MISSION name: "Cmpn02 News03 - Blockade Broken" type: "Patrol" system: "Solus" region: "Trellis" objective: "Unspecified" sitrep: "Unknown" start: "33:00:00" degrees: true element: { name: Falcon design: CameraPod mission: Misc intel: Secret count: 1 iff: 1 player: 1 loc: (0, 0, 0) } element: { name: "Solus-Trellis" design: "Farcaster" mission: "Misc" intel: "Located" count: 1 command_ai:1 iff: 0 playable: false region: "Solus" loc: (-200e3, -100e3, 0) objective: { cmd: Vector, tgt: "Trellis-Solus" } } element: { name: "Solus-Jalah" design: "Farcaster" mission: "Misc" intel: "Located" count: 1 command_ai:1 iff: 0 playable: false region: "Solus" loc: (150e3, -180e3, 0) objective: { cmd: Vector, tgt: "Jalah-Solus" } } element: { name: "Jalah-Solus" design: "Farcaster" mission: "Misc" intel: "Located" count: 1 command_ai:1 iff: 0 playable: false region: "Jalah" loc: (0, 0, 0) objective: { cmd: Vector, tgt: "Solus-Jalah" } } element: { name: "Jalah-Trellis" design: "Farcaster" mission: "Misc" intel: "Located" count: 1 command_ai:1 iff: 0 playable: false region: "Jalah" loc: (120e3, -200e3, 0) objective: { cmd: Vector, tgt: "Trellis-Jalah" } } element: { name: "Trellis-Solus" design: "Farcaster" mission: "Misc" intel: "Located" count: 1 command_ai:1 iff: 0 playable: false region: "Trellis" loc: (-100e3, -150e3, 0) objective: { cmd: Vector, tgt: "Solus-Trellis" } } element: { name: "Trellis-Jalah" design: "Farcaster" mission: "Misc" intel: "Located" count: 1 command_ai:1 iff: 0 playable: false region: "Trellis" loc: (50e3, -100e3, 0) objective: { cmd: Vector, tgt: "Jalah-Trellis" } } element: { name: "Trellis Docks" design: "Station1" mission: "Flight Ops" intel: "Located" count: 1 command_ai:1 iff: 0 playable: false region: "Trellis" loc: (0, 0, 0) } element: { name: "Archon" design: "Orion" mission: "Flight Ops" intel: "Known" count: 1 command_ai:1 iff: 1 playable: false region: "Trellis" loc: (-130000, 160000, 0) } element: { name: "Stalwart" design: "Courageous" commander: "Archon" mission: "Escort" intel: "Known" count: 1 command_ai:1 iff: 1 playable: false region: "Trellis" loc: (-111503, 155656, 0) objective: { cmd: Escort, tgt: "Archon" } } element: { name: "Gerson" design: "Asher" commander: "Archon" mission: "Escort" intel: "Known" count: 1 command_ai:1 iff: 1 playable: false region: "Trellis" loc: (-155657, 148787, 0) objective: { cmd: Escort, tgt: "Archon" } } element: { name: "Simmons" design: "Asher" commander: "Archon" mission: "Escort" intel: "Known" count: 1 command_ai:1 iff: 1 playable: false region: "Trellis" loc: (-166015, 151521, 0) objective: { cmd: Escort, tgt: "Archon" } } element: { name: "Avengers" design: "Falcon" carrier: "Archon" commander: "Archon" mission: "Misc" intel: "Known" count: 32 maint_count: 16 iff: 1 region: "Trellis" loc: (-118941, 180411, 0) } element: { name: "Stallions" design: "Stormhawk" carrier: "Archon" commander: "Archon" mission: "Misc" intel: "Known" count: 32 maint_count: 16 iff: 1 region: "Trellis" loc: (-118754, 143664, 0) } element: { name: "Warbirds" design: "Thunderbolt" carrier: "Archon" commander: "Archon" mission: "Misc" intel: "Known" count: 20 maint_count: 10 iff: 1 region: "Trellis" loc: (-135947, 178901, 0) } /*** TRELLIS - The Alliance Third Fleet has broken the blockade of the Trellis-Solus Farcaster network, a Force:Command spokesperson has announced. The minefields surrounding the Farcaster terminus have been cleared, and several Separatist squadrons have been eliminated or greatly reduced in strength. Theater commander Admiral Evars has given official authorization for the commencement of humanitarian aid traffic to the inner planets. Certified non-governmental agencies delivering food, clothing, medicines, and emergency equipment will receive protective escorts by warships from the Third Fleet. "Although the blockade has been broken, there are still several hostile squadrons in operation near the outer worlds. We strongly recommend that only emergency traffic be routed through the Trellis sector. Civilian ships are advised to avoid the area until the threat can be assessed and appropriate actions taken," Evars was quoted as saying. ***/ event: { event: BeginScene, time: 0, message: "Scene 1" } event: { event: Display, image: "Campaigns/02/Scenes/Black.pcx", color: 0xffffffff, fade: (0,5,2), rect: (0,0,0,0) } event: { event: Display, image: "Campaigns/02/Scenes/News.pcx", color: 0xffffffff, fade: (1,4,1), rect: (0,0, -512,-128) } event: { event: Camera, param: 3, target: "Trellis-Solus", vec: (0,0,1000) } event: { event: Camera, param: 5, vec: (0.12, 0.01, 0.02) } event: { event: Display, time: 5, message: "Trellis-Solus Farcaster", font: Limerick18, color: 0xffffff80, fade: (1,7,1), rect: (20,20, 300,100) } event: { event: Messasge, sound: "Vox/Scenes/02/News_03_Blockade_Broken.ogg" } event: { event: Camera, time: 25, param: 3, target: "Archon", vec: (2,0,2700) } event: { event: Camera, param: 5, vec: (0.12, 0.006, -0.02) } event: { event: Display, message: "Task Force 3.7", font: Limerick18, color: 0xffffff80, fade: (1,7,1), rect: (20,20, 400,100) } event: { event: Display, message: "CV-71 'Archon'", font: Limerick12, color: 0xffffff80, fade: (1,7,1), rect: (20,40, 200,100) } event: { event: EndScene, time: 65, message: "Scene 1" } event: { event: Exit } // EOF