The PRESIDENT of the TERELLIAN ALLIANCE : My fellow citizens, once again the dark shadow of a violent foe has darkened our hope for lasting interstellar peace. Even as an Alliance diplomatic team was at work in the Tarsus system negotiating a peace treaty to end the ongoing conflict with the Hegemony, a surprise enemy attack has devestated the peace process and thrown us all even further into chaos and war. Zolon warships acting in concert with Hegemony agents have attacked the peace conference, killing our negotiating team even at the expense of destroying every member of the Zolon Consulate in Tarsus. Even more disturbing, we have confirmed reports from Force:Intelligence, combined with information provided by the Ele'aan Ambassador that lead us to only one conclusion. The recent Hegemony attacks on Alliance territory were carried out with the specific intention of recovering ancient artifacts and rare materials for use in developing a devestating new type of weapon. The Ele'aan Ambassador has informed us that the Hegemony military are working with scientists of the Zolon Empire to use the Borovan Archaelith to process Technite to create a "Quantum Disruptor" that will destroy computer systems and render even our strongest warships incapable of faster-than-light travel. Within the past hour, this office has received the official declaration of war by the combined systems of the Marakan Hegemony. Our response is simple. Though now as ever we have no interest in conquest, we shall meet every enemy with strength, every treason with vengeance, every attack with justice. And so, however reluctantly, I hereby order Force to commence OPERATION FIRESTORM: all out war with the Marakan Hegemony. Once more we shall take up arms against agression. Once more, our brave men and women shall pass through the gauntlet of hardship and danger to emerge victorious and proud. Once more unto the breach, for honor, for courage, and enduring freedom. Thank you, and good evening.