TO: $RANK $NAME CO: $GROUP FM: Sara Hunter - Ele'aan Consulate Jarnell RE: SOMETHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ----- PATH: Ele'aan Consular Net Center | Jarnell Main Traffic Relay | Athenar Terminus | Janek Station Courier Drop | 6TH FLEET HQ | $GROUP ----- Hello $NAME, Councilor Auris just left here to return home to Ele'aan space. The Consulate Center feels really strange with no ambassador here. He said it was just a routine trip, but I have a feeling he isn't planning on coming back. Now that he has convinced the President that the Zolons are behind this whole war, I think he feels like his job is done here. But there's more - something else you need to know. I'm afraid to discuss it on an open channel like this; I don't know who else might have access to the fleet mail feed. I think it might be really important, I don't know. I wish I could see you face to face. I'm afraid to just sit on this information, and I don't know who else I can trust. I just need someone to tell me that we are all doing the right thing... Love from Sara