# +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ # Project: Starshatter 5.0 # File: content.txt # # Default ENGLISH / USA text # # Destroyer Studios LLC # Copyright © 1997-2007. All Rights Reserved. # +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ FORCOM = FORCOM TACNET = TACNET SECURE = SECURE Mail = Mail News = News Unknown = Unknown Pending = Pending Active = Active Skipped = Skipped Aborted = Aborted Failed = Failed Complete = Complete Reserve = Reserve Secret = Secret Known = Known Located = Located Tracked = Tracked Patrol = Patrol Sweep = Sweep Intercept = Intercept Airborne Patrol = Airborne Patrol Airborne Sweep = Airborne Sweep Airborne Intercept = Airborne Intercept Strike = Strike Assault = Assault Defend = Defend Escort = Escort Freight Escort = Freight Escort Shuttle Escort = Shuttle Escort Strike Escort = Strike Escort Intel = Intel Scout = Scout Recon = Recon Blockade = Blockade Fleet = Fleet Attack = Attack Flight Ops = Flight Ops Transport = Transport Cargo = Cargo Training = Training Misc = Misc [unknown] = [unknown] killed.in.action = (KIA) ASTEROID = ASTEROID DEBRIS = DEBRIS ordinal.0 = th ordinal.1 = st ordinal.2 = nd ordinal.3 = rd ordinal.4 = th ordinal.5 = th ordinal.6 = th ordinal.7 = th ordinal.8 = th ordinal.9 = th ordinal.10 = th ordinal.11 = th ordinal.12 = th ordinal.13 = th ordinal.14 = th ordinal.15 = th ordinal.16 = th ordinal.17 = th ordinal.18 = th ordinal.19 = th main.auth-invalid = Starshatter is not properly installed. Please re-install from the original installation program.\nMake sure you have provided a valid CDKEY.\n\nFor more information, visit http://www.matrixgames.com main.title.error = Starshatter - Error Starshatter.load.general = Loading... Starshatter.load.tac-ref = Loading Reference Data... Starshatter.load.campaign = Initializing Campaign Data... Starshatter.load.start = Starting Campaign... Starshatter.load.drives = Initializing Drives... Starshatter.load.explosions = Initializing Explosions... Starshatter.load.systems = Initializing Systems... Starshatter.load.ships = Initializing Ships... Starshatter.load.hud = Initializing HUD/MFDs... Starshatter.load.menus = Initializing Menus... Starshatter.load.simulation = Initializing Simulation... Starshatter.load.viewscreen = Initializing Viewscreen... Starshatter.load.mission = Loading Mission... Starshatter.load.loaded = Loaded Starshatter.load.ready = Ready Starshatter.load.complete = Complete CombatGroup.FLEET = Fleet CombatGroup.CARRIER_GROUP = Carrier Battle Group CombatGroup.BATTLE_GROUP = Cruiser Battle Group CombatGroup.DESTROYER_SQUADRON = Destroyer Squadron CombatGroup.WING = Tactical Fighter Wing CombatGroup.ATTACK_SQUADRON = Attack Squadron CombatGroup.FIGHTER_SQUADRON = Fighter Squadron CombatGroup.INTERCEPT_SQUADRON = Intercept Squadron CombatGroup.LCA_SQUADRON = LCA Squadron CombatGroup.BATTALION = Battalion CombatGroup.STATION = Station CombatGroup.STARBASE = Starbase CombatGroup.MINEFIELD = Minefield CombatGroup.BATTERY = Defense Battery CombatGroup.MISSILE = Missile Battery CombatGroup.C3I = C3I Station CombatGroup.COMM_RELAY = Comm Station CombatGroup.EARLY_WARNING = Early Warning Ctr CombatGroup.FWD_CONTROL_CTR = Fwd Control Ctr CombatGroup.ECM = ECM Station CombatGroup.SUPPORT = Support Group CombatGroup.COURIER = Courier Group CombatGroup.SUPPLY = Supply Group CombatGroup.REPAIR = Support Group CombatGroup.MEDICAL = MedEvac Group CombatGroup.default = Civilian Traffic CombatGroup.abrv.FLEET = FLEET CombatGroup.abrv.CARRIER_GROUP = CVBG CombatGroup.abrv.BATTLE_GROUP = CRBG CombatGroup.abrv.DESTROYER_SQUADRON = DESRON CombatGroup.abrv.WING = TFW CombatGroup.abrv.ATTACK_SQUADRON = AS CombatGroup.abrv.FIGHTER_SQUADRON = FS CombatGroup.abrv.INTERCEPT_SQUADRON = IS CombatGroup.abrv.LCA_SQUADRON = LS CombatGroup.abrv.BATTALION = Battalion CombatGroup.abrv.STATION = Station CombatGroup.abrv.STARBASE = Starbase CombatGroup.abrv.MINEFIELD = Minefield CombatGroup.abrv.BATTERY = DFNS BTTY CombatGroup.abrv.MISSILE = DFNS BTTY CombatGroup.abrv.C3I = SI CombatGroup.abrv.COMM_RELAY = SI CombatGroup.abrv.EARLY_WARNING = SI CombatGroup.abrv.FWD_CONTROL_CTR = SI CombatGroup.abrv.ECM = SI CombatGroup.abrv.SUPPORT = SUP CombatGroup.abrv.COURIER = SUP CombatGroup.abrv.SUPPLY = SUP CombatGroup.abrv.REPAIR = SUP CombatGroup.abrv.MEDICAL = SUP CombatGroup.abrv.default = Civ Traf CmdMissionsDlg.training = Training - Passed CmdOrdersDlg.situation = Situation CmdOrdersDlg.orders = Orders CmpnScreen.training = Training Complete CmpnScreen.congrats = Congratulations %s %s! You have completed the full course of training scenarios. Your permament records have been updated and you may return to your regular duties. CmpSelectDlg.select_msg = Select a campaign and press Accept.\n CmpSelectDlg.scenario = Scenario: CmpSelectDlg.campaign-time = Campaign Time: CmpSelectDlg.assignment = Assignment: CmpSelectDlg.team-score = Team Score: CmpSelectDlg.already-loading= Starshatter is already loading a campaign.\nPlease wait... CmpSelectDlg.are-you-sure = Are you sure you want to delete saved game\n'%s'? CmpSelectDlg.confirm = Confirm Delete CmpSelectDlg.loading = Loading... DebriefDlg.mission-name = Mission Name DebriefDlg.unspecified = Unspecified DebriefDlg.unknown = Unknown DebriefDlg.no-stats = No Stats Found DebriefDlg.points = Points EngDlg.OK = OK EngDlg.FAIL = FAIL EngDlg.WARN = WARN EngDlg.MAINT = MAINT EngDlg.CRITICAL = CRITICAL EngDlg.DEGRADED = DEGRADED EngDlg.NOMINAL = NOMINAL EngDlg.REPAIR = REPAIR FltDlg.ACTIVE = ACTIVE FltDlg.PENDING = PENDING FltDlg.Open = Open FltDlg.Unknown = Unknown JoyDlg.axis.0 = X Axis JoyDlg.axis.1 = Y Axis JoyDlg.axis.2 = Z Axis JoyDlg.axis.3 = X Rotation JoyDlg.axis.4 = Y Rotation JoyDlg.axis.5 = Z Rotation JoyDlg.axis.6 = Slider 1 JoyDlg.axis.7 = Slider 2 JoyDlg.select = Select JoyDlg.unmapped = Unmapped LoadDlg.campaign = Loading Campaign LoadDlg.tac-ref = Loading Tactical Reference LoadDlg.mission = Loading Mission MsnDlg.no-mission = No Mission MsnDlg.found-errors = Starshatter encountered the following errors while trying to load this mission:\n\n MsnDlg.target = Target: MsnDlg.undefined = Undefined MsnDlg.default = (default) MsnDlg.ATTACK = ATTACK MsnDlg.PATROL = PATROL MsnSelectDlg.choose = Select a mission and press Accept. MsnSelectDlg.mission-type = Mission Type: MsnSelectDlg.scenario = Scenario: MsnSelectDlg.location = Location: MsnSelectDlg.start-time = Start Time: MsnSelectDlg.sector = Sector MsnSelectDlg.system = System MsnSelectDlg.are-you-sure = Are you sure you want to delete the mission\n'%s'? MsnSelectDlg.confirm-delete = Confirm Delete NavDlg.filter.SYSTEM = SYSTEM NavDlg.filter.PLANET = PLANET NavDlg.filter.SECTOR = SECTOR NavDlg.filter.STATION = STATION NavDlg.filter.STARSHIP = STARSHIP NavDlg.filter.FIGHTER = FIGHTER NavDlg.commit = Commit NavDlg.cancel = Cancel NavDlg.loc-labels = Location\nSystem:\nSector:\nCoords: NavDlg.dst-labels = Destination\nSystem:\nSector:\nCoords:\nDist: NavDlg.destination = Destination NavDlg.not-avail = n/a NavDlg.unknown = Unknown NavDlg.radius = Radius: NavDlg.mass = Mass: NavDlg.orbit = Orbit: NavDlg.period = Period: NavDlg.none = None NavDlg.name = Name: NavDlg.class = Class: NavDlg.sector = Sector: NavDlg.shield = Shield: NavDlg.hull = Hull: NavDlg.range = Range: NavDlg.orders = Orders: NavDlg.units.seconds = s NavDlg.units.minutes = m NavDlg.units.hours = h NavDlg.units.days = d NavDlg.units.years = y NavDlg.units.kilometers = km NavDlg.units.tonnes = t NetClientDlg.offline = Offline NetClientDlg.lobby = Lobby NetClientDlg.briefing = Briefing NetClientDlg.active = Active NetClientDlg.debriefing = Debriefing NetClientDlg.persistent = Persistent NetClientDlg.not-avail = N/A NetGameClient.no-ship = No Ship NetGameClient.local-accept = Local Player '%s' has been accepted as '%s'\n NetGameClient.remote-join = Remote Player '%s' has joined as '%s'\n NetGameClient.remote-discon = Remote Player '%s' has disconnected\n NetGameClient.remote-quit = Remote Player '%s' has quit\n NetGameClient.game-over = Network Game Over\n NetGameClient.discon-detect = Network Disconnect Detected\n NetGameClient.please-exit = Please exit this mission and reconnect to the server.\n NetGameClient.unknown = UNKNOWN NetGameClient.chat.unknown = (unknown) NetGameServer.join-request = Remote Player '%s' has asked to join as '%s %d'\n NetGameServer.remote-discon = Remote Player '%s' has disconnected\n NetGameServer.join-announce = Announcing Join... NetGameServer.remote-quit = Remote Player '%s' has quit\n NetGameServer.unknown = UNKNOWN NetGameServer.chat.unknown = (unknown) NetUnitDlg.are-you-sure = Are you sure you want to ban the player '%s'? NetUnitDlg.confirm-ban = Confirm Player Ban PlayerDlg.are-you-sure = Are you sure you want to delete the player '%s'? PlayerDlg.confirm-delete = Confirm Delete QuantumView.menu = QUANTUM DEST QuitView.too-soon = You cannot end the mission within the first 60 seconds QuitView.threats-present = You cannot end the mission while threats are present QuitView.abort = You may press ESC+2 to ABORT HUDView.symbol.fighter = F HUDView.symbol.starship = S HUDView.symbol.torpedo = T HUDView.symbol.shield = S HUDView.symbol.hull = H HUDView.symbol.degrees = deg HUDView.mode.tactical = TAC HUDView.mode.navigation = NAV HUDView.mode.landing = ILS HUDView.PAUSED = PAUSED HUDView.altitude = ALT HUDView.Pitch = Pitch HUDView.Heading = Heading HUDView.gear-down = GEAR DOWN HUDView.threat-warn = SENSOR LOCK HUDView.quantum-jump = QUANTUM JUMP HUDView.missile-warn = WARNING: MISSILE INBOUND HUDView.AUTO = AUTO HUDView.SHOOT = SHOOT HUDView.SHIELD = SHIELD HUDView.DECOY = DECOY HUDView.NET-GAME-OVER = NET GAME OVER HUDView.OBSERVER = OBSERVER HUDView.No-Range = No Range HUDView.Auto-Nav = Auto Nav HUDView.Nav = Nav HUDView.time-enroute = ETR HUDView.HOLD = HOLD HUDView.UNKNOWN = UNK HUDView.REACTOR = REAC HUDView.DRIVE = DRIVE HUDView.QUANTUM = QUANTUM HUDView.SHIELD = SHIELD HUDView.SENSOR = SENSOR HUDView.COMPUTER = COMP HUDView.THRUSTER = THRUST HUDView.FLTDECK = FLTDECK HUDView.DECOY = DECOY HUDView.No-Instructions = No Instructions HUDView.SUCCESSFUL-LANDING = SUCCESSFUL LANDING HUDView.DOCKING-COMPLETE = DOCKING COMPLETE HUDView.Wide-Angle = Wide Angle TacView.contact = Contact TacView.name = Name: TacView.type = Type: TacView.shield = Shld: TacView.hull = Hull: TacView.range = Rng: TacView.speed = Spd: TacView.heading = Hdg: TacView.active = Act: TacView.passive = Pas: TacView.orders = Ords: TacView.starship = Starship TacView.fighter = Fighter TacView.menu.main = MAIN TacView.item.camera = Camera TacView.item.instructions = INSTR TacView.item.navigation = NAV TacView.item.engineering = ENG TacView.item.weapons = WEP TacView.item.flight = FLIGHT TacView.item.command = COMMAND TacView.menu.view = VIEW TacView.item.forward = Forward TacView.item.chase = Chase TacView.item.orbit = Orbit TacView.item.padlock = Padlock TacView.menu.emcon = SENSORS TacView.item.emcon-1 = Goto EMCON 1 TacView.item.emcon-2 = Goto EMCON 2 TacView.item.emcon-3 = Goto EMCON 3 TacView.item.probe = Launch Probe TacView.menu.quantum = QUANTUM TacView.menu.farcast = FARCAST TacView.menu.action = ACTION TacView.item.engage = Engage TacView.item.bracket = Bracket TacView.item.escort = Escort TacView.item.identify = Identify TacView.item.hold = Hold TacView.menu.formation = FORMATION TacView.item.diamond = Diamond TacView.item.spread = Spread TacView.item.box = Box TacView.item.trail = Trail TacView.menu.context = CONTEXT TacView.item.action = Action TacView.item.formation = Formation TacView.item.sensors = Sensors TacView.item.patrol = Move Patrol TacView.item.cancel = Cancel Orders TacView.item.rtb = Return to Base TacView.item.dock = Dock With TacView.item.quantum = Quantum TacView.item.farcast = Farcast MapView.title.Galaxy = Galaxy MapView.title.Starsystem = System: MapView.title.Sector = Sector: MapView.title.Ship = Ship: MapView.info.Resolution = Resolution MapView.menu.STARSYSTEM = SYSTEMS MapView.menu.SECTOR = SECTORS MapView.menu.MAP = MAP MapView.menu.SHIP = SHIP MapView.menu.ACTION = ACTION MapView.menu.FORMATION = FORMATION MapView.menu.SPEED = SPEED MapView.menu.HOLD = HOLD MapView.menu.FARCAST = FARCAST MapView.menu.OBJECTIVE = OBJECTIVE MapView.menu.NAVPT = NAVPT MapView.item.Starsystem = System MapView.item.Sector = Sector MapView.item.Add-Nav = Add Nav MapView.item.Del-Nav = Delete MapView.item.Clear-All = Clear All MapView.item.Vector = Vector MapView.item.Launch = Launch MapView.item.Dock = Dock MapView.item.RTB = RTB MapView.item.Defend = Defend MapView.item.Escort = Escort MapView.item.Patrol = Patrol MapView.item.Sweep = Sweep MapView.item.Intercept = Intercept MapView.item.Strike = Strike MapView.item.Assault = Assault MapView.item.Recon = Recon MapView.item.Unknown = Unknown MapView.item.Diamond = Diamond MapView.item.Spread = Spread MapView.item.Box = Box MapView.item.Trail = Trail MapView.item.None = None MapView.item.1-Minute = 1 Min MapView.item.5-Minutes = 5 Min MapView.item.10-Minutes = 10 Min MapView.item.15-Minutes = 15 Min MapView.item.Use-Quantum = Use quantum drive MapView.item.Use-Farcast = Use farcaster MapView.item.Action = Action MapView.item.Objective = Objective MapView.item.Formation = Formation MapView.item.Speed = Speed MapView.item.Hold = Hold MapView.item.Farcast = Farcast MapView.item.not-available = n/a MapView.item.no-system = No System RadioView.menu.TARGET = TARGET RadioView.item.attack = 1. Attack Tgt RadioView.item.bracket = 2. Bracket Tgt RadioView.item.escort = 3. Escort Tgt RadioView.menu.COMBAT = COMBAT RadioView.item.cover = 1. Cover Me RadioView.item.break-attack = 2. Break/Attack RadioView.item.form-up = 3. Form Up RadioView.menu.FORMATION = FORMATION RadioView.item.diamond = 1. Goto Diamond RadioView.item.spread = 2. Goto Spread RadioView.item.box = 3. Goto Box RadioView.item.trail = 4. Goto Trail RadioView.menu.SENSORS = SENSORS RadioView.item.emcon-1 = 1. Goto EMCON 1 RadioView.item.emcon-2 = 2. Goto EMCON 2 RadioView.item.emcon-3 = 3. Goto EMCON 3 RadioView.item.probe = 4. Launch Probe RadioView.menu.MISSION = MISSION RadioView.item.skip-navpt = 1. Skip Navpt RadioView.item.resume = 2. Resume Mission RadioView.item.rtb = 3. Return to Base RadioView.menu.WINGMAN = WINGMAN RadioView.menu.ELEMENT = ELEMENT RadioView.item.target = 1. Target RadioView.item.combat = 2. Combat RadioView.item.formation = 3. Formation RadioView.item.mission = 4. Mission RadioView.item.sensors = 5. Sensors RadioView.menu.CONTROL = CONTROL RadioView.item.picture = 1. Request Picture RadioView.item.backup = 2. Request Backup RadioView.item.call-inbound = 3. Call Inbound RadioView.item.call-finals = 4. Call Finals RadioView.menu.RADIO = RADIO RadioView.item.wingman = 1. Wingman RadioView.item.element = 2. Element RadioView.item.control = 3. Control RadioView.item.next-page = 0. Next (pg %d of %d) RadioView.item.not-avail = (N/A) MFD.mode.passive = PAS MFD.mode.standard = STD MFD.mode.auto-combat = ACM MFD.mode.ground = GND MFD.mode.combined = STD MFD.mode.field-of-view = FOV MFD.mode.horizontal = HSD MFD.mode.3D = 3D MFD.probe = P MFD.inactive = No Sensor MFD.phase.DOCKED = Docked MFD.phase.ALERT = Alert MFD.phase.LOCKED = Locked MFD.phase.LAUNCH = Launch MFD.phase.TAKEOFF = Takeoff MFD.phase.ACTIVE = Active MFD.phase.APPROACH = Approach MFD.phase.RECOVERY = Recovery MFD.phase.DOCKING = Docking MFD.status.THRUST = THRUST MFD.status.FUEL = FUEL MFD.status.QUANTUM = QUANTUM MFD.status.HULL = HULL MFD.status.SHIELD = SHIELD MFD.status.GUNS = GUNS MFD.status.DECOY = DECOY MFD.status.LIVES = LIVES MFD.status.SENSOR = SENSOR MFD.status.OFFLINE = OFFLINE MFD.status.EMCON = EMCON MFD.status.MODE = MODE MFD.status.SENSOR-OFF = Sensor Off MFD.status.SYSTEMS = SYSTEMS Mission.unspecified = Unspecified Mission.unknown = Unknown Mission.error.no-file = \nCan't Save Mission, file/path unspecified.\n Mission.error.no-serial = \nCan't Save Mission, failed to serialize.\n Mission.error.no-elem = ERROR: No elements found in mission '%s'\n Mission.error.unnamed-elem = ERROR: Unnamed element found in mission '%s'\n Mission.error.wrong-sector = ERROR: Player '%s' is not in mission sector '%s'\n Mission.error.extra-player = ERROR: Extra player '%s' found in mission '%s'\n Mission.error.no-player = ERROR: No player element found in mission '%s'\n Mission.error.unknown-ship = ERROR: unknown ship design '%s' in mission '%s'\n Mission.error.out-of-order = ERROR: design must come before skin in mission '%s'\n Mission.error.bad-skin = ERROR: embedded skins not supported in mission '%s'\n Mission.error.no-objective = ERROR: order struct missing for element '%s' in '%s'\n Mission.error.no-ship = ERROR: ship struct missing for element '%s' in '%s'\n Mission.error.no-navpt = ERROR: order struct missing for element '%s' in '%s'\n Mission.error.no-loadout = ERROR: loadout struct missing for element '%s' in '%s'\n RadioHandler.no-hangar = We don't even have a hangar! RadioHandler.all-full = All slots are full. Check alternate landing site. RadioHandler.too-far-away = Proceed to %s sector and request clearance when in range. RadioHandler.cleared = You are cleared inbound to %s. RadioHandler.sequenced = You are number %d inbound to %s. RadioHandler.help-enroute = Help is on the way. RadioHandler.no-help-for-you= No ships available at present. form.main.start = Start form.main.start.alt = Start a new game, or resume your current game form.main.campaign = Campaign form.main.campaign.alt = Start a new dynamic campaign, or load a saved game form.main.mission = Mission form.main.mission.alt = Play or create a scripted mission exercise form.main.multiplayer = Multiplayer form.main.multiplayer.alt = Start or join a multiplayer scenario form.main.logbook = Logbook form.main.logbook.alt = Manage your logbook and player preferences form.main.options = Options form.main.options.alt = Audio, Video, Gameplay, Control, and Mod configuration options form.main.reference = Tac Reference form.main.reference.alt = View ship and weapon stats and mission roles form.main.exit = Exit form.main.exit.alt = Exit Starshatter and return to Windows form.ok = OK form.apply = Apply form.cancel = Cancel form.close = Close form.save = Save form.exit = Exit form.name = Name form.value = Value form.accept = Accept form.commit = Commit form.disable = Disable form.enable = Enable form.options.title = Options form.options.tab.video = Video form.options.tab.audio = Audio form.options.tab.controls = Controls form.options.tab.gameplay = Gameplay form.options.tab.mods = Mod Config form.audio.volume.effects = Effects Volume: form.audio.volume.gui = GUI Volume: form.audio.volume.warning = Warning Volume: form.audio.volume.vox = Vox Volume: form.audio.music.menu = Menu Music: form.audio.music.game = In Game Music: form.gameplay.flight-model = Flight Model: form.gameplay.flying-start = Flying Start: form.gameplay.landings = Landings: form.gameplay.ai-difficulty = AI Difficulty: form.gameplay.hud-mode = HUD Mode: form.gameplay.hud-color = HUD Color: form.gameplay.friendly-fire = Friendly Fire: form.gameplay.ref-grid = Reference Grid: form.gameplay.gunsight = Gunsight: form.gameplay.flight-model.alt = Select the flight model to be used by all ships and fighters in the game.