The PRESIDENT of the TERELLIAN ALLIANCE : My fellow citizens, together we now face an unprecedented crisis in the long history of our proud nation. The Terellian Alliance is under attack by an implacable enemy. Warships from systems under the control of the Marakan Hegemony are even now invading core Alliance systems, including Janus and the Borovan Republic. To meet this threat before it can engulf any more of our sovreign territory or endanger any more civilian lives, I have authorized and commanded Force combined military to begin Operation Shining Fortress in defense of our home worlds. The cost of this defense will be great, but the cost of surrender would be even greater. As another great leader once told his people, 'I have nothing to offer you but blood, toil, tears, and sweat.' The time of this war will not be short, but together we will stand victorious, made fast to the resolve that freedom, honor, and justice shall not perish from our worlds. I urge each of you to remain calm through this long, dark night. Brace yourselves to your individual duties, and together we shall greet a new dawn of peace. Thank you, and may fortune favor our brave men and women at arms.