CAMPAIGN name: "Operation Firestorm" desc: "The war comes to an unexpected turning point as new discoveries " "come to light. Alliance war fleets continue to push into Hegemony " "territory as new forces are brought into the battle." situation: "\tA small Hegemony outpost has been detected in the Ostara system. " "Force:Space Sixth Fleet (Atlas) has been tasked with eliminating this " "threat, as a prelude to the planned invasion of the Tarsus system. " "Force 9th Carrier Group (Atlas) will reduce the Hegemony fighter " "component, while the 14th Battle Group (Stormwind) addresses the " "naval component." orders: "\t* Reduce or eliminate the Hegemony presence in Ostara.\n" "\t* Prepare the region for a general invasion of Tarsus.\n" "\t* Protect Alliance assets in the area.\n" stardate: 27648000.0 combatant: { name: "Terellian Alliance", group: { type: fleet, id: 6 }, // Ostara, Tarsus, Kolchev group: { type: fleet, id: 7 }, // Loris, Korius } combatant: { name: "Marakan Hegemony", group: { type: fleet, id: 3 }, // Kolchev and Tarsus group: { type: fleet, id: 5 }, // Loris and Korius group: { type: battalion, id: 9 }, // Ostara Outpost group: { type: battalion, id: 10 }, // Lovo Base (Kolchev) group: { type: war_production, id: 4000 }, group: { type: infrastructure, id: 3000 }, // kolchev farcasters group: { type: infrastructure, id: 4000 }, // korius farcasters group: { type: infrastructure, id: 5000 }, // loris farcasters } combatant: { name: "Dantari Separatists", group: { type: fleet, id: 2 }, // Adantar group: { type: battalion, id: 3 }, // Tanis Starbase group: { type: war_production, id: 3000 }, // Tanis } combatant: { name: "Brotherhood of Iron", group: { type: fleet, id: 2 }, // Loris group: { type: fleet, id: 3 }, // Loris } combatant: { name: "Zolon Empire", group: { type: fleet, id: 1 }, group: { type: non_com, id: 1 }, } action: { id: 0, type: event, subtype: campaign_start, team: 1, rgn: Jarnell, text: "Hegemony Outpost Discovered", source: News, file: "Actions/01-campaign-start.txt", image: "Actions/01-campaign-start.pcx" scene: "Scenes/01-Campaign-Start.def" } action: { id: 1, type: system, team: 1, sys: Ostara, asset_type: fleet, asset_id: 6, text: "do-not-display", } action: { id: 2, type: intel, subtype: reserve, team: 1, asset_type: fleet, asset_id: 7, text: "do-not-display", } action: { id: 3, type: system, team: 2, sys: Loris, asset_type: fleet, asset_id: 5, text: "do-not-display", } action: { id: 4, type: system, team: 2, sys: Ostara, asset_type: battalion, asset_id: 9, text: "do-not-display", } action: { id: 5, type: zone, team: 2, rgn: Theramin, asset_type: fleet, asset_id: 3, text: "do-not-display", } action: { id: 6, type: zone, team: 4, rgn: Sintar, asset_type: fleet, asset_id: 1, text: "do-not-display", } action: { id: 7, type: system, team: 3, sys: Loris, asset_type: fleet, asset_id: 2, text: "do-not-display", } action: { id: 8, type: system, team: 3, sys: Loris, asset_type: fleet, asset_id: 3, text: "do-not-display", } action: { id: 20, type: event, subtype: story, team: 1, rgn: Borova, after: "01/04:00:00", text: "Borovan Archaelith Still Missing", source: News, file: "Actions/02-borovan-archaelith.txt" image: "Actions/02-borovan-archaelith.pcx" scene: "Scenes/02-Borovan-Archaelith.def" } action: { id: 30, type: event, subtype: story, team: 1, rgn: Haiche, after: "01/21:30:00", text: "Technite Found on Haiche", source: News, file: "Actions/03-technite-found.txt" image: "Actions/03-technite-found.pcx" scene: "Scenes/03-Technite-Found.def" } action: { id: 40, type: event, subtype: story, team: 1, rgn: Tarsus, after: "02/06:00:00", text: "Zolon Ambassador", source: FORCOM, file: "Actions/04-zolon-ambassador.txt", image: "Actions/04-zolon-ambassador.pcx" scene: "Scenes/04-Zolon-Ambassador.def" } action: { id: 50, type: sitrep, team: 1, text: "\tThe Zolon Ambassador to the Tarsus system has offered to help " "mediate a settlement to end the hostilities between the Alliance " "and the Hegemony. Negotiators from both sides are to meet aboard " "the Zolon Consular Starship in Tarsus sector under a flag of truce.