\n\n* The Standard model uses zero-drag Newtonian physics and is similar to Terminus or IWar. This model also uses realistic aerodynamics when flying in a planetary atmosphere.\n\n* The Relaxed model uses Newtonian physics, with added drag to make control easier. This model is similar to that of EVE or Jumpgate.\n\n* The Arcade model keeps your ship flying in the direction it is pointing. This model is similar to that of the Wing Commander games. form.gameplay.flying-start.alt = Choose whether to begin campaign missions on the flight deck or in space.\n\n* If Flying Start is disabled, you will begin all fighter-based missions in the dynamic campaign on the flight deck or runway, ready to launch.\n\n* If Flying Start is enabled, you will begin fighter-based missions in the dynamic campaign already in flight. This setting will get you into the action faster by skipping the launch procedures.\n\n form.gameplay.landings.alt = Select the landing model that your fighter will use in the game.\n\n* The Standard model takes landing velocity into account and requires a softer touch to keep from damaging your ship.\n\n* The Easier model makes it easier to land your bird under adverse conditions. form.gameplay.ai-difficulty.alt = Select the AI Difficulty level that you wish to face in the game.\n\n* The Ace level is the hardest, with AI pilots that are good shots and very aggressive.\n\n* The Veteran level is easier. Enemy pilots are still somewhat aggressive, but are less skilled at defense.\n\n* The Rookie level is very easy. Enemy pilots have poor threat reaction, rarely use missiles, and fly more slowly. form.gameplay.hud-mode.alt = Select the HUD that your ship will use in the game.\n\n* The Standard HUD provides more information but is more complex to read.\n\n* The Simplified HUD displays only the most important information and is easier to read.\n\nFor best results, use the Standard HUD with the Standard flight model, and the Simplified HUD with the Arcade flight model. form.gameplay.hud-color.alt = Select the default HUD color that your ship will use in the game. You can always switch between HUD colors during play by pressing Shift+H.\n\nTip: Switch to the black HUD color during the game when flying atmospheric missions under daylight conditions. form.gameplay.friendly-fire.alt = Select the amount of damage caused by friendly fire incidents. Full damage means that friendly fire is just as deadly as fire targeted at enemies. None means that weapons fire will pass right through friendly ships.\n\nTip: You can use this setting to make cooperative network play safer and easier. form.gameplay.ref-grid.alt = Choose whether to enable or disable the reference grid displayed in the 3D tactical viewer. form.gameplay.gunsight.alt = Select the type of gunsight to use in the game.\n\n* The Standard LCOS pipper is similar to a modern jet fighter. Place the pipper over the target and pull the trigger.\n\n* The Lead Indicator gunsight places a lead diamond in front of the target. Line up the gun crosshairs and the lead diamond to ensure a gun hit.\n\nIf you prefer to use 'Virtual Joystick' mouse control, you will probably have more success with the Lead Indicator gunsight. form.gameplay.standard = Standard form.gameplay.relaxed = Relaxed form.gameplay.arcade = Arcade form.gameplay.disabled = Disabled form.gameplay.enabled = Enabled form.gameplay.easier = Easier form.gameplay.ace = Ace form.gameplay.veteran = Veteran form.gameplay.rookie = Rookie form.gameplay.simplified = Simplified form.gameplay.green = Green form.gameplay.blue = Blue form.gameplay.orange = Orange form.gameplay.black = Black form.gameplay.none = None form.gameplay.25 = 25% Damage form.gameplay.50 = 50% Damage form.gameplay.75 = 75% Damage form.gameplay.full = Full Damage form.gameplay.standard-lcos = Standard LCOS form.gameplay.lead-diamond = Lead Indicator form.video.mode = Video Mode: form.video.max-texture = Max Texture Size: form.video.shadows = Shadows: form.video.specular-maps = Specular Maps: form.video.bump-maps = Bump Maps: form.video.terrain-detail = Terrain Detail: form.video.terrain-texture = Terrain Texture: form.video.lens-flare = Lens Flare: form.video.corona = Corona: form.video.nebula = Nebula: form.video.space-dust = Space Dust: form.video.gamma-level = Gamma Level: form.video.low = Low form.video.medium = Medium form.video.high = High form.video.none = None form.video.some = Some form.video.lots = Lots form.control.flight = Flight form.control.weapons = Wep form.control.view = View form.control.misc = Misc form.control.style = Control Style: form.control.joystick = Joystick: form.control.throttle = Throttle: form.control.rudder = Rudder: form.control.sensitivity = Sensitivity: form.control.joy-axis = Joy Axis: form.control.mouse = Mouse: form.control.inverted = Inverted: form.control.aircraft = Aircraft form.control.spacecraft = Spacecraft form.control.enable = Enable form.control.disable = Disable form.control.joy1 = Joystick 1 form.control.joy2 = Joystick 2 form.control.both = Both form.control.setup = Setup... form.control.mouse-look = Mouse Look form.control.virtual-stick = Virtual Stick form.award.title = Congratulations form.cmd.title = Operational Command form.cmd.orders = Orders form.cmd.theater = Theater form.cmd.forces = Forces form.cmd.intel = Intel form.cmd.missions = Missions form.cmd.force.groups = Combat Groups form.cmd.force.transfer = Transfer form.cmd.intel.newsfeed = Newsfeed form.cmd.intel.play = Play form.cmd.intel.date = DATE form.cmd.intel.title = TITLE form.cmd.intel.location = LOC form.cmd.intel.source = SOURCE form.cmd.mission.roster = Mission Roster form.cmd.mission.mission = MISSION form.cmd.mission.type = TYPE form.cmd.mission.start = START form.cmd.mission.objectives = Objectives form.cmd.msg.title = Message Title form.cmd.msg.text = MessageText form.cmd.theater.galaxy = Galaxy form.cmd.theater.system = System form.cmd.theater.sector = Sector form.select.campaigns = Dynamic Campaigns form.select.new = New form.select.saved = Saved form.select.delete = Delete form.select.campaign = Campaign form.select.description = Description form.confirm.title = Are You Sure? form.confirm.message = Are you sure you want to take this action? form.debrief.title = Mission Debriefing form.debrief.system = System: form.debrief.sector = Sector: form.debrief.objectives = Objectives form.debrief.score = Mission Score form.debrief.active-units = Active Units form.debrief.mission-summary = Mission Summary form.debrief.mission-events = Mission Log form.engineering.title = Engineering form.engineering.reactor-1 = Reac 1 form.engineering.reactor-2 = Reac 2 form.engineering.reactor-3 = Reac 3 form.engineering.reactor-4 = Reac 4 form.engineering.power-off = PWR OFF form.engineering.power-on = PWR ON form.engineering.override = OVERRIDE form.engineering.auto-repair = AUTO REPAIR form.engineering.power-allocation = Power Allocation form.engineering.capacitor-charge = Capacitor Charge form.engineering.components = Components form.engineering.repair = Repair form.engineering.replace = Replace form.engineering.repair-queue = Repair Queue form.exit.title = Exit Starshatter? form.exit.message = Are you sure you want to exit Starshatter and return to Windows? form.file.title = Save Game to File form.file.name = Name: form.file.files = Files: form.first-time.title = NEW PLAYER form.first-time.message-1 = Create a new player account. Enter your name in the box provided. The user name may be a nickname, callsign, or last name. form.first-time.message-2 = Select your preferred style of play. Arcade mode is similar to games such as Wing Commander or FreeSpace. Standard mode is more like Babylon 5, Independence War, or Falcon 4.0 form.first-time.message-3 = The following option allows you to skip the training campaign, 'Operation Live Fire'. If this is your first time playing Starshatter select 'Cadet (First timer)' form.first-time.player-name = Player Name: form.first-time.play-style = Play Style: form.first-time.experience = Experience: form.flight.title = Flight Operations form.flight.squadron = Squadron form.flight.package = Package form.flight.alert = Alert form.flight.launch = Launch form.flight.standby = Standby form.flight.recall = Recall form.flight.objective = Objective form.flight.loadout = Loadout form.flight.patrol = Patrol form.flight.intercept = Intercept form.flight.assault = Assault form.flight.strike = Strike form.flight.escort = Escort form.flight.scout = Scout form.joystick.title = Joystick Axis Setup form.joystick.axis = Axis form.joystick.select = Select form.joystick.invert = Invert form.joystick.x-axis = X Axis: form.joystick.y-axis = Y Axis: form.joystick.rudder = Rudder: form.joystick.throttle = Throttle: form.joystick.select = Select form.joystick.message = Click an axis button and then move the controller to bind a new axis. You can also invert any axis by clicking the 'Invert' checkbox to the right of the select button.\n\nThen click Apply to save the new bindings, or Cancel to return to the original bindings. form.keyboard.title = Key Binding form.keyboard.command = Command: form.keyboard.current-key = Current Key: form.keyboard.new-key = New Key: form.keyboard.message = Press any key to select a new binding for this command. Then click Apply to save the new binding, or Cancel to return to the original binding. form.keyboard.clear-binding = Clear Binding form.keyboard.none-selected = none selected form.load.title = Loading Mission form.mods.instructions = INSTRUCTIONS:\n\n\t* Download mods from the Internet, and save them in any subfolder of the Starshatter install folder.\n\t* Mods are initially disabled and are shown in the DISABLED MODS list below.\n\t* To enable a mod, select it and click the ENABLE button.\n\t* To disable an enabled mod, select it in the ENABLED MODS list and click the DISABLE button. form.mods.disabled-mods = Disabled Mods form.mods.enabled-mods = Enabled Mods form.mods.disable = Disable << form.mods.enable = Enable >> form.mod-info.title = Mod Description form.msn-edit.title = Mission Editor form.msn-edit.tab.situation = SIT form.msn-edit.tab.package = PKG form.msn-edit.tab.navigation= MAP form.msn-edit.name = Name: form.msn-edit.type = Type: form.msn-edit.system = System: form.msn-edit.sector = Sector: form.msn-edit.description = Description form.msn-edit.situation = Situation form.msn-edit.objective = Objective form.msn-edit.add-element = Add Elem form.msn-edit.edit-element = Edit Elem form.msn-edit.del-element = Del Elem form.msn-edit.add-event = Add Event form.msn-edit.edit-event = Edit Event form.msn-edit.del-event = Del Event form.msn-edit.nav.title = Mission Editor - Navigation form.msn-edit.nav.galaxy = Galaxy form.msn-edit.nav.system = System form.msn-edit.nav.sector = Sector form.msn-edit.nav.starship = Starship form.msn-edit.nav.planet = Planet form.msn-edit.nav.station = Station form.msn-edit.nav.fighter = Fighter form.msn-elem.title = Mission Element form.msn-elem.name = Name: form.msn-elem.class = Class: form.msn-elem.design = Design: form.msn-elem.skin = Skin: form.msn-elem.size = Size: form.msn-elem.iff = IFF: form.msn-elem.role = Role: form.msn-elem.sector = Sector: form.msn-elem.location = Loc: (km) form.msn-elem.heading = Heading: form.msn-elem.hold-time = Hold Time: form.msn-elem.intel = Intel: form.msn-elem.player = Player: form.msn-elem.alert = Alert: form.msn-elem.playable = Playable: form.msn-elem.command-ai = Command AI: form.msn-elem.respawns = Respawns: form.msn-elem.commander = Commander: form.msn-elem.carrier = Carrier: form.msn-elem.squadron = Squadron: form.msn-elem.loadout = Loadout: form.msn-elem.objective = Objective: form.msn-elem.target = Target: form.msn-elem.north = North form.msn-elem.east = East form.msn-elem.south = South form.msn-elem.west = West form.msn-event.title = Mission Event form.msn-event.identifier = ID: form.msn-event.time = Time: form.msn-event.delay = Delay: form.msn-event.action = Action: form.msn-event.ship = Ship: form.msn-event.source = Source: form.msn-event.target = Target: form.msn-event.parameter = Param: form.msn-event.sound = Sound: form.msn-event.message = Message: form.msn-event.chance = Chance: form.msn-event.trigger = Trigger: form.mission.title = Mission Briefing form.mission.tab.situation = SIT form.mission.tab.package = PKG form.mission.tab.navigation = MAP form.mission.tab.loadout = WEP form.mission.nav.galaxy = Galaxy form.mission.nav.system = System form.mission.nav.sector = Sector form.mission.nav.starship = Starship form.mission.nav.planet = Planet form.mission.nav.station = Station form.mission.nav.fighter = Fighter form.mission.system = System: form.mission.sector = Sector: form.mission.objectives = Objectives form.mission.situation = Situation form.mission.elements = Package Elements form.mission.nav-plan = Nav Plan form.mission.threats = Threat Analysis form.mission.suspected = Suspected threats in your operating area: form.mission.loadout.name = NAME form.mission.loadout.weight = WEIGHT form.mission.standard-loads = Standard Loadouts form.mission.element = Element: form.mission.type = Type: form.mission.weight = Weight: form.mission.custom-loads = Custom Loadouts form.msn-select.title = Single Missions form.msn-select.campaign = Campaign form.msn-select.mission = Mission form.msn-select.description = Description form.msn-select.new = New form.msn-select.edit = Edit form.msn-select.delete = Delete form.nav.title = Navigation form.nav.galaxy = Galaxy form.nav.system = System form.nav.sector = Sector form.nav.starship = Starship form.nav.planet = Planet form.nav.station = Station form.nav.fighter = Fighter form.nav.location = Location form.nav.destination = Destination form.net.name = Name: form.net.server = Server: form.net.port = Port: form.net.password = Password: form.net.addr.title = Enter Server Address form.net.pass.title = Enter Server Password form.net.client.title = Multiplayer Client form.net.client.add = Add form.net.client.delete = Del form.net.client.local = Local Server form.net.client.host = Host form.net.client.join = Join form.net.client.server = SERVER NAME form.net.client.type = TYPE form.net.client.status = STATUS form.net.client.players = PLAYERS form.net.client.password = PASSWORD form.net.client.ping = PING form.net.lobby.title = Multiplayer Game Lobby form.net.lobby.missions = Missions form.net.lobby.players = Players form.net.lobby.chat = Chat form.net.lobby.missions = MISSIONS form.net.lobby.host = HOST form.net.lobby.player = PLAYER form.net.lobby.name = NAME form.net.lobby.message = CHAT MESSAGE form.net.server.title = Server Configuration form.net.server.name = Name: form.net.server.type = Type: form.net.server.game-port = Game Port: form.net.server.game-pass = Game Password: form.net.server.admin-port = Admin Port: form.net.server.admin-name = Admin Name: form.net.server.admin-pass = Admin Password: form.net.server.lan = LAN form.net.server.private = Private form.net.server.public = Public form.net.unit.title = Multiplayer Unit Selection form.net.unit.players = Players form.net.unit.unit-mapping = Unit Mapping form.net.unit.chat = Chat form.net.unit.select-unit = SELECT UNIT form.net.unit.map-unit = MAP >> form.net.unit.unmap-unit = MAP << form.net.unit.ban-player = * BAN * form.logbook.title = Player Logbook form.logbook.create-player = Create form.logbook.delete-player = Delete form.logbook.player-stats = Player Stats form.logbook.name = Name: form.logbook.password = Password: form.logbook.squadron = Squadron: form.logbook.signature = Signature: form.logbook.created = Created: form.logbook.flight-time = Flight Time: form.logbook.missions = Missions: form.logbook.kills = Kills: form.logbook.losses = Losses: form.logbook.points = Points: form.logbook.rank = Rank: form.logbook.medals = Medals: form.logbook.chat-macros = Chat Macros: form.tac-ref.title = Tactical Reference form.tac-ref.ships = Ships form.tac-ref.weapons = Weapons form.tac-ref.name = Item Name award.rank.0.name = Cadet award.rank.0.abrv = CDT award.rank.0.desc = This is the entry level rank for Force:Space trainees. Cadets are authorized to fly training missions for fighter combat under appropriate trainer supervision. award.rank.0.grant = Congratulations, Cadet! Welcome to Force:Space! During your initial training tours, we will be observing your conduct and performance at all times. Perform your duties to the best of your ability, and you will find the stars soon within your grasp. award.rank.1.name = Ensign award.rank.1.abrv = ENS award.rank.1.desc = This is the first rank of Force commissioned officers. As an Ensign, you will be expected to fly fighter combat missions on a daily basis. award.rank.1.grant = Congratulations on your commission, Ensign! You are in officer's country now. Based on your new rank, you have authorization to undertake all fighter missions assigned to your unit. You will be expected to serve Force with courage, honor, and commitment at all times. award.rank.2.name = Lieutenant award.rank.2.abrv = LT award.rank.2.desc = This is the second rank of Force commissioned officers. As a Lieutenant, you will be expected to fly fighter combat missions on a daily basis. award.rank.2.grant = Congratulations, Lieutenant! You've earned your first bar. Don't spend so much time polishing it that you forget how to fly. Keep your head about you, it only gets harder from here. award.rank.3.name = Lt. Commander award.rank.3.abrv = LCDR award.rank.3.desc = This is the third rank of Force commissioned officers, and the first Command Rank. As a Lt. Commander, you may continue to fly fighter missions, or you may request transfer to a starship command. award.rank.3.grant = Congratulations, Lt. Commander! Welcome to the Command Ranks. Based on your record, I'm sure that your immediate supervisors will support your transfer to a Destroyer Squadron command, whenever you choose to request