STRATPLAN BRIEFING Timestamp: $TIME Subject: Hegemony Task Force TF4.3 Classified: CONFIDENTIAL DND/CRYPTO A task force (TF4.3) from the Hegemony Fourth Fleet "Manticore" has successfully translated in system and is currently staging through Jalah Sector. The task force appears to have bypassed the Trellis Sector entirely, somehow translating directly into Jalah orbit. This may have been achieved by first staging beyond the outer Oort cloud before attempting the final jump. Hegemony TF4.3 is composed of one Dragon class CVBG led by CV-7A4 Manticore, and Broadsword class DESRONs 25 and 26 led by DD-3C40 Claymore and DD-3C42 Ironhelm, respectively. The Dragon class carrier groups generally field a full complement of intercept, fighter, and attack squadrons, and we believe that TF4.3 is no exception. On paper, this makes TF4.3 heavier than the Alliance forces assigned to the Solus system. We have requested a Spectre class DESRON from Fleet to help shore us up, but we are unsure as to how long they will take to arrive. On the plus side, we have the advantage of maneuverability for the moment. Now that they are here, TF4.3 will need some time to get organized and integrated with the Dantari fleet framework. If they did in fact take two jumps to translate to Jalah, they will need to UNREP before they are ready to fight. Either way, they will likely be tied up near Fort Talas in Jalah Sector for at least fifteen to twenty more hours. Vice Admiral Caldott, FORCOM STRATPLAN