\n\n" "\tForce:Space Sixth Fleet (Atlas) is advancing from Ostara to the " "Tarsus system, and is deploying in a defensive posture to support " "the peace initiative. Force 14th Battle Group (Stormwind) is escorting " "the negotiating team to the conference while the 9th Carrier Group " "(Atlas) patrols the Tarsus sector." "Seventh Fleet (Heracles) has now completed replenishment " "and repair operations in Paragon system. Seventh fleet can be available " "for duty in the Loris Theater within fifty hours, should the need arise.", after: "02/04:00:00", } action: { id: 51, type: intel, subtype: secret, team: 4, asset_type: fleet, asset_id: 1, text: "do-not-display", after: "02/12:00:00", } action: { id: 52, type: orders, team: 1, text: "\t* Protect Alliance negotiators in the Tarsus system.\n" "\t* Observe the cease-fire.\n" "\t* Avoid actions against Hegemony units.\n" after: "02/12:00:00", } action: { id: 53, type: zone, team: 1, rgn: Tarsus, asset_type: fleet, asset_id: 6, text: "do-not-display", after: "02/12:00:00", } action: { id: 60, type: mission, subtype: patrol, team: 1, rgn: Tarsus, asset_type: intercept_squadron, asset_id: 94, count: 4, text: "Scripts/Zolon_IS_Patrol.def", after: "02/12:00:00", before: "02/23:00:00", } action: { id: 61, type: mission, subtype: patrol, team: 1, rgn: Tarsus, asset_type: fighter_squadron, asset_id: 35, count: 1, text: "Scripts/Zolon_FS_Patrol.def", after: "02/12:00:00", before: "02/23:00:00", } action: { id: 62, type: mission, subtype: patrol, team: 1, rgn: Tarsus, asset_type: attack_squadron, asset_id: 101, count: 1, text: "Scripts/Zolon_AS_Patrol.def", after: "02/12:00:00", before: "02/23:00:00", } action: { id: 65, type: mission, subtype: patrol, team: 1, rgn: Tarsus, asset_type: destroyer_squadron, asset_id: 61, count: 4, text: "Scripts/Zolon_Asher_Patrol.def", after: "02/12:00:00", before: "02/23:30:00", } action: { id: 66, type: mission, subtype: patrol, team: 1, rgn: Tarsus, asset_type: battle_group, asset_id: 14, count: 4, text: "Scripts/Zolon_BG_Patrol.def", after: "02/12:00:00", before: "02/23:30:00", } action: { id: 68, type: mission, subtype: patrol, team: 1, rgn: Tarsus, asset_type: carrier_group, asset_id: 9, count: 4, text: "Scripts/Zolon_CVBG_Patrol.def", after: "02/12:00:00", before: "02/23:30:00", } // ZOLON RETURN TO NERGAL action: { id: 69, type: zone, team: 4, rgn: Nergal, asset_type: fleet, asset_id: 1, text: "do-not-display", after: "02/23:30:00", } // DECLARATIONS OF WAR action: { id: 70, type: event, subtype: story, team: 1, rgn: Tarsus, after: "02/23:30:00", text: "Operation Firestorm", source: News, file: "Actions/05-operation-firestorm.txt", image: "Actions/banner-alliance.pcx" scene: "Scenes/05-Operation-Firestorm.def" } action: { id: 75, type: sitrep, team: 1, text: "\tZolon warships acting in concert with Hegemony agents have attacked " "the peace conference, killing our negotiating team and destroying every " "member of the Zolon Consulate in Tarsus. Force:Intel field reports indicate " "that the recent Hegemony attacks on Alliance territory were carried out with " "the intention of recovering artifacts and rare materials for use in developing " "a devestating new type of weapon. The Hegemony military are working with " "scientists of the Zolon Empire to create a 'Quantum Disruptor' that will destroy " "computer systems and render all ships incapable faster-than-light travel.\n\n" "\tIn response to these events, the Hegemony has declared war on the Terellian Alliance. " "The Alliance President has authorized Force to commence OPERATION FIRESTORM: all out " "war with the Marakan Hegemony.