s, ActiveWindow* pParent) : Window(screen, ax, ay, aw, ah), id(aid), style(s), focus(false), enabled(true), text_align(DT_CENTER), single_line(false), alpha(1), texture(0), back_color(sys_back_color), fore_color(sys_fore_color), parent(pParent), form(0), transparent(false), topmost(true), layout(0), rows(1), cols(1), polys(0), vset(0), mtl(0), fixed_width(0), fixed_height(0), hide_partial(true) { ZeroMemory(tab, sizeof(tab)); font = sys_font; if (parent) { parent->AddChild(this); } else { screen->AddWindow(this); } shown = false; Show(); char buf[32]; sprintf_s(buf, "ActiveWindow %d", id); //-V576 desc = buf; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ ActiveWindow::~ActiveWindow() { if (layout) delete layout; screen->DelWindow(this); Hide(); clients.destroy(); children.destroy(); if (polys) delete [] polys; if (vset) delete vset; if (mtl) delete mtl; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void ActiveWindow::Show() { EventDispatch* dispatch = EventDispatch::GetInstance(); if (dispatch) dispatch->Register(this); ListIter v_iter = view_list; while (++v_iter) { View* view = v_iter.value(); view->OnShow(); } ListIter c_iter = children; while (++c_iter) { ActiveWindow* child = c_iter.value(); child->Show(); } shown = true; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void ActiveWindow::Hide() { EventDispatch* dispatch = EventDispatch::GetInstance(); if (dispatch) { dispatch->Unregister(this); focus = false; } ListIter v_iter = view_list; while (++v_iter) { View* view = v_iter.value(); view->OnHide(); } ListIter c_iter = children; while (++c_iter) { ActiveWindow* child = c_iter.value(); child->Hide(); } shown = false; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void ActiveWindow::MoveTo(const Rect& r) { if (rect.x == r.x && rect.y == r.y && rect.w == r.w && rect.h == r.h) return; rect = r; CalcGrid(); ListIter v = view_list; while (++v) v->OnWindowMove(); if (layout) layout->DoLayout(this); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void ActiveWindow::AddChild(ActiveWindow* child) { if (child) children.append(child); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void ActiveWindow::DoLayout() { if (layout) layout->DoLayout(this); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void ActiveWindow::UseLayout(const std::vector& min_x, const std::vector& min_y, const std::vector& weight_x, const std::vector& weight_y) { if (!layout) layout = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Layout; if (layout) layout->SetConstraints(min_x, min_y, weight_x, weight_y); } void ActiveWindow::UseLayout(const std::vector& min_x, const std::vector& min_y, const std::vector& weight_x, const std::vector& weight_y) { if (!layout) layout = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Layout; if (layout) layout->SetConstraints(min_x, min_y, weight_x, weight_y); } void ActiveWindow::UseLayout(int nrows, int ncols, int* min_x, int* min_y, float* weight_x, float* weight_y) { if (!layout) layout = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Layout; if (layout) layout->SetConstraints(nrows, ncols, min_x, min_y, weight_x, weight_y); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void ActiveWindow::Paint() { Draw(); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ Color ActiveWindow::ShadeColor(Color c, double shade) { int ishade = (int) (shade * Color::SHADE_LEVELS); return c.ShadeColor(ishade); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void