STRATPLAN BRIEFING Timestamp: $TIME Subject: Haiche Protectorate Classified: CONFIDENTIAL DND/CRYPTO Force:Space Fifth Fleet has been assigned to engage Hegemony forces operating in the Haiche Protectorate. Our main goals are to force the Hegemony to withdraw, while minimizing civilian casualties and property damage. Haiche is a protected independent outpost with a small indigenous population. The system contains two medium size gas giant planets, and one very dry and very dusty world of approximately terrestrial conditions. The desert planet, which is also named Haiche, is sparsely populated. The inhabitants are mainly mineral researchers, xenoarchaeologists, and enough trades to support and feed the general population. The Haiche Protectorate has never had the funds to adequately police the outer gas giants. They have become havens for traders and pirates due to their large collection of small moons. We may expect to encounter some surprises in the Cygnus and Tal Amin sectors. Vice Admiral Caldott, FORCOM STRATPLAN