SHIP name: Goliath display_name: Goliath class: Carrier description: "The GOLIATH class carrier vessels provide the Dantari Separatists with their main force projection capability in the Solus system. Unlike the rest of the Dantari fleet, which consists largely of older Hegemony warships, the Goliath class carriers were designed and constructed specifically for their Dantari crew. Due to budgetary constraints, the Goliath class is outfitted with only a single launch rail, but still has a full complement of point defense batteries for close-in protection." hud_icon: "GoliathHud.pcx" detail_0: "Goliath_1opt.mag" feature_0: 1000 detail_1: "Goliath_2opt.mag" feature_1: 48 mass: 782e3 agility: 1 vlimit: 220 roll_rate: 7 integrity: 75e3 scale: 3.3 acs: 1.5 trans_x: 1e6 trans_y: 5e5 trans_z: 1e6 arcade_drag: 4.5e-2 drag: 1e-7 roll_drag: 1.2 pitch_drag: 1.2 yaw_drag: 1.2 degrees: true chase: (0, -1800, 170) bridge: (0, 320, 60) power: { type: Fusion, design: "Fusion Reactor", max_output: 50e3, loc: (0, 4, -280), size: 48, hull_factor: 0.5, explosion: 7 } drive: { type: Yellow name: "Plasma Drive", design: "Plasma Drive", thrust: 25e3, scale: 12, port: ( 54, -84, -489), port: (-54, -84, -489), port: ( 0, -57, -527), port: ( 0,-111, -489), loc: (0, 0, -450), size: 50, hull_factor: 0.3, explosion: 7 } thruster: { design: Thruster, loc: (0, 0, 128), size: 24, hull_factor: 0.3 } quantum: { design: "Quantum Drive", loc: (0, 0, 0), size: 24, hull_factor: 0.3, countdown: 7.5 } shield: { type: 2, design: "Grav Shield", factor: 0.0125, consumption: 6000, // model: "GoliathShield.mag", bolt_hit_sound: "shield_hit4.wav", beam_hit_sound: "shield_hit5.wav", pcs: 100, loc: (0, 20, -80), size: 16, hull_factor: 0.5 } power: { type: "Auxilliary Reactor", design: "Auxilliary Reactor", max_output: 1100, loc: (0, 0, -100), hull_factor: 0.8 } weapon: { type: "Orca Cannon", design: "Bolt Weapon", name: "PDB 1", abrv: "PDB 1", loc: (104, -17, 64), muzzle: ( 30, 0, 190), muzzle: (-30, 0, 190), azimuth: 60, aim_az_max: 90, aim_az_min: -60, aim_az_rest: -60, size: 32, hull_factor: 0.2 } weapon: { type: "Orca Cannon", design: "Bolt Weapon", name: "PDB 2", abrv: "PDB 2", loc: (-104, -17, 64), muzzle: ( 30, 0, 190), muzzle: (-30, 0, 190), azimuth: -60, aim_az_max: -90, aim_az_min: 60, aim_az_rest: 60, size: 32, hull_factor: 0.2 } weapon: { type: "Orca Cannon", design: "Bolt Weapon", name: "PDB 3", abrv: "PDB 3", loc: (104, -17, -64), muzzle: ( 30, 0, 190), muzzle: (-30, 0, 190), azimuth: 90, aim_az_max: 75, aim_az_min: -75, aim_az_rest: 90, size: 32, hull_factor: 0.2 } weapon: { type: "Orca Cannon", design: "Bolt Weapon", name: "PDB 4", abrv: "PDB 4", loc: (-104, -17, -64), muzzle: ( 30, 0, 190), muzzle: (-30, 0, 190), azimuth: -90, aim_az_max: -75, aim_az_min: 75, aim_az_rest: -90, size: 32, hull_factor: 0.2 } flightdeck: { name: "Deck 1", abrv: "Deck 1", design: "Flight Deck", loc: ( 0, -85, 192), cam: (-20, -85, 192), start: ( 0, -85, 170), end: (2e3,-200, 2500), spot: { loc: ( 16, -85, 160), filter: 0x7 }, spot: { loc: (-16, -85, 160), filter: 0x7 }, spot: { loc: ( 0, -85, 160), filter: 0x8 }, launch: true, max_ships: 2, cycle_time: 15, size: 28, hull_factor: 0.5, } flightdeck: { name: "Deck 2", abrv: "Deck 2", design: "Flight Deck", loc: ( 0, -82, -92), cam: (-20, -72, -92), start: ( 0, -90, -1e3), end: ( 0, -82, -92), spot: ( 0, -82, -92), approach: ( 0,-90, -2000), approach: (1000, 0, -1000), approach: (1000, 0, 1000), approach: ( 250, 0, 2500), recovery: true, max_ships: 1, cycle_time: 15, size: 40, hull_factor: 0.5, } probe: { type: "Sensor Drone", design: "Probe", abrv: "Probe", muzzle: ( 0, -80, 0), loc: (0, -80, 0), size: 16, hull_factor: 0.2 } sensor: { design: Sensor, pcs: 20, active_efficiency: 1e6, passive_efficiency: 10e3, range: 25e3, range: 50e3, range: 75e3, range: 100e3, loc: (0, -16, 380), size: 16, hull_factor: 0.1 } power: { type: Battery, design: Battery, max_output: 100 } computer: { name: "Avionics Package", abrv: "HUD", type: 1, design: Computer, loc: (20, 16, 80), size: 16, hull_factor: 0.5 } computer: { name: "Flight Computer", abrv: "Flight", type: 2, design: Computer, loc: (-20, -16, 80), size: 16, hull_factor: 0.2 } nav: { loc: (0, 16, 60), design: Computer, size: 16, hull_factor: 0.1 } map: { sprite: "GoliathMap0.pcx", sprite: "GoliathMap1.pcx", sprite: "GoliathMap2.pcx", sprite: "GoliathMap3.pcx", sprite: "GoliathMap4.pcx", sprite: "GoliathMap5.pcx", sprite: "GoliathMap6.pcx", sprite: "GoliathMap7.pcx" } death_spiral: { time: 5, explosion_type: 10, // SMALL_EXPLOSION explosion_time: 2, explosion_loc: (-50, 50, 0), explosion_type: 10, // SMALL_EXPLOSION explosion_time: 1, explosion_loc: (60, 40, 190), explosion_type: 10, // LARGE_BURST explosion_time: 0.5, explosion_loc: (0, -48, -180), explosion_type: 10, // SMALL_EXPLOSION explosion_time: 0, explosion_loc: (20, 80, -190), final_type: 13, // NUKE_EXPLOSION final_loc: (0, 0, 0), final_type: 12, // LARGE_BURST final_loc: (0, 0, 0), debris: "DebrisGoliath1.mag", debris_loc: (0,0,400), debris_mass: 91e3, debris_count: 1, debris_life: 600, debris_fire: (44,-34,64), debris_fire: (34,-44,-30), debris: "DebrisGoliath2.mag", debris_loc: (0,0,-290), debris_mass: 61e3, debris_count: 1, debris_life: 500, debris_fire: (64, 34,74), debris_fire: (64,-32,-70), debris: "Debris0A.mag", debris_loc: (0,0,-50), debris_mass: 22, debris_count: 15, debris_life: 25, debris: "Debris0B.mag", debris_loc: (0,0,60), debris_mass: 16, debris_count: 15, debris_life: 28, debris: "Debris0C.mag", debris_loc: (0,0,0), debris_mass: 11, debris_count: 10, debris_life: 32, }