\n\n" "\tForce:Space Sixth Fleet (Atlas) will be responsible for securing the Tarsus " "system, and will then proceed to the Kolchev system with all possible speed. " "Seventh Fleet (Heracles) is now in Silessia and will report " "for duty in the Loris Theater within hours to begin the northern thrust " "toward the key central system of Korius.", req: { action: 70, status: COMPLETE } } action: { id: 76, type: orders, team: 1, text: "\t* Secure the Tarsus System.\n" "\t* Be on the lookout for Zolon units in the Tarsus Theater.\n" "\t* Protect Alliance assets in the area.\n" req: { action: 70, status: COMPLETE } } action: { id: 80, type: system, team: 1, sys: Tarsus, asset_type: fleet, asset_id: 6, text: "do-not-display", req: { action: 70, status: COMPLETE } } action: { id: 81, type: system, team: 2, sys: Tarsus, asset_type: fleet, asset_id: 3, text: "do-not-display", req: { action: 70, status: COMPLETE } } action: { id: 82, type: intel, subtype: known, team: 2, asset_type: destroyer_squadron, asset_id: 19, text: "do-not-display", req: { action: 70, status: COMPLETE } } action: { id: 90, type: event, subtype: story, team: 1, rgn: Thralis, after: "03/09:00:00", text: "Strategic Directives", source: FORCOM, file: "Actions/06-strategy.txt" image: "Actions/06-strategy.pcx" scene: "Scenes/06-Strategy.def" } action: { id: 96, type: event, subtype: story, team: 1, rgn: Thralis, after: "03/16:30:00", text: "New Job", source: Mail, file: "Actions/m1-new-job.txt" image: "Actions/m0-mail-icon.pcx" scene: "Scenes/M1-New-Job.def" } action: { id: 97, type: event, subtype: story, team: 1, rgn: Thralis, after: "04/05:00:00", text: "Loris Government Collapse", source: SECURE, file: "Actions/07-Loris-Collapse.txt" image: "Actions/07-Loris-Collapse.pcx" scene: "Scenes/07-Loris-Collapse.def" } action: { id: 100, type: system, team: 2, sys: Kolchev, asset_type: fleet, asset_id: 3, text: "do-not-display", req: { action: 70, status: COMPLETE } req: { c1: "Marakan Hegemony", group_type: fleet, group_id: 3, comp: LT, score: 10000 }, } action: { id: 101, type: intel, subtype: known, team: 2, asset_type: battle_group, asset_id: 10, text: "do-not-display", req: { action: 100, status: COMPLETE } } action: { id: 105, type: system, team: 1, sys: Kolchev, asset_type: fleet, asset_id: 6, req: { action: 100, status: COMPLETE } } action: { id: 106, type: intel, subtype: known, team: 1, asset_type: battle_group, asset_id: 15, text: "do-not-display", req: { action: 100, status: COMPLETE } } action: { id: 107, type: intel, subtype: known, team: 1, asset_type: destroyer_squadron, asset_id: 46, text: "do-not-display", req: { action: 100, status: COMPLETE } } action: { id: 130, type: event, subtype: story, team: 1, rgn: Kolchev, text: "Kolchev System", source: FORCOM, file: "Actions/09-kolchev.txt" image: "Actions/09-kolchev.pcx" scene: "Scenes/09-Kolchev.def" req: { action: 100, status: COMPLETE } } action: { id: 150, type: event, subtype: story, team: 1, rgn: Jarnell, after: "05/09:15:00", text: "Something You Need to Know", source: Mail, file: "Actions/m2-need-to-know.txt" image: "Actions/m0-mail-icon.pcx" scene: "Scenes/M2-Need-to-Know.def" } // START OF NORTHERN CAMPAIGN action: { id: 200, type: intel, subtype: known, team: 1, asset_type: fleet, asset_id: 7, text: "do-not-display", after: "03/22:00:00", req: { action: 70, status: COMPLETE } } action: { id: 201, type: system, team: 1, sys: Loris, asset_type: fleet, asset_id: 7, image: "Actions/banner-alliance.pcx" after: "03/22:00:00", req: { action: 70, status: COMPLETE } } action: { id: 205, type: sitrep, team: 1, text: "\tZolon warships acting in concert with Hegemony agents have attacked " "the peace conference, killing our negotiating team and destroying every " "member of the Zolon Consulate in Tarsus. Force:Intel field reports indicate " "that the recent Hegemony attacks on Alliance territory were carried out with " "the intention of recovering artifacts and rare materials for use in developing " "a devestating new type of weapon. The Hegemony military are working with " "scientists of the Zolon Empire to create a 'Quantum Disruptor' that will destroy " "computer systems and render all ships incapable faster-than-light travel.