SHIP name: Orion display_name: Orion class: Carrier description: "The CV-69 ORION class carriers are essentially spaceborne starports, capable of launching as many as four fighter craft every minute. The Orion's two launch rails and two arresting gear engines enable her to launch and recover ships both rapidly and simultaneously. The Orion class ship's embarked tactical fighter wing includes four different types of fighter and attack craft in addition to armored landing craft for a total complement of almost 80 ships." degrees: true beauty: (-9, 5, 1.33) hud_icon: "OrionHud.pcx" detail_0: "Orion0z.mag" feature_0: 1000 detail_1: "Orion1z.mag" feature_1: 40 detail_2: "Orion2z.mag" feature_2: 25 mass: 957e3 agility: 1 vlimit: 220 roll_rate: 7 integrity: 75e3 scale: 4 acs: 1.5 trans_x: 3e6 trans_y: 3e6 trans_z: 3e6 arcade_drag: 4.5e-2 drag: 1e-7 roll_drag: 1.2 pitch_drag: 1.2 yaw_drag: 1.2 chase: (0, -1800, 170) bridge: (0, 600, 100) power: { type: Fusion, design: "Fusion Reactor", max_output: 90e3, loc: (0, -48, -180), size: 48, hull_factor: 0.3, explosion: 7 } drive: { type: Plasma, name: "Plasma Drive", design: "Plasma Drive", thrust: 40e3, scale: 10, port: ( 75, 31, -1160) port: ( 75, -10, -1160) port: ( 0, 31, -1160) port: ( 0, -10, -1160) port: (-75, 31, -1160) port: (-75, -10, -1160) loc: (0, 48, -1240), size: 120 hull_factor: 0.3, explosion: 7 } thruster: { design: Thruster, loc: (0, 0, 128), size: 24, hull_factor: 0.3 scale: 4 port_left: {loc:(-176, 0,-819), fire: 0x0041} port_left: {loc:(-405, -5,-362), fire: 0x0041} port_left: {loc:(-239, -5, 717), fire: 0x0081} port_right: {loc:( 175, 0,-819), fire: 0x0082} port_right: {loc:( 405, -5,-362), fire: 0x0082} port_right: {loc:( 238, -5, 717), fire: 0x0042} port_fore: {loc:(-368, 35,-308), fire: 0x0044} port_fore: {loc:(-368, -43,-308), fire: 0x0044} port_fore: {loc:( 367, 35,-308), fire: 0x0084} port_fore: {loc:( 367, -43,-308), fire: 0x0084} port_aft: {loc:(-76, -66,-1047), fire: 0x0008} port_aft: {loc:( 0, -66,-1047), fire: 0x0008} port_aft: {loc:( 76, -66,-1047), fire: 0x0008} port_top: {loc:(-368, 73,-358), fire: 0x0410} port_top: {loc:(-368, 73,-617), fire: 0x0410} port_top: {loc:( 367, 73,-358), fire: 0x0810} port_top: {loc:( 367, 73,-617), fire: 0x0810} port_bottom: {loc:(-368, -79,-358), fire: 0x0820} port_bottom: {loc:(-368, -79,-617), fire: 0x0820} port_bottom: {loc:( 367, -79,-358), fire: 0x0420} port_bottom: {loc:( 367, -79,-617), fire: 0x0420} port_top: {loc:(-191, 83, 716), fire: 0x0210} port_top: {loc:( 191, 83, 716), fire: 0x0210} port_bottom: {loc:(-191, -93, 716), fire: 0x0120} port_bottom: {loc:( 191, -93, 716), fire: 0x0120} } quantum: { design: "Quantum Drive", loc: (0, 0, 0), size: 24, hull_factor: 0.3 } shield: { type: 2, design: "Grav Shield", pcs: 100, model: "OShield.mag", bolt_hit_sound: "shield_hit4.wav", beam_hit_sound: "shield_hit5.wav", } weapon: { type: "Vanguard", design: "Bolt Weapon", name: "Vanguard 1", abrv: "GUN 1", loc: (128, 95, 704), azimuth: 60, aim_az_max: 90, aim_az_min: -60, aim_az_rest: -60, size: 32, hull_factor: 0.2 } weapon: { type: "Vanguard", design: "Bolt Weapon", name: "Vanguard 2", abrv: "GUN 2", loc: (-128,95, 704), azimuth: -60, aim_az_max: -90, aim_az_min: 60, aim_az_rest: 60, size: 32, hull_factor: 0.2 } weapon: { type: "Vanguard", design: "Bolt Weapon", name: "Vanguard 3", abrv: "GUN 3", loc: (128, 95, 228), azimuth: 90, aim_az_max: 75, aim_az_min: -75, aim_az_rest: 90, size: 32, hull_factor: 0.2 } weapon: { type: "Vanguard", design: "Bolt Weapon", name: "Vanguard 4", abrv: "GUN 4", loc: (-128,95, 228), azimuth: -90, aim_az_max: -75, aim_az_min: 75, aim_az_rest: -90, size: 32, hull_factor: 0.2 } weapon: { type: "Vanguard", design: "Bolt Weapon", name: "Vanguard 5", abrv: "GUN 5", loc: (64, 103, -830), azimuth: 180, size: 32, hull_factor: 0.2 } weapon: { type: "Vanguard", design: "Bolt Weapon", name: "Vanguard 6", abrv: "GUN 6", loc: (-64, 103, -830), azimuth: 180, size: 32, hull_factor: 0.2 } weapon: { type: "Phalanx Cannon", design: "Bolt Weapon", name: "Port Phalanx", abrv: "PDB 1", group: "PDB", loc: ( 0, 70, 960), size: 32, hull_factor: 0.2 } weapon: { type: "Phalanx Cannon", design: "Bolt Weapon", name: "Port Phalanx", abrv: "PDB 2", group: "PDB", loc: ( 0, -75, 960), size: 32, hull_factor: 0.2 } weapon: { type: "Phalanx Cannon", design: "Bolt Weapon", name: "Port Phalanx", abrv: "PDB 3", group: "PDB", loc: ( 64,-132, -830), azimuth: 180 size: 32, hull_factor: 0.2 } weapon: { type: "Phalanx Cannon", design: "Bolt Weapon", name: "Port Phalanx", abrv: "PDB 4", group: "PDB", loc: (-64,-132, -830), azimuth: 180 size: 32, hull_factor: 0.2 } flightdeck: { name: "Deck 1", abrv: "Deck 1", design: "Flight Deck", loc: ( 10, 0, 920) cam: ( 0, 0, 885) start: ( 60, -20, 850) end: (2e3, 15, 3500), spot: { loc: ( 45, -20, 825), filter: 0x7 }, spot: { loc: ( 75, -20, 825), filter: 0x7 }, spot: { loc: ( 60, -20, 825), filter: 0x8 }, launch: true, max_ships: 2, cycle_time: 15, size: 170, hull_factor: 0.5, } flightdeck: { name: "Deck 2", abrv: "Deck 2", design: "Flight Deck", loc: ( -10, 0, 920) cam: ( 0, 0, 885) start: ( -60, -20, 850) end: (-2e3, 15, 3500), spot: { loc: (-45, -20, 825), filter: 0x7 }, spot: { loc: (-75, -20, 825), filter: 0x7 }, spot: { loc: (-60, -20, 825), filter: 0x8 }, launch: true, max_ships: 2, cycle_time: 15, size: 170, hull_factor: 0.5, } flightdeck: { name: "Deck 3", abrv: "Deck 3", design: "Flight Deck", loc: ( 305, 0, -550) cam: ( 340, 10, -475) start: ( 305, 0, -1950) end: ( 305, -12, -500) approach: ( 280, 0, -2300) approach: (1500, 0, -1000) approach: (1500, 0, 1000) approach: ( 250, 0, 