one. award.rank.4.name = Commander award.rank.4.abrv = CDR award.rank.4.desc = Commander is the fourth rank of Force commissioned officers. As a Commander, you are eligible for a Destroyer Command, or you may wish to head up a Fighter Wing. award.rank.4.grant = Congratulations, Commander! Force:Command is very pleased to see the progress of your career. Keep up the good work, and you will make Captain in no time. award.rank.5.name = Captain award.rank.5.abrv = CAPT award.rank.5.desc = Captain is the fifth rank of Force commissioned officers. As a Captain, you are eligible to command any starship squadron less than a full fleet carrier. award.rank.5.grant = Captain on deck! On behalf of Force:Command, let me extend my sincere congratulations for a job well done. When you are ready to move up to a Cruiser command, just put in the transfer request. A spot will be waiting for you. award.rank.6.name = Commodore award.rank.6.abrv = COMM award.rank.6.desc = Commodore is the sixth rank of Force commissioned officers, and the lowest rank of the Admiralty. As a Commodore, you may command any starship squadron in the fleet. award.rank.6.grant = Very well done, Commodore! Welcome to the Admiral's Club. Now that you are becoming one of the 'old gray hairs' of the fleet, you should start thinking about taking on some bigger challenges. A fleet carrier battle group may be just the opportunity you need. award.rank.7.name = Vice Admiral award.rank.7.abrv = VADM award.rank.7.desc = Vice Admiral is the seventh rank of Force commissioned officers, and the second rank of the Admiralty. As a Vice Admiral, you may command any starship squadron in the fleet. award.rank.7.grant = Congratulations, Vice Admiral! Force:Command is very pleased to see the progress of your career. SECNAV and the Executive Board will be looking for great things from you. Your leadership will be a great asset to your assigned command. award.rank.8.name = Admiral award.rank.8.abrv = ADM award.rank.8.desc = Admiral is the eighth rank of Force commissioned officers, and the third rank of the Admiralty. As an Admiral, you may command any starship squadron in the fleet. award.rank.8.grant = Congratulations, Admiral! In recognition of your continued excellence and dedication, Force:Command is very pleased to grant you this promotion. Your service record is an honor to your command. Thank you for all the hard work you have been doing. award.rank.9.name = Fleet Admiral award.rank.9.abrv = FADM award.rank.9.desc = Fleet Admiral is the ninth rank of Force commissioned officers, and the second highest rank of the Admiralty. As a Fleet Admiral, you may command any starship squadron in the fleet. award.rank.9.grant = Congratulations, Fleet Admiral! In recognition of your continued excellence and dedication, Force:Command is very pleased to grant you this promotion. Your service record is an honor to your command. Thank you for all the hard work you have been doing. award.rank.10.name = Grand Admiral award.rank.10.abrv = GADM award.rank.10.desc = Grand Admiral is the tenth and highest rank of all Force commissioned officers, reporting directly to SECNAV. Only one officer in the entire fleet is awarded this supreme rank at any one time. award.rank.10.grant = Congratulations, Grand Admiral! On behalf of the Alliance President, with the full authorization of the Combined Senate, SECNAV is proud to grant you this promotion. Your leadership and dedication has been an inspiration to us all. You will hold this honorary rank award for life. award.medal.0001.name = Operation Nightfall award.medal.0001.desc = The Operation Nightfall Campaign medal is awarded to any member of any branch of Force who participated in combat action in the Marakan Core Theater. award.medal.0001.grant = The Operation Nightfall Campaign medal is awarded to any member of any branch of Force who participated in combat action in the Marakan Core Theater. award.medal.0002.name = Operation Firestorm award.medal.0002.desc = The Operation Firestorm Campaign medal is awarded to any member of any branch of Force who participated in combat action in either the Ostara-Tarsus-Kolchev or the Loris-Korian Theaters. award.medal.0002.grant = The Operation Firestorm Campaign medal is awarded to any member of any branch of Force who participated in combat action in either the Ostara-Tarsus-Kolchev or the Loris-Korian Theaters. award.medal.0004.name = Operation Shining Fortress award.medal.0004.desc = The Operation Shining Fortress Campaign medal is awarded to any member of any branch of Force who participated in combat action in the defense of the Jarnell, Borova, and Athenar systems. award.medal.0004.grant = The Operation Shining Fortress Campaign medal is awarded to any member of any branch of Force who participated in combat action in the defense of the Jarnell, Borova, and Athenar systems. award.medal.0010.name = Operation Highland award.medal.0010.desc = The Operation Highland Campaign medal is awarded to any member of any branch of Force who participated in combat action in the Solus-Renser Theater of Operations. award.medal.0010.grant = The Operation Highland Campaign medal is awarded to any member of any branch of Force who participated in combat action in the Solus-Renser Theater of Operations. award.medal.0020.name = Order of the Red Flame award.medal.0020.desc = The Order of the Red Flame is awarded to any member of any branch of Force who is killed or wounded during combat action, either in hostile, neutral, or friendly territory. award.medal.0020.grant = For meritorious service during combat action, it is my honor to bestow upon you this Order of the Red Flame in the name of the Chief Executive Officer of the Terellian Alliance. May this small token speed the healing of your injuries and return you swiftly to your unit. award.medal.0040.name = Flight Medal award.medal.0040.desc = The Flight Medal is awarded to any member of any branch of Force who distinguishes him or herself by heroism or extraordinary achievement while participating in aerial or orbital flight. The performance of the act of heroism must be evidenced by voluntary action above and beyond the call of duty. award.medal.0040.grant = The Flight Medal is awarded to any member of any branch of Force who distinguishes him or herself by heroism or extraordinary achievement while participating in aerial or orbital flight. The performance of the act of heroism must be evidenced by voluntary action above and beyond the call of duty. award.medal.0080.name = Command Medal award.medal.0080.desc = The Command Medal is awarded to any member of any branch of Force who distinguishes him or herself by heroism or extraordinary achievement while participating in a command role aboard an Alliance Fleet Starship. The performance of the act of heroism must be evidenced by voluntary action above and beyond the call of duty. award.medal.0080.grant = The Command Medal is awarded to any member of any branch of Force who distinguishes him or herself by heroism or extraordinary achievement while participating in a command role aboard an Alliance Fleet Starship. The performance of the act of heroism must be evidenced by voluntary action above and beyond the call of duty. award.medal.0100.name = Distinguished Service Cross award.medal.0100.desc = The Distinguished Service Cross is awarded to any person who, while serving with any branch of Force, distinguishes him or herself by extraordinary heroism while engaged in action against an enemy of the Alliance. The performance of the act of heroism must be evidenced by voluntary action above and beyond the call of duty. award.medal.0100.grant = The Distinguished Service Cross is awarded to any person who, while serving with any branch of Force, distinguishes him or herself by extraordinary heroism while engaged in action against an enemy of the Alliance. The performance of the act of heroism must be evidenced by voluntary action above and beyond the call of duty. award.medal.0200.name = Gold Star award.medal.0200.desc = The Gold Star Medal is awarded to any person who, while serving in any capacity in or with Force, has distinguished him or herself by heroic or meritorious achievement or service while engaged in an action against an enemy of the Terellian Alliance. award.medal.0200.grant = The Gold Star Medal is awarded to any person who, while serving in any capacity in or with Force, has distinguished him or herself by heroic or meritorious achievement or service while engaged in an action against an enemy of the Terellian Alliance. award.medal.0400.name = Order of the Wounded Lion award.medal.0400.desc = The Order of the Wounded Lion is awarded to any member of any branch of Force who is killed or wounded during combat action, either in hostile, neutral, or friendly territory. award.medal.0400.grant = The Order of the Wounded Lion is awarded to any member of any branch of Force who is killed or wounded during combat action, either in hostile, neutral, or friendly territory. award.medal.0800.name = Command Shield award.medal.0800.desc = The Command Shield is awarded to any member of Force:Space who distinguishes him or herself by heroism or extraordinary achievement while participating in a command role aboard an Alliance Fleet Starship. The performance of the act of heroism must be evidenced by voluntary action above and beyond the call of duty. award.medal.0800.grant = The Command Shield is awarded to any member of Force:Space who distinguishes him or herself by heroism or extraordinary achievement while participating in a command role aboard an Alliance Fleet Starship. The performance of the act of heroism must be evidenced by voluntary action above and beyond the call of duty. award.medal.1000.name = Silver Comet award.medal.1000.desc = The Silver Comet Medal is awarded to a person who, while serving in any capacity with Force, distinguishes him or herself by extraordinary heroism while engaged in an action against an enemy of the Terellian Alliance, or while engaged in military operations involving conflict with an opposing force. The act or acts of heroism must have been so notable and have involved risk of life so extraordinary as to set the individual apart from his or her comrades. award.medal.1000.grant = The Silver Comet Medal is awarded to a person who, while serving in any capacity with Force, distinguishes him or herself by extraordinary heroism while engaged in an action against an enemy of the Terellian Alliance, or while engaged in military operations involving conflict with an opposing force. The act or acts of heroism must have been so notable and have involved risk of life so extraordinary as to set the individual apart from his or her comrades. award.medal.2000.name = White Star award.medal.2000.desc = The White Star Medal is awarded to a person who, while serving in any capacity with Force, distinguishes him or herself by exceptional gallantry in space while engaged in an action against an enemy of the Terellian Alliance, or while engaged in military operations involving conflict with an opposing force. The deed performed must have been so notable and have involved risk of life so extraordinary as to set the individual apart from his or her comrades. award.medal.2000.grant = The White Star Medal is awarded to a person who, while serving in any capacity with Force, distinguishes him or herself by exceptional gallantry in space while engaged in an action against an enemy of the Terellian Alliance, or while engaged in military operations involving conflict with an opposing force. The deed performed must have been so notable and have involved risk of life so extraordinary as to set the individual apart from his or her comrades. award.medal.4000.name = Golden Meteor award.medal.4000.desc = The Golden Meteor is awarded by the Alliance President, in the name of the Combined Senate, to a person who, while an active member of Force, distinguishes him or herself conspicuously by exceptional gallantry at the risk of his or her life above and beyond the call of duty while engaged in action against an enemy of the Alliance, or while engaged in military operations involving conflict with an opposing force. The deed performed must have been one of personal bravery or self-sacrifice so conspicuous as to clearly distinguish the individual above his or her comrades. The Golden Meteor is the highest honor that may be bestowed upon any citizen of the Alliance. award.medal.4000.grant = The Golden Meteor is awarded by the Alliance President, in the name of the Combined Senate, to a person who, while an active member of Force, distinguishes him or herself conspicuously by exceptional gallantry at the risk of his or her life above and beyond the call of duty while engaged in action against an enemy of the Alliance, or while engaged in military operations involving conflict with an opposing force. The deed performed must have been one of personal bravery or self-sacrifice so conspicuous as to clearly distinguish the individual above his or her comrades. The Golden Meteor is the highest honor that may be bestowed upon any citizen of the Alliance. server.no-users = Users: 0 server.users = Users: %d server.players = Players: %d server.users-and-players = Users: %d Players %d server.mode.lobby = Mode: LOBBY server.mode.active = Mode: ACTIVE PLAY server.mode.other = Mode: (unknown) server.alt.persistent = PERSISTENT server.alt.paused = PAUSED server.mission = Mission: ai.auto-hold = AutoHold ai.auto-nav = AutoNav ai.auto-stop = AutoStop ai.launch = Launch ai.takeoff = Takeoff ai.inbound = Inbound ai.finals = Finals ai.return-to-base = RTB ai.seek-target = Seek Target ai.seek-rumor = Seek Rumor ai.seek-ward = Seek Ward ai.station-keeping = Station Keeping ai.too-high = Too High ai.too-low = Too Low ai.way-too-low = Way Too Low! ai.seek-patrol-point = Seek Patrol Point ai.seek-inbound = Seek Inbound ai.hold-final = Hold Final ai.seek-farcaster = Seek Farcaster ai.seek-target = Seek Target ai.seek-navpoint = Seek Navpt ai.seek-formation = Seek Formation ai.evade-missile = Evade Missile ai.evade-threat = Evade Threat ai.evade-starship = Evade Starship ai.evade-and-seek = Evade & Seek ai.random-evade = Random Evade ai.none = Cruise ai.self-defensive = SELF DEF ai.defensive = DEFENSE ai.directed = DIRECT ai.flexible = FLEX ai.default = ??? ai.formation = Formation ai.regroup = Regroup ai.retreat = Retreat ai.search = Search ai.avoid-collision = Avoid Collision ai.holding = Holding ai.dead = Dead Hulk flcs.manual = MANUAL flcs.auto = AUTO flcs.helm = HELM flcs.fault = FAULT flcs.offline = OFFLINE flcs.atmospheric = ATMOS event.message = Message event.objective = Objective event.instruction = Instruction event.team-change = IFF event.damage = Damage event.jump = Jump event.hold = Hold event.skip = Skip event.exit = Exit event.begin-scene = BeginScene event.camera = Camera event.volume = Volume event.display = Display event.fire-weapon = Fire event.end-scene = EndScene event.trigger.time = Time event.trigger.damage = Damage event.trigger.destroyed = Destroyed event.trigger.jump = Jump event.trigger.launch = Launch event.trigger.dock = Dock event.trigger.navpoint = Navpoint event.trigger.event-complete= Event event.trigger.event-skipped = Skipped event.trigger.target = Target event.trigger.ships-left = Ships Left event.trigger.detect = Detect event.trigger.range = Range event.trigger.event-all = Event (ALL) event.trigger.event-any = Event (ANY) sim.event.Launch = Launch sim.event.Dock = Dock sim.event.Land = Land sim.event.Eject = Eject sim.event.Crash = Crash sim.event.Collision With = Collision With sim.event.Destroyed By = Destroyed By sim.event.Make Orbit = Make Orbit sim.event.Break Orbit = Break Orbit sim.event.Quantum Jump = Quantum Jump sim.event.Launch Ship = Launch Ship sim.event.Recover Ship = Recover Ship sim.event.Fire Guns = Fire Guns sim.event.Fire Missile = Fire Missile sim.event.Drop Decoy = Drop Decoy sim.event.Guns Kill = Guns Kill sim.event.Missile Kill = Missile Kill sim.event.Launch Probe = Launch Probe sim.event.Scan Target = Scan Target sim.event.no event = no event tacref.name = Name: tacref.type = Type: tacref.class = Class: tacref.length = Length: tacref.mass = Mass: tacref.hull = Hull: tacref.weapons = Weapons: tacref.wep.other = Other tacref.wep.beam = Beam Weapon tacref.wep.bolt = Energy Bolt tacref.wep.drone = Combat Drone tacref.wep.guided = Guided Missile tacref.wep.missile = Missile tacref.wep.turret = Turret tacref.targets = Targets: tacref.targets.fsg = Fighters / Ships / Ground tacref.targets.fs = Fighters / Ships tacref.targets.fg = Fighters / Ground tacref.targets.f = Fighters tacref.targets.sg = Ships / Ground tacref.targets.s = Ships tacref.targets.g = Ground tacref.speed = Speed: tacref.range = Range: tacref.damage = Damage: tacref.kill-radius = Kill Rad: tacref.none = None tacref.no-info = No further information available. ship.drone = The Class 2 TARGET DRONE is a high midwing monoplane of conventional design with an inverted-Y empennage. The spaceframe is a modified monocoque structure made of a titanium alloy-reinforced ceramic composite. The Target is powered by a FP387/403 variable speed fusion drive, which produces a maximum of 4T static thrust under normal operating conditions. The Target is equipped with a fighter-style sensor package and onboard AI pilot capability, but is otherwise unarmed. ship.eagle = The F-34D EAGLE is a compact, multi-role fighter spacecraft. It is highly maneuverable and has proven itself in spaceborne and airborne combat as well as in surface attack missions. It provides a relatively low-cost, high-performance weapon system for Alliance forces. Like the F-32 Falcon, the Eagle is armed with twin Delta particle cannon, along with four underwing hard points capable of mounting a variety of anti-fighter ordnance. The Eagle's heavier structure also provides support for air-to-ground and antiship weapons and increased survivability at some cost in overall maneuverability. ship.falcon = The F-32 FALCON is the premier single-seat intercept fighter craft for the Alliance FORCE:Space. Designed to be lightweight, low cost and easy to maintain, the Falcon is a respected highly maneuverable and versatile tactical fighter. It is armed with twin Delta particle cannon, and four underwing hard points capable of mounting a variety of anti-fighter ordnance. The Falcon is routinely tasked with patrol, escort, and intercept mission profiles. ship.stormhawk = The F-36C STORMHAWK is a compact, multi-role fighter