CAMPAIGN name: "" desc: "c03.desc" situation: "c03.sitrep" orders: "c03.orders" stardate: 22464000.0 combatant: { name: "Terellian Alliance", group: { type: fleet, id: 4 }, group: { type: fleet, id: 5 }, group: { type: battalion, id: 5 }, group: { type: civilian, id: 2100 }, group: { type: freight, id: 3000 }, group: { type: infrastructure, id: 5000 }, } combatant: { name: "Marakan Hegemony", group: { type: fleet, id: 6 }, group: { type: fleet, id: 7 }, group: { type: battalion, id: 8 }, group: { type: war_production, id: 3000 }, } combatant: { name: "Brotherhood of Iron", group: { type: fleet, id: 2 }, } action: { id: 0, type: event, subtype: campaign_start, team: 1, rgn: Borova, text: "c03.a000", source: News, file: "Actions/01-campaign-start.txt" image: "Actions/01-campaign-start.pcx" scene: "Scenes/01-Campaign-Start.def" } action: { id: 1, type: system, team: 2, sys: Borova, asset_type: fleet, asset_id: 6, text: "do-not-display" } action: { id: 2, type: system, team: 2, sys: Janus, asset_type: fleet, asset_id: 7, text: "do-not-display" } action: { id: 3, type: system, team: 1, sys: Borova, asset_type: fleet, asset_id: 4, text: "do-not-display" } action: { id: 4, type: system, team: 1, sys: Janus, asset_type: fleet, asset_id: 5, text: "do-not-display" } action: { id: 20, type: event, subtype: story, team: 1, rgn: Navara, after: "01/04:00:00", text: "c03.a020", source: Mail, file: "Actions/m1-almost-home.txt" image: "Actions/m0-mail-icon.pcx" scene: "Scenes/M1-Almost-Home.def" } action: { id: 30, type: event, subtype: story, team: 1, rgn: Jarnell, after: "01/12:00:00", text: "c03.a030", source: News, file: "Actions/02-president-speech.txt" image: "Actions/Alliance.pcx" scene: "Scenes/02-President-Speech.def" } action: { id: 100, type: event, subtype: story, team: 1, rgn: Jarnell, after: "02/07:30:00", text: "c03.a100", source: Mail, file: "Actions/m2-back-to-borova.txt", image: "Actions/m0-mail-icon.pcx" scene: "Scenes/M2-Back-to-Borova.def" } action: { id: 120, type: zone, team: 1, asset_type: carrier_group, asset_id: 7, region: Borova, image: "Actions/02-borova.pcx", after: "02/21:30:00", } // LOSE BOROVA action: { id: 200, type: mission, subtype: defend, team: 1, rgn: Borova, asset_type: intercept_squadron, asset_id: 93, count: 1, text: "Templates/IS_Defend_Titan.def", after: "03/08:00:00", before: "03/19:59:00", req: { c1: "Terellian Alliance", group_type: carrier_group, group_id: 7, comp: GT, score: 3000 }, } action: { id: 210, type: mission, subtype: defend, team: 1, rgn: Borova, asset_type: fighter_squadron, asset_id: 33, count: 1, text: "Templates/FS_Defend_Titan.def", after: "03/08:00:00", before: "03/19:59:00", req: { c1: "Terellian Alliance", group_type: carrier_group, group_id: 7, comp: GT, score: 3000 }, } action: { id: 250, type: event, subtype: defend, team: 1, rgn: Borova, after: "03/20:00:00", text: "c03.a250", source: TACNET, file: "Actions/03-titan-destroyed.txt" image: "Actions/03-titan-destroyed.pcx" scene: "Scenes/03-Titan-Destroyed.def" req: { c1: "Terellian Alliance", group_type: carrier_group, group_id: 7, comp: GT, score: 2000 }, asset_type: carrier_group, asset_id: 7, asset_iff: 1, asset_kill: "Titan", } action: { id: 290, type: intel, subtype: reserve, sys: Jarnell, team: 1, asset_type: carrier_group, asset_id: 7, after: "03/20:00:00", } action: { id: 291, type: intel, subtype: known, sys: Jarnell, team: 1, asset_type: carrier_group, asset_id: 12, after: "03/20:00:00", } action: { id: 300, type: system, team: 1, sys: Jarnell, asset_type: fleet, asset_id: 4, after: "03/20:00:00", image: "Actions/03-jarnell.pcx", } action: { id: 310, type: sitrep, team: 1, text: "c03.a310", req: { action: 300, status: COMPLETE } } // STORY ELEMENTS OF HEGEMONY INVASION action: { id: 320, type: event, subtype: story, team: 1, rgn: Borova, after: "04/02:30:00", text: "c03.a320", source: SECURE, file: "Actions/04-fort-talden.txt", image: "Actions/04-fort-talden.pcx", } action: { id: 330, type: event, subtype: story, team: 1, rgn: Borova, after: "04/09:30:00", text: "c03.a330", source: News, file: "Actions/05-grand-concourse.txt" image: "Actions/05-grand-concourse.pcx" scene: "Scenes/05-Grand-Concourse.def" } action: { id: 340, type: event, subtype: story, team: 1, rgn: Borova, after: "04/15:00:00", text: "c03.a340", source: News, file: "Actions/06-eleaan-diplomats.txt" image: "Actions/06-eleaan-diplomats.pcx" scene: "Scenes/06-Eleaan-Diplomats.def" } action: { id: 350, type: event, subtype: story, team: 1, sys: Athenar, after: "04/18:35:00", text: "c03.a350", source: FORCOM, file: "Actions/07-athenar.txt" image: "Actions/07-athenar.pcx" scene: "Scenes/07-Athenar.def" } action: { id: 351, type: system, team: 2, sys: Athenar, asset_type: battle_group, asset_id: 17, text: "do-not-display", req: { action: 350, status: COMPLETE } } action: { id: 352, type: system, team: 1, sys: Athenar, asset_type: battle_group, asset_id: 17, text: "do-not-display", req: { action: 350, status: COMPLETE } } action: { id: 353, type: system, team: 1, sys: Athenar, asset_type: destroyer_squadron, asset_id: 48, text: "do-not-display", req: { action: 350, status: COMPLETE } } action: { id: 360, type: sitrep, team: 1, text: "c03.a360", req: { action: 350, status: COMPLETE } } // RETURN TO BOROVA action: { id: 400, type: system, team: 1, sys: Borova, asset_type: fleet, asset_id: 4, after: "05/01:00:00", } action: { id: 410, type: sitrep, team: 1, text: "c03.a410", req: { action: 400, status: COMPLETE } } action: { id: 450, type: event, subtype: story, team: 1, rgn: Thralis, after: "05/22:17:00", text: "c03.a450", source: Mail, file: "Actions/m3-down-for-repairs.txt" image: "Actions/m0-mail-icon.pcx" scene: "Scenes/M3-Down-for-Repairs.def" } // ON TO HAICHE AND SILESSIA action: { id: 590, type: event, subtype: story, team: 1, sys: Athenar, after: "08/08:30:00", text: "c03.a590", source: News, file: "Actions/08-liberation.txt" image: "Actions/banner-alliance.pcx" scene: "Scenes/08-Liberation.def" req: { c1: "Terellian Alliance", c2: "Marakan Hegemony", comp: RGT, score: 1000 } } action: { id: 600, type: event, subtype: story, team: 1, sys: Silessia, after: "08/08:35:00", text: "c03.a600", source: FORCOM, file: "Actions/09-silessia.txt", image: "Actions/09-silessia.pcx", req: { action: 590, status: COMPLETE } } action: { id: 601, type: system, team: 2, sys: Silessia, asset_type: fleet, asset_id: 6, text: "do-not-display", req: { action: 600, status: COMPLETE } } action: { id: 602, type: system, team: 1, sys: Silessia, asset_type: fleet, asset_id: 4, text: "do-not-display", req: { action: 600, status: COMPLETE } } action: { id: 610, type: sitrep, team: 1, text: "c03.a610", req: { action: 600, status: COMPLETE } } action: { id: 700, type: event, subtype: story, team: 1, sys: Haiche, after: "08/12:15:00", text: "c03.a700", source: FORCOM, file: "Actions/10-haiche.txt", image: "Actions/10-haiche.pcx", req: { action: 600, status: COMPLETE } } action: { id: 701, type: system, team: 2, sys: Haiche, asset_type: fleet, asset_id: 7, text: "do-not-display", req: { action: 700, status: COMPLETE } } action: { id: 702, type: zone, team: 1, region: Kala, asset_type: fleet, asset_id: 5, text: "do-not-display", req: { action: 700, status: COMPLETE } } action: { id: 710, type: sitrep, team: 1, text: "c03.a710", req: { action: 700, status: COMPLETE } } action: { id: 750, type: event, subtype: story, team: 1, sys: Haiche, after: "09/08:30:00", text: "c03.a750", source: FORCOM, file: "Actions/11-tantalus.txt" image: "Actions/11-Tantalus.pcx" scene: "Scenes/11-Tantalus.def" req: { action: 700, status: COMPLETE } } action: { id: 751, type: system, team: 1, sys: Haiche, asset_type: fleet, asset_id: 5, text: "do-not-display", req: { action: 750, status: COMPLETE } } action: { id: 770, type: event, subtype: story, team: 1, sys: Silessia, after: "09/22:00:00", text: "c03.a770", source: News, file: "Actions/12-colony-ship.txt" image: "Actions/12-Colony-Ship.pcx" scene: "Scenes/12-Colony-Ship.def" req: { action: 750, status: COMPLETE } } action: { id: 830, type: event, subtype: story, team: 1, sys: Silessia, after: "10/05:30:00", text: "c03.a830", source: FORCOM, file: "Actions/13-marauder.txt" image: "Actions/13-Marauder.pcx" scene: "Scenes/13-Marauder.def" req: { action: 770, status: COMPLETE } } action: { id: 831, type: intel, subtype: known, sys: Silessia, team: 3, asset_type: fleet, asset_id: 1, text: "do-not-display", req: { action: 830, status: COMPLETE } } action: { id: 832, type: system, sys: Silessia, team: 3, asset_type: fleet, asset_id: 1, text: "do-not-display", req: { action: 831, status: COMPLETE } } action: { id: 860, type: mission, subtype: patrol, team: 1, rgn: Vesta, asset_type: intercept_squadron, asset_id: 133, count: 3, text: "Scripts/IS_Patrol_Iron.def", req: { action: 831, status: COMPLETE } } action: { id: 861, type: mission, subtype: patrol, team: 1, rgn: Vesta, asset_type: fighter_squadron, asset_id: 53, count: 3, text: "Scripts/FS_Patrol_Iron.def", req: { action: 831, status: COMPLETE } } // THE THRILL OF VICTORY action: { id: 999, type: event, subtype: campaign_end, // successful ending team: 1, rgn: Jarnell, text: "c03.victory", file: "Actions/victory.txt" image: "Actions/victory" scene: "Scenes/Victory1.def" req: { c1: "Marakan Hegemony", group_type: fleet, group_id: 6, comp: LT, score: 7000 }, req: { c1: "Marakan Hegemony", group_type: fleet, group_id: 7, comp: LT, score: 7000 }, } // THE AGONY OF DEFEAT action: { id: 993, type: event, subtype: campaign_fail, team: 1, rgn: Jarnell, text: "c03.defeat", image: "Actions/def2", scene: "Scenes/Defeat1.def" after: "11/12:00:00", req: { action: 590, status: COMPLETE, not: true } } action: { id: 994, type: event, subtype: campaign_fail, team: 1, rgn: Jarnell, text: "c03.defeat", image: "Actions/def1", scene: "Scenes/Defeat1.def" req: { c1: "Terellian Alliance", c2: "Marakan Hegemony", comp: RLT, score: -2500 }, req: { action: 590, status: COMPLETE, not: true } } action: { id: 995, type: event, subtype: campaign_fail, team: 1, rgn: Jarnell, text: "c03.defeat", image: "Actions/def1", scene: "Scenes/Defeat1.def" before: "03/08:00:00", req: { c1: "Terellian Alliance", group_type: carrier_group, group_id: 7, comp: LT, score: 3200 }, req: { action: 590, status: COMPLETE, not: true } } action: { id: 996, type: event, subtype: campaign_fail, team: 1, rgn: Jarnell, text: "c03.defeat", image: "Actions/def1", scene: "Scenes/Defeat1.def" req: { c1: "Terellian Alliance", group_type: carrier_group, group_id: 12, comp: LT, score: 3200 }, req: { action: 590, status: COMPLETE, not: true } } action: { id: 997, type: event, subtype: campaign_fail, team: 1, rgn: Jarnell, text: "c03.defeat", image: "Actions/def1", scene: "Scenes/Defeat1.def" req: { c1: "Terellian Alliance", group_type: fleet, group_id: 4, comp: LT, score: 9000 }, req: { action: 590, status: COMPLETE, not: true } } action: { id: 998, type: event, subtype: campaign_fail, team: 1, rgn: Jarnell, text: "c03.defeat", image: "Actions/def1", scene: "Scenes/Defeat1.def" req: { c1: "Terellian Alliance", group_type: carrier_group, group_id: 8, comp: LT, score: 3200 }, req: { action: 590, status: COMPLETE, not: true } } // defeat after saving the alliance systems action: { id: 984, type: event, subtype: campaign_fail, team: 1, rgn: Jarnell, text: "c03.defeat", image: "Actions/def3", scene: "Scenes/Defeat2.def" req: { c1: "Terellian Alliance", c2: "Marakan Hegemony", comp: RLT, score: -2500 }, req: { action: 590, status: COMPLETE } } action: { id: 986, type: event, subtype: campaign_fail, team: 1, rgn: Jarnell, text: "c03.defeat", image: "Actions/def3", scene: "Scenes/Defeat2.def" req: { c1: "Terellian Alliance", group_type: carrier_group, group_id: 12, comp: LT, score: 3200 }, req: { action: 590, status: COMPLETE } } action: { id: 987, type: event, subtype: campaign_fail, team: 1, rgn: Jarnell, text: "c03.defeat", image: "Actions/def3", scene: "Scenes/Defeat2.def" req: { c1: "Terellian Alliance", group_type: fleet, group_id: 4, comp: LT, score: 9000 }, req: { action: 590, status: COMPLETE } } action: { id: 988, type: event, subtype: campaign_fail, team: 1, rgn: Jarnell, text: "c03.defeat", image: "Actions/def3", scene: "Scenes/Defeat2.def" req: { c1: "Terellian Alliance", group_type: carrier_group, group_id: 8, comp: LT, score: 3200 }, req: { action: 590, status: COMPLETE } }