2500) spot: ( 305, -12, -500) recovery: true, max_ships: 1, cycle_time: 12, size: 120, hull_factor: 0.5, } flightdeck: { name: "Deck 4", abrv: "Deck 4", design: "Flight Deck", loc: ( -305, 0, -550) cam: ( -340, 10, -475) start: ( -305, 0, -1950) end: ( -305, -12, -500) approach: ( -280, 0, -2300) approach: (-1500, 0, -1000) approach: (-1500, 0, 1000) approach: ( -250, 0, 2500) spot: ( -305, -12, -500) recovery: true, max_ships: 1, cycle_time: 12, size: 120, hull_factor: 0.5, } power: { type: "Auxilliary Reactor", design: "Auxilliary Reactor", max_output: 10e3, loc: (0, 0, -150), hull_factor: 0.8 } probe: { type: "Sensor Drone", design: "Probe", abrv: "Probe", muzzle: ( 0, -80, 0), loc: (0, -80, 0), size: 16, hull_factor: 0.2 } sensor: { design: Sensor, pcs: 20, active_efficiency: 1e6, passive_efficiency: 10e3, range: 25e3, range: 50e3, range: 75e3, range: 100e3, loc: (0, -16, 380), size: 16, hull_factor: 0.1 } power: { type: Battery, design: Battery, max_output: 1000 } computer: { name: "Avionics Package", abrv: "HUD", type: 1, design: Computer, loc: (20, 16, 80), size: 16, hull_factor: 0.5 } computer: { name: "Flight Computer", abrv: "Flight", type: 2, design: Computer, loc: (-20, -16, 80), size: 16, hull_factor: 0.2 } nav: { loc: (0, 16, 60), design: Computer, size: 16, hull_factor: 0.1 } death_spiral: { time: 5, explosion_type: 10, // SMALL_EXPLOSION explosion_time: 2, explosion_loc: (-50, 50, 0), explosion_type: 10, // SMALL_EXPLOSION explosion_time: 1, explosion_loc: (60, 40, 190), explosion_type: 10, // SMALL_EXPLOSION explosion_time: 0.5, explosion_loc: (0, -48, -180), explosion_type: 20, // LARGE_BURST (custom) explosion_time: 0.1, explosion_loc: (0, -48, -180), explosion_type: 10, // SMALL_EXPLOSION explosion_time: 0.3, explosion_loc: (20, 80, -190), explosion_type: 20, // LARGE_BURST (custom) explosion_time: 0.1, explosion_loc: (20, 80, -190), final_type: 13, // LARGE_EXPLOSION final_loc: (0, 0, 120), final_type: 13, // NUKE_EXPLOSION final_loc: (0, 0, -120), final_type: 12, // LARGE_BURST final_loc: (0, 0, 0), debris: "OrionDebris1.mag", debris_loc: (0,0,650), debris_mass: 40e3, debris_count: 1, debris_life: 550, debris_fire: (-130, 0,-420), debris_fire: ( 135,50, 0), debris: "OrionDebris2.mag", debris_loc: (-20,20,-500), debris_mass: 40e3, debris_count: 1, debris_life: 500, debris_fire: ( 124, 0, 120) debris_fire: ( 105, 90, 0) debris_fire: (-125,-10,-360) debris: "Debris0A.mag", debris_loc: (0,0,120), debris_mass: 33, debris_count: 25, debris_life: 35, debris: "Debris0B.mag", debris_loc: (130,0,0), debris_mass: 34, debris_count: 22, debris_life: 25, } map: { sprite: "OrionMap0.pcx", sprite: "OrionMap1.pcx", sprite: "OrionMap2.pcx", sprite: "OrionMap3.pcx", sprite: "OrionMap4.pcx", sprite: "OrionMap5.pcx", sprite: "OrionMap6.pcx", sprite: "OrionMap7.pcx" }