TO: $RANK $NAME CO: $GROUP FM: Jonas Devlin, Force:Intel Third Directorate RE: NEW JOB ----- PATH: FI3D HQ | Thralis Relay | Force Command Transceiver | 6TH FLEET HQ | $GROUP ----- Hey Mate, Well, it looks like my trade scouting days are officially over. This may come as some surprise, but I've been working as a Force:Intel field agent for the past two years. I got recruited at a traders conference here in Thralis. Anyway, after that series of scrapes I went through trying to get out of the Nephrys system, my boss decided he wanted to keep me where he could see that I was in one piece. So he kicked me upstairs and made me an Analyst in Third Directorate. Now I just get to read the kinds of reports I used to submit. I guess I'm not that surprised to hear the Zolons have gotten actively involved in the fight. The Nephrys system was crawling with them when I was out there. It seems to be their main hangout in Hegemony space. Still, something seems really off about the "phony peace treaty" ruse. I can't put my finger on it, but something doesn't add up. Good luck, mate. Watch your back out there. --Jonas