SHIP name: Thunderbolt display_name: Thunderbolt class: attack abrv: "F/A-38D" hud_icon: "ThunderboltHud.pcx" description: "The F/A-38D THUNDERBOLT is the primary Alliance attack craft, and the first specially designed for close air support of ground forces. They are tough, effective and powerful four-engine spacecraft that can be used against all ground targets, as well as fulfilling a secondary role in killing spaceborne platforms and starships. The 'Bolt has six underwing hardpoints for standard attack ordnance, as well as dual front-mounted Heavy Energy Cannon. For rear protection from hostile fighters and high-speed threats, the Thunderbolt features an autonomous tail gun turret." detail_0: "Thunderbolt_0a.mag" feature_0: 25 detail_1: "Thunderbolt_1a.mag" feature_1: 1 cockpit_model: "BoltPit2a.mag" cockpit_scale: 0.02 mass: 29.7 integrity: 7.5e3 vlimit: 230 agility: 40 air_factor: 0.25 roll_rate: 500 scale: 0.27 acs: 1.0 detet: 50e3 trans_x: 2500 trans_y: 2500 trans_z: 2500 arcade_drag: 0.17 drag: 3.6e-5 roll_drag: 5 pitch_drag: 4 yaw_drag: 4 CL: 1.6e-2 CD: 0.7e-1 stall: 0.38 prep_time: 15 avoid_fighter: 7 chase: (0, -1000, 130) bridge: (0, 180, 20) power: { type: Fusion, name: "Fusion Reactor", design: "Fusion Reactor", max_output: 75, fuel_range: 0.75, loc: (0, 0, 0) size: 10 hull_factor: 0.5, } drive: { type: Plasma design: "Plasma Drive" thrust: 19 augmenter: 30 scale: 0.35 port: ( 83, -8, -94) port: (-83, -8, -94) loc: ( 0, 0, -90) size: 24 hull_factor: 0.5 } weapon: { type: "Heavy Cannon" abrv: Cannon muzzle: (-22, -1, 200) muzzle: ( 21, -1, 200) loc: (0, 0, 160) size: 32 hull_factor: 0.5 } weapon: { type: "Fighter Turret" abrv: Turret muzzle: (0, 0, 24) loc: (0, 0, -195) azimuth: 3.1416 size: 32 hull_factor: 0.3 } hardpoint: { type: "Javelin", type: "Vector", type: "Harpoon", type: "Hammer", abrv: "STA-1", muzzle: (-116, -25, -82), loc: (-116, -25, -70), size: 16, hull_factor: 0.2 } hardpoint: { type: "Javelin", type: "Vector", type: "Harpoon", type: "Hammer", abrv: "STA-2", muzzle: (-60, -16, -72), loc: (-60, -16, -60), size: 16, hull_factor: 0.2 } hardpoint: { type: "Javelin", type: "Vector", type: "Harpoon", type: "Hammer", type: "Rockets", abrv: "STA-3", muzzle: (-40, -16, -72), loc: (-40, -16, -60), size: 16, hull_factor: 0.2 } hardpoint: { type: "Javelin", type: "Vector", type: "Harpoon", type: "Hammer", type: "Rockets", abrv: "STA-4", muzzle: ( 40, -16, -72), loc: ( 40, -16, -60), size: 16, hull_factor: 0.2 } hardpoint: { type: "Javelin", type: "Vector", type: "Harpoon", type: "Hammer", abrv: "STA-5", muzzle: ( 60, -16, -72), loc: ( 60, -16, -60), size: 16, hull_factor: 0.2 } hardpoint: { type: "Javelin", type: "Vector", type: "Harpoon", type: "Hammer", abrv: "STA-6", muzzle: (116, -25, -82), loc: (116, -25, -70), size: 16, hull_factor: 0.2 } loadout: { name: "Clean", stations: (-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,) } loadout: { name: "ACM Light", stations: ( 0, -1, -1, -1, -1, 0,) } loadout: { name: "ACM Short Range", stations: ( 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0,) } loadout: { name: "ACM Medium Range", stations: ( 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0,) } loadout: { name: "Ground Strike", stations: ( 1, 3, 3, 3, 3, 1,) } loadout: { name: "Ship Strike", stations: ( 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1,) } loadout: { name: "Hvy Ship Strike", stations: ( 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,) } loadout: { name: "Rockets", stations: ( 0, 1, 4, 4, 1, 0,) } loadout: { name: "Scout/Recon", stations: ( 0, 1, -1, -1, 1, 0,) } decoy: { type: "Fighter Decoy" abrv: Decoy muzzle: ( 0, -32, 0) loc: (0, 0, 0) size: 16 hull_factor: 0.5 } sensor: { design: Sensor pcs: 20 active_efficiency: 1e6 passive_efficiency: 10e3 range: 25e3 range: 50e3 range: 75e3 loc: (0, 0, 30) size: 16 hull_factor: 0.1 } computer: { name: "Avionics Package" abrv: "HUD" type: 1 design: Computer loc: (0, 0, 40) size: 16 hull_factor: 0.5 } computer: { name: "Flight Computer" abrv: "Flight" type: 2 design: Computer loc: (0, 0, 90) size: 16 hull_factor: 0.2 } nav: { loc: (0, 0, -10) design: Computer size: 16 hull_factor: 0.1 } gear: { name: "Undercarriage" abrv: Gear loc: (0, 0, 0) size: 16 hull_factor: 0.5 gear: { model: "GearNose1.mag" start: (0, -15, 144) end: (0, -35, 158) } gear: { model: "GearLeft1.mag" start: (-20, -22, -64) end: (-42, -48, -64) } gear: { model: "GearRight1.mag" start: ( 20, -22, -64) end: ( 42, -48, -64) } } thruster: { design: Thruster type: Plasma scale: 0.12 loc: (0, -52,0) size: 32 hull_factor: 0.5 port_fore: {loc:( -48, -2, 61), fire: 0x0044} port_fore: {loc:( -36, -1, 61), fire: 0x0044} port_fore: {loc:( 36, -1, 61), fire: 0x0084} port_fore: {loc:( 48, -2, 61), fire: 0x0084} port_aft: {loc:( -48, -2, -84), fire: 0x0088} port_aft: {loc:( -36, -1, -90), fire: 0x0088} port_aft: {loc:( 36, -1, -90), fire: 0x0048} port_aft: {loc:( 48, -2, -84), fire: 0x0048} port_left: {loc:( -26, 0, 127), fire: 0x0080} port_left: {loc:( -38, 0,-144), fire: 0x0040} port_right: {loc:( 26, 0, 127), fire: 0x0040} port_right: {loc:( 38, 0,-144), fire: 0x0080} port_top: {loc:( -86, 10, 29), fire: 0x0610} port_top: {loc:( 86, 10, 29), fire: 0x0A10} port_top: {loc:( -86, 10, -60), fire: 0x0410} port_top: {loc:( 86, 10, -60), fire: 0x0810} port_top: {loc:( -9, 22,-125), fire: 0x0110} port_top: {loc:( -9, 22,-164), fire: 0x0110} port_top: {loc:( 9, 22,-125), fire: 0x0110} port_top: {loc:( 9, 22,-164), fire: 0x0110} port_bottom: {loc:( -86, -24, 29), fire: 0x0920} port_bottom: {loc:( 86, -24, 29), fire: 0x0520} port_bottom: {loc:( -86, -24, -60), fire: 0x0820} port_bottom: {loc:( 86, -24, -60), fire: 0x0420} port_bottom: {loc:( -9, -20,-125), fire: 0x0220} port_bottom: {loc:( -9, -20,-164), fire: 0x0220} port_bottom: {loc:( 9, -20,-125), fire: 0x0220} port_bottom: {loc:( 9, -20,-164), fire: 0x0220} } death_spiral: { time: 2.5, explosion_type: 22, // SMALL_EXPLOSION explosion_time: 1.1, explosion_loc: (0, 0, -64), explosion_type: 22, // SMALL_EXPLOSION explosion_time: 1.5, explosion_loc: (20, 10, -20), final_type: 23, // LARGE_EXPLOSION final_loc: (0, 0, -32), final_type: 12, // LARGE_BURST final_loc: (0, 0, -32), debris: "DebrisX.mag" debris_loc: (0,0,-2) debris_mass: 20 debris_count: 4 debris_life: 1.8 debris_fire: (1,1,1) debris_fire_type: 25 debris_drag: 0.3 debris_speed: 190 debris: "DebrisX.mag" debris_loc: (0,0,3) debris_mass: 20 debris_count: 3 debris_life: 2.2 debris_fire: (1,1,1) debris_fire_type: 25 debris_drag: 0.35 debris_speed: 220 } map: { sprite: "b_map0.pcx" sprite: "b_map1.pcx" sprite: "b_map2.pcx" sprite: "b_map3.pcx" sprite: "b_map4.pcx" sprite: "b_map5.pcx" sprite: "b_map6.pcx" sprite: "b_map7.pcx" }