spacecraft. It is highly maneuverable and has proven itself in spaceborne and airborne combat as well as in surface attack missions. It provides a relatively low-cost, high-performance weapon system for Alliance forces. Like the F-32 Falcon, the Stormhawk is armed with twin Delta particle cannon, along with four underwing hard points capable of mounting a variety of anti-fighter ordnance. The Stormhawk's heavier structure also provides support for air-to-ground and antiship weapons and increased survivability at some cost in overall maneuverability. ship.thunderbolt = The F/A-38D THUNDERBOLT is the primary Alliance attack craft, and the first specially designed for close air support of ground forces. They are tough, effective and powerful four-engine spacecraft that can be used against all ground targets, as well as fulfilling a secondary role in killing spaceborne platforms and starships. The 'Bolt has six underwing hardpoints for standard attack ordnance, as well as dual front-mounted Heavy Energy Cannon. For rear protection from hostile fighters and high-speed threats, the Thunderbolt features an autonomous tail gun turret. ship.zodiac = The ZODIAC armored landing craft (LCA) is the standard Alliance millitary shuttle platform, and the only Force:Space craft capable of atmospheric VTOL. The Zodiac is commonly used to ferry personnel and equipment between groundside bases and spaceborne platforms. The Zodiac is armed with four (4) heavy Vulcan cannon, and an aft-mounted automated laser turret for self-defense. ship.berents = The FF-922 BERENTS class frigates fulfill a Protection of Shipping (POS) mission providing anti-fighter cover for amphibious expeditionary forces, underway replenishment groups and merchant convoys. The Berents class anti-fighter weapons complement includes two forward plus one aft Phalanx PDB mounts, along with a pair of Mark VII interceptor launchers. The Berents class was also recently upgraded to include a heavy plasma cannon battery for use against harder targets. ship.asher = The DD/E-708 ASHER class of destroyer/escorts represents a lighter, more maneuverable alternative to the heavy Spectre class destroyers that make up the majority of Alliance destroyer squadrons. The Asher class is armed with a trio of nose-mounted XRay Laser batteries, and a pair of wing-mounted fusion torpedo launchers, as well as the usual complement of point defense turrets. This combination of power and agility makes the Asher class well suited to the fleet carrier escort role they are asked to fulfill. ship.spectre = The DD-350 SPECTRE class of destroyers represent the largest and most successful of all Force:Space destroyer acquisitions: fast, roomy, capable of absorbing enormous punishment, and yet fighting on. The Spectre class ships are forty percent heavier than their Asher class cousins, and they use the extra mass to great effect. The Spectre class features four nose-mounted XRay Laser batteries, and a pair of wing-mounted fusion torpedo launchers in addition to four Phalanx point defense guns. ship.courageous = Modern Force:Space guided missile cruisers such as the CA-521 COURAGEOUS class perform primarily in a Battle Force role. These ships are multi-mission spaceborne combatants capable of supporting carrier battle groups, landing forces, or of operating independently and as flagships of space action groups. The Courageous class features four MARK VII interceptor launchers for close air support against fighters and inbound missiles. Courageous class cruisers are also equipped with Nike high-speed antiship missiles giving them additional long range assault capability. ship.devastator = The CA-400 DEVASTATOR class of heavy cruisers forms the backbone of the Alliance heavy gun capability. Big, slow, and very tough, each of these enormous vessels features a pair of heavy gamma ray laser batteries and four Athena missile launchers. Together these weapons can bring down the largest starships and orbital stations. For defense against strike ships and inbound missile weapons, the Devastator has full coverage from a set of Vanguard point defense batteries. ship.orion = The CV-69 ORION class carriers are essentially spaceborne starports, capable of launching as many as four fighter craft every minute. The Orion's two launch rails and two arresting gear engines enable her to launch and recover ships both rapidly and simultaneously. The Orion class ship's embarked tactical fighter wing includes four different types of fighter and attack craft in addition to armored landing craft for a total complement of almost 80 ships. ship.baikal = The BAIKAL class frigates are commonly used by the independent systems as anti-fighter platforms. Designed by the Marakan Hegemony as cost efficient space combatants, they lack the multi-mission capability necessary for modern warships faced with multiple, high-technology threats. They also offer limited capacity for growth. Despite this, the FF-101 Baikal class is a robust platform, capable of withstanding considerable damage while staying 'in the fight.' ship.wolf = The DD-305 WOLF class of medium destroyers are an older type of Hegemony warship now mainly used by client states and guerilla groups such as the Dantari Separatists. The Wolf class features a pair of internally-mounted heavy XRay Laser batteries and a full complement of Orca point defense batteries for protection from inbound threats. Due to design limitations, the Orca PDBs tend to provide better coverage for the dorsal hemisphere, leaving the Wolf class with a vulnerable underbelly. ship.goliath = The GOLIATH class carrier vessels provide the Dantari Separatists with their main force projection capability in the Solus system. Unlike the rest of the Dantari fleet, which consists largely of older Hegemony warships, the Goliath class carriers were designed and constructed specifically for their Dantari crew. Due to budgetary constraints, the Goliath class is outfitted with only a single launch rail, but still has a full complement of point defense batteries for close-in protection. ship.farcaster = The standard Terellian Alliance quantum portal for long range travel. The 185 exawatt Type I FARCASTER can translate any starship or fighter-class vessel, even without an onboard FTL quantum drive, instantly to a remote destination. Farcaster portals are always connected in pairs. ship.farcaster2 = The standard Hegemony quantum portal for long range travel. The Type II FARCASTER can translate any starship or fighter-class vessel instantly to a remote destination. Type II Farcaster portals may found throughout the systems controlled by the Marakan Hegemony. ship.avenger = The F6F AVENGER attack fighter is a highly competent assault platform, capable of meeting most any opponent on even ground and providing an edge over the majority of enemy starfighters in service. The Avenger is the only Hegemony craft in current service that is optimized for the ground attack role in addition to supporting antiship mission profiles. The Avenger features a four-barrel Alpha cannon and eight (8) missile hardpoints. However, unlike the Alliance Thunderbolt, the Avenger does not have a gun turret for rear-quarter protection. ship.cobra = The MARK-3 COBRA is a mid-wing configuration multi-role fighter spacecraft that was once commonly used by the Marakan Hegemony but now is mainly used by its client states. The Cobra is a tough and effective single-engine spacecraft that is frequently employed against all types of hardened ground targets, and may also fulfill a secondary role killing spaceborne platforms and starships. The Cobra is armed with twin nose-mounted Alpha particle cannon, along with eight underwing hard points capable of mounting several types of anti-fighter, antiship, and ground-attack weapon systems. ship.intruder = The F4F INTRUDER is the latest edition single-seat intercept fighter craft used by the Marakan Hegemony. More expensive than the older Viper models, the Intruder remains a lightweight and highly maneuverable tactical fighter. It is armed with twin Alpha particle cannon, and four underwing hard points capable of mounting a variety of antiship and anti-fighter ordnance. The Intruder is usually tasked with patrol, intercept, and escort mission profiles, but may also serve as a strike fighter in a pinch. ship.jackal = The JACKAL armored landing craft (LCA) is the mainstay of Hegemony heavy-lift capacity, and the only Marakan craft capable of atmospheric VTOL. The Jackal is commonly used to ferry personnel and equipment between groundside bases and spaceborne platforms, and also serves a secondary role in heavy assault profiles. The Jackal is armed with twin heavy Vulcan cannon, but is limited to standard decoy launchers for self-defense. ship.raptor = The F5A RAPTOR is a swept-delta configuration multi-role fighter spacecraft commonly used by the Marakan Hegemony. It is fast and sturdy and has proven itself in spaceborne and airborne combat as well as in surface attack missions. The Raptor is armed with twin Alpha particle cannon, along with eight underwing hard points capable of mounting several types of anti-fighter ordnance. The Razor's heavy delta wing design also gives it the capacity to mount a variety of air-to-ground and antiship weapons. ship.razor = The MARK-2 RAZOR is a forward-delta configuration multi-role fighter spacecraft commonly used by the Marakan Hegemony and its client states. It is fast and sturdy and has proven itself in spaceborne and airborne combat as well as in surface attack missions. Like the Mark 1 Viper, the Razor is armed with twin Alpha particle cannon, along with eight underwing hard points capable of mounting several types of anti-fighter ordnance. The Razor's heavy delta wing design also gives it the capacity to mount a variety of air-to-ground and antiship weapons. ship.viper = The MARK-1 VIPER is an older model single-seat intercept fighter craft used by the Marakan Hegemony and many of its client states. Designed to be inexpensive, lightweight, and highly maneuverable, the Viper has become ubiquitous as a versatile tactical fighter. It is armed with twin Alpha particle cannon, and six underwing hard points capable of mounting a variety of anti-fighter ordnance. The Viper is often asked to perform patrol, intercept, and escort mission profiles. ship.broadsword = The DD-3C21 BROADSWORD class of destroyers represents the pinnacle of Hegemony warship technology; big, fast, and ready to deliver punishing amounts of damage to all who stand in their way. The Broadsword class ships extend the basic armament of the older Volnaris class by doubling the number of heavy x-ray laser batteries to four. As with many Hegemony designs, these weapons are externally mounted and vulnerable to attack from the flanks. ship.dragon = The CV-7A1 DRAGON class carriers represent the pinnacle of Hegemony military starship design. Though somewhat slow and unweildy, the Dragons are nevertheless enormously powerful. Their huge complement of embarked fighter craft give them unparalleled force projection capability; a single Dragon-class carrier battle group could easily conquer a colonial world. ship.imperial = Marakan Hegemony guided missile cruisers such as the CA-5C44 IMPERIAL class are most often found leading small cruiser battle groups. These ships are devastating attack platforms, equally at home either support or leading space action groups. The Imperial class features a pair of Rostov high-speed missile turrets, which combined with a full battery of magnetic rail launchers, gives them excellent long range assault capability. ship.tiger = The FF-2E01 TIGER BAY class frigate was the result of war department opposition to mounting costs and limited capabilities of the older Baikal class frigate. Only fourteen Baikal class ships were built, and all were decommissioned and sold to neighboring independent systems. The Tiger Bay class was designed to extend the anti-ship capabilities of the older frigates by adding a pair of light x-ray laser batteries mounted on the wings. As with many Hegemony designs, these weapons are externally mounted and vulnerable to attack from the flanks. ship.vendetta = The CA-5D15 VENDETTA class of heavy cruisers are the core Hegemony heavy gun platforms. Big, slow, and very tough, each of these enormous vessels features a pair of heavy gamma ray laser batteries and twin Rostov antiship missile turrets. Together these weapons can bring down the largest starships and orbital stations. The Vendetta's complement of magnetic rail guns make her more suitable to offense than defense; these ships rely on their tough hide to withstand enemy bombardment while they move in for the kill. ship.volnaris = The DD/E-4D01 VOLNARIS class of destroyer/escorts are the predecessors of the heavier Broadsword destroyer class. Originally intended as mainline destroyers, the Volnaris ships have now been relegated primarily to escort duty for the Hegemony battle groups. The Volnaris features a pair of internally-mounted heavy x-ray laser batteries and three fusion torpedo launchers for offensive capability, along with a full complement of Orca point defense batteries for protection from inbound threats. Due to design limitations, the Orca PDBs tend to provide better coverage for the dorsal hemisphere, leaving the Volnaris class with a vulnerable underbelly. ship.cutlass = Small, stealthy, and highly maneuverable, the CUTLASS pirate fighter is commonly used by the Brotherhood of Iron criminal organization as both a commerce raider and escort for their larger vessels. The Cutlass features four widely spread Alpha cannon, and has even been known to mount stolen antiship missiles for some engagements. ship.marauder = The MARAUDER is a small frigate-class vessel commonly used by the Brotherhood of Iron criminal organization as a commerce raider. The Marauder ships are no match for most military warships, but they make up for their limitations with enhanced stealth capabilities. Starship captains usually find the Marauder to be a fiendishly difficult type of ship to lock onto. # system names / abbreviations sys.computer.abrv = Comp sys.drive.plasma = Plasma Drive sys.drive.fusion = Fusion Drive sys.drive.green = Main Drive sys.drive.red = Main Drive sys.drive.blue = Main Drive sys.drive.yellow = Main Drive sys.drive.stealth = Stealth Drive sys.drive.abrv = Drive sys.farcaster = Farcaster sys.farcaster.abrv = Farcaster sys.flight-deck = Flight Deck sys.flight-deck.abrv = Flt Deck sys.landing-gear = Landing Gear sys.landing-gear.abrv = Gear sys.nav-light = Navigation Lights sys.nav-light.abrv = NavLight sys.nav-system = Auto Nav System sys.nav-system.abrv = Nav sys.power.battery = Battery sys.power.battery.abrv = Battery sys.power.auxilliary = Aux Reactor sys.power.auxilliary.abrv = Aux Reac sys.power.fusion = Fusion Reactor sys.power.fusion.abrv = Fusion sys.quantum = Quantum Drive sys.quantum.abrv = Quantum sys.sensor = Dual Sensor Pkg sys.sensor.abrv = Sensor sys.shield.none = None sys.shield.deflector = Deflector sys.shield.grav = Grav Shield sys.shield.hyper = Hyper Shield sys.shield.abrv = Shield sys.thruster = Thruster sys.thruster.abrv = Thruster sys.weapon.primary.abrv = Wep Pri sys.weapon.secondary.abrv = Wep Sec # system components [Multiple] = [Multiple] No Selection = No Selection Fusion Reactor = Fusion Reactor Reactor Core = Reactor Core Reac Core = Reac Core Fuel System = Fuel System Fuel Sys = Fuel Sys Presequencer = Presequencer Preseq = Preseq Radiation Shield = Radiation Shield Rad Shield = Rad Shield Power Regulator = Power Regulator Pwr Reg = Pwr Reg Heat Exchanger = Heat Exchanger Heat Exch = Heat Exch Coolant Tanks = Coolant Tanks Coolant = Coolant Auxilliary Reactor = Auxilliary Reactor Reactant = Reactant Injector = Injector Magnetic Coil = Magnetic Coil Mag Coil = Mag Coil Battery = Battery EMG Cell = EMG Cell Reactant Valves = Reactant Valves Reac Valves = Reac Valves Plasma Drive = Plasma Drive Plasma Core = Plasma Core Plasma Grid = Plasma Grid Presequence Injector = Presequence Injector Plasma Impeller = Plasma Impeller Impeller = Impeller Magnetic Resonance Focuser = Magnetic Resonance Focuser Mag Focus = Mag Focus Thruster = Thruster Lateral Thrust Motors = Lateral Thrust Motors Spinal Thrust Motors = Spinal Thrust Motors Braking Thrusters = Braking Thrusters Lateral = Lateral Spinal = Spinal Braking = Braking Quantum Drive = Quantum Drive Graviscalar Bias Node A = Graviscalar Bias Node A Graviscalar Bias Node B = Graviscalar Bias Node B Quantum Wave Containment = Quantum Wave Containment Dimensional Waveguide = Dimensional Waveguide Power Filter/Sync Lock = Power Filter/Sync Lock Alpha Node = Alpha Node Beta Node = Beta Node Containment = Containment Waveguide = Waveguide Sync Lock = Sync Lock Grav Shield = Grav Shield Grav Bias Generator = Grav Bias Generator Grav Gen = Grav Gen Fusion Power Adaptor = Fusion Power Adaptor Pwr Adaptor = Pwr Adaptor Harmonic Oscillator = Harmonic Oscillator Harm Osc = Harm Osc Tactical Computer Interface = Tactical Computer Interface Tac I/F = Tac I/F Sensor = Sensor Transmit Array = Transmit Array XMIT = XMIT Receive Array = Receive Array RECV = RECV Spacial Filter = Spacial Filter Filter = Filter Processor = Processor CPU = CPU System Interface = System Interface Sys I/F = Sys I/F Computer = Computer Storage = Storage Beam Weapon = Beam Weapon Beam Generator = Beam Generator Beam Gen = Beam Gen Power Flux Coupling = Power Flux Coupling Pwr Coupling = Pwr Coupling Beam Focuser = Beam Focuser Beam Focus = Beam Focus Flashback Supressor = Flashback Supressor Flash Sup = Flash Sup Bolt Weapon = Bolt Weapon Laser Generator = Laser Generator Laser Gen = Laser Gen Plasma Weapon = Plasma Weapon Plasma Exciter = Plasma Exciter Exciter = Exciter Plasma Coupling = Plasma Coupling Plasma Cpl = Plasma Cpl Missile Weapon = Missile Weapon Magnetic Launch Rail = Magnetic Launch Rail Mag Rail = Mag Rail Launcher = Launcher Ordnance Trolley/Loader = Ordnance Trolley/Loader Loader = Loader Probe = Probe Probe Caddy/Loader = Probe Caddy/Loader Flight Deck = Flight Deck Hangar Access Causeway = Hangar Access Causeway Elevator = Elevator ILS Transponder = ILS Transponder ILS = ILS Navigational Interface = Navigational Interface Nav I/F = Nav I/F hangar.UNAVAIL = Unavail hangar.MAINT = Maint hangar.STORAGE = Standby hangar.PREP = Preflight hangar.ALERT = Alert hangar.QUEUED = Queued hangar.LOCKED = Locked hangar.LAUNCH = Launch hangar.ACTIVE = Active hangar.INBOUND = Inbound