MISSION name: "Cmpn 03 Mail 02" type: "Patrol" system: "Jarnell" region: "Jarnell" element: { name: Camera design: CameraPod mission: Misc intel: Secret count: 1 iff: 1 player: 1 loc: (0, 0, 0) } event: { event: BeginScene, time: 0, message: "Scene 1" } event: { event: Display, message: "MAIL", font: Limerick18, color: 0xffffffff, fade: (0,80,0), rect: (20,20, 300,100) } event: { event: Display, time: 1, message: "Decoding Path...", fade: (0,2,0), rect: (20, 40, 600,150), font: OCRB, color: 0xff33ff44, sound: "Bleep6.wav" } event: { event: Display, time: 3, message: "Decoding Content...", fade: (0,2,0), rect: (20,190, 600,800), font: OCRB, color: 0xff33ff44, sound: "Bleep12.wav" } event: { event: Display, fade: (0,80,0), rect: (20,40, 600,150), font: OCRB, color: 0xff33ff44, message: "TO: $RANK $NAME\nCO: $GROUP\nFM: Sara Hunter - Ele'aan Consulate Jarnell\nRE: BACK TO BOROVA\n-----\nPATH: Ele'aan Consular Net Center | Jarnell Main Traffic Relay | Athenar Terminus | Janek Station Courier Drop | 4TH FLEET HQ | $GROUP\n-----\n" } event: { event: Display, time: 5, fade: (0,80,0), rect: (20,190, 600,800), font: OCRB, color: 0xff33ff44, message: "Hello,\n\nI still can't quite bring myself to believe that we are at war with the Hegemony. The Consulate is leaving on a 'Fact Finding' mission to Borova, and I'll be going along to support the diplomatic corps. We should be in system within thirty hours or less, although it doesn't really feel like 'going home.'\n\nIsn't your unit patrolling the outer sectors? I think this may be the first time we've been in the same system at the same time since university. Strange that it should be under such circumstances.\n\nThe Ele'aan Ambassador still thinks the Zolon Empire is behind the Marakan invasion. Although, I still don't see how that is even possible. Zolons can barely communicate with humans. I know the Ele'aans have access to information way beyond our capabilities, but Zolon involvement just seems so... unlikely.\n\nAnyway, I don't know if I'll get any free time while we are in-system. If I do, I'll try to make it over to Vestapol and see your parents. I'd love to see the museums on the Grand Concourse. Come to think of it, I haven't been shopping in Vestapol in ages. But that would be too much to hope for, I suppose.\n\nLove from\nSara" } event: { event: Message time: 5 sound: "Vox/Scenes/03/Mail_02_Back_to_Borova.ogg" } event: { event: EndScene, time: 70, message: "Scene 1" } event: { event: Exit } // EOF