SHIP name: Marauder display_name: Marauder class: Frigate description: "The MARAUDER is a small frigate-class vessel commonly used by the Brotherhood of Iron criminal organization as a commerce raider. The Marauder ships are no match for most military warships, but they make up for their limitations with enhanced stealth capabilities. Starship captains usually find the Marauder to be a fiendishly difficult type of ship to lock onto." hud_icon: "MarauderHud.pcx" detail_0: "Marauder_2opt.mag" feature_0: 32 detail_1: "Marauder_3opt.mag" feature_1: 16 mass: 7.9e3 agility: 5 vlimit: 280 roll_rate: 60 integrity: 22e3 scale: 2.5 acs: 1 degrees: true detet: 30e3 trans_x: 75e3 trans_y: 25e3 trans_z: 75e3 arcade_drag:2e-2 drag: 1e-6 roll_drag: 1.2 pitch_drag: 1.2 yaw_drag: 1.2 chase: (0, -1e3, 200) bridge: (0, 216, 34) power: { type: Fusion, design: "Fusion Reactor", max_output: 3e3, loc: (0, 0, -60), size: 48, hull_factor: 0.6, explosion: 7 } drive: { type: Red name: "Plasma Drive", design: "Plasma Drive", thrust: 800, scale: 4, port: (-44,12,-252), port: ( 45,12,-252), loc: (0,0,-200), size: 32, hull_factor: 0.5, explosion: 7 } thruster: { design: Thruster, loc: (0, 0, 64), size: 24, hull_factor: 0.3 } quantum: { design: "Quantum Drive", loc: (0, 0, -120), size: 24, hull_factor: 0.3 } shield: { type: 2, design: "Grav Shield", factor: 0.05, consumption: 2000, pcs: 100, loc: (0, 20, -80), size: 16, hull_factor: 0.5, bolt_hit_sound: "shield_hit4.wav", beam_hit_sound: "shield_hit5.wav", } weapon: { type: "Plasma Cannon", design: "Plasma Weapon", name: "Port Cannon", abrv: "Plasma 2", muzzle: (-260, -32, 194), azimuth: 0, loc: (-260, -32, 60), size: 24, hull_factor: 0.3 } weapon: { type: "Plasma Cannon", design: "Plasma Weapon", name: "Starboard Cannon", abrv: "Plasma 3", muzzle: ( 260, -32, 194), azimuth: 0, loc: ( 260, -32, 60), size: 24, hull_factor: 0.3 } weapon: { type: "Light-PDB" design: "Plasma Weapon" name: "PDB-1" azimuth: 60 aim_az_max: 90 aim_az_min: -60 aim_az_rest: -60 muzzle: (0, 0, 71) loc: (-110, 26, 20) size: 32 hull_factor: 0.3 } weapon: { type: "Light-PDB" design: "Plasma Weapon" name: "PDB-2" azimuth: -60 aim_az_max: -90 aim_az_min: 60 aim_az_rest: 60 muzzle: (0, 0, 71) loc: (110, 26, 20) size: 32 hull_factor: 0.3 } probe: { type: "Sensor Drone", design: "Probe", abrv: "Probe", muzzle: ( 0, -10, 64), loc: (0, -10, 50), size: 16, hull_factor: 0.2 } power: { type: Battery, design: Battery, max_output: 250 } sensor: { design: Sensor, pcs: 20, active_efficiency: 1e6, passive_efficiency: 10e3, range: 25e3, range: 50e3, range: 75e3, range: 100e3, loc: (0, 0, 180), size: 16, hull_factor: 0.1 } computer: { name: "Avionics Package", abrv: "HUD", type: 1, design: Computer, loc: (20, 16, 80), size: 16, hull_factor: 0.5 } computer: { name: "Flight Computer", abrv: "Flight", type: 2, design: Computer, loc: (-20, -16, 80), size: 16, hull_factor: 0.2 } nav: { loc: (0, 16, 60), design: Computer, size: 16, hull_factor: 0.1 } death_spiral: { time: 5, explosion_type: 10, // SMALL_EXPLOSION explosion_time: 2, explosion_loc: (-50, 50, 0), explosion_type: 10, // SMALL_EXPLOSION explosion_time: 1, explosion_loc: (60, 40, 190), explosion_type: 10, // LARGE_BURST explosion_time: 0.5, explosion_loc: (0, -48, -180), explosion_type: 10, // SMALL_EXPLOSION explosion_time: 0, explosion_loc: (20, 80, -190), final_type: 11, // LARGE_EXPLOSION final_loc: (0, 0, 0), final_type: 12, // LARGE_BURST final_loc: (0, 0, 0), debris: "Debris5.mag", debris_loc: (0,0,-50), debris_mass: 5, debris_count: 15, debris_life: 15, debris: "Debris6.mag", debris_loc: (0,0,60), debris_mass: 4, debris_count: 15, debris_life: 15, debris: "Debris7.mag", debris_loc: (0,0,0), debris_mass: 1, debris_count: 10, debris_life: 15, } map: { sprite: "m_map0.pcx", sprite: "m_map1.pcx", sprite: "m_map2.pcx", sprite: "m_map3.pcx", sprite: "m_map4.pcx", sprite: "m_map5.pcx", sprite: "m_map6.pcx", sprite: "m_map7.pcx" }