hangar.RECOVERY = Recovery instr.short.vector = Go to %s sector instr.short.farcast = Farcast to %s sector instr.short.launch = Launch from the %s instr.short.dock = Dock with the %s instr.short.return-to-base = Return safely to base instr.short.defend = Defend %s instr.short.escort = Escort %s instr.short.protect = Protect %s in the area instr.short.patrol = Patrol for %s in %s instr.short.sweep = Sweep for %s in %s instr.short.intercept = Intercept and destroy %s instr.short.strike = Engage and destroy %s instr.short.assault = Engage and destroy %s instr.short.recon = Recon scan %s instr.long.vector = Go to the %s sector instr.long.farcast = Farcast to the %s sector instr.long.launch = Launch from the %s instr.long.dock = Dock with the %s instr.long.return-to-base = Return safely to base instr.long.defend = Defend the %s instr.long.escort = Escort the %s instr.long.protect = Protect %s in the area instr.long.patrol = Disable or destroy %s in the %s sector instr.long.sweep = Disable or destroy %s in the %s sector instr.long.intercept = Intercept and destroy %s instr.long.strike = Engage and destroy %s instr.long.assault = Engage and destroy %s instr.long.recon = Recon scan %s wep.alpha = The ALPHA CANNON is the high-energy particle weapon in use on most Hegemony fighter craft. Analysts believe that this weapon is nearing end-of-life phase out, but remains in service because it is cheap and reliable. The Alpha Cannon tends to be low in effective damage and penetration, but makes up for those limitations with a high refire rate. wep.delta = The DELTA CANNON is the current generation standard high-energy particle weapon in use on most Alliance fighters. Notorious for reliablity problems in its early years of service, the Delta Cannon is now considered one of the most potent and effective small energy weapons ever fielded by Force:Space. The Delta Cannon has improved focus and high bolt velocity that contribute to its accuracy at ranges up to 10 km. wep.heavy = The HEAVY ENERGY CANNON has recently been fitted on the F/A-38D Thunderbolt series of attack fighters. The Heavy is a slimmed down version of the retired 'Chain Lightning' cannon used on early model LCAs for mine sweeping and antiship warfare. This is the first time a weapon of this caliber has been fitted on a single seat fighter. The Heavy is too slow and unweildy to be effective against maneuvering fighters, but the high damage potential makes this weapon a first-rate ship killer. wep.turret = This automated FIGHTER TURRET provides rear quarter protection for the F/A-38D Thunderbolt series of attack fighters. The turret is tied into the Alliance sensor network and will automatically engage any threat that comes within its range. Even though it is not the most accurate platform in the fleet, the Fighter Turret is an effective deterrent to any fighters attempting a tail chase on the 'Bolt. wep.archer = The ARCHER SRM is the standard Hegemony anti-fighter munition. Although not very fast, the Archer is very maneuverable, which makes it deadly accurate in short range engagements. The Archer's main weakness is its low-quality seeker head. The Archer can be defeated by releasing a decoy and performing a break turn at low power. Each Archer hardpoint carries two weapons. wep.javelin = The JAVELIN SRM is the standard Alliance short range anti-fighter munition. The Javelin is quite similar to the Hegemony Archer SRM, although it is carries more fuel and has an increased effective range as a result. Unfortunately, it is not much faster than the Archer, and enemy fighters can still defeat the shot with a decoy if given sufficient warning. The Javelin is best employed at short ranges from low aspect to minimize the enemy's chance of escape. Each Javelin hardpoint carries three weapons. wep.vector = The VECTOR MRM is a medium-range general purpose guided munition. The Vector is a high-speed weapon that is suitable for engaging small to medium-size maneuvering targets at ranges from 15 to 35 km. Hegemony forces field an almost identical munition known as the Longbow. wep.hammer = The HAMMER AGM is a medium-range passive-guided air to ground munition. The Hammer is a low-speed but very powerful weapon that is suitable for engaging hardened ground targets at ranges up to 50 km. Recommended procedure is to employ the Hammer from its maximum range to avoid subjecting your fighter to ground fire. wep.harpoon = The HARPOON ASM is a long-range passive-guided antiship munition. The Harpoon is a high-speed weapon that is suitable for engaging small to medium-size starships at ranges up to 50 km. The Harpoon is not easily spoofed or intercepted and has excellent shield penetration capabilities. Recommended procedure is to employ this weapon from its maximum range to avoid subjecting your fighter to enemy PDB fire. Hegemony forces field a similar fighter-launched antiship munition known as the HORN. wep.rockets = Each fighter-based ROCKET POD holds twelve guided submunitions that may be employed against a wide variety of spaceborne and ground-based targets. Rockets are fired from the pod in salvos of four each time press the firing stud. Rockets are most effective against stationary or slow moving targets, and are often used in mine-sweeping missions. wep.recon = The wing-mounted RECON POD is a multi-frequency sensor package that may be used to capture detailed information about an enemy ship, station, or ground unit. The Recon Pod will perform two detailed scans in rapid succession each time you depress the firing stud. The Pod contains storage for ten scans, so you can only fire it five times before returning to base. Of course, the Recon Pod does no damage to enemy targets. wep.decoy = The FIGHTER DECOY is a general-purpose missile countermeasure that is designed to mimic the radient energy signature of your fighter's engine. Anti-fighter missiles will generally guide on the closest, strongest return that their sensors can detect. When your Sensor Warning Receiver notifies you of an inbound threat, you should release a decoy and disengage your drive augmenter (afterburner) to evade the missile. The Fighter Decoy does no damage to enemy targets. wep.blockade = The BLOCKADE CANNON is an energy bolt turret that is usually mounted on space mines. The Blockade Cannon is designed to engage civilian shipping, but it is also quite effective against fighter and attack craft. wep.vulcan = The VULCAN CANNON is a rapid-fire energy bolt weapon that is generally deployed on LCA-class attack craft. The Vulcan can engage targets ranging from small fighters to medium-size starships and ground units. wep.phalanx = The PHALANX CANNON is the standard point defense battery (PDB) for smaller Force:Space starships. Each Phalanx mount is a freely rotating ball turret with two alternate firing barrels. The Phalanx is deadly accurate against fighter and combat drone targets at short ranges. wep.viking = The VIKING CANNON is the standard point defense battery (PDB) for many military stations. Each Viking mount is a freely rotating cylindrical turret with two alternate firing barrels. The Viking is quite accurate and delivers a devastating punch against against fighter targets at short to medium ranges. wep.ursa = The URSA CANNON is an older point defense battery (PDB) system in use on some Hegemony and Independent Worlds frigate-class starships. The Ursa Cannon has only half the rate of fire of the Alliance's Phalanx system, but its high-speed bolts make in an effective offensive and defensive gun. wep.orca = The ORCA CANNON is the standard point defense battery (PDB) for Hegemony and Independent Worlds starships. Each Orca mount is an articulated deck platform turret with two alternate firing barrels. The Orca is deadly accurate against fighter and combat drone targets at short ranges, but lacks the speed and rate of fire of the Alliance Phalanx PDB system. wep.orca2 = The ORCA 2 CANNON is the big brother of the standard Orca PDB. Outwardly similar to the standard Orca, this heavy duty gun is mainly used defending Hegemony stations. Each Orca 2 mount is an articulated deck platform turret with two alternate firing barrels. Slower and less accurate than the standard Orca mount, this high-powered weapon packs quite a wallop when it does manage to hit the target. wep.vanguard = The VANGUARD CANNON is the standard point defense battery (PDB) for Force:Space cruisers and carriers. Each Vanguard mount is an articulated deck platform turret with two alternate firing barrels. The Vanguard is more powerful than the Phalanx system used on smaller starships, but not quite as accurate. wep.plasma = The PLASMA CANNON is used as the primary antiship gun on Alliance Frigates. wep.xray = XRAY LASER batteries are the most common primary beam weapons used by destroyer and light cruiser class starships in the Blue Drift region. These weapons deliver a tremendous amount of destructive energy each second the beams are in contact with the hull armor of their target. However, the coherent x-rays are easily scattered by standard gravitational deflector shields, giving them a low shield penetration factor. wep.graser = GAMMA RAY LASER batteries are the most powerful primary beam weapons in service in the Blue Drift region. Used mainly by heavy cruiser class starships, these weapons are more than twice as powerful as the X-Ray Laser batteries used on lighter starships. Like their smaller cousins, Gamma Ray Lasers have poor shield penetration, but they still pack enough punch to make an effective weapon against heavy starships and orbital stations. wep.g-turret = GAMMA RAY LASER TURRETS are often mounted on Hegemony military stations for defense against starship assault. These weapons are essentially turret-mounted versions of the Gamma Ray Lasers used on heavy starships. Backed by the powerful reactors of a military station, Gamma Ray Laser Turrets have the endurance to wear down enemy starships even through the scattering effect of their gravitational deflector shields. wep.aaa2 = The ANTI AIRCRAFT ARTILLERY (AAA) CANNON is an autonomous ground-based energy bolt system optimized for area defense against hostile airborne targets. This variant has two alternate firing barrels mounted on an upright turret with built-in multifrequency sensor. It can engage fighters and attack craft at ranges up to 50 km. wep.aaa4 = The ANTI AIRCRAFT ARTILLERY (AAA) CANNON is an autonomous ground-based energy bolt system optimized for area defense against hostile airborne targets. This variant has four sequenced barrels for increased firing speed and coverage. It can engage fighters and attack craft at ranges up to 50 km. wep.sam = The SURFACE-TO-AIR MISSILE (SAM) BATTERY is an autonomous ground-launched guided missile system designed for area defense against a variety of airborne targets. Each SAM Battery carries eight missiles on an upright turret with integrated sensor array. It can engage fighters and attack craft at ranges up to 20 km. wep.mk7 = The MARK VII INTERCEPTOR is a ship-launched antifighter weapon that is also effective at engaging enemy combat drones and missiles. The Mark VII also has some limited effectiveness against starship targets. The Mark VII is commonly deployed on frigates tasked with fleet defense, as well as heavier cruiser class starships. wep.fusion = The FUSION TORPEDO is the standard issue guided long range antiship munition in use on most Force:Space destroyer and destroyer-escort class vessels. Fusion Torpedoes pack a large amount of destructive power in a small package, but low speed and acceleration make them easy targets for PDB and Interceptor fire. Employing them at point blank range can mitigate this effect. wep.nike = The NIKE high-speed antiship missile is commonly used on light cruiser class starships. The Nike is considerably faster than the smaller Fusion Torpedo, and also has better shield penetration capabilities. wep.athena = The ATHENA is the elder sister of the Nike Antiship Missile. Compared to the Nike, the Athena has a more advanced drive sytstem and greater acceleration. Mounted only on heavy cruiser starship types, this Athena variant is designed for starboard missile tubes. wep.athena2 = The ATHENA is the elder sister of the Nike Antiship Missile. Compared to the Nike, the Athena has a more advanced drive sytstem and greater acceleration. Mounted only on heavy cruiser starship types, this Athena variant is designed for port side missile tubes. wep.probe = The starship SENSOR DRONE is a multi-frequency active sensor probe that may be used to detect enemy ships far beyond the range of onboard ship sensors. As long as it is active, the Sensor Drone will detect any contact that comes within 50 km of its position. Of course, the Sensor Drone does no damage to enemy targets. weather.clear = Clear weather.high-clouds = High Clouds weather.partly-cloudy = Partly Cloudy weather.overcast = Overcast weather.fog = Dense Fog weather.storm = Heavy Storm # # MISSION TEXT - single missions and multiplayer # msn.s01.name = 01. Red Alert msn.s01.desc = The long range reconnaissance ship AFS Vasquez has failed to report in during a routine patrol of Hegemony border space. Your element will patrol the Aram sector for evidence of the missing ship. msn.s01.sitrep = The long range reconnaissance ship AFS Vasquez has failed to report in during a routine patrol of Hegemony border space. The Third Fleet carrier Archon has been dispatched to Aram sector in the Ostara system to search for the missing ship. Tensions are high, and Hegemony ships may also be patrolling this sector.\n\nYour element will patrol the Aram sector for evidence of the missing ship. Be on the lookout for Hegemony ships that may have engaged and destroyed the Vasquez. Good luck. msn.s01.obj = * Search for evidence of the AFS Vasquez\n* Defend the Archon Carrier Battle Group\n* Return safely to base msn.s01.e01 = We show inbound contacts, presumed hostile. msn.s01.e02 = Engage inbound strike package 'Orten'. msn.s02.name = 02. On Wings of Thunder msn.s02.desc = The Heracles is launching strike package Condor to take out an enemy freighter before it can leave Loris space. Your element is assigned to escort the strike package and protect it from enemy fighters. msn.s02.sitrep = Force:Intel has discovered a Hegemony plot to smuggle weapons and personnel from Loris into Silessia using unmarked civilian transports. Field agents report that the first of these shipments will use the freighter Ascentia. The Heracles is launching strike package Condor to take out the freighter before it can leave Loris space.\n\nYour element, Ranger, is assigned to escort the strike package and protect it from enemy fighters. We want to get in, do the mission, and get out again before the Hegemony has time to react. Choose your loadout, and get to your ships. msn.s02.obj = * Disable or destroy inbound enemy units in the Loris sector\n* Escort the Thunderbolts in strike package Condor\n* Return safely to base msn.s03.name = 03. Honor Guard msn.s03.desc = Your element has been assigned to escort the diplomatic shuttle from Telmera Starbase to Solus orbit, and then through the Farcaster to Omane sector and Harmony Station. msn.s03.sitrep = The Secretary for Foreign Affairs and the Senate Subcommittee for Interstellar Trade are on a diplomatic mission to the Independent System of Solus. They have completed three days of meetings and are preparing to return home after a stop-over at Harmony Station in Kalon sector.\n\nYour element has been assigned to escort the diplomatic shuttle from Telmera Starbase to Solus orbit, and then through the Farcaster to Kalon sector and Harmony Station. msn.s03.obj = * Escort the diplomatic shuttle from Telmera to Harmony Station\n* Return safely to base msn.s03.e02 = Dagger flight, this is diplomatic shuttle Zodiac. Good to see you fellows made it. msn.s03.e03 = We are ready for orbital insertion, please form on our wing. msn.s03.e05 = Confirm approach to Solus-Kalon Farcaster. msn.s03.e06 = Form up and we can take the jump together. msn.s03.e90 = Stay sharp, there may be enemy fighters in the area. msn.s03.e91 = We've taken some damage, but it's not too bad. msn.s03.e99 = Thanks for the escort Dagger, Zodiac is clear for docking. msn.s04.name = 04. A Line in the Sand msn.s04.desc = The Hegemony is operating an illegal mining operation in the Tantalus sector of Haiche. Your element has been tasked with destroying the support facilities for the mine. msn.s04.sitrep = The Hegemony is operating an illegal mining operation in the Tantalus sector of Haiche. Force:Command is planning an effort to gain air and ground control of the sector. As part of the effort, you have been tasked with destroying the support facilities for the mine. msn.s04.obj = * Destroy enemy mining operation\n* Return safely to base msn.s05.name = 05. Execution is Everything msn.s05.desc = A group of smugglers broke out of Solus impound three days ago and reached Lornas asteroid belt this morning. Your element is to sweep the asteroid field and find the smugglers' ship. msn.s05.sitrep = A group of smugglers broke out of Solus impound three days ago. They were able to bypass customs in Khaital and reached the Lornas asteroid belt this morning. We believe we have located their ship, but with all the clutter from the belt, it is hard to be certain.\n\nYour element is to sweep the asteroid field and find the smugglers' ship. Escort them back to the fleet where they can be safely apprehended. We would prefer to take them alive, but use whatever means are necessary to prevent their escape. msn.s05.obj = * Sweep the Lornas asteroid belt\n* Escort the smugglers back to the fleet\n* Return safely to base msn.s05.e01 = This is the Hegemony Warship Sidus to all unauthorized vessels in Lornas sector: msn.s05.e02 = You are ordered to leave the area immediately or be destroyed. msn.s05.e10 = We have two Hegemony warships inbound. msn.s05.e11 = Destroy the smugglers and return to base ASAP. msn.s06.name = 06. Supression of Enemy Air Defense msn.s06.desc = A radical faction of the Radix Military has taken a Force recon ship and her crew hostage at a military base in the Shadow Canyon sector on Radix. We need you to take out the SAM and AAA emplacements protecting the base. msn.s06.sitrep = A radical faction of the Radix Military has taken a Force recon ship and her crew hostage. Force:Intel has determined that the hostages are being held at a military base in the Shadow Canyon sector on Radix Prime. We are dispatching two Zodiac landing craft to rescue the hostages and destroy the recon ship before it can be compromised.