STRATPLAN BRIEFING Timestamp: $TIME Subject: Operation Nightfall - Endgame Classified: TOP SECRET R7 NTK/EO Operation Nightfall is coming rapidly to a conclusion. The Hegemony forces in Trocanther are falling apart; they are not going to last much longer against the combined attack of our First and Second star fleets. You have all done an excellent job, and you should be proud of yourselves. You have fought with honor and integrity, and you have earned the respect of the entire Force, to say nothing of our government, and the folks back home. Our latest intel is that we have accounted for almost all of the Technite. Most of it was destroyed along with the Garrison Military Lab, and the rest we believe was due to be processed in the biodome factories on Volante here in Trocanther. The only thing that is still missing is the Borovan Archaelith. Our contacts in the Ele'aan Fusion have informed us that the Hegemony may have taken the Archaelith back to the Marak Prime System. Even without the Technite, they could still use the Archaelith against us in the future. Therefore, the President has asked us to take this fight all the way to Marak, to pressure the Hegemony leadership into surrendering the Archaelith and signing a non-agression pact. We have come a long way from home and comfort to do a job. Just a little farther, and we will be done. I'm asking you all to hang tough for just a few more hours. Let's get in there, do the job, and go home. Thank you all. Fleet Admiral A. Evars, FORCOM Commander