SHIP name: Wolf display_name: Wolf class: Destroyer description: "The DD-305 WOLF class of medium destroyers are an older type of Hegemony warship now mainly used by client states and guerilla groups such as the Dantari Separatists. The Wolf class features a pair of internally-mounted heavy XRay Laser batteries and a full complement of Orca point defense batteries for protection from inbound threats. Due to design limitations, the Orca PDBs tend to provide better coverage for the dorsal hemisphere, leaving the Wolf class with a vulnerable underbelly." degrees: true beauty: (-7, 4, 1.1) hud_icon: "WolfHud.pcx" detail_0: "Destroyer_0opt.mag" feature_0: 1000 detail_1: "Destroyer_1opt.mag" feature_1: 32 detail_2: "Destroyer_2opt.mag" feature_2: 16 mass: 15.8e3 agility: 3.5 vlimit: 240 roll_rate: 7 integrity: 18e3 scale: 1.7 acs: 1.2 scuttle: 6e3 trans_x: 300e3 trans_y: 100e3 trans_z: 300e3 arcade_drag: 2.5e-2 drag: 6e-7 roll_drag: 1.2 pitch_drag: 1.2 yaw_drag: 1.2 chase: (0, -1800, 170) bridge: (0, 320, 60) power: { type: Fusion, design: "Fusion Reactor", max_output: 7000, loc: (0, -40, -220), size: 48, hull_factor: 0.5, explosion: 7 } drive: { type: Yellow, name: "Plasma Drive", design: "Plasma Drive", thrust: 1250, scale: 5, port: (-88, 10, -808), port: ( 0, 12, -808), port: ( 85, 10, -808), loc: (0, 0, -400), size: 50, hull_factor: 0.3, explosion: 7 } thruster: { design: Thruster type: Yellow, loc: (0, 0, 64) size: 24, hull_factor: 0.3 scale: 2 port_left: {loc:(-170, 9,-601), fire: 0x0041} port_left: {loc:(-170, 9,-579), fire: 0x0041} port_left: {loc:(-100, 18, 786), fire: 0x0081} port_left: {loc:(-100, -34, 786), fire: 0x0081} port_right: {loc:( 170, 9,-601), fire: 0x0082} port_right: {loc:( 170, 9,-579), fire: 0x0082} port_right: {loc:( 100, 18, 786), fire: 0x0042} port_right: {loc:( 100, -34, 786), fire: 0x0042} port_fore: {loc:( -73, -34, 845), fire: 0x0044} port_fore: {loc:( -30, -63, 845), fire: 0x0044} port_fore: {loc:( 30, -63, 845), fire: 0x0084} port_fore: {loc:( 73, -34, 845), fire: 0x0084} port_aft: {loc:( -45, 48,-770), fire: 0x0088} port_aft: {loc:( -45, -27,-770), fire: 0x0088} port_aft: {loc:( 42, 48,-770), fire: 0x0048} port_aft: {loc:( 42, -27,-770), fire: 0x0048} port_top: {loc:( -80, 87,-601), fire: 0x0510} port_top: {loc:( 77, 87,-601), fire: 0x0910} port_bottom: {loc:( -80, -69,-601), fire: 0x0A20} port_bottom: {loc:( 77, -69,-601), fire: 0x0620} port_top: {loc:( -26, 71, 783), fire: 0x0610} port_top: {loc:( 25, 71, 783), fire: 0x0A10} port_bottom: {loc:( -26, -85, 783), fire: 0x0920} port_bottom: {loc:( 25, -85, 783), fire: 0x0520} } quantum: { design: "Quantum Drive", loc: (0, 0, 0), size: 24, hull_factor: 0.3, countdown: 7.5 } shield: { type: 2, design: "Grav Shield", factor: 0.0125, consumption: 6000, // model: "WolfShield.mag", bolt_hit_sound: "shield_hit4.wav", beam_hit_sound: "shield_hit5.wav", pcs: 100, loc: (0, 20, -80), size: 16, hull_factor: 0.5 } power: { type: "Auxilliary Reactor", design: "Auxilliary Reactor", max_output: 1100, loc: (0, 0, -180), hull_factor: 0.8 } weapon: { type: "XRay Laser", design: "Beam Weapon", name: "XRay Laser 1", abrv: "Laser-1", muzzle: (-25, 23, 907), loc: (-25, 23, 800), size: 32, hull_factor: 0.3, explosion: 7 } weapon: { type: "XRay Laser", design: "Beam Weapon", name: "XRay Laser 2", abrv: "Laser-2", muzzle: ( 25, 23, 907), loc: ( 25, 23, 800), size: 32, hull_factor: 0.3, explosion: 7 } weapon: { type: "Orca Cannon", design: "Bolt Weapon", name: "Fwd Cannon", muzzle: ( 4, 11, 75), muzzle: (-4, 11, 75), loc: ( 0, 82, 500), size: 32, hull_factor: 0.3, } weapon: { type: "Orca Inverted", design: "Bolt Weapon", name: "Chin Cannon", muzzle: ( 4, -11, 75), muzzle: (-4, -11, 75), loc: ( 0, -102, 500), size: 32, hull_factor: 0.3, } weapon: { type: "Orca Cannon", design: "Bolt Weapon", name: "Stbd Cannon", muzzle: ( 4, 11, 75), muzzle: (-4, 11, 75), loc: ( 60, 50, 38), size: 32, hull_factor: 0.3, azimuth: 90 rest_azimuth: -90 } weapon: { type: "Orca Cannon", design: "Bolt Weapon", name: "Port Cannon", muzzle: ( 4, 11, 75), muzzle: (-4, 11, 75), loc: (-60, 50, 38), size: 32, hull_factor: 0.3, azimuth: -90 rest_azimuth: 90 } weapon: { type: "Orca Cannon", design: "Bolt Weapon", name: "Aft Cannon", muzzle: ( 4, 11, 75), muzzle: (-4, 11, 75), loc: ( 0, 70, -256), size: 32, hull_factor: 0.3, azimuth: 180 } probe: { type: "Sensor Drone", design: "Probe", abrv: "Probe", muzzle: ( 0, -80, 0), loc: (0, -80, 0), size: 16, hull_factor: 0.2 } sensor: { design: Sensor, pcs: 20, active_efficiency: 1e6, passive_efficiency: 10e3, range: 25e3, range: 50e3, range: 75e3, range: 100e3, loc: (0, -16, 380), size: 16, hull_factor: 0.1 } power: { type: Battery, design: Battery, max_output: 100 } computer: { name: "Avionics Package", abrv: "HUD", type: 1, design: Computer, loc: (20, 16, 80), size: 16, hull_factor: 0.5 } computer: { name: "Flight Computer", abrv: "Flight", type: 2, design: Computer, loc: (-20, -16, 80), size: 16, hull_factor: 0.2 } nav: { loc: (0, 16, 60), design: Computer, size: 16, hull_factor: 0.1 } map: { sprite: "WolfMap0.pcx", sprite: "WolfMap1.pcx", sprite: "WolfMap2.pcx", sprite: "WolfMap3.pcx", sprite: "WolfMap4.pcx", sprite: "WolfMap5.pcx", sprite: "WolfMap6.pcx", sprite: "WolfMap7.pcx" } death_spiral: { time: 5, explosion_type: 10, // SMALL_EXPLOSION explosion_time: 2, explosion_loc: (-50, 50, 0), explosion_type: 10, // SMALL_EXPLOSION explosion_time: 1, explosion_loc: (60, 40, 190), explosion_type: 10, // LARGE_BURST explosion_time: 0.5, explosion_loc: (0, -48, -180), explosion_type: 10, // SMALL_EXPLOSION explosion_time: 0, explosion_loc: (20, 80, -190), final_type: 13, // NUKE_EXPLOSION final_loc: (0, 0, 0), final_type: 12, // LARGE_BURST final_loc: (0, 0, 0), debris: "DebrisDestroyer2.mag", debris_loc: (0,0,520), debris_mass: 21e3, debris_count: 1, debris_life: 500, debris_fire: (44, 14,-314), debris_fire: (34,-24,-306), debris: "Debris0A.mag", debris_loc: (0,0,-50), debris_mass: 5, debris_count: 15, debris_life: 20, debris: "Debris0B.mag", debris_loc: (0,0,60), debris_mass: 4, debris_count: 15, debris_life: 25, debris: "Debris0C.mag", debris_loc: (0,0,0), debris_mass: 1, debris_count: 10, debris_life: 30, }