ActiveWindow::Draw() { int w = rect.w; int h = rect.h; if (w < 1 || h < 1 || !shown) return; float old_alpha = alpha; if (!enabled) SetAlpha(0.5); if (!transparent) { if (texture && texture->Width()) { DrawTextureGrid(); } else { FillRect(0, 0, w, h, ShadeColor(back_color, 1.0)); } } if (enabled && view_list.size()) { ListIter v = view_list; while (++v) v->Refresh(); } if (!transparent) { DrawStyleRect(0, 0, w, h, style); } // draw text here: DrawTabbedText(); if (!enabled) SetAlpha(old_alpha); // update children windows: ListIter iter = children; while (++iter) { ActiveWindow* child = iter.value(); child->Draw(); } } void ActiveWindow::CalcGrid() { if (polys) delete [] polys; if (vset) delete vset; if (mtl) delete mtl; rows = 1; cols = 1; if (!texture || texture->Width() < 1) return; if (margins.left > 0) cols++; if (margins.right > 0) cols++; if (margins.top > 0) rows++; if (margins.bottom > 0) rows++; int npolys = rows*cols; int nverts = (rows+1) * (cols+1); if (style & WIN_FRAME_ONLY && npolys == 9) npolys = 8; // skip the center poly if (npolys > 0) { int i, j; int x_offsets[4]; int y_offsets[4]; float u_offsets[4]; float v_offsets[4]; x_offsets[0] = 0; x_offsets[1] = margins.left ? margins.left : rect.w - margins.right; x_offsets[2] = cols==2 ? rect.w : rect.w - margins.right; x_offsets[3] = rect.w; y_offsets[0] = 0; y_offsets[1] = margins.top ? margins.top : rect.h - margins.bottom; y_offsets[2] = rows==2 ? rect.h : rect.h - margins.bottom; y_offsets[3] = rect.h; float tex_w = (float) texture->Width(); float tex_h = (float) texture->Height(); if (tex_w > rect.w) tex_w = (float) rect.w; if (tex_h > rect.h) tex_h = (float) rect.h; u_offsets[0] = 0.0f; u_offsets[1] = margins.left ? (float) margins.left : tex_w - (float) margins.right; u_offsets[2] = cols==2 ? tex_w : tex_w - (float) margins.right; u_offsets[3] = tex_w; v_offsets[0] = 0.0f; v_offsets[1] = margins.top ? (float) margins.top : tex_h - (float) margins.bottom; v_offsets[2] = rows==2 ? tex_h : tex_h - (float) margins.bottom; v_offsets[3] = tex_h; tex_w = (float) texture->Width(); tex_h = (float) texture->Height(); vset = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) VertexSet(nverts); int v = 0; Color c = Color::White; c.SetAlpha((BYTE) (alpha*255)); vset->space = VertexSet::SCREEN_SPACE; for (i = 0; i <= rows; i++) { for (j = 0; j <= cols; j++) { vset->diffuse[v] = c.Value(); vset->s_loc[v].x = (float) (rect.x + x_offsets[j]) - 0.5f; vset->s_loc[v].y = (float) (rect.y + y_offsets[i]) - 0.5f; vset->s_loc[v].z = 0.0f; vset->rw[v] = 1.0f; vset->tu[v] = u_offsets[j] / tex_w; vset->tv[v] = v_offsets[i] / tex_h; v++; } } mtl = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Material; mtl->tex_diffuse = texture; polys = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Poly[npolys]; Poly* p = polys; ZeroMemory(polys, npolys*sizeof(Poly)); for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) { for (j = 0; j < cols; j++) { if (style & WIN_FRAME_ONLY) { if (i == 1 && j == 1) continue; } p->nverts = 4; p->vertex_set = vset; p->material = mtl; p->verts[0] = (i+0)*(cols+1) + j; p->verts[1] = (i+0)*(cols+1) + j + 1; p->verts[2] = (i+1)*(cols+1) + j + 1; p->verts[3] = (i+1)*(cols+1) + j; p++; } } } } void ActiveWindow::DrawTextureGrid() { int npolys = rows*cols; if (style & WIN_FRAME_ONLY && npolys == 9) npolys = 8; // skip the center poly if (mtl) { mtl->tex_diffuse = texture; } int blend = Video::BLEND_SOLID; if (alpha < 1) blend = Video::BLEND_ALPHA; Video* video = screen->GetVideo(); video->SetRenderState(Video::TEXTURE_WRAP, 0); video->DrawScreenPolys(npolys, polys, blend); video->SetRenderState(Video::TEXTURE_WRAP, 1); } void ActiveWindow::DrawStyleRect(const Rect& r, int style) { DrawStyleRect(r.x, r.y, r.x+r.w, r.y+r.h, style); } void ActiveWindow::DrawStyleRect(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int style) { if (style & WIN_THIN_FRAME) { DrawRect(x1,y1,x2-1,y2-1, ShadeColor(fore_color, 1.0)); } else if (style & WIN_THICK_FRAME) { DrawRect(x1+0,y1+0,x2-1,y2-1, ShadeColor(fore_color, 1.0)); DrawRect(x1+1,y1+1,x2-2,y2-2, ShadeColor(fore_color, 1.0)); DrawRect(x1+2,y1+2,x2-3,y2-3, ShadeColor(fore_color, 1.0)); } else { // draw bevel: if ((style & WIN_RAISED_FRAME) && (style & WIN_SUNK_FRAME)) { Color c = ShadeColor(back_color, 1.6); // full highlight DrawLine(x1, y1, x2-1, y1, c); DrawLine(x1, y1, x1, y2-1, c); c = ShadeColor(back_color, 1.3); // soft highlight DrawLine(x1+1,y1+1, x2-2, y1+1, c); DrawLine(x1+1,y1+1, x1+1, y2-2, c); c = ShadeColor(back_color, 0.6); // soft shadow DrawLine(x2-2,y1+1, x2-2,y2-1, c); DrawLine(x1+1,y2-2, x2-1,y2-2, c); c = ShadeColor(back_color, 0.3); // full shadow DrawLine(x2-1,y1, x2-1,y2, c); DrawLine(x1 ,y2-1, x2,y2-1, c); DrawRect(x1+4,y1+4, x2-5,y2-5, ShadeColor(back_color, 0.6)); // soft shadow DrawRect(x1+5,y1+5, x2-6,y2-6, ShadeColor(back_color, 0.3)); // full shadow DrawLine(x1+5,y2-6, x2-5,y2-6, ShadeColor(back_color, 1.3)); // soft highlight (bottom) DrawLine(x2-6,y1+5, x2-6,y2-6, ShadeColor(back_color, 1.3)); // soft highlight (side) DrawLine(x1+4,y2-5, x2-4,y2-5, ShadeColor(back_color, 1.6)); // soft highlight (bottom) DrawLine(x2-5,y1+4, x2-5,y2-5, ShadeColor(back_color, 1.6)); // soft highlight (side) } else if (style & WIN_RAISED_FRAME) { Color c = ShadeColor(back_color, 1.6); // full highlight DrawLine(x1, y1, x2-1, y1, c); DrawLine(x1, y1, x1, y2-1, c); c = ShadeColor(back_color, 1.3); // soft highlight DrawLine(x1+1,y1+1, x2-2, y1+1, c); DrawLine(x1+1,y1+1, x1+1, y2-2, c); c = ShadeColor(back_color, 0.6); // soft shadow DrawLine(x2-2,y1+1, x2-2,y2-1, c); DrawLine(x1+1,y2-2, x2-1,y2-2, c); c = ShadeColor(back_color, 0.3); // full shadow DrawLine(x2-1,y1, x2-1,y2, c); DrawLine(x1 ,y2-1, x2,y2-1, c); } else if (style & WIN_SUNK_FRAME) { Color c = ShadeColor(back_color, 0.3); // full shadow DrawLine(x1+1,y1+1, x1+1, y2, c); DrawLine(x1+1,y1+1, x2, y1+1, c); c = ShadeColor(back_color, 0.6); // soft shadow DrawLine(x1, y1, x1, y2, c); DrawLine(x1, y1, x2, y1, c); c = ShadeColor(back_color, 1.3); // soft highlight DrawLine(x2-2,y1+1, x2-2,y2-1, c); DrawLine(x1+1,y2-2, x2-1,y2-2, c); c = ShadeColor(back_color, 1.6); // full highlight DrawLine(x2-1,y1+1, x2-1,y2, c); DrawLine(x1 ,y2-1, x2,y2-1, c); } // draw frame: if (style & WIN_BLACK_FRAME) DrawRect(x1,y1,x2-1,y2-1, ShadeColor(Color::Black, 1.0)); else if (style & WIN_WHITE_FRAME) DrawRect(x1,y1,x2-1,y2-1, ShadeColor(Color::White, 1.0)); } } void ActiveWindow::DrawTabbedText() { if (shown && font && text.length()) { Rect label_rect; if (text_insets.left) { label_rect.w = rect.w; label_rect.h = rect.h; label_rect.Inset(text_insets.left, text_insets.right, text_insets.top, text_insets.bottom); } else { int border_size = 4; if (style & WIN_RAISED_FRAME && style & WIN_SUNK_FRAME) border_size = 8; label_rect.x = border_size; label_rect.y = border_size; label_rect.w = rect.w - border_size * 2; label_rect.h = rect.h - border_size * 2; } font->SetAlpha(alpha); // no tabs set: if (tab[0] == 0) { DWORD text_flags = DT_WORDBREAK | text_align; if (single_line) text_flags = text_flags | DT_SINGLELINE; if (style & WIN_TEXT_SHADOW) { label_rect.x++; label_rect.y++; if (transparent) { font->SetColor(back_color); DrawText(text.data(), 0, label_rect, text_flags); } else { Color shadow = ShadeColor(back_color, 1.6); font->SetColor(shadow); DrawText(text.data(), 0, label_rect, text_flags); } label_rect.x--; label_rect.y--; } Color fore = ShadeColor(fore_color, 1); font->SetColor(fore); DrawText(text.data(), 0, label_rect, text_flags); } // use tabs: else { } font->SetAlpha(1); } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void ActiveWindow::SetTabStop(int n, int x) { if (n >= 0 && n < 10) tab[n] = x; } int ActiveWindow::GetTabStop(int n) const { if (n >= 0 && n < 10) return tab[n]; return 0; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void ActiveWindow::SetText(const char* t) { if (t && text != t) { int len = strlen(t); if (len > 0) { char* buf = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) char[2*len]; if (buf != 0) { const char* src = t; char* dst = buf; while (*src) { if (*src != '\\') { *dst++ = *src++; } else { src++; switch (*src) { case 'n': *dst++ = '\n'; break; case 't': *dst++ = '\t'; break; default: *dst++ = *src; break; } src++; } } *dst = 0; if (text != buf) { text = buf; } delete [] buf; } } else { text = t; } } } void ActiveWindow::SetText(const Text& t) { if (t && text != t) { int len = t.length(); if (len > 0 && t.contains('\\')) { char* buf = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) char[2*len]; if (buf != 0) { const char* src = t; char* dst = buf; while (*src) { if (*src != '\\') { *dst++ = *src++; } else { src++; switch (*src) { case 'n': *dst++ = '\n'; break; case 't': *dst++ = '\t'; break; default: *dst++ = *src; break; } src++; } } *dst = 0; if (text != buf) { text = buf; } delete [] buf; } } else { text = t; } } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void ActiveWindow::AddText(const char* t) { if (t) { text += t; } } void ActiveWindow::AddText(const Text& t) { if (t) { text += t; } } void ActiveWindow::SetTextAlign(DWORD a) { if (a == DT_LEFT || a == DT_RIGHT || a == DT_CENTER) text_align = a; } void ActiveWindow::SetMargins(const Insets& m) { margins = m; CalcGrid(); } void ActiveWindow::SetTextInsets(const Insets& t) { text_insets = t; } void ActiveWindow::SetCellInsets(const Insets& c) { cell_insets = c; } void ActiveWindow::SetCells(int cx, int cy, int cw, int ch) { cells.x = cx; cells.y = cy; cells.w = cw; cells.h = ch; if (cells.w < 1) cells.w = 1; if (cells.h < 1) cells.h = 1; } void ActiveWindow::SetAlpha(double a) { if (alpha != a) { alpha = (float) a; Color c = Color::White; c.SetAlpha((BYTE) (alpha*255)); if (vset && vset->nverts) { for (int i = 0; i < vset->nverts; i++) { vset->diffuse[i] = c.Value(); } } } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void ActiveWindow::DrawText(const char* txt, int count, Rect& txt_rect, DWORD flags) { if (font) { font->SetAlpha(alpha); Window::DrawText(txt, count, txt_rect, flags); } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void ActiveWindow::RegisterClient(int eid, ActiveWindow* client, PFVAWE callback) { AWMap* map = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) AWMap(eid, client, callback); if (map != 0) clients.append(map); } void