#!/bin/sh # Lists interesting files in package in $1. Output can be modified by setting $2 to "-print0". By default it lists all # files that are usually not part of the repository. This can be reverted by setting $3 to "!". For example: # # $ ./files.sh start -print ! # # Will list all "non-binary" files that are below 'start/' directory. In case of unmodified state of the repository this # means a couple of *.def files. test -d "$1" || exit 1 exec find "$1" -type f -a $3 \( \ -iname '*.pcx' -o \ -iname '*.jpg' -o \ -iname '*.mag' -o \ -iname '*.wav' -o \ -iname '*.pal' -o \ -iname '*.ogg' -o \ -iname '*.ipl' \) ${2:--print}