\n\nWe need you to take out the SAM and AAA emplacements protecting the base. You will take only a single Thunderbolt fighter to minimize the chance of our rescue operation being detected. Stay as low as possible, and use EMCON 2 until you reach the strike zone. Those hostages are counting on you, so get moving. msn.s06.obj = * SEAD - Destroy SAM and AAA near Shadow Canyon military base\n* Avoid detection until the last possible moment\n* Return safely to base msn.s06.e60 = The SAM and AAA sites have been destroyed. Mission accomplished! msn.s07.name = 07. Send Lawyers, Guns, and Money msn.s07.desc = Your Berents-class frigate has been assigned to escort the freighters Silver Stag and Golden Hart through hostile territory. msn.s07.sitrep = InterStellar Freightways is preparing to deliver a shipment of precision machine tools and parts to a distributor in Silessia. The total value of the payload is over ten billion marks. Due to the recent increase in pirate activity in Silessia, Force:Space has agreed to provide two Berents-class frigates as escort.\n\nYou will take command of the frigate AFS Durham and accompany the two freighters from the Tulkas jump point to the Nero transfer orbit in Silessia. AFS Kingston will go with you. Once the freighters reach Nero sector, they will use the farcaster to expedite their voyage to the distribution station in Vesta orbit. You only need to see that they reach the farcaster safely, and then you must return to Borova space to rejoin the fleet. msn.s07.obj = * Escort the Golden Hart and Silver Stag to Silessia\n* Disable or destroy any enemy units in Nero sector\n* Return safely to Borovan space msn.s07.e05 = We are ready to make the jump to Silessia/Nero. See you there. msn.s07.e80 = Freighter Golden Hart has been destroyed. Your mission has failed. msn.s07.e90 = Freighter Silver Stag has been destroyed. Your mission has failed. msn.s07.e110 = Both freighters have reached the Vesta sector. Mission accomplished! msn.s08.name = 08. A Matter of Focus msn.s08.desc = An illegal drug cartel has set up major a distribution operation in the Solus system. A major shipment is being brought in tonight. Disable or destroy the smugglers before they can offload their cargo. msn.s08.sitrep = An illegal drug cartel backed by the Brotherhood of Iron criminal organization has set up major a distribution operation in the Solus system. The drug of choice is a substance called 'Focus' that has become increasingly popular among students and some of the wealthier intelligensia. Local law enforcement has been unable to stem the tide of this devastating and addictive vice.\n\nWe have information from an inside source that a major shipment is being brought in tonight. The smugglers are using Brotherhood pirate vessels - they are lightly armored but very difficult to track and target. msn.s08.obj = * Disable or destroy smugglers in the Solus sector\n* Escort any civilian traffic out of the area msn.s08.e20 = The smugglers have transferred their cargo to a landing craft. msn.s08.e21 = Disable or destroy the landing craft before it can break orbit. msn.s08.e22 = The landing craft has escaped with the shipment. Your mission has failed. msn.s08.e50 = The smugglers were destroyed before they could offload their shipment. Mission accomplished! msn.s08.e60 = The landing craft was destroyed before it could break orbit. Mission complete! msn.s09.name = 09. Hounds and Hunters msn.s09.desc = An enemy destroyer squadron has broken off from the main fleet and entered the Paragon system. Your Spectre-class Task Force must resolve this threat as quickly as possible and return to the main fleet. msn.s09.sitrep = An enemy destroyer squadron has broken off from the main fleet and entered the Paragon system. Force:Command believes that this is a diversionary tactic in preparation for a major incursion elsewhere in Alliance space. We need to resolve this threat as quickly as possible and return to the main fleet.\n\nParagon traffic control is working to route civilian vessels away from the combat zone, but make sure you verify your targets before engaging. msn.s09.obj = * Destroy or disable destroyer squadron Wolf\n* Protect civilian assets in Paragon system msn.s09.e50 = The enemy destroyer squadron has been destroyed. Mission complete! msn.s10.name = 10. Fiery the Angels Fell msn.s10.desc = The Korian Affair has reached a crisis point. The only hope of salvaging the treaty negotiations is for Force Second Fleet to intercept the Dantari CVBG before the Korian faction has time to react. The CV-70 Antares and her battle group will deploy in the Korius sector and force the Dantari back to the negotiating table. msn.s10.sitrep = The Korian Affair has reached a crisis point. Treaty negotations have collapsed from internal conflicts between the Korian and Dantari factions. The Dantari have broken the temporary cease fire agreement and dispatched a carrier group to the Korius Sector.\n\nThe only hope of salvaging the treaty negotiations is for Force Second Fleet to intercept the Dantari CVBG before the Korian faction has time to react. The CV-70 Antares and her battle group will deploy in the Korius sector and force the Dantari back to the negotiating table. msn.s10.obj = * Remove the Dantari battle group from Korius sector\n* Protect Alliance and Korian assets in the combat zone msn.s10.e01 = The enemy carrier has been destroyed. Mission accomplished! msn.s10.e02 = The enemy carrier has bugged out. Mission accomplished! msn.m01.name = M1. Hawk Match msn.m01.desc = Four-way deathmatch with Stormhawk fighters in Borova Sector. msn.m01.sitrep = Four-way deathmatch with Stormhawk fighters in Borova Sector. Each fighter has three lives. You will be rearmed with missiles and decoys after each respawn.\n \n Good Luck! msn.m01.obj = * Kill or be killed! msn.m01.e10 = HAWK WINS! msn.m01.e20 = FALCON WINS! msn.m01.e30 = RAPTOR WINS! msn.m01.e40 = CONDOR WINS! msn.m02.name = M2. Fighter Thrash Pit msn.m02.desc = Multiple spaceborne fighters locked in team-vs-team action. msn.m02.sitrep = Get ready to rumble! This is a team-vs-team scenario with six ships on each side. The Blue team has four Stormhawk multirole fighters and two Thunderbolt attack ships, while the Red team has four Viper interceptors and two Avenger heavy fighters.\n\nYour mission is to eliminate the opposition and protect your team mates. All ships have three lives, so be sure to watch your back! msn.m02.obj = * Eliminate all enemy fighters.\n* Protect friendly strike ships. msn.m03.name = M3. Destroyer Duel msn.m03.desc = Small fleet engagement between opposing destroyer squadrons. msn.m03.sitrep = A rogue faction has taken command of the Clarke DETRON in the Dante sector. Accompanying the Clarke are the Destroyer/Escort Jackson, and the Berents-class Frigates Parker and Suffolk. You are in command of DETRON 40, led by DD-351 Wraith, and supported by the Nemesis and the Frigate Bosporus.\n \n Hostile actions by Force officers will not stand. You must drive this lesson home at all costs. Good luck. msn.m03.obj = * Fleet Engagement - Engage the Destroyer Squadron led by DD-701 Clarke.\n\n* Clear Dante orbit of hostile vessels. msn.m04.name = M4. War Games msn.m04.desc = Fleet war game scenario designed for the persistent multiplayer server mode. msn.m04.sitrep = Welcome to the Force:Space fleet war game exercises in Janus System. For this scenario, two equal star fleets will face off in unlimited combat. The entire system is in bounds for this exercise.\n \n Fleet 1 (BLUE) consists of the Archon CVBG including twenty Stormhawk fighters, and Spectre-Class DESRON 43 'Shadow'.\n \n Fleet 2 (RED) includes the Titan CVBG with twenty Stormhawk fighters, and Spectre-Class DESRON 45 'Warlock'.\n \n The goal of the exercise is to destroy the enemy carrier. The exercise will end when either the Archon or the Titan has been destroyed. msn.m04.obj = * Destroy enemy carrier\n* Protect ownside carrier from enemy fleet msn.m04.e01 = ARCHON DESTROYED - RED TEAM VICTORY! msn.m04.e07 = TITAN DESTROYED - BLUE TEAM VICTORY! # # CAMPAIGN MISSION TEXT - dynamic campaigns # c01.name = Operation Live Fire c01.desc = The Third Fleet of the Terellian Alliance is participating in live fire training exercises in the Janus star system. c01.sitrep = \tThe Third Fleet of the Terellian Alliance Force:Space is participating in live fire training exercises in the Janus star system. Operation Live Fire will give the fleet some much needed practice under conditions that are as close to combat reality as possible.\n\n\tThe schedule of training scenarios in this campaign has been designed to bring you up to speed on Force:Space combat operations. The first several missions will give you some practice in fighter operations, both in space and in atmosphere. You will also get a chance to practice some ground strike operations against static pre-planned targets. The last few missions are designed to introduce you to the greater complexity of modern starship combat.\n\nTo begin the first mission, click the [MISSIONS] button on the left side of this screen.\n\n c01.orders = \t* Execute all of the training missions in this campaign. c01.intro.e001 = Training Shuttle 'Proteus' c01.intro.e002 = Borova Orbit c01.intro.e003 = Task Force 3.7 c01.intro.e004 = CV-71 'Archon' c01.intro.e005 = CA-524 'Stalwart' c01.intro.e006 = DD/E-682 'Gerson' c01.intro.e007 = DD/E-687 'Simmons' c01.t01.name = Basic Space Flight c01.t01.obj = Training - Practice spaceborne fighter operations. c01.t01.sitrep = The Third Fleet is participating in wargame exercises in the Janus system. The fleet carrier Archon has been detached to Janek orbit to practice spaceborne fighter operations. As part of the exercise, you have been tasked with flying patrol patterns with your training instructor. c01.t01.e01 = Please wait c01.t01.e02 = Raise your landing gear c01.t01.e03 = Basic controls c01.t01.e04 = Mouse steering c01.t01.e05 = Navigation system c01.t01.e06 = Disengage autonav c01.t01.e07 = Throttle and augmenter c01.t01.e08 = Lateral thrusters c01.t01.e09 = Return to base c01.t01.e10 = Docking procedure c01.t02.name = Target Practice c01.t02.obj = Training - Practice spaceborne fighter operations. c01.t02.sitrep = The Third Fleet is participating in wargame exercises in the Janus system. The fleet carrier Archon has been detached to Janek orbit to practice spaceborne fighter operations. As part of the exercise, you have been tasked with flying patrol patterns and destroying target drones in your sector. c01.t02.e151 = Please wait c01.t01.e152 = Raise your landing gear c01.t01.e153 = Maintain formation c01.t02.e154 = Sensor combat markers c01.t01.e155 = Missile Combat c01.t01.e201 = Gun Combat c01.t01.e205 = Alpha Drones Destroyed - Proceed to next navpoint c01.t01.e210 = All Drones Destroyed c01.t01.e211 = Engage Vampires c01.t01.e213 = Inbound threat evasion techniques c01.t01.e215 = Vampires Destroyed c01.t01.e300 = Return to base c01.t01.e301 = Docking procedure c01.t03.name = Flight School c01.t03.obj = Training - Practice airborne fighter operations. c01.t03.sitrep = The Third Fleet is participating in wargame exercises in the Janus system. Your squadron, the Avengers, are on temporary detached duty to Janek Station.As part of the exercise, you have been tasked with practicing take offs and landings, flying patrol patterns and destroying target drones in your sector. c01.t03.e200 = Please wait c01.t03.e210 = Taking off c01.t03.e220 = Raise your langing gear c01.t03.e230 = Engage autonav c01.t03.e240 = Disengage autonav c01.t03.e250 = Airborne combat skills c01.t03.e260 = Well done! c01.t03.e270 = Order your wingman to head for home c01.t03.e300 = Return to base c01.t03.e310 = Landing procedure c01.t03.e311 = Final approach c01.t04.name = Ground Strike c01.t04.obj = Training Strike - Destroy simulated mining operation. c01.t04.sitrep = The Third Fleet is participating in wargame exercises in the Janus system. Your squadron, the Stallions, are on temporary detached duty to Janek Station. As part of the exercise, you have been tasked with destroying support facilities for a simulated mining operation. c01.t04.e200 = Please wait c01.t04.e210 = Taking off c01.t04.e220 = Raise your langing gear c01.t04.e230 = Set sensor display to HSD mode c01.t04.e240 = Steer towards ground targets c01.t04.e250 = Air-to-ground combat skills c01.t04.e260 = Sort targets with your wingman c01.t04.e270 = Engage your target c01.t04.e300 = Engage a second target c01.t04.e310 = Resume nav route c01.t04.e311 = Return to base c01.t05.name = Training Cruise c01.t05.obj = Training - Practice starship fleet operations. c01.t05.sitrep = The Third Fleet is participating in wargame exercises in the Janus system. You will be in command of the Frigate Carlisle in Alystra sector. After you destroy the target drones in that sector, rendevous with the Archon in Janek orbit to complete the exercise. c01.t05.e005 = Alpha Drones Destroyed - Proceed to Janek Orbit c01.t05.e006 = (Press Q then 3) c01.t05.e007 = Training Mission Complete c01.t05.e008 = Press ESC 1 to End the Mission c01.t05.e009 = Press ESC 1 to End the Mission c01.t06.name = Advanced Starship Combat c01.t06.obj = Training - Practice advanced starship combat maneuvers. c01.t06.sitrep = The Third Fleet is participating in wargame exercises in the Janus system. You will be in command of the Destroyer Mahan in Dante sector. You have been tasked with finding and destroying the enemy Wolf-class starship Shannon. You have one hour to complete this exercise. Good luck! c01.t06.e050 = Tarkis Detected c01.t06.e051 = Tarkis Locked c01.t07.name = Carrier Operations c01.t07.obj = Training - Practice orbital carrier operations. c01.t07.sitrep = The Third Fleet is participating in wargame exercises in the Janus system. The fleet carrier Archon has been detached to Alystra orbit to practice spaceborne fighter operations. c02.name = Operation Highland c02.desc = The Independent System of Solus is in danger of being destroyed by civil war. Dantari Separatists seeking to join the Hegemony Prefecture of Renser have gained control of much of the Solus Star Fleet. The Loyalist faction has requested military aid from the Terellian Alliance. A Force:Space task force has been dispatched to break the blockade, evacuate Alliance citizens from Solus, and stabilize the military situation. c02.sitrep = \tThe Independent System of Solus has requested military assistance from Terellian Alliance Force:Command. Dantari Separatists seeking to join the Hegemony Prefecture of Renser have gained control of much of the Solus Star Fleet and have established a blockade around the Trellis Gate. The Loyalist forces and many Alliance civilians have been trapped on the inner planets of the system.\n\n\tForce:Intel believes that the Separatists are being backed with military support from the Prefecture of Renser, a Hegemony border system. All Force:Space units are instructed to be on the lookout for any Hegemony involvement in this conflict.\n c02.orders = \t* Protect civilian and allied assets in the Independent System of Solus.\n\t* Break the Separatist blockade of the inner planets.\n\t* Apprehend or destroy military units of the Dantari Separatists.\n\t* Determine the extent of Hegemony involvement in this conflict.\n c02.a000 = Solus Directorate Requests Aid c02.a060 = Catching Up With You... c02.a130 = Coup Attempt Fails c02.a140 = Minefield A Cleared c02.a150 = Minefield B Cleared c02.a160 = Minefield C Cleared c02.a170 = Minefield D Cleared c02.a180 = Minefield E Cleared c02.a190 = New Digs c02.a200 = Blockade Broken c02.a210 = \tThe Separatist blockade of the Trellis farcaster has been broken, and Phase One of Operation Highland has been successfully concluded. The minefields in Trellis Sector have been cleared, and mobile Separatist forces patrolling the region are beginning to withdraw.\n\n\tWe are now in Phase Two of the Operation - delivering humanitarian aid and securing the inner worlds. Force:Command has authorized emergency freight runs, and we will be escorting those civilian ships for the next few days.\n c02.a240 = \t* Protect civilian and allied assets in the Independent System of Solus.\n\t* Support the delivery of humanitarian aid to the inner planets.\n\t* Apprehend or destroy military units of the Dantari Separatists.\n\t* Determine the extent of Hegemony involvement in this conflict.\n c02.a260 = Harmony Station at Risk c02.a300 = Renser Fleet Buildup c02.a305 = \tIn response to recent setbacks to Separatist forces, the Prefecture of Renser is mobilizing their Fourth Fleet. They are expected to reach the Solus system within 40 hours. They claim that the fleet will be used for peace keeping operations, but with the high tensions in the area, Force:Intel believes that they will use our presence as an excuse to attack.\n\n\tForce:Command needs us to redouble our efforts to protect the civilian population and make a decisive strike against the Separatist forces before the Hegemony fleet arrives. Clearly, we have a lot of work to do in the next 20 to 40 hours.\n c02.a310 = Separatist Base Discovered c02.a330 = Separatist Base Discovered c02.a350 = Research Lab Isolated c02.a375 = Renser Accuses Alliance c02.a410 = Senate Resolution Passes c02.a440 = Hegemony Task Force TF4.3 c02.a450 = \tForce:Command reports that task force TF4.3 from the Hegemony Fourth Fleet 'Manticore' has successfuly translated in system. The task force is currently in Jalah orbit, and we expect them to remain in that sector at least until tomorrow.\n\n\tThere is still plenty of civilian traffic in the system, and several Dantari groups are still ready and willing to fight. We need all Force:Space units to give their best effort in protecting these people and until we can restore the peace.\n c02.a455 = \t* Protect civilian and allied assets in the Independent System of Solus.\n\t* Apprehend or destroy military units of the Dantari Separatists.\n\t* Prevent Hegemony units from striking Solusan or allied assets.\n c02.a510 = Separatist Withdrawal to Jalah c02.a515 = \tAll mobile Separatist forces have withdrawn from the inner planets to Jalah Sector. We believe they plan to regroup and integrate with Hegemony TF4.3 before resuming the offensive in the Solus and Kalon Sectors.