STRATPLAN BRIEFING Timestamp: $TIME Subject: Ramek Station Classified: SECRET R2 NTK While the Orion CVBG has been occupied in Garden, our cruiser and destroyer squadrons in Senesca have been keeping the enemy very busy. Most of the remaining Hegemony fleet in Isham has pulled out of Senesca at this time. They are apparently headed to Ramek sector to regroup. Ramek is a medium gas giant planet with nothing terribly remarkable in the way of moons or other resources. The Isham system maintains a standard Type 4 station there, similar to the outpost we discovered in Ostara. We believe they have a complement of Avenger strike fighters in rotation there, so we will need the Orion CVBG to run interference for our cruiser groups. If we can reduce Ramek Station and its attached fighter wing, we believe that we can pin the Hegemony carrier group here in Isham. They will not be able to follow us to the Garrison system if their other key defenses have been shattered. Admiral Caldott, FORCOM STRATPLAN