SHIP name: Courageous display_name: Courageous class: Cruiser description: "Modern Force:Space guided missile cruisers such as the CA-521 COURAGEOUS class perform primarily in a Battle Force role. These ships are multi-mission spaceborne combatants capable of supporting carrier battle groups, landing forces, or of operating independently and as flagships of space action groups. The Courageous class features four MARK VII interceptor launchers for close air support against fighters and inbound missiles. Courageous class cruisers are also equipped with Nike high-speed antiship missiles giving them additional long range assault capability." degrees: true beauty: (-9, 3.5, 1.27) hud_icon: "CourageousHud.pcx" detail_0: "Courageous_1opt.mag" feature_0: 1000 detail_1: "Courageous_2opt.mag" feature_1: 20 mass: 45.3e3 agility: 1.3 vlimit: 300 roll_rate: 7 integrity: 50e3 scale: 2.2 acs: 1.2 trans_x: 500e3 trans_y: 300e3 trans_z: 500e3 arcade_drag: 3e-2 drag: 6e-7 roll_drag: 1.2 pitch_drag: 1.2 yaw_drag: 1.2 chase: (0, -1300, 300) bridge: (0, 520, 120) power: { type: Fusion, design: "Fusion Reactor", max_output: 20e3, loc: (0, 0, -92), size: 64, hull_factor: 0.9 } drive: { type: Plasma abrv: Drive design: "Plasma Drive", thrust: 15e3, scale: 5.5, port: ( 21, -10, -760), port: ( 21, -30, -760), port: (-21, -10, -760), port: (-21, -30, -760), loc: (0, 0, -320), size: 64, hull_factor: 0.5 } thruster: { design: Thruster, loc: (0, 0, 128), size: 24, hull_factor: 0.3 scale: 2 port_left: {loc:( -90, -7,-545), fire: 0x0041} port_left: {loc:( -90, -7,-499), fire: 0x0041} port_left: {loc:( -77, -12, 436), fire: 0x0081} port_left: {loc:( -77, -12, 457), fire: 0x0081} port_right: {loc:( 90, -7,-545), fire: 0x0082} port_right: {loc:( 90, -7,-499), fire: 0x0082} port_right: {loc:( 77, -12, 436), fire: 0x0042} port_right: {loc:( 77, -12, 457), fire: 0x0042} port_fore: {loc:(-185, 45, -37), fire: 0x0044} port_fore: {loc:(-167, 45, -37), fire: 0x0044} port_fore: {loc:( 167, 45, -37), fire: 0x0084} port_fore: {loc:( 185, 45, -37), fire: 0x0084} port_aft: {loc:(-185, 45,-432), fire: 0x0088} port_aft: {loc:(-167, 45,-432), fire: 0x0088} port_aft: {loc:( 167, 45,-432), fire: 0x0048} port_aft: {loc:( 185, 45,-432), fire: 0x0048} port_top: {loc:(-175, 79, -84), fire: 0x0410} port_top: {loc:(-175, 79,-385), fire: 0x0410} port_top: {loc:( 175, 79, -84), fire: 0x0810} port_top: {loc:( 175, 79,-385), fire: 0x0810} port_bottom: {loc:(-175, 21, -84), fire: 0x0820} port_bottom: {loc:(-175, 21,-385), fire: 0x0820} port_bottom: {loc:( 175, 21, -84), fire: 0x0420} port_bottom: {loc:( 175, 21,-385), fire: 0x0420} port_top: {loc:( -18, 58, 660), fire: 0x0210} port_top: {loc:( 18, 58, 660), fire: 0x0210} port_bottom: {loc:( -18, -51, 660), fire: 0x0120} port_bottom: {loc:( 18, -51, 660), fire: 0x0120} port_top: {loc:( -17, 26,-617), fire: 0x0110} port_top: {loc:( 17, 26,-617), fire: 0x0110} port_bottom: {loc:( -17,-111,-617), fire: 0x0220} port_bottom: {loc:( 17,-111,-617), fire: 0x0220} } quantum: { design: "Quantum Drive" abrv: "Q-Drive" loc: (0, 0, 0), size: 24, hull_factor: 0.3 } shield: { type: 2, design: "Grav Shield" abrv: "Shield" pcs: 100, model: "CourageousShield.mag", bolt_hit_sound: "shield_hit4.wav" beam_hit_sound: "shield_hit5.wav" loc: (0, 0, 40), size: 42, hull_factor: 0.7 } power: { type: Auxilliary, design: "Auxilliary Reactor" abrv: "Aux Reac" max_output: 3e3, loc: (0, -32, -64), size: 64, hull_factor: 0.5 } weapon: { type: "XRay Laser", design: "Beam Weapon", name: "XRay Laser 1", abrv: "Laser-1", muzzle: (-51, -12, 641), loc: (-40, -12, 600), size: 32, hull_factor: 0.3, explosion: 7 } weapon: { type: "XRay Laser", design: "Beam Weapon", name: "XRay Laser 2", abrv: "Laser-2", muzzle: ( 51, -12, 641), loc: ( 40, -12, 600), size: 32, hull_factor: 0.3, explosion: 7 } weapon: { type: "XRay Laser", design: "Beam Weapon", name: "XRay Laser 3", abrv: "Laser-3", muzzle: (-37, -45, 623), loc: (-30, -45, 580), size: 32, hull_factor: 0.3, explosion: 7 } weapon: { type: "XRay Laser", design: "Beam Weapon", name: "XRay Laser 4", abrv: "Laser-4", muzzle: ( 37, -45, 623), loc: ( 30, -45, 580), size: 32, hull_factor: 0.3, explosion: 7 } weapon: { type: "Nike", design: "Missile Weapon", name: "Starboard Missile", abrv: "Nike-1", muzzle: ( 70, 55, 355), muzzle: ( 80, 45, 355), azimuth: 15, loc: ( 100, 22, 250), size: 32, hull_factor: 0.3 } weapon: { type: "Nike", design: "Missile Weapon", name: "Port Missile", abrv: "Nike-2", muzzle: (-70, 55, 355), muzzle: (-80, 45, 355), azimuth: -15, loc: (-100, 22, 250), size: 32, hull_factor: 0.3 } weapon: { type: "Mk7 Interceptor", design: "Missile Weapon", name: "Interceptor", abrv: "MK7-1", muzzle: ( 35, 75, 355), muzzle: ( 50, 70, 355), muzzle: (-35, 75, 355), muzzle: (-50, 70, 355), loc: ( 0, 30, 250), size: 16, hull_factor: 0.3 } weapon: { type: "Vanguard", design: "Bolt Weapon", name: "Gun-1", abrv: "PDB 1" group: "PDB" loc: ( 0, 87, 400), size: 32, hull_factor: 0.4 } weapon: { type: "Vanguard", design: "Bolt Weapon", name: "Gun-2", abrv: "PDB 2" group: "PDB" loc: ( 0, 130, -15), azimuth: 180, size: 32, hull_factor: 0.4 } weapon: { type: "Phalanx Cannon", design: "Bolt Weapon", name: "Port Phalanx 1", abrv: "PDB 3", group: "PDB" loc: (-176, 78, -250), azimuth: -90 size: 32, hull_factor: 0.2 } weapon: { type: "Phalanx Cannon", design: "Bolt Weapon", name: "Stbd Phalanx 1", abrv: "PDB 4", group: "PDB" loc: ( 176, 78, -250), azimuth: 90 size: 32, hull_factor: 0.2 } weapon: { type: "Phalanx Cannon", design: "Bolt Weapon", name: "Port Phalanx 2", abrv: "PDB 5", group: "PDB" loc: (-176, 18, -220), azimuth: -90 size: 32, hull_factor: 0.2 } weapon: { type: "Phalanx Cannon", design: "Bolt Weapon", name: "Stbd Phalanx 2", abrv: "PDB 6", group: "PDB" loc: ( 176, 18, -220), azimuth: 90, size: 32, hull_factor: 0.2 } sensor: { design: Sensor, pcs: 20, active_efficiency: 1e6, passive_efficiency: 10e3, range: 50e3 range: 100e3 range: 150e3 loc: (0, 32, 380), size: 24, hull_factor: 0.2 } probe: { type: "Sensor Drone", design: "Probe", abrv: "Probe", muzzle: ( 0, -80, 0), loc: (0, -80, 0), size: 16, hull_factor: 0.2 } power: { type: Battery, design: Battery, max_output: 100 } computer: { name: "Avionics Package", abrv: "HUD", type: 1, design: Computer, loc: (20, -32, 80), size: 16, hull_factor: 0.5 } computer: { name: "Flight Computer", abrv: "Flight", type: 2, design: Computer, loc: (-20, -32, 80), size: 16, hull_factor: 0.2 } nav: { loc: (0, 32, 60), design: Computer, size: 16, hull_factor: 0.1 } navlight: { scale: 0.66, period: 2.5, light: { loc: ( 208,-10,-320), pattern: 0x11000000, type: 3 }, light: { loc: (-208,-10,-320), pattern: 0x00110000, type: 2 }, light: { loc: ( 0,-93, 175), pattern: 0x00000120, type: 1 }, light: { loc: ( 0,100, 175), pattern: 0x00000120, type: 1 }, light: { loc: ( 0,100,-115), pattern: 0x00000120, type: 1 }, } death_spiral: { time: 5 explosion: { type: 10, time: 2.0, loc: (-50, 50, 0) } explosion: { type: 10, time: 1.0, loc: ( 60, 40, 190) } explosion: { type: 10, time: 0.5, loc: ( 0, -48, -180) } explosion: { type: 10, time: 0.1, loc: ( 20, 80, -190) } explosion: { type: 13, final: true } // Nuke explosion: { type: 12, final: true } // Large burst debris: { model: "Debris1A.mag", loc: (0,0,-550), mass: 17e3, count: 1, life: 350 } debris: { model: "Debris1B.mag", loc: (320,0,10), mass: 4e3, count: 1, life: 380 } debris: { model: "CourageousDebris2.mag", loc: (0,0,400), mass: 18e3, count: 1, life: 380 fire: (60,60,20), fire: (-60,-30,-10) } debris: { model: "Debris0A.mag", loc: (0,0,-50), mass: 44, count: 25, life: 20 } debris: { model: "Debris0B.mag", loc: (0,0,-50), mass: 33, count: 20, life: 25 } debris: { model: "Debris0C.mag", loc: (0,0,0), mass: 22, count: 25, life: 30 } } map: { sprite: "CourageousMap0.pcx", sprite: "CourageousMap1.pcx", sprite: "CourageousMap2.pcx", sprite: "CourageousMap3.pcx", sprite: "CourageousMap4.pcx", sprite: "CourageousMap5.pcx", sprite: "CourageousMap6.pcx", sprite: "CourageousMap7.pcx" }