\n\n\tOur plan is to strike the Separatist forces at Jalah before they can regroup. If we can keep them off balance in a defensive posture there, we believe they will be prevented from mounting an effective attack on Solus.\n c02.a550 = Wolf DESRON Eliminated c02.a555 = Kitts DESRON Eliminated c02.a560 = Kendra DESRON Eliminated c02.a565 = Goliath CVBG Eliminated c02.a600 = Solus Victory c02.a700 = Renser Invasion c02.a701 = Why Renser? c02.a710 = \tLoyalist and Separatist leaders have signed a cease-fire agreement and hostile action in this system is winding down. Phase Two of Operation Highland has been successfully completed, and President Valmar has ordered us to commence Phase Three - the disarming of Renser Prefecture.\n\n\tHegemony Task Force TF4.3 has withdrawn from Solus to the Khaital Sector of the Renser System. We have been ordered to pursue them into Renser space and eliminate their ability to project force to any of the neighboring Independent systems.\n c02.a711 = \t* Pursue Hegemony Task Force TF4.3 into Renser space.\n\t* Eliminate Renser's ability to project force to neighboring systems.\n\t* Destroy all military units of the Task Force TF4.3.\n\t* Withdraw safely back to the Alliance base in Janus System.\n c02.defeat = Operation Highland Defeat c02.victory = Operation Highland Victory c03.name = Operation Shining Fortress c03.desc = The war begins. Hegemony forces have begun to invade the core Alliance systems. Starfleets from Loris and Kolchev, moving through the independent systems Silessia and Haiche, have attacked key targets in the Janus and Borovan systems. The Alliance Fourth and Fifth Fleets are fighting a defensive battle trying to halt the Hegemony advance, evacuate civilians, and form an effective counterattack. c03.sitrep = \tThe Terellian Alliance is facing the first true interstellar war in nearly five hundred years. Hegemony forces have begun to invade the core Alliance systems. Starfleets from Loris and Kolchev, moving through the independent systems Silessia and Haiche, have attacked key targets in the Janus and Borovan systems.\n\n\tForce:Space Fourth Fleet (Titan) is stationed in the Borovan system, and is deploying in a defensive posture to meet the invasion threat. Fifth Fleet (Hyperion) is divided. Task force TF5.15 is assigned to the Janus proving grounds for training exercises. The remainder of Fifth Fleet is spread throughout the Athenar system. c03.orders = \t* Protect Alliance civilians and assets in Janus and Borova.\n\t* Evacuate civilians and government personnel as necessary.\n\t* Stop the Hegemony advance until a counterattack can be mounted.\n c03.a000 = Hegemony Forces Invade Alliance c03.a020 = Almost Home c03.a030 = Operation Shining Fortress c03.a100 = Back to Borova c03.a250 = CV-72 Titan Destroyed c03.a310 = \tHegemony destroyers and cruisers have reduced the Titan 7th CVBG while in Borova orbit. The fleet carrier CV-72 Titan is believed lost with all hands. Damage from the fighting was extensive, and several other ships in the Titan battle group may have been damaged or destroyed. A temporary strategic loss of the Borovan system seems likely at this point\n\n\tForce:Space 12th CVBG led by CV-77 Chronos is being readied in Jarnell fleet yards to take over for the Titan. All surviving units of the Fourth Fleet are to fall back to Jarnell and regroup with the Chronos CVBG.\n c03.a320 = Fort Talden Attacked c03.a330 = Grand Concourse Attacked c03.a340 = Ele'aan Diplomats Withdrawn c03.a350 = Hegemony Invades Athenar c03.a360 = \tHegemony forces have gained temporary control of the Borovan Capitol. Planetary Self Defense Forces are struggling to protect civilian assets as best they can.\n\n\tThe Fourth Fleet has fallen back to Jarnell to regroup with Force:Space 12th CVBG led by CV-77 Chronos. Fourth Fleet must be prepared to resume operations in Borova within twenty hours.\n\n\tThe Hegemony Seventh Fleet in Janus has now also invaded the Athenar system. Force:Space Fifth Fleet has divided into two action groups in an attempt to defend both systems simultaneously. c03.a410 = \tHegemony forces have caused considerable destruction to ground-side assets in their attack on the Borovan Capitol. Planetary Self Defense Forces have been fighting valiantly, but they are not equipped to handle an invasion force of this strength without Force aid.\n\n\tThe Fourth Fleet must regain control of the Borovan System as soon as possible to prevent further loss of civilian lives and property.\n c03.a450 = Down for Repairs c03.a590 = Liberation Day c03.a600 = Silessian Confederacy c03.a610 = \tAlliance forces have regained control of the Borovan System and Hegemony units are retreating to Silessian space. The Fourth Fleet is to pursue and eliminate as much of the Hegemony force as possible. A token force will be left behind in Borova to finish mopping up.\n\n c03.a700 = Haiche Protectorate c03.a710 = \tAlliance forces have regained control of the Borovan System and Hegemony units are retreating to Silessian space. The Fourth Fleet is to pursue and eliminate as much of the Hegemony force as possible. A token force will be left behind in Borova to finish mopping up.\n\n c03.a750 = Tantalus c03.a770 = Far Horizon c03.a830 = Brotherhood of Iron c03.defeat = Operation Shining Fortress Defeat c03.victory = Operation Shining Fortress Victory c04.name = Operation Firestorm c04.desc = The war comes to an unexpected turning point as new discoveries come to light. Alliance war fleets continue to push into Hegemony territory as new forces are brought into the battle. c04.sitrep = \tA small Hegemony outpost has been detected in the Ostara system. Force:Space Sixth Fleet (Atlas) has been tasked with eliminating this threat, as a prelude to the planned invasion of the Tarsus system. Force 9th Carrier Group (Atlas) will reduce the Hegemony fighter component, while the 14th Battle Group (Stormwind) addresses the naval component. c04.orders = \t* Reduce or eliminate the Hegemony presence in Ostara.\n\t* Prepare the region for a general invasion of Tarsus.\n\t* Protect Alliance assets in the area.\n c04.a000 = Hegemony Outpost Discovered c04.a020 = Borovan Archaelith Still Missing c04.a030 = Technite Found on Haiche c04.a040 = Zolon Ambassador c04.a050 = \tThe Zolon Ambassador to the Tarsus system has offered to help mediate a settlement to end the hostilities between the Alliance and the Hegemony. Negotiators from both sides are to meet aboard the Zolon Consular Starship in Tarsus sector under a flag of truce.\n\n\tForce:Space Sixth Fleet (Atlas) is advancing from Ostara to the Tarsus system, and is deploying in a defensive posture to support the peace initiative. Force 14th Battle Group (Stormwind) is escorting the negotiating team to the conference while the 9th Carrier Group (Atlas) patrols the Tarsus sector.Seventh Fleet (Heracles) has now completed replenishment and repair operations in Paragon system. Seventh fleet can be available for duty in the Loris Theater within fifty hours, should the need arise. c04.a052 = \t* Protect Alliance negotiators in the Tarsus system.\n\t* Observe the cease-fire.\n\t* Avoid actions against Hegemony units.\n c04.a070 = Operation Firestorm c04.a075 = \tZolon warships acting in concert with Hegemony agents have attacked the peace conference, killing our negotiating team and destroying every member of the Zolon Consulate in Tarsus. Force:Intel field reports indicate that the recent Hegemony attacks on Alliance territory were carried out with the intention of recovering artifacts and rare materials for use in developing a devestating new type of weapon. The Hegemony military are working with scientists of the Zolon Empire to create a 'Quantum Disruptor' that will destroy computer systems and render all ships incapable faster-than-light travel.\n\n\tIn response to these events, the Hegemony has declared war on the Terellian Alliance. The Alliance President has authorized Force to commence OPERATION FIRESTORM: all out war with the Marakan Hegemony.\n\n\tForce:Space Sixth Fleet (Atlas) will be responsible for securing the Tarsus system, and will then proceed to the Kolchev system with all possible speed. Seventh Fleet (Heracles) is now in Silessia and will report for duty in the Loris Theater within hours to begin the northern thrust toward the key central system of Korius. c04.a076 = \t* Secure the Tarsus System.\n\t* Be on the lookout for Zolon units in the Tarsus Theater.\n\t* Protect Alliance assets in the area.\n c04.a090 = Strategic Directives c04.a096 = New Job c04.a097 = Loris Government Collapse c04.a130 = Kolchev System c04.a150 = Something You Need to Know c04.a205 = \tZolon warships acting in concert with Hegemony agents have attacked the peace conference, killing our negotiating team and destroying every member of the Zolon Consulate in Tarsus. Force:Intel field reports indicate that the recent Hegemony attacks on Alliance territory were carried out with the intention of recovering artifacts and rare materials for use in developing a devestating new type of weapon. The Hegemony military are working with scientists of the Zolon Empire to create a 'Quantum Disruptor' that will destroy computer systems and render all ships incapable faster-than-light travel.\n\n\tIn response to these events, the Hegemony has declared war on the Terellian Alliance. The Alliance President has authorized Force to commence OPERATION FIRESTORM: all out war with the Marakan Hegemony.\n\n\tForce:Space Sixth Fleet (Atlas) is well underway in securing the Tarsus system, and will then proceed to the Kolchev system with all possible speed. Seventh Fleet (Heracles) has now arrived in the Loris Theater. Members of the Seventh Fleet are advised to be on the lookout for renegade elements of the Brotherhood of Iron criminal organization who may be operating in that system. c04.a206 = \t* Sixth Fleet to secure the Tarsus System.\n\t* Seventh Fleet to secure the Loris Theater.\n\t* Protect Alliance assets in the area.\n c04.a220 = The Return of Masil Gannet c04.a250 = Korian System c04.a255 = \tThe Marakan Hegemony has declared war on the Terellian Alliance. In return, the Alliance President has authorized Force to commence OPERATION FIRESTORM: all out war with the Marakan Hegemony. The immediate goals for this campaign are to secure the vital Hegemony systems of Kolchev in the south, and Korius in the north.\n\n\tForce:Space Sixth Fleet (Atlas) has been assigned to secure the Kolchev system. As expected, the Hegemony Third Fleet has fallen back to that area in hopes of drawing our forces into a trap. Hegemony forces are scattered across four planetary orbits. The northern mountains of the Lovo sector on Kolchev are home to a significant military presence, and will present a unique challenge to the Sixth Fleet.\n\n\tSeventh Fleet (Heracles) has begun the invasion of the Korian system. There are reliable reports that the Separatist leader Masil Gannet has returned to the Korian moon Adantar and established himself as a local warlord. Although Adantar itself is heavily armed, we do not have any good data on the strength of space forces in the Korian system. c04.a256 = \t* Sixth Fleet to reduce military targets in the Kolchev System.\n\t* Seventh Fleet to secure the Korian System.\n\t* Apprehend or eliminate the warlord Masil Gannet.\n\t* Protect Alliance assets in the area.\n c04.defeat = Operation Firestorm Defeat c04.victory = Operation Firestorm Victory c05.name = Operation Nightfall c05.desc = Two Force:Space fleets press on through major population centers on the road to the Marakan homeworld. Civilians back home begin to question the Alliance's involvement in the war, even as shadows fall upon the climactic battle. c05.sitrep = \tOperation Firestorm was not the strategic success we once believed it to be. Force:Intel field agents have been unable to recover either the Borovan Archaelith or any of the illegal technite from the Korian and Kolchev systems. We have now determined that the technite has already been shipped out of Kolchev to the Garrison system, and we believe that the Archaelith cannot be far behind. Garrison is a major military stronghold for the Hegemony, close to the Marak system itself. We cannot estimate how long we have before the Hegemony will be able to produce a Quantum Disruptor weapon system.\n\n\tWe are therefore commencing Operation Nightfall to recover the artifacts from the Garrison system. Our first task is to gain military control of the Radix and Isham star systems. Force First Fleet will take the northern route and secure the Isham system, while Second Fleet holds their southern flank by controlling the Radix system. Our combined forces will then converge on the Garrison system as soon as they can manage it.\n c05.orders = \t* First Fleet: Engage military targets in the Isham system.\n\t* Second Fleet: Secure the Radix system.\n\t* Both fleets to converge on the Garrison system as soon as possible.\n c05.a000 = Operation Nightfall c05.a020 = Tiger Bay Colony c05.a021 = Radix System c05.a022 = Peace Rally c05.a080 = Geothermal Platforms c05.a150 = Ramek Station c05.a190 = Ramek Station Destroyed c05.a280 = Deadman's Alley c05.a405 = Garrison Military Laboratory c05.a406 = \tWe have completed operations in the Isham and Radix systems and have begun the invasion of Garrison. The Garrison system has always been a major storehouse for the Hegemony military. They maintain a heavily fortified military laboratory in orbit around the planet Garrison.\n\n\tFor the first phase of this invasion, Force:Space First Fleet (Orion) will be assigned to eliminate units in the Rhofar sector, while Second Fleet (Antares) deals with Hegemony forces in Korul. c05.a407 = \t* First Fleet assigned to Rhofar Sector.\n\t* Second Fleet assigned to Korul Sector.\n\t* Reduce local defenses in preparation for assault on Garrison Military Laboratory.\n c05.a440 = \tBoth First and Second Fleet have converged on Garrison Sector. The Garrison system has always been a major storehouse for the Hegemony military, and this station is going to be no pushover. The station is armored, shielded, and has as much firepower as a heavy cruiser.\n\n c05.a441 = \t* Eliminate the Garrison Military Laboratory.\n\t* Reduce Hegemony star fleets in Garrison System.\n\t* Protect Alliance assets in the area.\n c05.a500 = Broken Communications c05.a590 = Garrison Laboratory Destroyed c05.a602 = \tThe Garrison Military Laboratory has been destroyed. However, not all of the Technite has yet been accounted for. Force:Intel believes that the remaining stockpile has been shipped to Volante in the Trocanther System for processing.\n\n c05.a603 = \t* Eliminate the Trocanther Biodomes.\n\t* Reduce Hegemony star fleets throughout Trocanther System.\n\t* Protect Alliance assets in the area.\n c05.a605 = Trocanther Biodomes c05.a660 = Blackwing Destroyed c05.a661 = Hood Destroyed c05.a662 = Omega Destroyed c05.a680 = Endgame c05.a840 = \tOperation Nightfall is coming rapidly to a conclusion. Our contacts in the Ele'aan Fusion have informed us that the Hegemony may have taken the Archaelith back to the Marak Prime System. Even without the Technite, they could still use the Archaelith against us in the future.\n\nTherefore, the President has asked us to take this fight all the way to Marak, to pressure the Hegemony leadership into surrendering the Archaelith and signing a non-agression pact.\n\n c05.a841 = \t* Reduce Hegemony star fleets throughout Marakan System.\n\t* Protect Alliance assets in the area.\n c05.a885 = This Can't Wait Any Longer... c05.a890 = Status of Marak Prime c05.defeat = Operation Nightfall Defeat c05.victory = Operation Nightfall Victory vox.misc.a01-01 = Glad to see you guys! Thanks for escorting us. vox.misc.a01-02 = OK, we're ready to make the jump. vox.misc.a01-03 = Form up and we'll go through together. vox.misc.a01-04 = All right, we're half way there. vox.misc.a01-05 = Next stop: Harmony Station. vox.misc.a01-06 = Thanks for the lift. I think we are clear now. vox.misc.a01-07 = Looks like our pick-up is late... vox.misc.a01-08 = Can you stick with us in case there's any trouble? vox.misc.a01-09 = Looks like our escort is here. Let's get going. vox.misc.a01-10 = We were expecting some Zodiacs to pick up our cargo. vox.misc.a01-11 = Still can't see them. I hope everything is all right. vox.misc.a02-01 = Mayday! Mayday! We are under attack! vox.misc.a02-02 = Be advised, we show several high-speed contacts inbound. vox.misc.a02-03 = Contacts are unknown configuration and presumed hostile. vox.misc.a02-04 = We have new orders: Defend the Zolon Consular Starship. vox.misc.a02-05 = Well, that didn't go exactly as planned... vox.misc.a02-06 = All units: return to base. vox.misc.a02-07 = So much for the peace conference, I guess... vox.misc.a02-08 = All units: Stand down. vox.misc.a02-09 = All units alert: We show several high-speed contacts inbound. vox.misc.a02-10 = All units: Defend the Zolon Consular Starship. vox.abort! abort! = Abort! Abort! vox.acknowledged = Acknowledged vox.affirmative = Affirmative vox.alpha 1 = Alpha 1 vox.alpha 2 = Alpha 2 vox.alpha 3 = Alpha 3 vox.alpha 4 = Alpha 4 vox.alpha flight = Alpha Flight vox.alpha leader = Alpha Leader vox.ares 1 = Ares 1 vox.ares 2 = Ares 2 vox.ares 3 = Ares 3 vox.ares 4 = Ares 4 vox.ares flight = Ares Flight vox.ares leader = Ares Leader vox.blade 1 = Blade 1 vox.blade 2 = Blade 2 vox.blade 3 = Blade 3 vox.blade 4 = Blade 4 vox.blade flight = Blade Flight vox.blade leader = Blade Leader vox.bracket target = Bracket Target vox.bravo 1 = Bravo 1 vox.bravo 2 = Bravo 2 vox.bravo 3 = Bravo 3 vox.bravo 4 = Bravo 4 vox.bravo flight = Bravo Flight vox.bravo leader = Bravo Leader vox.break and attack = Break and attack vox.break off immediately! = Break off immediately! vox.breaking orbit = Breaking orbit vox.buddy spike! = Buddy spike! vox.calling inbound = Calling inbound vox.captain on the bridge = Captain on the bridge vox.check your fire! = Check your fire! vox.checking out! = Checking out! vox.commence docking = Commence docking vox.condor 1 = Condor 1 vox.condor 2 = Condor 2 vox.condor 3 = Condor 3 vox.condor 4 = Condor 4 vox.condor flight = Condor Flight vox.condor leader = Condor Leader vox.confirm your targets! = Confirm your targets! vox.confirmed kill! = Confirmed kill! vox.copy that = Copy that vox.cover me = Cover me vox.delta 1 = Delta 1 vox.delta 2 = Delta 2 vox.delta 3 = Delta 3 vox.delta 4 = Delta 4 vox.delta flight = Delta Flight vox.delta leader = Delta Leader vox.dragon 1 = Dragon 1 vox.dragon 2 = Dragon 2 vox.dragon 3 = Dragon 3 vox.dragon 4 = Dragon 4 vox.dragon flight = Dragon Flight vox.dragon leader = Dragon Leader vox.eagle 1 = Eagle 1 vox.eagle 2 = Eagle 2 vox.eagle 3 = Eagle 3 vox.eagle 4 = Eagle 4 vox.eagle flight = Eagle Flight vox.eagle leader = Eagle Leader vox.echo 1 = Echo 1 vox.echo 2 = Echo 2 vox.echo 3 = Echo 3 vox.echo 4 = Echo 4 vox.echo flight = Echo Flight vox.echo leader = Echo Leader vox.enemy destroyed! = Enemy destroyed! vox.engage quantum drive = Engage quantum drive vox.engage = Engage vox.engaging = Engaging vox.escort = Escort vox.exec, you have the conn = Exec, you have the conn vox.falcon 1 = Falcon 1 vox.falcon 2 = Falcon 2 vox.falcon 3 = Falcon 3 vox.falcon 4 = Falcon 4 vox.falcon flight = Falcon Flight vox.falcon leader = Falcon Leader vox.farcast to = Farcast to vox.fox four! = Fox four! vox.fox one! = Fox one vox.fox three! = Fox three! vox.fox two! = Fox two! vox.going quantum = Going quantum vox.gold 1 = Gold 1 vox.gold 2 = Gold 2 vox.gold 3 = Gold 3 vox.gold 4 = Gold 4 vox.gold flight = Gold Flight vox.gold leader = Gold Leader vox.goto box formation = Goto box formation vox.goto diamond formation = Goto diamond formation vox.goto emcon 1 = Goto EMCON 1 vox.goto emcon 2 = Goto EMCON 2 vox.goto emcon 3 = Goto EMCON 3 vox.goto spread formation = Goto spread formation vox.goto trail formation = Goto trail formation vox.hammer 1 = Hammer 1 vox.hammer 2 = Hammer 2 vox.hammer 3 = Hammer 3 vox.hammer 4 = Hammer 4 vox.hammer flight = Hammer Flight vox.hammer leader = Hammer Leader vox.heading for orbit = Heading for orbit vox.hey! we're on your side!