MISSION name: "10. Fiery the Angels Fell" type: FLIGHT_OPS system: Korius region: Korius start: "11/17:15:00" degrees: true sitrep: "The Korian Affair has reached a crisis point. Treaty negotations " "have collapsed from internal conflicts between the Korian and Dantari " "factions. The Dantari have broken the temporary cease fire agreement " "and dispatched a carrier group to the Korius Sector.\n\n" "The only hope of salvaging the treaty negotiations is for Force Second " "Fleet to intercept the Dantari CVBG before the Korian faction has time " "to react. The CV-70 Antares and her battle group will deploy in the Korius " "sector and force the Dantari back to the negotiating table." objective: "* Remove the Dantari battle group from Korius sector\n" "* Protect Alliance and Korian assets in the combat zone" // ***** GOOD GUYS ***** ship: { name: Antares design: Orion loc: (0, 0, 0) count: 1 iff: 1 player: 1 command_ai: 1 } element: { name: Bearcats, design: Falcon, count: 24, maint_count: 4, carrier: Antares, iff: 1, } element: { name: Mustangs, design: Stormhawk, count: 24, maint_count: 4, carrier: Antares, iff: 1, } element: { name: Lancers, design: Thunderbolt, count: 12, maint_count: 2, carrier: Antares, iff: 1, } element: { name: Taurus, design: Zodiac, count: 8, maint_count: 2, carrier: Antares, iff: 1, } ship: { name: Ryan, design: Asher, rloc: { ref: Antares, dex: 23e3 }, count: 1, iff: 1, command_ai: 0, commander: Antares, } ship: { name: Card, design: Asher, rloc: { ref: Antares, dex: 25e3 }, count: 1, iff: 1, command_ai: 0, commander: Antares, } // ***** BAD GUYS ***** ship: { name: Goliath, design: Goliath, rloc: { ref: Antares, dex: 250e3, dex_var: 40e3 }, count: 1, iff: 2, } element: { name: Vampires, design: Viper, count: 16, maint_count: 4, carrier: Goliath, iff: 2, } element: { name: Zombies, design: Razor, count: 16, maint_count: 4, carrier: Goliath, iff: 2, } element: { name: Ghouls, design: Cobra, count: 16, maint_count: 2, carrier: Goliath, iff: 2, } ship: { name: Foxbat, design: Wolf, rloc: { ref: Goliath, dex: 23e3 }, count: 1, iff: 2, command_ai: 1, commander: Goliath, } ship: { name: Hunter, design: Wolf, rloc: { ref: Goliath, dex: 25e3 }, count: 1, iff: 2, command_ai: 1, commander: Goliath, } ship: { name: Kyren, design: Baikal, rloc: { ref: Goliath, dex: 33e3 }, count: 1, iff: 2, command_ai: 1, commander: Goliath, } // // EVENT LIST: // event: { id: 25, event: Message, event_message: "", trigger: Destroyed, trigger_ship: Goliath, } event: { id: 26, event: Message, event_message: "", trigger: Destroyed, trigger_ship: Foxbat, } event: { id: 27, event: Message, event_message: "", trigger: Destroyed, trigger_ship: Hunter, } event: { id: 28, event: Message, event_message: "", trigger: Destroyed, trigger_ship: Kyren, } event: { id: 50, event: Message, sound: "Vox/Misc/M10-E50.ogg", event_message: "The enemy carrier has been destroyed. Mission accomplished!", event_ship: Antares, trigger: Event, trigger_param: 25, delay: 5, } event: { id: 60, event: Message, sound: "Vox/Misc/M10-E60.ogg", event_message: "The enemy carrier has bugged out. Mission accomplished!", event_ship: Antares, trigger: Jump, trigger_ship: Goliath, delay: 5, } event: { id: 99, event: Exit, trigger: "Event (ANY)", trigger_param: (50, 60), delay: 10, }