STRATPLAN BRIEFING Timestamp: 03/21:00:00 Subject: Tiger Bay Geothermal Platforms Classified: SECRET R2 NTK Strategic Planning has been reviewing the situation on Garden for the past fifteen hours. The planet is wealthy and heavily populated. This means that the risk of unintended collateral damage is very high. It also means that Garden has the resources to hold off an attack for quite a while. Our best option at this point seems to be the geothermal energy platforms just offshore from the cities surrounding Tiger Bay. Disabling these platforms will cut most of the power to the bay cities, and will also interrupt the colony's main planetary export, with a minimum rate of civilian casualties. The goal here is to convert the Isham system to a defensive posture so that our forces can move on to more important targets in the Garrison system. Admiral Caldott, FORCOM STRATPLAN