SHIP name: Zodiac display_name: Zodiac class: LCA abrv: LCA description: "The ZODIAC armored landing craft (LCA) is the standard Alliance millitary shuttle platform, and the only Force:Space craft capable of atmospheric VTOL. The Zodiac is commonly used to ferry personnel and equipment between groundside bases and spaceborne platforms. The Zodiac is armed with four (4) heavy Vulcan cannon, and an aft-mounted automated laser turret for self-defense." degrees: true hud_icon: "ZodiacHud.pcx" detail_0: "Zodiac_1a.mag" feature_0: 100 detail_1: "Zodiac_2k.mag" feature_1: 4 mass: 87 integrity: 5250 vlimit: 250 agility: 25 roll_rate: 350 scale: 0.45 acs: 1 trans_x: 2800 trans_y: 2800 trans_z: 2800 arcade_drag: 0.2 drag: 4e-5 roll_drag: 5 pitch_drag: 4 yaw_drag: 4 CL: 5e-3 CD: 1e-4 stall: 0.40 avoid_fighter: 7 chase: (0, -1500, 150) bridge: (0, 145, 8) power: { type: Fusion, max_output: 80, loc: (0, 0, 0), size: 32, hull_factor: 0.5 } drive: { type: Plasma, thrust: 45, scale: 0.75, port: (-20, 10, -318), port: ( 20, 10, -318), loc: (0, 0, -80), size: 16, hull_factor: 0.5 } thruster: { design: Thruster, scale: 0.5, port: (-44, -28, 8), port: ( 44, -28, 8), port: (-44, -28, -165), port: ( 44, -28, -165), port_fore: {loc:(-193, -11, 8), fire: 0x0044}, port_fore: {loc:(-191, -27, 8), fire: 0x0044}, port_fore: {loc:( 191, -27, 8), fire: 0x0084}, port_fore: {loc:( 193, -11, 8), fire: 0x0084}, port_aft: {loc:(-193, -11,-159), fire: 0x0088}, port_aft: {loc:(-191, -27,-159), fire: 0x0088}, port_aft: {loc:( 191, -27,-159), fire: 0x0048}, port_aft: {loc:( 193, -11,-159), fire: 0x0048}, loc: (0, -20, 128), size: 24, hull_factor: 0.3 } gear: { name: "Undercarriage", abrv: Gear, loc: (0, 0, 0), size: 16, hull_factor: 0.5, gear: { model: "ZGearRight.mag", start: (44, -25, -10), end: (74, -60, -10) }, gear: { model: "ZGearLeft.mag", start: (-44, -25, -10), end: (-74, -60, -10) }, gear: { model: "ZGearRight.mag", start: (44, -25, -128), end: (74, -60, -128) }, gear: { model: "ZGearLeft.mag", start: (-44, -25, -128), end: (-74, -60, -128) }, } weapon: { type: "Vulcan Cannon", design: "Bolt Weapon", name: "Main Cannon", abrv: "Guns", muzzle: (-38, -21, 191), muzzle: (-30, -22, 203), muzzle: ( 30, -22, 203), muzzle: ( 38, -21, 191), loc: (0, -10, 110), size: 24, hull_factor: 0.3 } weapon: { type: "LCA Turret", design: "Bolt Weapon", name: "Turret", abrv: "Turret", azimuth: 180 muzzle: (-16, 0, 148) muzzle: ( 16, 0, 148) loc: ( 0, 74, -189) size: 24, hull_factor: 0.3 } decoy: { type: "Fighter Decoy", abrv: Decoy, muzzle: ( 0, -24, 0), loc: (0, 0, 0), size: 32, hull_factor: 0.2 } sensor: { range: 25e3, range: 50e3, range: 75e3, loc: (0, 0, 100), size: 32, hull_factor: 0.1 } computer: { name: "Avionics Package", abrv: HUD, type: 1, loc: (20, 0, 80), size: 16, hull_factor: 0.5 } computer: { name: "Flight Computer", abrv: Flight, type: 2, loc: (-20, 0, 80), size: 16, hull_factor: 0.2 } nav: { loc: (0, 0, 60), size: 16, hull_factor: 0.1 } death_spiral: { time: 1.2, explosion_type: 10, // SMALL_EXPLOSION explosion_time: 0.5, explosion_loc: (0, 0, -28), explosion_type: 10, // SMALL_EXPLOSION explosion_time: 1.0, explosion_loc: (-10, 10, 30), final_type: 11, // LARGE_EXPLOSION final_loc: (0, 0, -12), final_type: 12, // LARGE_BURST final_loc: (0, 0, -12), } map: { sprite: "z_map0.pcx", sprite: "z_map1.pcx", sprite: "z_map2.pcx", sprite: "z_map3.pcx", sprite: "z_map4.pcx", sprite: "z_map5.pcx", sprite: "z_map6.pcx", sprite: "z_map7.pcx", } skin: { name: Green mtl: { name: Main Ka: (0.5, 0.5, 0.5) Kd: (1.0, 1.0, 1.0) Ks: (0.8, 0.8, 0.8) Ke: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) power: 20 bump: 2 tex_d: "Zodiac_D2.jpg" tex_s: "Zodiac_S.jpg" tex_b: "Zodiac_B.jpg" } }