\n\n" "\tIn response to these events, the Hegemony has declared war on the Terellian Alliance. " "The Alliance President has authorized Force to commence OPERATION FIRESTORM: all out " "war with the Marakan Hegemony.\n\n" "\tForce:Space Sixth Fleet (Atlas) is well underway in securing the Tarsus " "system, and will then proceed to the Kolchev system with all possible speed. " "Seventh Fleet (Heracles) has now arrived in the Loris Theater. " "Members of the Seventh Fleet are advised to be on the lookout for renegade " "elements of the Brotherhood of Iron criminal organization who may be operating " "in that system.", req: { action: 200, status: COMPLETE } } action: { id: 206, type: orders, team: 1, text: "\t* Sixth Fleet to secure the Tarsus System.\n" "\t* Seventh Fleet to secure the Loris Theater.\n" "\t* Protect Alliance assets in the area.\n" req: { action: 200, status: COMPLETE } } action: { id: 220, type: event, subtype: story, team: 1, rgn: Tanis, after: "04/20:15:00", text: "The Return of Masil Gannet", source: Mail, file: "Actions/08-masil-gannet.txt" image: "Actions/08-masil-gannet.pcx" scene: "Scenes/08-Masil-Gannet.def" req: { action: 200, status: COMPLETE } } action: { id: 250, type: event, subtype: story, team: 1, rgn: Adantar, after: "06/09:00:00", text: "Korian System", source: FORCOM, file: "Actions/10-korius.txt" image: "Actions/10-korius.pcx" scene: "Scenes/10-Korius.def" req: { action: 200, status: COMPLETE } req: { c1: "Marakan Hegemony", group_type: fleet, group_id: 5, comp: LT, score: 9000 }, } action: { id: 255, type: sitrep, team: 1, text: "\tThe Marakan Hegemony has declared war on the Terellian Alliance. In return, " "the Alliance President has authorized Force to commence OPERATION FIRESTORM: all out " "war with the Marakan Hegemony. The immediate goals for this campaign are to secure " "the vital Hegemony systems of Kolchev in the south, and Korius in the north.\n\n" "\tForce:Space Sixth Fleet (Atlas) has been assigned to secure the Kolchev system. " "As expected, the Hegemony Third Fleet has fallen back to that area in hopes of drawing " "our forces into a trap. Hegemony forces are scattered across four planetary orbits. " "The northern mountains of the Lovo sector on Kolchev are home to a significant military " "presence, and will present a unique challenge to the Sixth Fleet.\n\n" "\tSeventh Fleet (Heracles) has begun the invasion of the Korian system. " "There are reliable reports that the Separatist leader Masil Gannet has returned to " "the Korian moon Adantar and established himself as a local warlord. Although Adantar " "itself is heavily armed, we do not have any good data on the strength of space forces " "in the Korian system.", req: { action: 250, status: COMPLETE } } action: { id: 256, type: orders, team: 1, text: "\t* Sixth Fleet to reduce military targets in the Kolchev System.\n" "\t* Seventh Fleet to secure the Korian System.\n" "\t* Apprehend or eliminate the warlord Masil Gannet.\n" "\t* Protect Alliance assets in the area.\n" req: { action: 250, status: COMPLETE } } action: { id: 260, type: system, team: 1, sys: Korius, asset_type: fleet, asset_id: 7, image: "Actions/banner-alliance.pcx" req: { action: 250, status: COMPLETE } } action: { id: 261, type: system, team: 2, sys: Korius, asset_type: fleet, asset_id: 5, text: "do-not-display", req: { action: 250, status: COMPLETE } } action: { id: 262, type: system, team: 2, sys: Korius, asset_type: fleet, asset_id: 2, text: "do-not-display", req: { action: 250, status: COMPLETE } } action: { id: 263, type: intel, subtype: secret, team: 2, asset_type: fleet, asset_id: 2, text: "do-not-display", req: { action: 250, status: COMPLETE } } // THE THRILL OF VICTORY action: { id: 999, type: event, subtype: campaign_end, team: 1, rgn: Jarnell, text: "Operation Firestorm Victory" file: "Actions/victory.txt" image: "Actions/victory" scene: "Scenes/Victory.def" req: { c1: "Marakan Hegemony", group_type: fleet, group_id: 3, comp: LT, score: 6000 }, req: { c1: "Marakan Hegemony", group_type: fleet, group_id: 5, comp: LT, score: 6000 }, req: { c1: "Dantari Separatists", group_type: fleet, group_id: 2, comp: LT, score: 4000 }, } // THE AGONY OF DEFEAT action: { id: 994, type: event, subtype: campaign_fail, team: 1, rgn: Jarnell, text: "Operation Firestorm Defeat" file: "Actions/def1.txt" image: "Actions/def1" scene: "Scenes/Defeat1.def" req: { c1: "Terellian Alliance", c2: "Marakan Hegemony", comp: RLT, score: -2000 }, req: { action: 100, status: COMPLETE, not: true } } action: { id: 995, type: event, subtype: campaign_fail, team: 1, rgn: Jarnell, text: "Operation Firestorm Defeat" file: "Actions/def1.txt" image: "Actions/def1" scene: "Scenes/Defeat1.def" req: { c1: "Terellian Alliance", group_type: carrier_group, group_id: 9, comp: LT, score: 3200 }, req: { action: 100, status: COMPLETE, not: true } } action: { id: 996, type: event, subtype: campaign_fail, team: 1, rgn: Jarnell, text: "Operation Firestorm Defeat" file: "Actions/def1.txt" image: "Actions/def1" scene: "Scenes/Defeat1.def" req: { c1: "Terellian Alliance", group_type: carrier_group, group_id: 11, comp: LT, score: 3200 }, req: { action: 100, status: COMPLETE, not: true } } action: { id: 997, type: event, subtype: campaign_fail, team: 1, rgn: Jarnell, text: "Operation Firestorm Defeat" file: "Actions/def1.txt" image: "Actions/def1" scene: "Scenes/Defeat1.def" req: { c1: "Terellian Alliance", group_type: fleet, group_id: 6, comp: LT, score: 7500 }, req: { action: 100, status: COMPLETE, not: true } } action: { id: 998, type: event, subtype: campaign_fail, team: 1, rgn: Jarnell, text: "Operation Firestorm Defeat" file: "Actions/def1.txt" image: "Actions/def1" scene: "Scenes/Defeat1.def" req: { c1: "Terellian Alliance", group_type: fleet, group_id: 7, comp: LT, score: 7500 }, req: { action: 100, status: COMPLETE, not: true } } // SECOND-HALF FAILURE action: { id: 1994, type: event, subtype: campaign_fail, team: 1, rgn: Jarnell, text: "Operation Firestorm Defeat" file: "Actions/def2.txt" image: "Actions/def2" scene: "Scenes/Defeat2.def" req: { c1: "Terellian Alliance", c2: "Marakan Hegemony", comp: RLT, score: -2000 }, req: { action: 100, status: COMPLETE } } action: { id: 1995, type: event, subtype: campaign_fail, team: 1, rgn: Jarnell, text: "Operation Firestorm Defeat" file: "Actions/def2.txt" image: "Actions/def2" scene: "Scenes/Defeat2.def" req: { c1: "Terellian Alliance", group_type: carrier_group, group_id: 9, comp: LT, score: 3200 }, req: { action: 100, status: COMPLETE } } action: { id: 1996, type: event, subtype: campaign_fail, team: 1, rgn: Jarnell, text: "Operation Firestorm Defeat" file: "Actions/def2.txt" image: "Actions/def2" scene: "Scenes/Defeat2.def" req: { c1: "Terellian Alliance", group_type: carrier_group, group_id: 11, comp: LT, score: 3200 }, req: { action: 100, status: COMPLETE } } action: { id: 1997, type: event, subtype: campaign_fail, team: 1, rgn: Jarnell, text: "Operation Firestorm Defeat" file: "Actions/def2.txt" image: "Actions/def2" scene: "Scenes/Defeat2.def" req: { c1: "Terellian Alliance", group_type: fleet, group_id: 6, comp: LT, score: 7500 }, req: { action: 100, status: COMPLETE } } action: { id: 1998, type: event, subtype: campaign_fail, team: 1, rgn: Jarnell, text: "Operation Firestorm Defeat" file: "Actions/def2.txt" image: "Actions/def2" scene: "Scenes/Defeat2.def" req: { c1: "Terellian Alliance", group_type: fleet, group_id: 7, comp: LT, score: 7500 }, req: { action: 100, status: COMPLETE } }