MISSION name: "Cmpn02 News02 - Coup Failure" type: "Patrol" system: "Solus" region: "Solus" stardate: 1147287263.0 objective: "Unspecified" sitrep: "Unknown" start: "33:00:00" degrees: true element: { name: Falcon design: CameraPod mission: Misc intel: Secret count: 1 iff: 1 player: 1 loc: (0, 0, 0) } element: { name: "Admin" design: "Bldg00" mission: "Misc" intel: "Located" count: 1 command_ai:1 iff: 0 playable: false region: "Telmera" loc: (-53000, 29500, 0) } element: { name: "Office" design: "Bldg01" mission: "Misc" intel: "Located" count: 1 command_ai:1 iff: 0 playable: false region: "Telmera" loc: (-52500, 28000, 0) } element: { name: "Tower" design: "Bldg02" mission: "Misc" intel: "Located" count: 1 command_ai:1 iff: 0 playable: false region: "Telmera" loc: (-54600, 32800, 0) } element: { name: "Alton" design: "Bldg03" mission: "Misc" intel: "Located" count: 1 command_ai:1 iff: 0 playable: false region: "Telmera" loc: (-56000, 26000, 0) } element: { name: "City Block" design: "City00" mission: "Misc" intel: "Located" count: 1 command_ai:1 iff: 0 playable: false region: "Telmera" loc: (-60000, 28000, 0) } element: { name: "Downtown Telmera" design: "City02" mission: "Misc" intel: "Located" count: 1 command_ai:1 iff: 0 playable: false region: "Telmera" loc: (-56000, 30000, 0) } element: { name: "Palace" design: "Bldg00" mission: "Misc" intel: "Located" count: 1 command_ai:1 iff: 0 playable: false region: "Telmera" loc: (-55300, 28800, 0) } element: { name: "City Block" design: "City00" mission: "Misc" intel: "Located" count: 1 command_ai:1 iff: 0 playable: false region: "Telmera" loc: (-51000, 30700, 0) } element: { name: "Factory 2" design: "Fact04" mission: "Misc" intel: "Located" count: 1 command_ai:1 iff: 0 playable: false region: "Telmera" loc: (-53000, 30500, 0) } element: { name: "Telmera Starport" design: "Airbase1" mission: "Flight Ops" intel: "Located" count: 1 command_ai:1 iff: 0 playable: false region: "Telmera" loc: (-55000, 22000, 0) } /*** TELMERA CITY, SOLUS - An attempted palace coup by Dantari agents was thwarted by alert members of the Provisional Security Directorate early this morning. Separatist agents, working from a secret base near the capitol offices, succeeded in destroying the executive suite of the presidential palace. Security service members discovered the bomb only moments before it was detonated and were able to escort President Marish and his party to an undisclosed safe location. Senators Hamil and Covanon who were to attend a working breakfast with the President were killed in the blast, as were two security service agents who died trying to protect them. Memorial services for all four men are planned for later in the week. Speaking on behalf of President Marish, executive spokesperson Cyn Talban affirmed that the central government had not been struck down by the terrorist-style attack. "We are still very much open for business. President Marish is meeting with security advisors at this hour, and he will be holding a press conference from the safehouse later this morning to address your questions and concerns." ***/ event: { event: BeginScene, time: 0, message: "Scene 1" } event: { event: Display, image: "Campaigns/02/Scenes/Black.pcx", color: 0xffffffff, fade: (0,5,2), rect: (0,0,0,0) } event: { event: Display, image: "Campaigns/02/Scenes/News.pcx", color: 0xffffffff, fade: (1,4,1), rect: (0,0, -512,-128) } event: { event: Camera, param: 3, target: "body:Solus", vec: (0,0,1e7) } event: { event: Camera, param: 5, vec: (0.12, 0.01, 0.02) } event: { event: Display, time: 5, message: "Solus System", font: Limerick18, color: 0xffffff80, fade: (1,7,1), rect: (20,20, 300,100) } event: { event: Display, message: "Capitol", font: Limerick12, color: 0xffffff80, fade: (1,7,1), rect: (20,40, 300,100) } event: { event: Messasge, sound: "Vox/Scenes/02/News_02_Coup_Failure.ogg" } event: { event: Camera, time: 13, param: 3, target: "Downtown Telmera", vec: (0,0,5000) } event: { event: Camera, param: 5, vec: (-0.08, 0.005, -0.02) } event: { event: Damage, ship: "Palace", param: 1e6 } event: { event: Display, message: "Telmera Sector", font: Limerick18, color: 0xffffff80, fade: (1,7,1), rect: (20,20, 300,100) } event: { event: Display, message: "Presidential Palace", font: Limerick12, color: 0xffffff80, fade: (1,7,1), rect: (20,40, 300,100) } event: { event: EndScene, time: 75, message: "Scene 1" } event: { event: Exit } // EOF