= Hey, We're on your side! vox.hold all weapons = Hold all weapons vox.hornet 1 = Hornet 1 vox.hornet 2 = Hornet 2 vox.hornet 3 = Hornet 3 vox.hornet 4 = Hornet 4 vox.hornet flight = Hornet Flight vox.hornet leader = Hornet Leader vox.identify target = Identify target vox.jackal 1 = Jackal 1 vox.jackal 2 = Jackal 2 vox.jackal 3 = Jackal 3 vox.jackal 4 = Jackal 4 vox.jackal flight = Jackal Flight vox.jackal leader = Jackal Leader vox.jump to = Jump to vox.launch probe = Launch probe vox.magic 1 = Magic 1 vox.magic 2 = Magic 2 vox.magic 3 = Magic 3 vox.magic 4 = Magic 4 vox.magic flight = Magic Flight vox.magic leader = Magic Leader vox.mayday! mayday! = Mayday! Mayday! vox.merlin 1 = Merlin 1 vox.merlin 2 = Merlin 2 vox.merlin 3 = Merlin 3 vox.merlin 4 = Merlin 4 vox.merlin flight = Merlin Flight vox.merlin leader = Merlin Leader vox.move patrol = Move patrol vox.mustang 1 = Mustang 1 vox.mustang 2 = Mustang 2 vox.mustang 3 = Mustang 3 vox.mustang 4 = Mustang 4 vox.mustang flight = Mustang Flight vox.mustang leader = Mustang Leader vox.negative, unable = Negative, unable vox.nomad 1 = Nomad 1 vox.nomad 2 = Nomad 2 vox.nomad 3 = Nomad 3 vox.nomad 4 = Nomad 4 vox.nomad flight = Nomad Flight vox.nomad leader = Nomad Leader vox.omega 1 = Omega 1 vox.omega 2 = Omega 2 vox.omega 3 = Omega 3 vox.omega 4 = Omega 4 vox.omega flight = Omega Flight vox.omega leader = Omega Leader vox.on final approach = On final apprach vox.picture is clear = Picture is clear vox.prepare to be destroyed!=Prepare to be destroyed! vox.ranger 1 = Ranger 1 vox.ranger 2 = Ranger 2 vox.ranger 3 = Ranger 3 vox.ranger 4 = Ranger 4 vox.ranger flight = Ranger Flight vox.ranger leader = Ranger Leader vox.raptor 1 = Raptor 1 vox.raptor 2 = Raptor 2 vox.raptor 3 = Raptor 3 vox.raptor 4 = Raptor 4 vox.raptor flight = Raptor Flight vox.raptor leader = Raptor Leader vox.request picture = Request picture vox.request support = Request support vox.resume mission = Request mission vox.return to base = Return to base vox.return to formation = Return to formation vox.roger that = Roger that vox.roger your approach = Roger your approach vox.rogue 1 = Rogue 1 vox.rogue 2 = Rogue 2 vox.rogue 3 = Rogue 3 vox.rogue 4 = Rogue 4 vox.rogue flight = Rogue Flight vox.rogue leader = Rogue Leader vox.say your position = Say your position vox.sentry 1 = Sentry 1 vox.sentry 2 = Sentry 2 vox.sentry 3 = Sentry 3 vox.sentry 4 = Sentry 4 vox.sentry flight = Sentry Flight vox.sentry leader = Sentry Leader vox.she's breaking up! = She's breaking up! vox.sierra 1 = Sierra 1 vox.sierra 2 = Sierra 2 vox.sierra 3 = Sierra 3 vox.sierra 4 = Sierra 4 vox.sierra flight = Sierra Flight vox.sierra leader = Sierra Leader vox.skip navpoint = Skip navpoint vox.splash four! = Splash four! vox.splash one! = Splash one! vox.splash three! = Splash three! vox.splash two! = Splash two! vox.tango 1 = Tango 1 vox.tango 2 = Tango 2 vox.tango 3 = Tango 3 vox.tango 4 = Tango 4 vox.tango flight = Tango Flight vox.tango leader = Tango Leader vox.target destroyed! = Target destroyed! vox.this is = this is vox.this is alpha 1 = this is Alpha 1 vox.this is alpha 2 = this is Alpha 2 vox.this is alpha 3 = this is Alpha 3 vox.this is alpha 4 = this is Alpha 4 vox.this is alpha leader = this is Alpha Leader vox.this is ares 1 = this is Ares 1 vox.this is ares 2 = this is Ares 2 vox.this is ares 3 = this is Ares 3 vox.this is ares 4 = this is Ares 4 vox.this is ares leader = this is Ares Leader vox.this is blade 1 = this is Blade 1 vox.this is blade 2 = this is Blade 2 vox.this is blade 3 = this is Blade 3 vox.this is blade 4 = this is Blade 4 vox.this is blade leader = this is Blade Leader vox.this is bravo 1 = this is Bravo 1 vox.this is bravo 2 = this is Bravo 2 vox.this is bravo 3 = this is Bravo 3 vox.this is bravo 4 = this is Bravo 4 vox.this is bravo leader = this is Bravo Leader vox.this is condor 1 = this is Condor 1 vox.this is condor 2 = this is Condor 2 vox.this is condor 3 = this is Condor 3 vox.this is condor 4 = this is Condor 4 vox.this is condor leader = this is Condor Leader vox.this is delta 1 = this is Delta 1 vox.this is delta 2 = this is Delta 2 vox.this is delta 3 = this is Delta 3 vox.this is delta 4 = this is Delta 4 vox.this is delta leader = this is Delta Leader vox.this is dragon 1 = this is Dragon 1 vox.this is dragon 2 = this is Dragon 2 vox.this is dragon 3 = this is Dragon 3 vox.this is dragon 4 = this is Dragon 4 vox.this is dragon leader = this is Dragon Leader vox.this is eagle 1 = this is Eagle 1 vox.this is eagle 2 = this is Eagle 2 vox.this is eagle 3 = this is Eagle 3 vox.this is eagle 4 = this is Eagle 4 vox.this is eagle leader = this is Eagle Leader vox.this is echo 1 = this is Echo 1 vox.this is echo 2 = this is Echo 2 vox.this is echo 3 = this is Echo 3 vox.this is echo 4 = this is Echo 4 vox.this is echo leader = this is Echo Leader vox.this is falcon 1 = this is Falcon 1 vox.this is falcon 2 = this is Falcon 2 vox.this is falcon 3 = this is Falcon 3 vox.this is falcon 4 = this is Falcon 4 vox.this is falcon leader = this is Falcon Leader vox.this is gold 1 = this is Gold 1 vox.this is gold 2 = this is Gold 2 vox.this is gold 3 = this is Gold 3 vox.this is gold 4 = this is Gold 4 vox.this is gold leader = this is Gold Leader vox.this is hammer 1 = this is Hammer 1 vox.this is hammer 2 = this is Hammer 2 vox.this is hammer 3 = this is Hammer 3 vox.this is hammer 4 = this is Hammer 4 vox.this is hammer leader = this is Hammer Leader vox.this is hornet 1 = this is Hornet 1 vox.this is hornet 2 = this is Hornet 2 vox.this is hornet 3 = this is Hornet 3 vox.this is hornet 4 = this is Hornet 4 vox.this is hornet leader = this is Hornet Leader vox.this is jackal 1 = this is Jackal 1 vox.this is jackal 2 = this is Jackal 2 vox.this is jackal 3 = this is Jackal 3 vox.this is jackal 4 = this is Jackal 4 vox.this is jackal leader = this is Jackal Leader vox.this is magic 1 = this is Magic 1 vox.this is magic 2 = this is Magic 2 vox.this is magic 3 = this is Magic 3 vox.this is magic 4 = this is Magic 4 vox.this is magic leader = this is Magic Leader vox.this is merlin 1 = this is Merlin 1 vox.this is merlin 2 = this is Merlin 2 vox.this is merlin 3 = this is Merlin 3 vox.this is merlin 4 = this is Merlin 4 vox.this is merlin leader = this is Merlin Leader vox.this is mustang 1 = this is Mustang 1 vox.this is mustang 2 = this is Mustang 2 vox.this is mustang 3 = this is Mustang 3 vox.this is mustang 4 = this is Mustang 4 vox.this is mustang leader = this is Mustang Leader vox.this is nomad 1 = this is Nomad 1 vox.this is nomad 2 = this is Nomad 2 vox.this is nomad 3 = this is Nomad 3 vox.this is nomad 4 = this is Nomad 4 vox.this is nomad leader = this is Nomad Leader vox.this is omega 1 = this is Omega 1 vox.this is omega 2 = this is Omega 2 vox.this is omega 3 = this is Omega 3 vox.this is omega 4 = this is Omega 4 vox.this is omega leader = this is Omega Leader vox.this is ranger 1 = this is Ranger 1 vox.this is ranger 2 = this is Ranger 2 vox.this is ranger 3 = this is Ranger 3 vox.this is ranger 4 = this is Ranger 4 vox.this is ranger leader = this is Ranger Leader vox.this is raptor 1 = this is Raptor 1 vox.this is raptor 2 = this is Raptor 2 vox.this is raptor 3 = this is Raptor 3 vox.this is raptor 4 = this is Raptor 4 vox.this is raptor leader = this is Raptor Leader vox.this is rogue 1 = this is Rogue 1 vox.this is rogue 2 = this is Rogue 2 vox.this is rogue 3 = this is Rogue 3 vox.this is rogue 4 = this is Rogue 4 vox.this is rogue leader = this is Rogue Leader vox.this is sentry 1 = this is Sentry 1 vox.this is sentry 2 = this is Sentry 2 vox.this is sentry 3 = this is Sentry 3 vox.this is sentry 4 = this is Sentry 4 vox.this is sentry leader = this is Sentry Leader vox.this is sierra 1 = this is Sierra 1 vox.this is sierra 2 = this is Sierra 2 vox.this is sierra 3 = this is Sierra 3 vox.this is sierra 4 = this is Sierra 4 vox.this is sierra leader = this is Sierra Leader vox.this is tango 1 = this is Tango 1 vox.this is tango 2 = this is Tango 2 vox.this is tango 3 = this is Tango 3 vox.this is tango 4 = this is Tango 4 vox.this is tango leader = this is Tango Leader vox.this is tiger 1 = this is Tiger 1 vox.this is tiger 2 = this is Tiger 2 vox.this is tiger 3 = this is Tiger 3 vox.this is tiger 4 = this is Tiger 4 vox.this is tiger leader = this is Tiger Leader vox.this is victor 1 = this is Victor 1 vox.this is victor 2 = this is Victor 2 vox.this is victor 3 = this is Victor 3 vox.this is victor 4 = this is Victor 4 vox.this is victor leader = this is Victor Leader vox.this is voodoo 1 = this is Voodoo 1 vox.this is voodoo 2 = this is Voodoo 2 vox.this is voodoo 3 = this is Voodoo 3 vox.this is voodoo 4 = this is Voodoo 4 vox.this is voodoo leader = this is Voodoo Leader vox.this is vulcan 1 = this is Vulcan 1 vox.this is vulcan 2 = this is Vulcan 2 vox.this is vulcan 3 = this is Vulcan 3 vox.this is vulcan 4 = this is Vulcan 4 vox.this is vulcan leader = this is Vulcan Leader vox.this is wolf 1 = this is Wolf 1 vox.this is wolf 2 = this is Wolf 2 vox.this is wolf 3 = this is Wolf 3 vox.this is wolf 4 = this is Wolf 4 vox.this is wolf leader = this is Wolf Leader vox.this is zeta 1 = this is Zeta 1 vox.this is zeta 2 = this is Zeta 2 vox.this is zeta 3 = this is Zeta 3 vox.this is zeta 4 = this is Zeta 4 vox.this is zeta leader = this is Zeta Leader vox.this is zulu 1 = this is Zulu 1 vox.this is zulu 2 = this is Zulu 2 vox.this is zulu 3 = this is Zulu 3 vox.this is zulu 4 = this is Zulu 4 vox.this is zulu leader = this is Zulu Leader vox.this is aegis = this is Aegis vox.this is annihilator = this is Annihilator vox.this is antares = this is Antares vox.this is archon = this is Archon vox.this is argiles = this is Argiles vox.this is arthur = this is Arthur vox.this is asher = this is Asher vox.this is assurance = this is Assurance vox.this is atlas = this is Atlas vox.this is audacious = this is Audacious vox.this is avalon = this is Avalon vox.this is banshee = this is Banshee vox.this is bear = this is Bear vox.this is belfast = this is Belfast vox.this is berents = this is Berents vox.this is bering = this is Bering vox.this is bold = this is Bold vox.this is bosporus = this is Bosporus vox.this is braveheart = this is Braveheart vox.this is bristol = this is Bristol vox.this is brunner = this is Brunner vox.this is canton = this is Canton vox.this is capable = this is Capable vox.this is card = this is Card vox.this is carlisle = this is Carlisle vox.this is cavanaugh = this is Cavanaugh vox.this is chance = this is Chance vox.this is chaos = this is Chaos vox.this is charon = this is Charon vox.this is chimaera = this is Chimaera vox.this is chronos = this is Chronos vox.this is clark = this is Clark vox.this is clarkeston = this is Clarkeston vox.this is columbia = this is Columbia vox.this is courageous = this is Courageous vox.this is dalton = this is Dalton vox.this is daring = this is Daring vox.this is darvon = this is Darvon vox.this is dauntless = this is Dauntless vox.this is davis = this is Davis vox.this is defender = this is Defender vox.this is defiant = this is Defiant vox.this is deforest = this is Deforest vox.this is delmar = this is Delmar vox.this is demolisher = this is Demolisher vox.this is demon = this is Demon vox.this is devastator = this is Devastator vox.this is douglas = this is Douglas vox.this is drayton = this is Drayton vox.this is durham = this is Durham vox.this is enigma = this is Enigma vox.this is essex = this is Essex vox.this is fearless = this is Fearless vox.this is forthright = this is Forthright vox.this is fortitude = this is Fortitude vox.this is furious = this is Furious vox.this is galland = this is Galland vox.this is gallantry = this is Gallantry vox.this is gamma = this is Gamma vox.this is gerrond = this is Gerrond vox.this is gerson = this is Gerson vox.this is ghola = this is Ghola vox.this is gibson = this is Gibson vox.this is gorgon = this is Gorgon vox.this is guardian = this is Guardian vox.this is hale = this is Hale vox.this is halston = this is Halston vox.this is havoc = this is Havoc vox.this is hawker = this is Hawker vox.this is hemmet = this is Hemmet vox.this is heracles = this is Heracles vox.this is heroic = this is Heroic vox.this is hoffman = this is Hoffman vox.this is honesty = this is Honesty vox.this is honorable = this is Honorable vox.this is hughes = this is Hughes vox.this is huntress = this is Huntress vox.this is hydra = this is Hydra vox.this is hyperion = this is Hyperion vox.this is impervious = this is Impervious vox.this is integrity = this is Integrity vox.this is intrepid = this is Intrepid vox.this is jackson = this is Jackson vox.this is justice = this is Justice vox.this is keller = this is Keller vox.this is kelvin = this is Kelvin vox.this is kent = this is Kent vox.this is kingston = this is Kingston vox.this is lawrence = this is Lawrence vox.this is leyte = this is Leyte vox.this is loyalty = this is Loyalty vox.this is mahan = this is Mahan vox.this is malory = this is Malory vox.this is merlin = this is Merlin vox.this is messina = this is Messina vox.this is morgan = this is Morgan vox.this is morlock = this is Morlock vox.this is mysterious = this is Mysterious vox.this is nalu = this is Nalu vox.this is necromancer = this is Necromancer vox.this is nemesis = this is Nemesis vox.this is nichols = this is Nichols vox.this is nightmare = this is Nightmare vox.this is nightshade = this is Nightshade vox.this is nordic = this is Nordic vox.this is normandy = this is Normandy vox.this is ogre = this is Ogre vox.this is onslaught = this is Onslaught vox.this is orion = this is Orion vox.this is orknies = this is Orknies vox.this is orleans = this is Orleans vox.this is oxford = this is Oxford vox.this is parker = this is Parker vox.this is parks = this is Parks vox.this is pascal = this is Pascal vox.this is phantasm = this is Phantasm vox.this is phantom = this is Phantom vox.this is portsmouth = this is Portsmouth vox.this is predator = this is Predator vox.this is protector = this is Protector vox.this is radix = this is Radix vox.this is rainier = this is Rainier vox.this is raven = this is Raven vox.this is redstone = this is Redstone vox.this is relentless = this is Relentless vox.this is resolve = this is Resolve vox.this is response = this is Response vox.this is revenant = this is Revenant vox.this is reynolds = this is Reynolds vox.this is robinson = this is Robinson vox.this is ryan = this is Ryan vox.this is salas = this is Salas vox.this is secret fire = this is Secret fire vox.this is shadow = this is Shadow vox.this is shaw = this is Shaw vox.this is shrike = this is Shrike vox.this is simmons = this is Simmons vox.this is smith = this is Smith vox.this is sorrel = this is Sorrel vox.this is spectre = this is Spectre vox.this is stalwart = this is Stalwart vox.this is standish = this is Standish vox.this is steadfast = this is Steadfast vox.this is stormwind = this is Stormwind vox.this is suffolk = this is Suffolk vox.this is surrey = this is Surrey vox.this is tanner = this is Tanner vox.this is titan = this is Titan vox.this is trieste = this is Trieste vox.this is truth = this is Truth vox.this is typhon = this is Typhon vox.this is typhoon = this is Typhoon vox.this is valiant = this is Valiant vox.this is valorous = this is Valorous vox.this is vance = this is Vance vox.this is vanguard = this is Vanguard vox.this is vernor = this is Vernor vox.this is victorious = this is Victorious vox.this is vortex = this is Vortex vox.this is warlock = this is Warlock vox.this is weber = this is Weber vox.this is wraith = this is Wraith vox.tiger 1 = Tiger 1 vox.tiger 2 = Tiger 2 vox.tiger 3 = Tiger 3 vox.tiger 4 = Tiger 4 vox.tiger flight = Tiger Flight vox.tiger leader = Tiger Leader vox.unable = unable vox.understood = Understood vox.unknown contact = unknown contact vox.victor 1 = Victor 1 vox.victor 2 = Victor 2 vox.victor 3 = Victor 3 vox.victor 4 = Victor 4 vox.victor flight = Victor Flight vox.victor leader = Victor Leader vox.voodoo 1 = Voodoo 1 vox.voodoo 2 = Voodoo 2 vox.voodoo 3 = Voodoo 3 vox.voodoo 4 = Voodoo 4 vox.voodoo flight = Voodoo Flight vox.voodoo leader = Voodoo Leader vox.vulcan 1 = Vulcan 1 vox.vulcan 2 = Vulcan 2 vox.vulcan 3 = Vulcan 3 vox.vulcan 4 = Vulcan 4 vox.vulcan flight = Vulcan Flight vox.vulcan leader = Vulcan Leader vox.watch it! = Watch it! vox.wave off - runway is closed = Wave Off - runway is closed vox.we're going down! = We're going down! vox.wolf 1 = Wolf 1 vox.wolf 2 = Wolf 2 vox.wolf 3 = Wolf 3 vox.wolf 4 = Wolf 4 vox.wolf flight = Wolf Flight vox.wolf leader = Wolf Leader vox.you have clearance = You have clearance vox.zeta 1 = Zeta 1 vox.zeta 2 = Zeta 2 vox.zeta 3 = Zeta 3 vox.zeta 4 = Zeta 4 vox.zeta flight = Zeta Flight vox.zeta leader = Zeta Leader vox.zulu 1 = Zulu 1 vox.zulu 2 = Zulu 2 vox.zulu 3 = Zulu 3 vox.zulu 4 = Zulu 4 vox.zulu flight = Zulu Flight vox.zulu leader = Zulu Leader # EOF