ActiveWindow::UnregisterClient(int eid, ActiveWindow* client) { AWMap test(eid, client, 0); int index = clients.index(&test); if (index >= 0) delete clients.removeIndex(index); } void ActiveWindow::ClientEvent(int eid, int x, int y) { event.window = this; event.eid = eid; event.x = x; event.y = y; ListIter map = clients; while (++map) { if (map->eid == eid) map->func(map->client, &event); } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ int ActiveWindow::OnMouseEnter(int x, int y) { ClientEvent(EID_MOUSE_ENTER, x, y); return 0; } int ActiveWindow::OnMouseExit(int x, int y) { ClientEvent(EID_MOUSE_EXIT, x, y); return 0; } int ActiveWindow::OnMouseMove(int x, int y) { ClientEvent(EID_MOUSE_MOVE, x, y); return 0; } int ActiveWindow::OnMouseWheel(int wheel) { ClientEvent(EID_MOUSE_WHEEL, wheel, 0); return 0; } int ActiveWindow::OnLButtonDown(int x, int y) { ClientEvent(EID_LBUTTON_DOWN, x, y); return 0; } int ActiveWindow::OnLButtonUp(int x, int y) { ClientEvent(EID_LBUTTON_UP, x, y); return 0; } int ActiveWindow::OnClick() { ClientEvent(EID_CLICK); return 0; } int ActiveWindow::OnSelect() { ClientEvent(EID_SELECT); return 0; } int ActiveWindow::OnRButtonDown(int x, int y) { ClientEvent(EID_RBUTTON_DOWN, x, y); return 0; } int ActiveWindow::OnRButtonUp(int x, int y) { ClientEvent(EID_RBUTTON_UP, x, y); return 0; } int ActiveWindow::OnKeyDown(int vk, int flags) { ClientEvent(EID_KEY_DOWN, vk, flags); return 0; } int ActiveWindow::OnDragStart(int x, int y) { ClientEvent(EID_DRAG_START, x, y); return 0; } int ActiveWindow::OnDragDrop(int x, int y, ActiveWindow* source) { ClientEvent(EID_DRAG_DROP, x, y); return 0; } Rect ActiveWindow::TargetRect() const { return rect; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void ActiveWindow::SetFocus() { EventDispatch* dispatch = EventDispatch::GetInstance(); if (dispatch) dispatch->SetFocus(this); focus = true; ClientEvent(EID_SET_FOCUS); } void ActiveWindow::KillFocus() { EventDispatch* dispatch = EventDispatch::GetInstance(); if (dispatch) dispatch->KillFocus(this); focus = false; ClientEvent(EID_KILL_FOCUS); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ ActiveWindow* ActiveWindow::GetCapture() { EventDispatch* dispatch = EventDispatch::GetInstance(); if (dispatch) return (ActiveWindow*) dispatch->GetCapture(); return 0; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool ActiveWindow::SetCapture() { EventDispatch* dispatch = EventDispatch::GetInstance(); if (dispatch) return dispatch->CaptureMouse(this) == 1; return false; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ int ActiveWindow::ReleaseCapture() { EventDispatch* dispatch = EventDispatch::GetInstance(); if (dispatch) return dispatch->ReleaseMouse(this); return 0; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool ActiveWindow::IsFormActive() const { if (form) return form->IsTopMost(); return true; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ ActiveWindow* ActiveWindow::FindChild(DWORD id) { ListIter iter = children; while (++iter) { ActiveWindow* w = iter.value(); if (w->GetID() == id) return w; ActiveWindow* w2 = w->FindChild(id); if (w2) return w2; } return 0; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ ActiveWindow* ActiveWindow::FindChild(int x, int y) { ActiveWindow* mouse_tgt = 0; ListIter iter = children; while (++iter) { ActiveWindow* test = iter.value(); if (test->TargetRect().Contains(x,y)) mouse_tgt = test; } return mouse_tgt; }